PA OK TWO TAGGING ON POPPY DAY Canvass This Year To Be November 4 Is Still Important ' . Prelii-lnary arrangements were1" made last evening at the Canadian Legion clubrpoms by-the' committee fn charge' for the annual Poppy , Tag Day. This year the Tag Day will be held on Saturday, Nov. 4. While the nresent war makes during the year to public for funds to alleviate the conditions .of many survivors of tHe 1914-1918 war. The popples themselves are all made by disabled ex-service men in. the Vetcraft shops. The local branch purchases all popples and wreaths from the Vetcraft shops. The branch also meets afl expenses Incurred in connection with the tag day from Its own funds. The profits made from the sale of the poppies and wreaths are all expended among the families and dependents of e-service men In this immediate locality. While the response; from the1 general public has always been generous It has actually never been enough to meet the requests received! Nevertheless, the response has- been a tremendous help and has meant a gr&at deal to ma'ny a family. Arrangements made last night inchfde' the tagging on the streets, the- canvassing of houses, stores and business places and' the sale of popples In the schools. Poppy wreaths are now on hand at the Legion and can be purchased at any time or orders may be left there. .Those In attendance at the meetin? were Mrs. Robert Murray, president of the Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary, Mrs. H. L. Landrey, Municipal Regent of the Imperial Order, Daughters of the empire. J. s. Wilson and Jack Preece who presided! Mrs. Halladay Weds Irr South Became Bride In Bellingham Last .Week Will Reside In Portland Word has been received in the city of the marriage on Wednesday lafet in Bellingham of Mrs. Gladys uanaaay, iormerly of this city, to united States Immigration department in Portland! Mrs. K'ant-ner and son, Gerry, have many friends in Prince Rupert who. will wish them much happiness in their new home. Miss ose Dndfife Is Held Good Attendance" at' Affair Last Night With Twelve' Tables of Cards aweive tables of bridge- were In play at the Moose Hall last night, many more calling for the dance which followed. Tll 1 . ... rrize-winners at Bridge were: laaies' urst, Mrs; Tusvlck second; Mrs. A. Jacobsen; men's first, Oscar uiske; second, G; D. McLeod. Win ner of a. door prize was f . H. Priest. Mrs. R Glske and Mrs O. Stega-vlg had charge of refreshment. Music fof- dancing' Was1 by K. Slatt. Hugh Smith and Miss Margaret DaveyV Married! Quietly Saturday Nigfit hlargaret Penney Becomes Bride of Nels Carlson A" Very- quiet marriage took: Dlace oi wcis uarison. witnesses of the ceremony were Mr: and' Mrs. Vet-non Rowe. Weather Forecast The pressure remains' high with fine cold Mt hpf in; tti- ir..iw McLeod, Alexander Glacier Creek Mining Co. Ltd., unencan aecunues uorporauon John W. Donald. Miles & Stromtaerle. 'Kergln, W. T. and Rudge, Geo. Bellevlew No. l Kergln. William T Blenheim Dolly Varden Properties Ltd., Dougall Dolly Varden Properties Ltd Waterfront Dolly Varden Properties Ltd. Dougall Fraction .0.8 .Ar.oT;'v .' hi i ii hi i n i LZT' v" 1 - r TAX SALE, 1939 PRINCE RUPERT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT I HEREBY OIVE NOTICE that, on Monday, the 6th day of November. IBM .'at of lti a m.nt. uujam u; ,c jjcisuh on wie oum uay oi ju-s-t-syia;-... andior interest. Prince John v Mhmg 11 Co ' Ltd very many and varied demand costs mere and onH expenses, nvr&ti rnc lnAlu4Ivin including the cost of advertising said ......... sale. If the total amount due for the period ended - upon tne citizens, yet It has been " ium, .-nerest inereon, logemer wan costs of advertising said-sale": are not sooner paid, agreed that these demands should "The' Collector will be pleased to receive any information. resDccting the following Hit where owner is a not be allowed to interfere with member of the Active- Militia or has enlisted in any branch of the Service for the duration of the war.i the even more insistent demands' - , LIS ,, .. . 0P of those who still suffer from the' .. .. WtOPKHTlKy effects of the last war. The Poppy -- - . . " '.TTZZZ " Tag Day Is the only appeal made ,. ' Lot Number .fc the general "arne oi uwner wame'of Claim' Land District taxes SKEKNA MIKING- DIVISION Last Chance Lot 2925: RailSe 4V PORTLAND3 CANAIJ MINING- DIVt N.P.L. M Ic m a c Glacier Creek Mining. CO.; Ltd, ', Np-L- Nellie' Fraction American Securities Corporation Ltd. Reglna American Securities Corporation Ltd- - ---- Copper' King:- Moose No. 6 John W M6ose'No5' Martsfleld, Ellen O.; Bennett, Rlch-- ard B;; Bennett, Joseph; Long, , William Ennls; Young, 'Abram; Bye, Jack Alfred; Patterson". John ' Robert; Foster, Thos. H.; Jarman, Geo. H.; Long, William E.; Curry. Herbert; Matheson, Alex D. J.; , BoxalU Alfred James and Boxall, . 1 Ellen; Wassell. Honor; Calegarl, ' George; Ross, Thomas Ritchie ... Ben Lomond : " . Mammoth' - Erie-" " Algonquin. " Dundee " " Tecumseh: Black Bear Mining Co. Ltd., N.P.L. Thelma' Black Bear Mining Co Ltd:. N.PIi. Black Bear-Black Bear Mining Co. Ltd.-. N.P.L. .Tiger-' ' ' Tolin, Edward P. Prince Tolln, Edward ' P Prince No. 2 Scott, Francis CouoenKlng' Kergln. W. T.; Rudge. Geo.; and Lord, Wm. R Stark Fraction- Ccates. Preston C; Kergln. Wi t:; and Rudge. Geo. Ground Ho Coates, Preston C; Kergln. W T.: and Rudge. Geo. Mountain Goat Coates. Preston C; Kergln W: T:- and Rudge. Geo Eagle- Glacier Creek Mining Co. Ltd., h.f.Li. v. iv. fTacuon Glacier Creek Mining f!n T.trt w.f Xi. woivenne traction Lot Lot Ltd. .Hope.. -' Lot American Securities Corporation Ltd: Brown Lot American Securities Corporation " , : Ltd. Constance ; . Lot American Securities Corporation ; Ltd. Tunnel Fractional Lot American Securities Corporation Ltd. Summit American Securities- Corporation Ltd, Elsie Donald, Miles & Strombeck, John W Moose No. 1 Donald, Miles & Strombeck, John W. - Moose No. 2. Donald, Miles & Strombeck Tavior Mining Co. Ltd. and Evlndsen, Ole jlRlvermouth Fraction II Lot 3643 Kergln, W. T. and Rudge, Geo. . snow Kraction Wells. Joseph ... l"ooner Cliff No;3 Dolly Varden Properties Ltd. lf Dolly Varden Properties Ltd. iWnterfront ' Fraction Young. George A.; Wells, Joseph; '.Davidson, Arne CoppeCHf f uarruthers, Alex F.; Davidson, Arne; Wells, Joseph Coooer-Cllff No;l Davidson, Arne' Oonnr Cliff No. 2 Pearson, Ole Plnt No. 1 Martin, William . .' ' Kltwi w0. a Martin. William Klt;ol No? 1- Martin. William SoortRman Martin. William Mnud-MPhee Martin. William flun'set No: 1 Martin, William- , V: 2 Bower, William tf. Han Patch1' Bower, William B Nanc- Hnks Hnwpr. Wllllntyi R' Tvile Dllllnn Bower, William B; Maui.S. Mann. Harry M uayvlew Mining Co. Ltd., N.PX. Bayview Mining Co. Ltd., N.P.L. Bayview Mlnlne Co; Ltd.. N PL. Bayview Mining Co. Ltd., N.P.L. United Empire Gold it Silver Mining Co I.trl . N P T, United Empire Gold & Sliver Mining Co. Ltd.. N.P.L. Clark. Georeina B.; Forresi;- William; Say ward, Jos. A',; ana uonnason. A; Clark. Georglna B.: Forrest. der O: Mnronuf MxuJ., , ,i , . . . " t..:.f. . .T . uctame me Dnoe naitray, George; McCallurti: John: Craw, Allan der O. T.; Murray, Alexan Itattray, George;' McCaii'um7 Johrll; Tin Ton Wavv-ewNo.l2 Rawj(w,.No. 1. P. No. 1 . Tacoma Lucille No. 1 Beth William; Sayward, Jos. A'.; and Gonnoson, A .... "rpv-'Copber'Nb'l' Bayview Mining Co. Ltd., N.P.L Kent Balrd, Walter Stewart; . Shewan. D. R.; and Colquhoun, ' Robert T Bisr Strike Lewin, Edward . Rub'v Lewin, Edward North' Star' ' Fraction at 8:15 O'clock Saturday night at Eve, William F. . Silver Dream tne united Church Manse". Rev. X.naJ:lray "wrge; Mccaiium. Jorin C. Jackson officiating when vri Vf'. A1,an l - Murray, Alexan inn Biiir Auan t.; Murray, Aiexan der G Mutt1-& Jeffrie. Fraction-Rattray, George; McCallum, John: Craw. Allan Tl; Murray, ' Alexander G cm;. j- West Coast of Vancouvef rslanfl. Paul. Anna M ff.StS" - - i.iu m liiit.iLV r i ii i Moderate varible varlble wlrtdK wlndK falr; nnrt acasK"i.. Margaret j Morrison: v.amerme; and McLeod, John Young, George A 410. Casslar 412, Casslar Lot 1487. Cassiar Lot 1488. Cassiar Lot 1489, Cassiar Lot 1490, Cassiar Lot 1491. Casslar Lot 1492; Cassiar Lot 1552. Casslar' Lot 1553. Cassiar Lot 1554, cassiar Lot 1818, Casslar Lot 1819. Cassiar Lot 1861. Cassiar Lot 234 4,- Casslar Lot 2345 Cassiar Lot" 2346, Casslar Lot-2347; Casslar Lot 2981. Caw'ar Casslar Casslar Lot; 3508. ?asslar Ixt 35D9, Casslar Lot 3538. Caviar Lot 3ftt9 Cas1r Lot 3642. Cassiar Casslar Lot 3653. Cartfsr Lot 3793, Cassiar Lot 3799, Casslar 49.00 3.00 2.50 Lot 504. Casslar 03:76 Lot- 5G5, Casslar 05.00 500, Cassiar 567, Casslar 508, CaMlar 569. Cassiar 05.00 45.00 8,75 Lot 580, Cassiar 5JJ0 Lot 531. Casslar Lot 1241. Cdsstar Lot 1242, Castir Lot 1243, Cassiar Lot 1244; Casslar 6500 53.75 570 52.50 60.00 46.25 6L2S 38.25 41.25 45.00 43:75 46.25 65.00 36.25" 44.C0 44.00 60.00 16.25 65.00 0125 ' 65.00 Lot 2960, Cassiar 30.00 ' nmer oi i-ortiana, Oregon. Kergln, W. T. and Rudge, Geo Bellevlew No. 2 Lot 3506 Mr. Kantner Is connected with th- Kercln. W. T and Rudpp Bellevlew Fraction Lot 3507 Mo Party 10.50 6125 53,75 65:00 60.00' 60.00 65.00 2.50 70'" 120 41.00 65.00 Lot 3800, Caspar 46JW Lot 38"7. rani-tr 43.00 To. OHnS. Paninr 39.00 lh '"sisir 43.75 IM'Wl: Panirtfif 45.00 Lot mis. rosiTr 50.00 IM 310. Pa'ntar 0125 T)f. wt p-,or 00.00 It. Ml. Pavol'r 15.00 Lot. aaiq. cassia r 57.50 loir 39S. Cofixll-- 44..00 l.r. sao- Pavir 45.00 TSf wn. ras'ar 27.00 Tot R9H. rtqr 30.00, T ot 3Q3I. -i'aAlar 56.25 lof rahr 4025 rit 4IP9. ratqr 37.50 Tot. fm nq,.t,r 18.75 Lot-4l84j. Casdar 30.25 Lot 4185; Cassiar 36.00 fflt 4 1 86. Cassiar 48.00 Lot-4192; dassiar Lot' 4202, Casslar Lof42lo; Cassiar Lot'4!?li, Cassiar Lot 4258,..Cassiar , Lot 4263,. Casslar 61.25 65.00 28.00 17.00 48.00 43.00 Lot 4266,, Caeriar 35.00 Lot. 4281, Cassiar 11.00 Cot 4335, Casslar 30.25 Lot 433.0, asslaf, , 36.Q0 . interest Costs 4.00 13.75 2 13.75' , 28 13.75 T.04 13.75 , 7.17 1375 7.17 13.75 4.89 13.75 M 13.75 .80 13.75 5.81 13.75 737 13.75 5.93 13.75 CJ5 13.75 5.81 13.75 C.CG .13,75 5.00 13.75 6.78 13.75 3.99 13.75 455 13.75 4 89 13.75 5.41 13,75 5.06 13.75 7,17 13,75 '3.99 13:75 VJ56 13.75 JJS6 13.75 6.66 13,75 '1.77 13.75 tl7 13,73r 78 13.75 13:75' 3.47 13.75 L20 13.75 6,78 13,75 5,93 13.76 7.17 13,75 6.C6 I375 ' 6.60 . 13.75 7.17 13.75 i.28 . 13,75 :82 13.75 xti39 13.75 3J4, 13,75 7.17 13,75 Lot' 3800. Casslar 6.25 'v.69f n'.fs 3,75 3.49 3.15 477 4.89 5.59 6.78 6.06 1.66- 6.35' 3.50 3.65 2.15 2.42-. 6.19 5.06 4.14 2.07 3.99 3.02 4.86 3.75 0.78 1 Hill Billy N6.21. Lot 4264, Casslar 48- 3 04 Lucky Fractlorl Surprise Swlftwater Lot42C5' Casslar 51.00 13.75' 13175 13.75' 13.75 13.75 13,75 13.75 13.75 , 13.75 1375 13175 13.75 13.75 13:75 13,75 13.75' 13.75 13.75 13.75 ' 13,75 13,75 13,75' 13,75 13.75 "nldii ,75 .3.91' J7l3.76( 3.49 f VI ii - 13,75 13175 Total 60.75 10.96 10.53 81.51 85.92 63.64 72.06 65.06 81.78 53.99 59 .55 63.64 67.91 65.06 85.92 53.99 61.31 cm 80.41 31.77 85.02 81.78 85.92 4722 25.45 81.78 73.43 85.92 80.41 80.41 85.9 10.53 22.07 27.64 58.0P 85.92 20.69 63.50 60.24 55.90 62.2 63.64 69.34 81,78 eu.4i 30.41 77.60 61.31 62.40 42.90 46.17 76.19 65.06 55J9 34.57 53.99 OrerCopner Lol? 4187, Casslar ,4-W'K327 13.75s 5T02 85.92 43.09 32.10 05.09 60.24 65.69 4.14 13.75' ' 68.89 2.75 I3.75t 51.50 .89 - ,13.75' 25104 3.99 13.75 53.99 1 2..81, 13.75 52.50 iacasWJl. Margaret; Morrgba. ; . Catherln; and McLeod. JWan UUt Prince John Mining Co.. LML Pjlnce'John No Prince John Mining Oo.. Ltd. Prince John Mining CO.. Ltd. Pnnco John Mining Co.. Ltd. i'nnci- Jonn miiiiuk Co.. Ltd. Prmcu John Mining Co.. Ltd. Pnnce. John Mintnt Co.. Ltd. Prince Jonn Mining Co . Ltd. Prthce iPilhce Prince Prince Prince John John John John Joln the office of the Provincial Collector. Court House. Prince Rutvrt: no.'. I win n ihmi. K.Mi,m .v. .Prince John Mining Mining Mining Mining Mining Co . Ltd Co. Ltd Co. Ltd Co . Ltd. Co.. Ltd Crown Granted Mineral Claims In the list hereinafter C out', of the perfo-ft lh trfe said list hereinafter i?S2eS 'jJSn Mta-Su S" l& sptr nut fro- rtM1nmint fivr.. i.nnoM V... v, im .... o.. . i I rnnce JOnT) .Mining VX)., UQ. Prince John Mining Co.. Ltd. O'Neill, Arthur Chester; and Young, EUle Cole O'Neill, Arthur Cheater, and Young. Essie Coles Georgia River Gold Mines N. P. L. Gcrtrsla River Gold Mines N. P. L. Oeorgia River Gold Mine Jtennie. Willlani William S. Rennie. WUIHim William S, Renrue; wnilam Winiam a ... Rertile'. U-lfllam Williams. 85-92iRertnie. WtHtam William S. Goldfinch Gold Ooldflnch Gold i: Gold finch Oold Ooldflnch Oold (Goldfinch Oold Goldfinch OoJd 20.09 1 ooldflnch Gold 85.92 73.43 77.60 72.00 80.41 Goldfinch Gold .Goldfinch Colt Goldfinch Goldfinch Goldfinch Ooldflnch Ooldflnch Ooldflnch Ooldflnch Ooldflnch n; p. l. Gold Oold Gold Oold Oold Oold Oold Oold Georgia River N. P. L-. Georgia River Ns P. u. 53137 Georgia .River n. p. l 66.61 Georgia River Ii. P. L J ; nr J i and J : and Mlnat Ltd.. Mine Ltd.. Mlntt Ltd.. Mtnea Ltd., Mltraa Ltd., Mines Ltd., Mines Ltd.. Mines Ltd.. Mines Ltd.. Mines Mines Mines Mtaet Mines Mines Mines Mines Gold Mines Georgia River Gold Mines N. P. L. Georgia River Gold Mines McLennan, Robert P. McLennan, Robert P. IIALinUT SAI l'S American Ltd.. Ltd.. Ltd.. N. P. L. Donald. Daniel Baldwin. Percy Wait w.. J.; aad HoiaAd. Holland. Holland. Holland. Holland. Ltd, Ltd. Ltd.. Ltd, Ltd.. Ltdl. Ltd., Ltd. N.P.L. N.PX.. N.Pi N.P.L. N.P.L. N.Pi. N.PJL. NIi. NPJ.. N.P.L. N.PX N.P.L. N.P.L. NP.L, NPiu N.PX. NPi. Ooldflnch Oold Mines Ltd.. N. P. L. United Empire Ookl Se 8Ufr Mm-lng Co. Ltd.. N P L. Uhlted Empire Oold St 8ilveT Mining Co. Ltd.. N P L. United Empire OoM & SJ!tw Mrn-lng Co. Ud.. N. p. U United Empire Geld & Stiver Mining Co. Ltd., N. P. L United Empire Oold & ffllver Mining Co. Ltd.. N. P L United Kinpirc Gold & Silver Mining Co. Cut. if P. L. United EmpVfe pjM St SUtelr Mfcf ing Co. Ud.. Nl P. L. United Empire Gold St Silver Mining Co, Ud., N. P. U ,...... ....... Uhitcd impire Gold & smr Mining Co. Ud.. It. P. C. United Empire Gold St Stiver Mining Co. Ud.. N. P. L. . Mai mot River Gold Mines Ud. c. f . u. Mai mot tfhet Ctr,u Wmes N. P. L. Bayview Mining oo Ud,, N. P. L..-. Bayview Mining Co. Ltd.. N. P. L.-.. Bajmew Mmmg Co. Ltd, N. p: l United Entplre Ookl & Silter Mm- ing Co. Ltd . N. P. 1. United Empire Ookl t Silver Min ing co. Ud.. N. P. L Oeorgia Klver N. P. L. Georgia Rleer N. P. L. ... Georgia Klver N. p. L. Georgia IllVer N. P L. Georgia River N. P. L. Georgia Hirer N. P L. Georgia River N. P. L. Georgia River N. P: L. ... Georgia River N: P. L Oeorgia River N. P. L. Georgia Rivet N. P. L-Gforgla "River N. P L Georgia River Gold flnes Ooid Mines Ud . Gold Mines Ltd.. Oold Mines Ltd.', Oold Mines Ltd., Gold Mines Ltd!! oold Mine Ud., Ltd.. Ud.. Gold Mines Ltd., Oold Mmet LtcL Gold Mines' Ltd., Oold Mines Ltd, Oeorgia River Gold Mine Ltd.. N. P. L. Oold es Oeorgia River Gold Mines Ltd.! Oeorgia River Odld Mines Ltd N. P. L. Georgia River N. P. L, Oold Mines Ltd, Gold ' Mlntar Ltdl Oold Mines Ooid' Mine's" bold Mines Ltd., Ltd.; Ltdli Ltd! Ltd,; Prlriir eJohn No. 2 PttnteJohn No. 3 Prince John No. 4 Prince John No. 5 Prince John No. 8 Prince Jonn No. 7 Red Uluff Red Uluff No. 2 Forrest Forrest No. 2 Prlnee John Mining Co.. Ltd. Prince John No. 10 Mining Co., Ltd Red Bluff No. inas rTocuon Jinf Fraction Forest Wedge Fraction P. J. No. 10 Fraction Anniversary Bonanza Oeorgia Oeerg4a No 1 Oeorgia No 2 New Strike Prlnee George Stiver Dollar Valley Snow Diamond 1 Oulge Dslhoutie Orient Tillamook Alpine O.K. O. K. Fraction Deep Fraction Talisman No. 1 Talisman Fi action Rock of Ages No. 2 Rock of Ages No 4 RockoAges No. 3 Rock of Aes No. 5 Fraction Dalhousle Friction First Fraction Tom Fraction Gem Gem No. 1 Ooldftclds Ooldflelds No. 1 Oold fields No& 2 Ooldflelds No. 3 Ooldflelds No. 4 Ooldflelds No. 5 Ooldflelds No. 0 Jitney Sovereign Sovereign No. l'r Gem Gold June June June June June w- P- L -. June Nn 63.50ioporgla River Oold Mines Ltd.. Snvprpion 81178! N. P L. Fraction ueorgia Kiver uoia Mines Ltd, N. P. L Georgia River Gold Mines Ltd- N. P. h. Oeorgia River Oold Mines Ltd, ,N. P. L. Georgia Itivcr Gold Mines'' Ltd., n: p. l. Georgia River Gold Mines Ltd.. N. P. L June June June June No. 1 No; 2 No. 34 No. 4 No. 7 No. 8 No. No. 2- Danny Fraction Ton Fraction Fraction Fraction Lot 4337, Casslar Lot 4387, Casslar Lot 4388, Casslar' Lot 4389, Cosslar Lot 4390, casslar Lot 4391, Casslar Lot 4393, Casslar Lot 4393. Cassiar Prince John No. 8 Lot 4394, Cassiar Prtnee John No. 9 Lor 439; Cassiar' Lot 43a, cassiar Lot 4397, Cassiar Lot 4398, Casslar Lou 4399; casslar Lot 4400) Casslar' Lot 4401, Casslar Lot 4402, Casslar Lots 4403, Casslar Lot 4404, Casslar Lot 4405, Casslar Yot 4410; Casslar Lot 44 llt Casslar Lot 4437. Casslar Lot 4438, CaMlar Lot 4439, Casslar Lot 4751. Casslar Lot' 4755, Casslar Lot 4832; Casslar Lot 4823, Caular Lot1 4824; Casslar Lot 48tS, CMslar itock of Ages No, 7 Lot 4937, Cassia Rock of Ages No. 6" Lot 4938. Casttar Rock of AgerNa 1 Lot 4939) Casslar kockoi Ages Lot 4826, Casslar Lot 4924, Casslar Lot- 492i, Casslar Lot 4926, Casslar Lot 4927, Casslar Lot 4928 Casslar Lot 4929, Castlar Lot 4930; Cassia Lot 4931. Casslar Lot 4911, Casslar Lot 4933, Casslar Lot 4934; Casslar Lot 43S, Can-tat Lot 4939, cosslar Lot 4940 Cosslar Lot 497Jt Casslar Jerry Dog Lot 4986,- CassUr Oold Cliff Nd; 2' Lot 498T. Caspar Oold Cliff No. 4 Lot 4988. Casslar Oold Cliff No. 1. Lot 4989, Casslar Oold Ontr Ntf 2 Fraction Oold Cliff No. 5 Tom Fraction' Oold Cliff No; 1 Fraction Lot 4990; CuMlar Cot 4992; Casslar Cot 4W3j Casslar Lot 4994, Oassiar Lot' 4998, Ci'sslar Lot 4997. CassUr Ud Hlghgrade No. 1 Lot 5068, Casslar Ltd., Hlghgrade N6 2- Mary Fraction N. P. L RnV...n Lot SOW; Caspar Lot 3085, CaMlar Lot 5088, Casslar Lot 5087. Cxwlar Lor 5086 CassUr Lot 5i0l. Cis-sUr Lot 3150, Oassiar Lot 5151. Casslar Lot 3(52, Casslar' Lot 5(53. Casslar Lot 5 1 54, Casslar Lot 5153. Casslar Lot 5156, Clsslar Lot 51 5f, casslar tot 5168, Caspar Lot 3159, Casslar Lt)t 5160, Casslar Lit 5V61, Cassiar Lot 5162, Casslar Lot 51 63, Qassiar Lot sifl oasftiar' Lot" 51155; CaMlar .tiSiofliCiwfi'ar Lot 51871 Csusla'ri L)t 5168 Casslar' Lof 5169; Casslar Lot 5170; Casslar Lot 5171, Casslar Lot 5iftr Caviar Lot 5173, (Tassiar Lot Stof.cftttlart Lot 5175, Casslar rJofsno; dassia Lbt5178, Casslar JUmir ...i&O!-79' Casslar Fraction SS Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 16th day of October, 19391 -me. 63,75 43.00 51.25 53.75 61.25 53.00 41.23 aa.o 570' 48.75 46.25 5123 63.75 33.75 55.00 1.25 38.35 2.10 125 46.00 3500; 37.50 35.25 30,75-65.00" 42.50 65O0 3105 3125- 5"623 5300 44 00 00 3900 40 00' 37.00 53 00 4i:oo 48 00 3000' 1900 14.00 29.00 34.00 3200 39.00 uotr 4500-13.76 3(i0 3600 32.25 47.00- 420O 41.00 3900 2623 30.00 63.00 03 00 C3.75 4125 38 00 27.00 29.25 1800 39 00' 33 00 33 00' Mod 33.75' 36 00' t . 33.25' 1106 ,39.00 36.00 35.25 10.00 27.00 38175 35.25 41.00 2600 3600 39.00' 52.00 35100' 11125' 38.00- 13.00' 39.00: 41.00 200' 63.00 50.00 ' 7.04 4.89 3.70 3.93 6.78 6.04 4.53 2.90 6J3 41 3.04 3.70 7.04 393 6.04 .11 3 .28 .11 3.75 20 420 404 4 22 7.1 J 4 66 7.17 3.02 343 3.43 6.19 421 354 421 1.96 313 327 292 421 324 394 I 62 111 1 12 223 2 70 421 3,15 3.41 11 324 345 361 323 4.74 4-23 3sn 2.63 323 7.17 7.1T 7.04' 4J6 3B2 2 69 327 2.06 4:47 3.76 3,76 4.14 323 4.14 429 121 447 357 4!39 1.11 2.69' 422' 4.04' 415 2.58 3 3.04 5.25 3.48 1.32 3 83 1.29 3.94 415 2.01 1375 13 75 i37j ii7i "3 iJ'.j IJ.i U n i'i ",j i3 75 1375 13.75 ' Is 13.7V 1175 1375 13.75 1175 13.75 13.75 11.75 1175 U75 11.75 1171 1171 U7i 1175 11.71 UTS- 11.75 1175 1375 !17 It 75 1)75 11 "J U75 11 7$ 11.71 1175 II 75 137S 117J 13 TS n-.i u :j 1375 4 15 1171 on UT n n :s 11.71 117$ 117$ lift 111$ 1175 117$ 117$ 11.7$ 117$ 11.7$ 11.7$ 11.7$ 117$ 1175 11.7$ 11.7$ 137$ 11.7$ 13.7$ 13-75 13.73 111 11.73 13.7$ 13.75 13.7$ 13.75 1175 13.75 13.75- 13.75 13.75 13.75 Mr. and' Mrs. .r .t t ini ...v xte tfrtd 117$ 117$ an 11.75 1371 II Ti 11.3 have been" oh'- a tlhMVtfAt-iutt': n-rf3fA' ihe eltV on w19 ii i j . . . . ,. . . . . . ... ... , Victorlai vipin.mi u . . .3 i m fro" riii i. , "luniea returned io to' the tnr. city city Rupert Tiupert mis-ron this' morning Vera nentrieo ueatnee, i juo, -.fin Bflc" onn' nnd n. 6c. 7 from th tn,m,i.. ii ..J ,w. i,Kwtt, -vera nu oi.. . " wi iiicrrinctrnuii- linn inn w "- lyUlU OLU1 liKG. Aft V. I . . . ert this morning, and elsewhere in llafdy a i t 71 n. a. ti. ll: Mi si ii CI XI n ..Mr.'