h Reactions To Von Klbhen- .aiure ... firnr At nanzir i roiicr Ifu Yesterday to ir.dtr.ate that Germany In- j - for the time being at least. ny be expected to concen- on submarine and aerial at-itilnst the Drltlsh blockade A. ri t uu... t -MK.i, I. Tin Wear in This War 4.. rv A.tM am M rt . ax doou in mis war msicaa (uKMWons pair oi'oouopc i OES ARE ; OW BLACK K Wt ii inMiirfA nni iinifAPm i Ithlrt and three pair of, socks. I 17 . ciifi v inn . kL Dll. e m runs In Eastern Trovlnce Today . ttitA. uciooer : uri iltnlJIcant provincial elections nBtory There arc 248 candl iciucsciiuiik unvc tttaju. Jtj ior tne ewniy-nve scais. eontest appears to centre be- T lk. i . i . J t -urri pany unacr auim-Oodbout Paul Oouin's Action of a chance although tt Is -.v hrwt mj ait v.-' v w balflnm nf ru-ra?Ai In ihts nvnL Irtmil ertr r 9 a i n1.ni nii 'Wd, Threshing was halted and pc uiockco. une-qunricr ui -...uill WIUU IS SLlll 111 LIIC SIUUK3. nn i. .mi i i. . . . w ovl44 Ule groiina. w was 0 Above at Calgary and Edmonton "U 10 VM1nur In .I.. TV,.n i 50 mile wind which drifted 8. Wilson will leave on this' . H8'8 tral" or 8mlthera where C U1 addrpju IUa sv.iii.ri..!i..in ca5nw Association. Mr. Wilson ho representative of the nrltlsh u,unibla Teachrr'ji VtA urn f rt -. - w Bulletins WOMAN IS .MUKDt:itt:i) NOT AIMAien A"d,Sailor of British Propaganda Disclosed By Minister Of Ifnformatlon VAXCOUVKIt Mrs. Catherine Ethel Iteid, of two child death early today, I'olire are eeklng a 39-year-old fisherman. JUDGE WICKEKSHAM DH.S JUNEAU Judie James Wick-ersham, long prominent in various ways in the life of Alaska, died here yesterday after a stroke. He was 83 years of age. MOUNTAIN ERUPTS KANATAK Mount Benlam, near here, which has previously sprayed outhwestern Alaska with ash. Is In eruption again. SNOW IN SOUTH . VANCOUVER A heavy fall of snow is reported In Cran brook district. North Shore mountains here received a new capping DIMAGGIO MOST VALUABLE NEW YORK Baseball writers have adjudged Joe DIMaggio, New York Yankees centreflelder, as the most valuable player of the American League. He received 2M out of a possible 300 points. Ills batting average for the season was J81, BACK TO Delegation Returns to llelslngfors From Moscow With New Soviet Proposals rrisoners laken LONDON. Oct. 25: (CP) More than 110 German aviators and tailors have been captured since the MANY ARE PICKED UP More Than Seven Hundred Submarine Attack Survivors Hare Been Rescued by Uncle Sam NEW YORK. 0:t. 25: CP I Un --v.iuii i in ii w w i inn in i sk niiiimk aluuilu ui , . . jl i wnnn "c a ri n n ryhere in the province. No dls-'. Their exact nature Is not revealed. . ' Wrathaii nces were reported In the l is tnumaiea nere inai me 'jnours, let government maae no new uc- UJMONTON Oct. 25: (CP) The Alberta yesterday. A Chinaman . vile IILlin K.-L Ul CjUIUUM -i .ivji.cn ouuy wins iouiiu un mands upon Finland and that there! U fT'T'D A I ITV is no need for alarm. A Foreign or-illIZU 1 lYiLil 1 1 lice svaiemcni iniunavcu iiiuv "jr, adjustments" were asked but indl-i cated Finland would balk at giving srsv RI 177 A 4 R II UD hcr strate8 Ahland Islands or, DLilL, taklJ the quartering of Russian troops on Finnish territory. United States Gov't Assured of War Were Carried by Athenta WARTtTNOTON. VOTE SOON PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. Crew of American VeMl, Seized by Germans, is Safe Early Release is Expected WASHINGTON, D.C.. Oct. 25: war began and have been placed In (CP) It la expected in official prison camps. Only a handful of quarters here that the steamer City Britons have been taken prisoner by 0f Flint and her crew of 42 will Germany. There Is no discussion aoon be released. The United States yet or exenange or prisoners. government based a request for the release of the City of Flint, seized by a German warship and taken to Kola Bay. near the Soviet port of Murmansk, on the ground that, in the absence of extraordinary circumstances, Germany had no right to send the vessel Into a neutral port regardless of any contraband she might have carried. United Stales Lawrence A. Keinhardt called at the foreign commissariat and received assurance ited 8tate vessels have picked up from the Under Secretary that Rus-more than seven hundred survivors la had no intention of allowing of vessels attacked by submarines Germany to use Russian ports in at sea since the war began, it was this manner. An early reply to the stated here yesterday. 35, divorced mother MftVo llOVd Smtla JLUlId ren, was stabbed to By-Elections HALIFAX. October 25: CP --Premier Angus L. Macdonald yesterday announced by-electlnns In Halifax Centre and Cape Breton RED CROSS , United States request was promised The White- House Is reDresented ! to have taken the view that, insofar' as United States law Is 'concerned, the Flint waj on a "perfectly legal and lawful voyage." However, this doe not mean that the United States believes Germany had no right to confiscate the vessel under International law. Dispatches from Tromso. Norway, gave more detailot the Incident of City of Hint, Norwegian offlc-of vacancy was caused by the death there announcing that the Dr. William D. Forrest. Hon. German cruiser .Emden. captured Michael Dwyer. minister of lands. ..in tviA nnw in the American steamer a a contra- IViiitiiu. w uta p v. viiv; Cape Breton Centre. band carrier a.fter the jFllnt had resrued thirty-eight seamen from '. th tnrnedfted British . freiahter earner .1 robi f J Tomorrow sT ides prlre Rupert and QU'gtt r-,i . l 'unf Moderate E & h High 12:06 p.m. 20.3 It. vinos wjui r- k . uitty .... Low ... 6:00 a Jit. 6.8 It nH llaht rains' f v n"jui.iv- " - 18:32 pjn. 4.8 (t. onigW SSa 3. - NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER No. 249. PlliNClS RUPERT, B.C.; WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, M PRICE: CENTS S SPEECH " LIES ARE lOver One Hundred DETAILS OF iTwenty-Five Are IS 'CLUMSY trn in T . m m m v Lr a h . ti n. nhar ii:i'i jin air. iv rnhip t rT k ai ris"5 attempt o unvc a tdward Grey o! the Ministry of bemfn Great Britain ana information, speaking yesterday, iKArl" AirMflil U 1..t. A i .lll.l.l . - i . . . 1 -1 1 - i. . . j..Ma-Kkrl riAArVi nf rlfkllv fnr 4hn TTntt. C a n" i rnriirn mini fjr Jnnrhlm fcf nttwl tViaf nnll nrmnv i Ribtntrop, in Danzig. It was was not the policy to engage In cut that it was just such propaganda activity particularly that Itltlpr nrA. nhrnnrf t?nltrt Uatm rnrrAinnnH. i ..11 kk itcAst In Hi HrtrtV- nti ' r Vinkvr irtvn . tmtf " Tm CI rrn am an nnrw-vrf unit v tn ftttHv a rH rM n 1 : nt!y did not yet realize the Information In regard to Drltlsh ith of Drltlsh-rrencn solid- war activities and accomplish ments. ei ikit r A cr Miiea un nazi ratroi vessel rj tm T tut ry e Tn-Antir-flvp ISC0T SHIP G0ESJ30WN Clan Chisholm 0(i' Tons, Reported Sunk But Circumstances Not Indicated GLASGOW. Oct 25: (CP The "XKW-ton Scottlfh ship Clan Chls-holm was reported here yesterday to have been sunk but when or under what circumstances was not at once stated Provincial Rail Chief Visiting W. T. Moodle. General Superintendent of Canadian National For B. C In City Today Making pn officUl tour of inspec tion over northern lines. W. T. Moodl. general superintendent of Canadian National Railways fori British Columbia, arrived In the cityj from Vancouver on the Prince Ru-oert thl momln and will ororted Fst on this evenlnz'. train, return-. to. t .u. v. a .u .In? to Van-ouver via Jastwr Park, iOerman prize crew of wventeenj A-comoanylnB Mr. Moodle are Sam the .Cltr of Flint nut.ln2NQrweg.; Morrison, district engineer: C J. PAHHIITTrrC:an waters oVfTromso last FriCaylQntlc. suoerlftjrndent or moiive I I IIWIIWII I I T.r..1 a .v,. f ih- ower. ana u. j wwmirv. insos-c m-T XTAaVAA JL JL MmMmmW lai'U Ml( S VVUs ai'wtu w . - !stonegate and to take on fresh President F. A. MacCallum Names' ater. Those Who Will Carry On ; United stats embassies In Berlin War Time Work j and Moscow pressed Inquiries con-. cernlng.the City of Fllnfs capture v 4 raiim nrMiriMt of and the fate of the crew. Forty-two members of the crew were the' of' " local branch the Canadian,. Red Cross Society, has appointed a "- a.-. "Zul I V. TTZ Ai standing committees as follows: 6 'Western Front Continues Quiet AI Work Mrs. Crulckshank, chairman. Mrs. A. L. Holtby, Mrs. O. A. Bryant, Mrs H. T. Cross, Mrs J. A. Hlnton, Mrs. R. E. Moore. Mrs. G. B. Church. Mrs. Alex Finnic Mrs. KoU. Russian Arctic port near Mur mansk where she arrived Sunday night The German prize crew was interned but nothing was Immed iately raid as to what had hap- Alex Turnbull, Mrs. H. L. A. Tarr.iPened to the American crew. Later however, the Sov et announced that Mrs. F. A. MacCallum and Mrs. T. t r,.,i.. the crew was all safe and would. IJ. UUUIK1( .... . .... 7111 A TIM Camoalen-Arnold Haten. O. A "o doubt, be released. Definite ac rllLrYIlLJlHunter O. C. Young, Alex Turn- bull. Bruce Stevens, ur. ri. r Brocklcsby. Mrs. J. B. Gibson, Mrs. T. J. Boulter and Mrs. J. v. Alien. Finance Mrs. Robert Blance, chairman, Mrs. W. F. Eve. Miss Frances Cross, Mrs. O. A. Hunter and Mrs. F. A. MacCallum. Purehaslnc and SuDpDes Mrs. J. (CP)-The Finnish delegation ne-lg M Jonn rcmner gotlating with Russia left Moscow d M j k . ouit ui u aiuiiiiiuvc. I iuak tii(uuii . u Preece record vote Is Indicated with ing new written proposal from the -.'c,r,n Mr. 3 if Mc j streaming to the polls In ex-gremlin. The proposals are to be' p N 0ood Mrs R u. tlon may not be taken for two or three days as there are no consular representatives at Murmansk. As for the Stonegate, whose crew the City of Flint had rescued, au thoritative sources said the Ger man pocket battleship Deutschland was the warship which sank her In mld-Atlantlc outside the British blockade. Allan O. Landels has arrived from Vancouver' to take over the local managership of W H Malkln Co, (Prince Rupert) Ltd. In succession Senal- Will Pass Measure Either, to t. a. Movaicra wuu uus wen Tomorrow or Friday called up for military duty. G. O. , Withers, also from Vancouver, is I here to succeed Martin van Cooten, WASHINGTON, D.C.. October 2a: als0 called up for miutary service, (CP)-The United States Senate ftS bookkeepcr, agreed yesterday to curtail debate, in an effort to reach a final vote) on the neutrality bill this week. DIL rA le . mJpassane by the Senate will coins 1 UllOll VJU1U AO .NO Arms, rtrammmiuii ,........ - rnm vfnln anA , ccrUlnly by Friday. There Is some PiQUI m franCe I possibility or delay m ine mousc. , Meantime a long series of am- D.O., Oct. 25: endments were ycsieraay wnuen (CI1)---The Canadian government 'lilto the administration's revision gave the Unltejd States Department draft: these to a large cxu-iu yiu- cti. "formal nvsiimhrp" vostpr- vldlnc for American ships to carry day that the British liner Athenla, non-mllltary commodities to belllg-sunk on September 3, "parried no erent nations In the Atlantic and guns, ' ammunition or munitions or rncmc areas w.ui war The Canadian government was so advised by the Anchor-Donaldson Line, owners of the ship. Large Quantity of Yellow Metal Reaches Paris By Circuitous Route PARIS, Oct 25. By way of Rou-manla, Turkey, Syria and the Mediterranean, $78,600000 of gold , has tor of the investigation department.. NOT MUCH GOING ON, though Major Drive is Considered Imminent PARIS, Oct. 25: (CP) The West FINE CROP LOST FROM ON PRAIRIE FISH BOAT ' Resulted in Building Boom as Stor I age Facilities Taxed to Handle i ern Front remains quiet although reports that Germany ts preparing-for a major drive still persist. A rommunique spoke of patrol skirmishes and "harassing fire of artillery." There was sporadic artillery fire with small Infantry patrol skirmishes today in the sector where the French still occupy a narrow salient of German soil west of Yesterday's skirmishes, accom- nanled by raids and ambushes,. I took on the proportions for a timej New Manager r or !f-ch,i,,!rl Malkins Is Here Counter-attack, Indicating determination not to withdraw deep Into their own territory. A German High Command com-muniaue In Berlin claimed that Allan G. Landels Becomes Manager anotner company of French troops and G G Withers, Bookkeeper had been driven from German soil IS REAL ODYSSEY OCEAN FALLS. Oct. 25: (CP) The strange Odyssey of the Chinese! junk Talplng has ended temporar-j lly on the rocks of Princess Royal j Island arter a nowiing gaie uiew! her northward Instead of south-1 ward on an attempted voyage from j Quatslno, Vancouver Island, to Seattle. The crew of five. Including Capt. John Anderson's wife, leaped to safety but one. Bcrger Larson, broke his leg. The group was brought here by a fish boat but nlans to return to the Island to re pair the boat and reatttempt the Seattle voyage. The Talplng reached Quatslno last week after a 112-day voyage Across the Pacific Ocean from Tnnro of Euorpc. Listing arrived In Paris from Poland. It Shanghai in which the crew orusn-PnnnHlnn or in stores "iof danger spots JSEnSeiS wM iSde !t the various areas to' will be used In connection with thejed with pirate, in-the YangUe , RIt- which the United States vessel outfitting of Polish- troops for war er and lasted out two typhoons and goods. service. threaienea starvation. may carry Harvest members of the crew of a Germanj patrol boat were killed when their. WINNIPEG, Oct. 25: (CP) The vessel struck a mine on Saturday, fine crop In the three prairie pror-it was announced officially. It wasjinces this year and the good, prices off the entrance of the Baltic Sea have resulted in a boom for prairie where the explosion occurred. building contractors in building new storage facilities and repairing old ones. Every elevator Is bulging and War News FLIGHT OVER GERMANY LONDON The Air Ministry announced today that British reconnaissance planes in the last twenty-four hours had flown over I NEXT GERMAN MOVE BERLIN Threat that Germany's next war move would probably be an attempt to shower bombs on England was printed today in the authoritative newspaper National Zeitunf of Essen. TODAY'S STOCKS ICourtMy 8, O. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .15 (ask). Bralorne, .10.10. Cariboo Quartz, 2.06: Dentonla, .OlVa. FaljvicwfrJllJi, . Gold Belt. .28. Hfdley Mascot, .45. Atlnto, .02. Noble Five. .02. Pacific Nickel, .14. Pend Oreille. 2.70. Pioneer. 2.27. Premier. 1.46. Privateer, .89. Reeves McDonald, .30. Reno. .52. Relief Arlington, .12 tj. Salmon Gold. .03. Sheep Creek. 1.12. Oils A. P. Con., .20.. Calmont, .43. C. Si E., 2.50. Freehold, .02?;. Home. 2.77. Pacalta, .06. Royal Canadian, .22. i. Okalta, U6. Mercury, .07. Prairie Royalties, 23. Toronto Aldermac, .40. . Beattie, 1.09. Central Pat, 2.32. Cons Smelters, 50.00. East Malartic, 2.81. Francoeur, .36. Gods Lake, .57. Hard Rock. 1.14. Int. Nickel, 48.25. Kerr Addison, 1.86. Little Long Lac, 3.05. MfcLeod Cockshutt, 1.98. Madsen Red Lake. .39. McKenzIe Red Lake, 1.26. Moneta, .91. Noranda, 78.25. Pickle Crow, 4.40. Preston East Dome, 1.70. San Antonio, 1.75. Sherritt Gordon, 1.32. Stadacona, .40. -hi, .81. Bouscadillac, .04. Mosher, .07. Oklend, .09 Y2. Smelters Gold, .OlYz. Dominion Bridge, 44.00. New York Allls-Chalmers, 43. American Can, 113Vi. American Car and Foundry, 38Va American Locomotive, 271-.. American Smelting, 55 American T. and T., 1664. Anaconda, 335i. Baldwin Locomotive, 20 Y Bethlehem, ,91ti. Boyd Warner, 28V4. Caterpillar Tractor, 60. Dupqnt, Ha. General Electric, 4li. General Motors, 54:!i. Goodyear, 28. Inland Steel. 39Vi. Kennecott .Copper, 40H. Terry Johansen Fails Overboard From Mae West on West Coast of Queen Charlottes Terje Johansen, well known local halibut fisherman, was lost from' the local Boat Mae West off the West Coast of Graham Island on Sunday night. He was dipping a bucket overside to get some water and somehowe fell Into - the sea. railways have been taxed to keep t Two lines were thrown to him but, up with the movement of the larg-1 before he could grasp them, he est crop since 1928, amounting, it is seemed to stiffen out and sink. Ev- estlmated, to 432.000,000 bushels. ery effort was made to rescue the unfortunate man but they were unavailing, the vessel returning to port to report the tragedy to the coroner. Deceased was a Norwegian and Is survived by a widow and children In the Old Country. He had been here for about ten years and was also known as a musician and vocalist. ' The circumstances of the fatality were . Investigated today by Cor- oner N. A. Watt. Capt. O. J. Hanson Is owner and Berlin, Hamburg and Magdeburg, skipper of the Mae West. EASY ON NEUTRALS Difference of Method From That of Germans Is Referred To LONDON, Oct 25: (CP) The Brtr tlsh contraband blockade has been carefully respecting neutral ships, Is pointed out Whereas the Gerr. iii mans have sunk many and seized others. Great Britain ha3 not in-. Jured or seized a single one Even contraband which Is taketvonay be . recovered by pieans sOf appealr4f i .Hrh chnnlrf nrnvp ci.crtit i Improvements In ! Railway Gardens i - j Fountain Closed For Winter Tree! I Being Planted Along Pathway ' j.. The fountain In the Canadian National Park has now been closed down for the season. It has prov-len quite an attraction during the I past few months, the orglnality of its design bringing forth much favorable comment. It was designed by G. D. Wetterstrand of the engln-eerlns! department who also supervised its construction, the rock work being done by S. Butkus of the. maintenance department. While nothing of an elaborate nature has been attempted the result harmonizes well with the natural surround ings and makes a valuable addition to the attractiveness of the park. A further improvement being made In the railway gardens here Is seen In the planting; of trees along the main path leading from the general offices uptown toward Sixth Street. The eventual beauty of this path can be visualized. New Cardinals Will Be Named Monsignor Spellman Is Expected To Succeed Hayes In New York ROME, October 25. Pope Plus is expected to announce new cardinals at a sonslstory to be held In December. Monsignor Spellman will, it is expected, be named as succesor to the late Cardinal Hayes of New York. There W no Indication as to who may be the suc cessor to the late Cardinal Mun- deleln of Chicago. National Biscuit. 24, New York Central, 21. North American Aviation, 27V. Pennsylvania Railroad 2i. ' Public Service of N, J., 40. Radio Corporation, 6, Republic Steel, 27 Yt. Sears-Roebuck, 83V4. Socony Vacuum, 14.. Standard Oil of Cal.J 28.' Standard Oil of N. J. 47?. United Fruit, 86V'2. W United States. Rubber . United States Steel; 76J. -