For real classy styles and durability these shoes are unbeatable in their price field. Priced from $4.45 ,,$5.50 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRIXCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Paid in advance, per week Paid In advance, per month By . mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mail to all other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, per insertion . Local readers, per line, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations 58 86 i2 30 3.00 9.00 02 25 Monday. November 6, 1939. EDITORIALS THE BRITISH EMPIRE In connection with the attack made by Mrs. D. G. year. San D jTwo ominpo Hundred .May Be There Immediately V PAQK TWO :THX DAILY HaTWt BRIGHTEN Will Observe LINING UP "Vanity Maid" CENOTAPH Armistice Day HOOP PLAY Wfnnt From Vmu rarls Of Standard Oilers Are In ltfaillnes Painting of Flag role is Ticklish District To Gather In Smithers For Opposition Job Boy Scouts Give Stone FOOTWEAR Thorough Scrubbing v"" . The ol Standard Oil basketball' SMITHERS, November :-Pre- . J" l.nain. ,, fu- PnrmnnH.n.f . ,h, rnh , on P. ha!? 'L.'iinieUce schedule . ami . U rapidly - ,n Hniripv vnnpv nrancn ui iiic crigmenea up m reaainess ior uie observance of Remembrance Turkish Assembly Considering Bill To Ratify Treaty Settled Steeves, C. C. F. member for North Vancouver in the Leg-j mm yoRK November 6: islature last week, the British Empire needs no defenders, international Refugee commission especially in this country, which is a part of that Empire! has been advised that 500 Euro-which the lady attacked and in which she lives. At theff" reufs may immediately same time it may not be out of place to draw attention tojSw ta todS88" a few facts. i No one claimed that the Empire is infallible or thati " British statesmen are infallible. The most rabid imperial-! ist will have to admit that many mistakes have been made i and many things done of which we are not at all proud. 1 That must be said of any nation during its stages of de-' veiopment and especially 01 a vinle people like the British., What British people claim and believe to be true is! 2 that under the British flag there is a far greater amount Z 01 freedom for the individual than under any other, not! even excepting the United States or Holland or Russia. Individual freedom has been built up over a series of centuries and, in the treatment of subject races, people have been Gradually trained to become self-governing. India is an outstanding example of this. While to-dav there is a tremendous amount of superstition and ignorance found among the people of India and religious intolerance has not been overcome, it is true that most wf the leaders of the nresent liberty movement are men who have been educated in English universities and inoculated with British ideals. British set- the model for free Parliaments, free education . free sneech and freedom of worship or religious education. Naturally with the development alone these lines has come uku'rHrI freedom the "bete noir" of Mrs. Steeves and other C.CvF. members. It is doubtful if freedom and rem'mentation can go together. Mrs. Sieves objects to the word "Empire" in connection with the British commonwealth' of nations. It may not be the correct word but it seems to be the only one available. There are so many stages of development to be considered in connection with the various nations and colonies. Newfoundland was at one time wholly self-governing but it made a mess of things and asked the British to take the country back as a crown colony. There are colonies consisting largely of negro races and others con-pistfpGr of Malays. One reason why the Africanders of Dutch origin object to British connection is because the British insist on the negro majority getting improved conditions and education. The Dutch Boers, relatives of Mrs. Steeves- would allow them no privileges leading to eventual self-government. We are mentioning these few things just to give a little idea of what the British Empire is fighting for. It is for the preservation and continuation of that liberty which has been handed down to us- The British have ideals which they are however imperfectly, trying to put into practice. The German ideal is very largely selfish. Hitler's world vision can envisage only that in which the German people are predominant and all others subjuct. Day observance or Armistice Day wracn ftl tte cusU)mary manner. wnlrn thpre Rltnrrf-iv nf . . ... . i I . musk hi n and bandmaster. wll prmrlde the music for this service. The regular ArmiiUee dance will Mao be held in connection with Mosmw wnv ft Knvut n.i.cta this anniversary. . . . RnllrlAV Vallov RrirM Kti fi5 Time Has Been On Dominion's Side With No Need For Harte MONTREAL. Nov. 4: i CP entered the present war somewhat more advantageous circumstances' than 1914 with Ume "n our lde and no need for haste Mijor General A. O. L. McNauih-, ton. commander-in-chief of the! 14 1 .... . I vaiiaaian L'lTfscu aivision, ald today. ( Hockev Scores Saturday Boston 0. Toronto 5. Sunday Chicago 2, Canadians 8. Rangers 1. Detroit 1 (overtime tiet. Max' non that may come meir during the coming winter. Ernie Santerbane. the boy th . "! " nearly carried th Northern Brill ... supply me Ufmaiw wiuvu v- , . .hrM,u..r..lin hlr tn This morning a man scaled ne lhan - ted to grMter year J:" 7fter his flaw noi. in mako nreoaratkn fl v . Premier last season alter me wean r, . n . . r n nBS pccn m any uitviuua , . . (, i for It to be painted from top to owlng to the pnt situation m! hnttnm FYinr Mllnn nf white w .-J-., -n - rnh.iM rtjfOUgh the the S5H. ha HaS HOW 0 WniCn IIU3 ITOHIIDra ail a v"J .--J ml..-. n.iH l a mMmM paint wiU be required In this tlek- 0 Lh06e who ,aId down their lives xh 0 I"9,a,,,d llSh n the Great Wan 3 iL f MmPIIw Mnwsn ward me Macl MntHttB. On Saturdav afternoon Ftov - .v ,M Scouts, under the leadership of ther at the Leaion Hall In the D(?m?n?to. an.d .P11 Scoutmaster .Rev.. Roy Durnford naming and marcll to the United 000 "f"0? cf Seal Oove. turned out and wash- church where service will be held ver as J l ln " ! ed off the cenotaph, scrubbing It md the joint aaspKes of the country, h? sinnMbf depend-1th soao and water. United Church und the Anglican upon for Irtkrtpatlon In t tram home A. a re- fWh conduced by Rev. J. T. y Largest Wheat Crop Is Claimed Soviet RueUa Believes It Volume Is Exceeded Bv No Other Country u" ol wl" "a DurcWvl and Rev J E BlrchaU. A 1Tn",aM ma dul al ehelr of more than twenty voices ,d5rk v... , w. f. ,v... 8"ard where both of them have pleees under the leadership of J.l i01"1?,. "f s nmv th. ii knnwT local' cessanr only Jim Currie will be 4cn iinm u irui Kuura line. Art Murray having turned In hta strips. Art cannot find enough time for practice and without practice It's a tough Job to hold a place As the boys are not really In ciaim, 10 nave ine largest wneat 7 ' tha , hln nearly " ypt no mes have been " .... ' 1(V1 frnm fVrf!irvn! "ru lur IHC lime Dng inr Burn Lake and It is expected that Tm? and nave a formidable, there will be a ood representation100"" uad on and ty , -of thP- rrhfrt in ntfonrtineel are al rather sure of a victory in that day. War Conditions jMore Favorable kin -ti . ' I General McNauto Observe, That , pact recently negotiated by Turkey with Great Britain and France was j introduced In the Turkish Assembly yesterday. Refugees For J should they meet the champion it is hoped the two teams will get together soon so that sport will not die after uch a suecessfu. season In 1932-39. City Commissioner W J Alder i& to be approached with record to Mhe use of the Exhibition Buildln tor practice as thr Catholic Hail OymnaMum now being used is too small for proper floor work r i j Tht dvcrtlietnent If not pobllbH nr dltpUyH by the Liquor Control lkrd or by th Government or rtrltith CMumbla. BOWLING ALLEYS Opening Tonight It Is the aim of the new owner to provide the bowllnr public with clean, pleasant surrounding In th newly renovated premises, coupled wllh smart, courteous serVic and first class equipment. The Alleys will operate week days only from 3 to 6 p.m. and from 7 to 12 midnight. Matinee Rates of 10c per line on 5-pln games and 12ic per line on 10-pin games will be In effect afters noons from 3 to G. Regular Kates evenings of 124c per line and 15e respectively will prevail from 7 to 12. Weekly I'rhes ror high wores Ladles and nentlemen LOOK FOR BOWLING SIGN' ON SIXTH STrtEET OPPOSITE UOVAL II0TLL Phone CS TlurElectrical Work in these Howlinpr Alleys was put in by Gordon and Anderson Moratorium For Soldiers '4 i ' I I tMMr I I tAMV I vav Mtii wx, w W L 'WKol'i hi crviwnfl ian?M "Abovl 40 Sxl Cop." SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "The fmtnl ltm in mkuk lhtc can 1 tmri,J, .from taxation for I the war and tw 1i ! ii .VO CASUS iN coin in uouniy uour . x a moratorium on all debt of sold- boiine befor. J W Erl ni rniuung ror war service as corn litre er.!y r well as exemption of their homec few naturall.nt f CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic TransPtrifi To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SJB. PRINCESS ADELAIDE EvrTy Friday l pa Tn Vancouver !irect 8A "PRINCESS LOUISE- October fr 83 "PRINCESS NORAH" November eth 1nler Kxtatilon Fare Vancouver and Itrtara Tif-kets on sale Nov 1st, 1939 to Feb. 2th 1940 F;rul Return Limit March Slit ! S36- O naectfons at Vancouver with Canadian Ptr Sr.. n 1 Tickets and Hncmtlnm from 1 CtMTfUH. Central AirnL rriwt it C '1 Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunrh on Toasted Sandwichw or Honi d'oeuvrc One Package Bervea Four People K.ep4 for Weeks ln Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Itupert (J() Brltbh Ctl MacKenzie's Furniture These Are AM New IeUns These Are Alle New Designs H;lni M tiumlii." 1.k 11 I . H II . ...I IrMl VFTV m' ,s,lte.AW Square Arms and Roll Arms -Covered ln Impc Acd vr and Mohair. Easy Term, S115U" Sec Our NVIwdow J" COAL Grab Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPEKT FEED CO. Phone SI anfl Ml NEW ROYAL HOTEL j. ZaVtlll Proprietor -a lions away ritoM HOME" Rates fl-M of M 50 Room. U Prince nupert, B.u J. H. BULGER! Optometrist Royal Bank Blflf. Fresh Local w f Pasteurized Mw VALENTINDAIUY i