PAOE TOUR A Mans Appearance Has a definite cash value Whether young or old, every day all the time critical eyes are assessing you at your face value. Clothes that look right style that lasts, are found only in tailoring craftsmanship that never skimps the important hidden details of cut and finish and can be expressed only in a quality that is inherent. FASHION CRAFT SUITS FROM $22.50 Bryant Company Limited Phone 29" 532, 3rd. Ave. W. I.0. Box 622 STORE-WIDE SALE AT Elio's Furniture THIRD AVENUE Green 916 Prince Rupert Three New Chesterfield Suites Just Arrived 3-Piecc Chesterfield Suite Regular. Q4 OA $140, Storewide Sale t? X V 3-Picce Chesterfield Suite Regular 4 C $135. Storewide Sale t?JLlD 3 Piece Chesterfield Suite Regular C7Q $08. S'orewide Sale , V 6-Picrc Dinette Suite Regular $70. Consisting Buffet, Table and four upholstered Qfff! chairs. Storewide Sale ?IO3U 4-1 icce Ikdronm Suite-Regular $70. Consisting of lied, Chiffonier, Vanity and QCQ ffA Bench. Storewide Sale . ?D7DU ' " I I Bulkley Valley COAL From our mine To your bin And the whole District benefits. The 'Daily News is a member ot thr nnmirf? nnii,, NevsI)al)er Association, of the Canadian Press and of the I 'Vvr JMli:rtM U1 vm:iiuiuons. n is tne only paper northi of Vancouver and west of Edmonton hnldinn- mnmWMn in these organizations. . ARE NAMED President A. S. Mckenpn has Ministerial Assn Meets ! FOR SALE 35-50 h p. Acadia mar- Ladies' THB DAILY Km 8 From The Waterfront tomorrow afternoon southbound. j named his standing committees of Bj Freighter Complete Tempor-the Junior Section of the. Prince ary urpaln Here And I Resum-Rupert Chamber of Commerce for ing Voyage Improvements To the ensuing year as follows, chair-! Albernl Naval Men From Cal men being first named In each p,. case: . 1 Attendance Richmond MorU-, e. M Murphy, underwriters" rep-mer. Alfred Rlvett and John Con- resentative from Seattle in con-i nelL . nection with the docking of the Social Stanley Saville. Robert freighter Mary D.. which received Parker, Ross Ingram and Robert temporary repairs at the local dry Tobey. 'dock during the latter part of this Civic Centre C. O. Ham. J. dor-'week followij a stranding In don and Gordon German. Orenvtlle .Channel, sails by the Port Day J. C. Gllker. O. L. Ror- Princess Norah thU afternoon on le. E. O. Southby. John Connell and his return south. The Mary D. Stanley Saville. wjnt off the pontoons yesterday Trade and Commerce J. C. Gil- morning and Is now reloading ker. Gordon German and Henry some of the cargo which It wa Smllie. necessary to take off prior to Radio O. L. Rorie. Thomas Fras- dockln?. This afternoon she will er and John Connell. leave in resumption of her inter Museum J. C Gllker. rupted voyage to the Seward dls- Local Publicity T. J. Williams, trict In western Alaska. Library T. J. Williams. A the regular monthly dinner Lighthouse tender Albernl U meeting of the Junior Chamber to- now at the local dry dock where morrow night, Lieut Orme Stuart her after deck is being closed In will show moving pictures of a The work. It Is estimated, will take training cruise with destroyers of about a week's time. the Royal Canadian Navy to the West Indies. I Union steamer Catala, Capt , , .James Flndlay. arrived In port at 9:15 last night from Vancouver and waypoints and sailed at midnight .for Stewart and othern northern points whence she will return here! The Prince Rupert Ministerial " 7"t k L.' Association, in regular monthly ri V session this morning, decided to Jf!' Tm 1" proceed with the observance of the SL , ghtf Sfa"d of 'wt the annual Week of Prayer Prayer from Jan- fleTa,l,on x?n uary 7 to H- The various churches will co-operate in the usual way structure Is a concrete base sur mounted by a white slatwork triangle with lantern on top. The with the presentation of a program . ,T j J,..T w .u. r., ,,? ., 8ht Is unmatched llance. The Association decided to endorse, the Red Cross campaign which Is to be held next week and will-co-operate by making an pastors were meeting. Three ratings of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Re serve from Calgary arrived in the city on the CWala last night from th rv?it H tr tlr 4n . .t nouhcements from the church pul- "In .Cr I " , piU next Sunday. iL?iS J2 Wi f,rtwnta- ..... ., . atlon service which has been es- 'iVTT 8' " tahUthed at Prince Rupert , of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, was welcomed as a new member by the President, Rev. . J. j . c Jackson. ai Jk.jv ji l Eight rj ti 1 1 l Sons Of Norway Ladies' Aid Has Bazaar And Dance A successful bazaar and dance) was held by the Sons of Norway Aid Sonla In the Oddfel Ine engine with electric starter Han eTenlng with Mrs ana aynamo in spienom conai- oiga Jerstad. the president, in tkm $335. Ward Electric & Mar- charge. assisted by members of the Ine Supply. Cow Bay. tf. AId A5out 25o persons were In at- FOR SALE Two-storey house. 510'tendance and dancing was the prin-7th Avenue West, concrete foun- Pa '"ture of the evening, this datlons. hot water furnace, fully belns enjoyed until 2:30 am. to the modern. 4 bedrooms, going very stra,ns of tuneful musIc b? Mlke cheap. H. G. Helgerson. Ltd. (Colussl's Orchestra. At midnight (261) re'rcshments were served. During the evening the drawings FOR SALE BY TENDER nMle5 t00lt place' re8Ulttng u LOGOING Outfit on Porcher Isl-' $25 ,n casn clara and Marina, and: 1 Seattle Donkev Entrlnp 10 Na 231- by 12, 73 Horsepower Boiler oni $15 ,n cash- BJorn Wick, No. 380. float carrying 160 lb. steam,' J10,,n cash, C. Aberg, Massett, Lines and Blocks and other log-.Na m- glng equipment, 2 bunk houses 18 Chenille "Bedspread, Mrs. Chris by 20 and 18 by 30, accomodate Jeascn. 16 men, Iron beds. 1 cook house e Tablecloth, Mrs. Olga Jer-26 by 40, 1 large heater. 1 cook 5tad- . stove, 1 cordwood heater, 1 meat' Other prize winners were Mrs. house 14 by 14, 1 small house, 1 Petr Uen. O- KUdal, H. Orlnd-blacksmlth shop, 1 Sky Line 1600 trand, E. Moorehouse, P. Peterson, feet, in good shape, carriage and" J- Johnsen and Arthur Sandnes. guy lines, 1 gasboat 32 feet, 161 horsepower engine. Thomas Mc Meekln. PERSONAL CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT EXAMINATION for Clerks an nounced. Open to all. Appllca tions to reach Ottawa by Novem ber 30th, 1939. Our advice has', helped hundreds obtain Civil Ser- 2l;jElva Leighton Of iMetlakatla Dies j Native Girl Passes Away at Prince Rupert General Hospital Satur-I day Afternoon M . .. vice positions as Clerks, Postmen, Prince Rupert uusioms Examiners, etc. Booklet occurred at the General Hrwnltnl Free Saturday afternoon of Elva ilah. on request. M. C. C. ton. Schools LW Winnipeg. Oldest In Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leighton of Canada. No Agents. Metkakatla. Funeral arrangements ' - are in the hands of the B, C. Un- BOARD AND ROOM dertakers. The father Is at present FIRST class room and board reil-l1" V"f depce, close in, reasonable rates.l a ' oa1 fifty y cent cent ,,rth. ciassltiea n ad. will i Phnnp niorv .v Phone Black 965. (264)0ftcn . make v you mdhy dolUrs L rB M E"ii!,ahrIeol f I J, MSI jKk-Jfi -o. 1939-, 1 I m 1 iwni irfjurnr m a . i. i 1 iTii iWlii iiai liiniftiBMMr ""Mill THOMAS RITA jHji MITCHELL HAYWORTH wVkjfli RICHARD BARTHELMESS jjjgjp EXTRA Walt Disney's "Ugly Duckling Scenic "Province of Quelec Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert R. Dartlett. Billow; P. H. Klrtf . and son, Inverness; J. 11. Ward.' Hazel ton; Major J. F. Campbeli and H. E. Ooulbourn. Victoria; J.! A. Barnwell. Victoria; B. J. Me- Mlllan. Victoria; Thomas P. Bel-; 1 lamy. Prince Rupert;: N. CampbU. After having spent the better; Edmonton: William Bkkle. OraMv' m . . .... ... w n,gnl nere UachafK- Plains; Capt. A. T. I TJmahart. In m attendance attendance at at the the . . tag a larg consignment of fUh, victoria; Squadron Leader F. J. trom Ketchikan for transshipment Mawdesley. W. R. Roffell, E. W. East over Canadian National Rail-, pjerCe and J. J. Coopr. AWord ways, Northland Transportation 'nav: Flleht LleutMiani o W OWED FOR SALE NEW American stamps for sale, ones and threes. Dally News. (tf FOR SALE Whole chimney sweeping outfit, complete. Apply Zum-khr at hospital. t.f. Co.'s motorship liner Northland. Capt. Len Williams, sailed at 4 .o'clock yesterday morning In con tinuation of her voyage to Seattle 1 Foorth, Vancouver; W. A. Tttnpte-ton. Vancouver: Mrs R McDonald Phelan ...ur.-iin Bob's Beauty Parlor Next to Q & S Grocery ' rhone 318 CHIMNEYS' Furnaces and Stoe PJpes Cleaned Stecn's Limited Phone 5 THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fnncy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the ynljr salmon canning company with an all the year round' payroll hi Prince Rupert 3 TOMOIIT Tl'M. wo. DaysLLhlkij B. C. Furniture Co, Musical Instruments 1 Conn Soprano Saxophone C07 At vfiy r3.SrinKiani,- $15.00 1 Mandolin Rounded back, cood Ql 1 5(1 condition 91lM 1 Kcch Accordion 21 treble keys, 8 CJA ()() ba keys and steel reeds ,'. V ...,!,. . 2 I'keleles At low prices. k m 1 Hohncr Harmonica 4The Goliath,M CI 50 Double reed and casd 1 Violins of Various Makes r" S9i5fl " From Larc Shipment of Unpainted Tables And Chairs Newly Arrived at Very Low Prices Phone BLACK 331 THIRD Aft (Next Door to n, C Clothiers) REDUCED WINTER FARES TO VANCOUVER Calllnr at Ocean Fall and Towell Rlw $36 Return Meals and Berth Included Leaving 1'rlnce Itupert THURSDAYS Kate Effective Now Until February J Itctirrn Limit, March 3U Canadian National Steamships If you have something to sell, a classified adverUsem fa in this paper will soon let you you know if there 13 a W , the city. "r ' r