12 07.8. ?mber . 1M9. Packers (1 Smoker 25 ozs. ! I ible Affair Saturday Mint in tglrv Hall Hnt rrogrem moker in the Eagles' :L otght. the affair be-t vjble to all. Vlce-C F C ummant wax In the toence of President J. wi reported to be re-from Illness, ringing was enjoyed v.- - also songs and slor- -"mbers Norman Dav-i i at the piano and arrordlon solo prov-' feature. A surprise -i late in the evening h K "r and fire members of t h Canadian Scottish :: r umbers went over Mrmbers also sang songs j it-- r 'z was in charge of the 'reshments. It idvertlslnR m i: '";! to brine the Dnj dally re- 10 ozs. JUST THAT MUCH BETTER nder jsemenl Is not publlshea or oispUyed by the Liquor - :i tioaro or uy ne uovernmem or HMtun Columbia Roosevelt Paying Hyde Park Visit Yes, these lamps MY BRIGHTER LONGER Ml Skc Choose Editon Mazda lampi. You will gel better light and better value for your money, Buy a carton today. Better Light.. Better Sight HI : III: , J i.Triginiir.g MADE IN CANADA EDISON, MAZDA Lt amps CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC t CO. LIMITED HON STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all meals and berth accomodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT S36 ,?u" 00 From Port Simpson $39.75 'Heduccd Rates Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver from Intermediate .points.) Children (Five years of age and under twelve) Half Fare Ticket on Sale ft6m November 1st, 1939 lo Febrary 29th, 1910 Good to return up to March 31st 10-10 Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vancouver S-S. CATALA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday a.m. S S. CAUDENA Every Friday 10:30 p.m. Monday a.m. . Tickets and Reservations from '""re Rupert Agent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Ave. Phone 568 If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at tmice High School Dance Held On ITundrrd and Fifty Young People tn Attendance at Happy Affair Saturday Night School had a happy dancing party Saturday night at the Oddfellows' Hall Some 150 vonnor neonle were lie win voie inesaay ai me Town y. m Derry. Hall In the off-year election of New Mr. Sutton York State Churchill Talks With Army Head First Lord of Admiralty Lunched and Conferred With VUcount Yesterday LONDON. Nov. 6Flrst Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill, returned today from France where he eonfered with naval leaders of that country and lunched yesterday and had dltrustlom with Viscount Oort. Commander-in-chief of the British army. GENEROUS RESPONSE! PoppY Day Appeal Itewarded With -arje Pleasure oi success 1T rMrnntf t l AnntMl PAnov The Morning AflerTaking Carters Little Liver Pills NOTICE TO CREDITORS Rex Rowling Club, Limited All persons having claims against the above Company are requested to file same, duly verified, with the undersigned, on or before the flf- leeruu iiiswih. i Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this Third day of November, A D. 1939. W. O. FULTON Smith Block, Prince Rupert. B.C. (259) Next Time You Ask For Stove Polish Say Jfc.1 STOVES At All II C. Stores Tni oiirr Kiwii PAoE TWHE f 1 rr utiwrrnwrrimmjc. I ; trr LOCAL NEWS NOTES Bridge Series, Moose Hall, 8:30 p.m. 259 Canadian Legion B.EJ3.L. execu- Studcntj of Booth Memorial High v meetIn ton,8ht' 259) H. B. Stiles returned to the city on the Catala last night from a trip present and the merriment was In!10 Vancouver. full swing from 8 p.m. until midnight. Jack Hopkins, president of the Students' Council, was master George Mitchell, expert In con nection with cold storage and. re Af , a n , J frigeration installations, is a visl ,. f i v., I tor in the city, having arrived on Catala la4t eVCnlng from Van" chestra. One of the features of the!41 evening was the introduction of the novelty dance "The Chestnut Tree -Refreshments, provided by the student, were served. The hall was attractively deeorated with multicolored baloons and streamers. Principal and Mrs. Arthur Sutton and most of the members of the ...... teaching staff were in attendance. Will Wte Tomorrow In Off Year The members of the staff presentl Election In Home Borough Included Mr. and Mrs. Charles! Havward. Mr. and Mrs. T L. Da-, I HYDE PARK Knvmlwr r . ' F n pacKersunon President Franklin D. Roosevelt. mi Mitjii fi Pinrnnr. frrah from titm miYarlnn1 vl. ... 1 . " U3U11, 13DUCI WaiUJ, tjtrt, fiWAa Ihn natilMlllt. 1 ... !. ... . I ' ' " '"""""J wauc, jean irvine, miss May Jones, Mm couver. CHEST To relieve -;?,rt':ICKS misery COLDS quickly, externally back with W VapoRub Ratepayers Association meetlnp. City Hall, Wednesday Nov. 8, 8 jip.m. Election or oincers. zw arrived at the week-end from Kay Robertson. Mia Ruth Hlnd.l ,Mrs- f ldn,ey 4W1Ue" T 'am"i' Washington to spend a few days. c. H. Lelghs..W. W. C. O'Neill and arrlve ,n the ci y at 01 in is wecit irum w wj jvi tnr .hriCapt. Wllett of the 102nd Battery. vtwuu W. . .. Mk 1.. hMrtv cheer for the Students' yzi canaaian Aruuery. iney win Council and one extra for the president. He thanked, on behah of the students, all who had assisted with the arrangement for the happy party Keeping Faith In Remembrance AHeeiance to God's. Prfnc Neceviry to World Peac Church Can Plav Important Part "IT we would keep faith with) thor who fought and fell In th?. For prompt and courteous Phone 13 Taxi. tf. Staff Sergeant Ernest Gammon, provincial police, sailed last night on the Catala for a trip to Stewart on official duties. Joseph .White, Indian, for drunkenness, was fined $10, with option of seven days' imprisonment, in city, police court this mornln.3. !? - - S. J. Jabour, formerly of this city and now located In Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Catala last night going through to Stewart on Insurance business. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Croquet arm ed In the city on the Catala last night from Alert Bay. Mr. Croquet succeeds William Cavanaugh, who has transferred to Alert Bay, as a member of the staff of Dlgby Island wireless station. Mrs. Harold Grey, wife of thel general merchant and postmaster! st Alyansh on the Naas River; was, o a passanger aboard the Catala lasUg night returning home after a trip! to Vancouver and Victoria. Dr. and Mrs. Murdo M. Morrison ttt Stewart, who have been on a reside in the Summitt Apartments, vacation trip as far south as Cali fornia,-were passengers aboard the Catala last night returning to the Portland Canal mining camp. J. M. Walker, having had th misfortune to break his shoulder' in an accident in his blacksmith I snop at me ween-ena, is a patient . k f at the Prince Rupert General 'P' Hospital where he is reported to' I be resting as "comfortably as could i be expected. CARD OF THANKS 1 0QQfQ0B1i00GV009Wi0OGtKiMooOH3 I v fiOtwl rMuttM Im a trrtffll r:-if rtf tv'entv-one vears aeo for To tne citirens generaUy, to the r&M 4n reaHaed This was nothe mtntenanfe of stwh principles committee in charge, and particu-rBtit & more than lan yeartn nern to eather In Oeace larly io tne canvassers, who m spite total oH Ir- Oofl. house a we do ' inclement weather carried on lb oSmtttee taMm chante ot here today, we must be steadfast In steadily, the Canadian Legion ex- WhH fvf the fSMdkn our alleglanee to god, and acUve and tends Rueful thanks on behalf of 1 -rtV'i'My n1nwd the de- readv t- crlHce in His service." their needy comrades for the splen- ta Altttting canv)ent to the rd Rv. H O. Fwn7fl,.ra?lor of did response-.on Poppy Tag Day. Vartauriit and'eifmirvi oufetft P1r Prst-vterln Church In a Re- iajB'einTass of the city were etrbrance Da v sermon ot the First Important 1eUHr to thfa succest. Prevterian Church. There was There' wa also, aooarently a cnlv one way in whlrh permanent rno stocere rcalhutlon by the reare would come to th world and1 prrnle nerally of their lndlvldu- that was bv establishment of godly .1 responsibility for the care of and ChrlsUanlike principles. i I those victims of the last war whose : There amjeared to be only onei i psl Recent. Impertnt Order, Daugh- Britain and the Allies should bej ' ter of the Empire. J. 8. Wilson and cnnldered but all nations and it Jack Prceee. president of the Can- miut be on that basis unless an- adfun Legion and chairman of com- other twrntv-one wars was to be) ,mltiefl, TsfTRers. in addition to wasted like those that had followed thoe whoe names were- jrlven Sat-. the "war which was to end war.H j urday. included Miss Mouy Frew. Mr. Funston stressed the lmport-Mlat Barbara Ten?. Miss Bernlce ance of realization by church' ' Eastwood and Miss Dorothy Haide. people that thev had resoonslblllty i in a wider field than their own Five thousand Rupert! community. By living up to this read the Dilly News. It people f sponsibility an important part rvm to let them know what toiLUj De piayed in establishing bv rn ell wor,d peace -Build B. C Payrolls- For Ice ,caseare not provided for In legis-t course now that war had startedJr,1.orM onrl .latlon. proMnclal Or federal. j again and the pastor believed the.rcalll' OllU I Those in chante ahd responsible1 course the country was taking to-' j j for the success of the canvara u-ere day was necessary. However, at th YhlDD6Cl Mrs; Robert Murray, ofesldent of1 end of tM task there should be a( j thff Canadian Lesion Women's Aur-new sDlrlt. a solrit of poodwill and f waaM Mary. Mrs. H. L. Landrey. Munlcl- justice. Not only Canada, Great' ViCalU Mi 1 1 K ' H . t . I "I have found that Pacific Milk' Is superior for breakfast foods, and hot drinks and It's a great i saving if you wish whipped i cream or ice creamr writes Mrs. M. C- R. Ie Is the excellence and economy of Pacific Milk which has made for It hundreds of constant users. Mrs. R. says she uses Pacific all the time. PACIFIC MILK . .-, Irradiated and Vacuum Packed CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE . Phone 51 For Rest Household " Announcements MRS. C R HMCK -" adertlsemenu In this col- ainn will be chart ed for a full onMaatHBMHHBk. month at 25v a word. Half Treatment Scotch and Canadian Dance. - Metropole Hall, "November 8. Are you suffering with Scaly Dandruff, Itching Scalp. Dry Anglican Bazaar Nbvember 9. Fragile and Lusterless Hair? I our correct recondition treat- Valhalla Dance, Nov. 10. ments will do wonders for you I . at J Eagles' Brldg November 15. NELSON'S Presbyterian Baraar. Nov. 18. BaTber and Beauty Shop HHHMMgl Vaudeville, Dance, w Moa Hall. November 17. j "m wmmmmmataammm wmm. Peter's Church bazaar Nov. 23. J ' ANNOUNCEMENT . I country Fair NoVembef 24. Until further notice, on St. Andrew's Datice, NOV. 30. Sundays our Confectionery , mi r ) Store wilt be open, ohly from .fch. 12:30 p.rn. to 7 p.m. n n r If R. E. Eydison Ml1alIem, 1 chiropractor lUUddcUlClll d phone BLACK 318 CONFECTIONERY 2I0 Eighth Avenue West mmmmmmmmmmammmmr MMr' The Rexall Drug Store GIRLS and BOYS PRIZE CONTEST Fifteen Wonderful Prizes Given Away 8 For Girls 7 For Boys Nominations for Entry Open Wednesday November 1st and Close Sunday November 12th Voting Starts Monday November 13th 1 Rules fioverninff This Contest May Be Obtained at Our Store Boys and Girls Make Sure Your Name is on the Contestant's List Prizes Are Now On Display in Our Windows Orates Ltd. Zrfi Pioneer Druggists The Kexall St ire Phones; 81 OOOOOOOOCKodOW00000000OOPOO0000 & 82 Open iVafly from aJm. till 10 p.m. Scndayi and Holidays from 12 noon till Z pun. 7 sun. till 9 p.m. The LATEST New "Typemaster" Personal Writing Machines. Select the model you want now. Complete details on request. No obligation From $39.50 10 $100.00 ; THE LATEST "EUROPE OF TODAY" Full color map of Europe November 1st With Inset of Maglriot-Slegfried Lines. Keep up-to-date with this new map. Only .... 25c September 1st map clearing at 10c Only a few left) Coal Coal Coal Foothills Nanaimo-Wellington Bulkley Valley TImV Art 1 TbthVseff 1 tJteveryl Keep your fuel cost down this winter by burninj heat tested coal that sives you more heat and less waste. Our special coals give you more heat, for your money. Just phone 651 or 632 and we Will gladly advise you which coal Is best suited for your furnace, range or heater. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphos- phates, Monocalclum Phosphate Producers ami Kefincrs of TADANAC Brand Metals Gold Silver Lead Zinc Cadmium Bismuth Antimony and Zinc Dust Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Works Trail. B.C. tf i