PLIO PEDIC SPORT CHAT ARCH SUPPORTING "Goodbye" was said silently as' 117 deaf mute athletes lett London lor the Fifth International Deaf' Games at Stockholm. One depart-j Street Dress Shoes Ing athlete waved a Union Jack another flaunted a gas mask. The very latest models in Pumps, Straps and Oxfords in Black, Brown and Blue Kid with covered and leather heels. Have just arrived. 4 :FOR REAL COMFORT TRY A PAIR Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. limited, Third Avenue IL F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per week .12 Paid In advance, per month .50 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 Classified advertising, per word, per insertion 02 Local readers, per line, per Insertion .25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 8C Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION Wednesday, September 13, 1939. EDITORIALS PATTULLO POLICY Various organizations have at different times laid down a war time policy. They have decided to ask those in authority at the time not to conscript men unless they at the same time conscript wealth. That is not exectly the policy suggested by Premier Pattullo of British Columbia. His is not a negative policy. It is positive. He thinks that Canada should conscript all man power and all wealth men and dollars. That ought to be radical enough for anyone. When we talk of conscripting all man power we do not mean that every man will be sent to the theatre of war or even that everyr man will be in uniform. It means that the nation will decide what it wishes each man to do. Those test fitted for aviators will be trained for the air. Those who are skilled mechanics will be given mechanical work. Those needed to carry on the work of the nation will do so. The main thing is to place every man where he can best serve his country. MUST PAY COST It was announced yesterday that Canada was being asked to pay the cost of her share in the -war in the form of increased taxes. Those Paying on set incomes now will pay a heavier income tax running up to as high as half their" income for those in the higher figures. People who use coffee, tea, tobacco, wines or spirits will pay indirect-, ly. Everyone will pay something directly or indirectly! iimjjj uuuu me taxes jook iiKe just ones. I.O.D.E. ACTIVITY The Imperial Order. Daughter of the Empire, has been asked to heln provide winter elnthi Vfm (be Eft Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday . For Vancouver-Tuesday . Friday September 21 i pin 11.00 p.m.;lale Walter Haynes. 12:30 noon, EXCURSIONS CENTURY OLD muraaay 10.15 p.m Friday :30 p.m September 16 and 26 ........ 4 pm Frm Vancouver Sunday 4 pica Wednesday L... 1JLl. 10 a.m 4 pm. ONE VALUABLE SHAWL Derbyshire did not require the services of a twelfth man tn a game against 'Nottinghamshire so the substitute player dashed away to play for a minor team and scored loo runs and took seven wickets for 25. Don Bradman, Australian cricket ae, has won the South Australian squash championship, defeating D. P. Turnbull, a Davis Cup tennlsj player. . ; Convicts at the Pentonville prls-i on in London are dissatisfied with the news service they get from thei ; outside world. They have asked! that racing and other sporting results be supplied them. J Belgium defeated Franrr 3-1 in ithe soccer matsh which opened the eighth student Olympiad at Monte Carlo. Representing stu dents of 24 nations, 1.200 athletes took the Olympic oath at the If Harry Mirier, former British lightweight boxing chamoion. lost his fight with Harry Craster. Betty Greenfield said she would not marry him. Mizler lost, but Betty mar- ried him anyway. The international swim through Brussels was won this year by Cecil Deane of the Penguin Swlmmlne Club. London. His time for the 2Vt mile race was one hour, six minutes, 35 seconds. Hundreds of small football and cricket clubs in Britain have lost their grounds and been forced to disband because of housing schemes, the National Fitness Council has complained. I Police Constable Davles-of Lon don Is a threat to cycling rerds. During a court case here he claim ed he hadrldderfjm.jOfdlhary' bicycle at 50 miles an hour. The world cycling record is 76 miles. 504 yards, in one hour. Baseball Scores American League Cleveland 4, New York 3. Philadelphia 9, St. Louis 1. Chicago 3, Washington 2. Boston 2, Detroit 1. National League Cincinnati 3, Brooklyn 2. St. Louis 4, Philadelphia 3. Chicago 8, Boston 3. Baseball Standing National League W. L. Cincinnati 79 50 St. Louis 77 55 Chicago 73 62 Brooklyn 69 61 New York 65 62 Pittsburg 60 71 Boston 58 72 Philadelphia . 41 87 American League New York .97 39 Boston 80 55 Chicago 77 53 Cleveland 73 61 Detroit- 70 64 Seattle Cinches Lead In Pacific Coast Baseball 79 87 Pet. .612 .583 .541 .531 .512 .458 .713 .593 .570 345 322 .423 .353 ren being moved from London and other McStS 55 V, m into the countrv in Great Britain. It is a meritorious w-orK. J he children are being subjected to great hardships through no fault of their own. British people in the country are taking care of them but it is too much to ask that theylso provide clothing. It is a cause that will appeal strongly to women of this city. Mail Schedule For Die Eart Monday. Wednesday, and Friday SEATTLE. September 13: En- LONDON, Sept. 13; (CP) "The J0?1" a ven game lead, Seattle Ould Plaid Shawl," a ballad of has now cinched first place in ths Victorian days, written in 189 Pacific Coast League standing for Is still collecting royalties, and a the -asn: There w111 a music firm here is trying t find ott arle! tor the executors of the Joint author, the shlp' WEDDING MARCH TWICKENHAM. Enir.. Sent. 13: OROSMONT. Eng., Sept. 13: (CP) 'CP)-The youngest bandmaster in -It is 100 years since the first the British Army was the first to railway excursion was run In Eng- married at KnelJer Hall chapel land to a church bazaar here, here when 26-year old Donald Horses pulled the train a greet Keeling married Enid Green. Keel-part of the way and the trip was jng is bandmaster of the Sea-only 24 miles. i forth'. nitlTISH AJIPIIIMAN FICIITING 'PLANE LEWES ITS IIEUTH ON II.M.S. SUSSEX Si lssssssssssssst ' I ,i! T--4 A striking photo of one of the new type amphibian fighting ae HALS. Sussex Formerly only land aeroplanes were carried by na Seaplanes working from floating bases are considered to lure urea mobility General Pershing !79 Years Of Age product as good. ClASSIFjEll FOR SAMS J FOR SALE-Pontlac coach. Apply' Dr. Large. 218 MOTORS for sale. All sizes up to' 4 h.p. also one 74 Kilowatt D. C. Generator. Apply Pioneer Laun-' dry. (2141 FOR RENT CLEAN, Well - furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. (214 SHELLS RELOADED FIRED rifle and revolver shells reloaded. Western Reloaders, Wellington, B.C. (216) HELP WANTED .433 1 J20 1 ORDERLY Wanted. Apply Prince! j Rupert General Hospital morn-, ings. tf FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT Good business opportunity. Confectionery and cabaret. Apply Dally News, j (219j t'ttitbUftAL HOW TO GET A GOVERNMENT j JOB as Letter Carrier. Postal Clerk, Customs Examiner, Sten i ographer. etc. Free Booklet. The) M. C. C Schools Ltd.. Winnipeg: WANTED MAN and wife want position on ranch, reasonable wage. Apply Dally News. (220) noeoooooooooooooooottoCHJocHs ELSIE F. HEAPS PlIMrv A.T.C.M, i muu an(i Theory ALL GRADES Private or Class Instruction Beginners from pre -school ag also Teachers' Training Clast JJ Twelve Years Experience S Phone BLUE 097 g oooooooooooooooooooooooaoo TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Itupert Overcast, southeast wind, three miles per hour barometer, 23.87 i falling : tern Commander-in-Chief f United Pasture. 53; sea smooth. Stales Overseas Fortes la Great TrW Uland -Overcast, south War Has Good Health faJSl wind, twenty miles per hour moderate chop. . WASHINGTON. D. C. Sept 13: Lansara Island-Raining, barj-j CPl-Oeneral John J. Pershing, mrter 29": temperature, 54 j as commander-in-chief ot H,nl the American Expeditionary Forte Tree Polnt-Droken cloud ; in France during the Oreat War. outhwert wind. 27 mile per hour. , celebrates his seventy-ninth birth- barometer. 2983; temperature, 55; j day today. A statement was Issued a choppy. announcing that he was enjoying BuI1 Harbor High scattered good health. clouds, westerly wind, two miles per nour; barometer. TOM 'rts- LENSKS AUK KEADY 'n: temperature. 47: light swH LONDON. Eng . Sept. 13: CP A,ert Bay High scattered cloud. Production of lenses by British southerly wind, two mile per nrms has progressed to the extent nour: barometer. 30.12: tempera that importations from Oermany ture- 42: a smooth, ate unnecessary British production Eatevan Clear, northea wind, is now as fast as German and the two mlle P" hour, barometer. 1956. Vancouver Clear, southerly COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPKRT FEED CO. Phone 5 and 55ft Harold Davey Teacher of Piano Popular Music 20 years experience In Vancouver Free Music with Lessons No Scales The only guaranteed course that benefits you financially, playing for parties, etc Knrol Now! At the News THE SEAL ' QUALITY 'JET' GOLD SEAL Fancy Hed Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by tht only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll tn Prince Rupert STOVE POLISH Cleans Hot Stoves In Perfect Safety At All B.C. Stores .Hilanr of the Ornish :,avy it wa cataoul'cu j rrufe camera but the amphibian u gradual) , d . ange ot action than land machine and gr , wind, two mlUw per hour; bar-j Ji:ntIKV to citli meter. 20.95. ' HOVE. En . - , Victoria Clear, westerly wind, rnund DUUn M. five miles per hour, barometer, i al surgeon and . 29JH, . accot dance w.w Prince Oeorge Fair, southerly wind, two miles per hour: barometer. 28M. wearing a y: :. King Oeorgp V burled wrth v..- School Companions t t-) t t fe U I SCHOOL CASE !;... u . ! .. i r f..' Eagle make, complete with pencils, pens r ' " ers, set squares, etc. ;s sizes at 25c, 50c "d 75c T.-. i ll (A llAuf ..lllt. At tUn .mm .!,. ft 11 ,I i . L . vmm. iutiuigr vaav JU W1C IIHII MUU .U.tut ... r ,p 1 wo Bisces at $1.25 nd $1.75 Complete Range of School Bags Cloth. Leatherette and Genuine Leather T -, Handlo, Strap or Zipper type fastenin; b - 45c t0 $3.50 oMxiSmM SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEI Steumcr leave Prince Rupert ctcry TIIIHSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Triiin leuvc Prince Itupert for the Eait Mondny, WedneHilny, Friday, 6 P-"1' Sleumer for Keleliikun and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For Jarcs, vtc.t call or writ City Ticket 0 ffice, 528 3rl An MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STOKE 317-319 Third Avenue West Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality Prompt Service After the show drop In and try our milk khakes, sodas and Ice cream. We also have a complete stock of fruits and vegetables Phone 18 Si 19 P.O. Box 575 I NEW ROYAL HOTEL j. Zarelli Propria -A IIOMK AWAY FRO HOME" Rates "f..ttf 50 Rooms. Hot Pr net HUP". t4 V.V 281 p.o. g"1- Phone If you lose anything, advertise for It.