PAGE FOUR ""certainly enjoy the Pi 5:Sili " fascinatinq flavor fjSJ JofWRIGUEY'S ) Zj'-n 1 JUICY FRUIT GUM iZJ i t wMj Yes, and its so j : Marriage License Rush; Must Have Examination Now LOS ANGELES. September 13: With the new law requiring physi-1 cal .examinations before marriage, 140T1 enc a f 4 statu nitit Im4m mit rush' for marriage licences. Yes terday alone 189 were issued. BIBLICAL SUPPORT WEYMOUny, Eng'f Sept. 13: (CP) "The woman shall not wear ,that, which ptrtaineth unto man,' .an," w quoted Rev. F. E. Coryton medal with five bars. Commander ral. th morning Whet hen referring to the preval- Frank Wild, who went south with, h banLtat a of "masculine" shorts and Captain Captain Scott Scott and and shaekietnn Sh&ckleton wiaciueton k be - ?! . ff. ?.l.t "7 mlaht ".f a ence nee slacks among girls. '" -i r 1 1 1 Millions are enthusiastic about the delicious flavor of YVrigley's Juicy Fruit Cum. They chew It regularly because It not only tastes good. It helps keep teeth bright and attractive, and aids digestion, too! A simple aid to keeping fit! Always keep a package in purse or pocket ... and at home for the children they just love It! Small in cost but bis in benefits. Get some today! TIMELY UNVEILING Thomas fired the first the British August 2i died here recently. WASH and IRON for a few cents a week An electric washer and ironer will take the drudgery out of wash day. Keep your good health and good looks let electricity do the hard work for you. You can save money, too, because your clothes and linens will last longer and look better. Let us demonstrate. Ctt a modern C-E Washer that gives you snowy- vrhite clothes. Choose any G-E WASHER Small down payment easy terms FREE Whifflets From The Waterfront the Bonilla. therr if fhja feet moo be a 24 large pkgs. RINSO (fay JtlS?iI -a whole year's supply-with J Halibut market conditions this fall are better than in many years. Frozen stocks on August 31 totalled 1 11,500,000 pounds as compared with 13,100,000 pounds last year at corresponding date. There Is exceptional activity at the present time in movement of' frozen halibut from Prince Rupert to the Old Country in view of warj demands. No less man ten carloads was dispatched from here last .night. j Halibut sales at Seattle yesterday totalled 89.800 pounds and were as j follows: Eldorado, 40,000 pounds. Whiz. 14?4t and lie; Resolute. 36.-000. Sebastian. 12,c and 11c; All-; tak. 3,400, San Juan. 14c; Evolution, 11400. McCallum, 144c Union: steamer Catala Capt. Findlay, arrived In port at (James 11:15 last nteht and sailed a couple ,of hours later on her return to Vancouver and way points. i Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug 'Bonilla Is due back In nort today after a trip to the Queen Charlotte i Islands to deliver creosoted piles i from Massett to Cumshewa Inlet, MONS. Belgium. Sept. 13: CP- :wnwe they are to be used in con-! A memorial has been unveiled here ntet'on with the construction of marking the spot where British a new dock nicn ls beins: buUt by and German soldiers came. intoltne A. P. Allison Logging Co. Capt. CUlUUCk UI Uie Ureal War. OOr-Ppnru Rmun It tn mmmanrf nf , poral E. shot for : 1914. Discontent i exnressed by local i tug and service boat operators at TINY PATRIOT jthe silencing by the authorities of LONDON, Sept. 13: (CP)-A self- their radiophone equipment The wui., iiuun m xjiiMUiisis quemonea. insinuation oi sucn I Premier, one morning. He was. radiophones has been a rather cost-! x-emr jacKsnn, inree. wno amused jly business and the boat operators crowns ay inreaierung tnem with a : wooden rifle If they came near, undoubtedly will not be disposed to J nnt!nilA nalHnir h,avv rftntolc -.v. . ,w;mK ttvwij IIUWU Ull I the equipment if they are not per- KLERKS DORP. Smith Afrir . aavcriuang in ' i"ucu sicai. cojivenience in com-' o . . vP.. i. ro uri bept. 13: (CP) Only one man in .. snore, one towtxiat operator this1 r XHE DAILT NEWS Wednesday September TODAY'S STOCKS (Court y 8. D. Jatiuatoo Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .1). Bralorne, 9.C0. Cariboo Quartz,. 1.80. Dentonla, .OSVfe. Falrview, .02. . Gold Belt, .18 Hedley Mascot, 22. Mlnto, .01ta. , . Noble Five, .04, Pacific Nicke .14. Pend Orleile, 3.03. Pioneer, 2.45, Premier, 2.45: Privateer, 121. Reeves McDonald, .45. Reno. .35. Rehef Arlington, .13fc. Sheep ' Creek, 1.10. Oils A. P. Con- .16. Calmont, .38, . C. & E, 2.10, Freehold. .03 Home. 2.45. Roval Canadian, .18. OkalU. 1:10. Prairie Royalties, J8. Toronto Aldermac, .48. Beattie. 1U)0; Central PaU 2.17. Con. Smelters'. 50.75. East Malartic, 2.25. Francoiur. .31. Gods Lake. .48. Hardrock, 1.00. Int. Nkkel. 48.25. Kerr Addison, 1.73. Little Long Lac. 2.65. McLeod Oockshutt. 1.65. Madsen Red Lake. .30. McKenzie Red Lake. 1.11. Moneta. .87." Noranda. 72.50. Pickle Crow. 455. Preston E. Dome. 1.33. Sah Antonfo, 1.70. Sherritt Gordon. 1.53. Stadacona, 25. Uchi. .85. Bouscadlllac, .05. Moshcr Oklend. .07Vfc. Oklend. .06Vfc. Smelters Gold, .02. Dominion Bridge, 40.00. JR. CHAMBER IN SESSION o.-... ...,.MC111.Uuuvt:r ixuusn use oi us raaiopnone be- dlan navy here, report was made r?-a sV jr mi m any General Electric Washer. Come in today! Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited , ling banned. C. N. i Capt Nell McLean. centre 'project. C O. Ham reported that the central committee had I been active ln preliminaries. Sub committees had been formed and ratlfttactory progress had been made. In view of recently changed conditions, no action was deemed necessary ln connection with a ,letter from the Prince Rupert Embargo Council urging a boycott on purchase of goods from ag- trie Dallj I gressor nations such as Japan. dally re-0crmanv and Italr and tnc ban' ning of export of war materials to aggressor nations. The communl- cation was filed. ATI WIPmif KtlKmsrln. n ... .J I I . . . . . -v ..w..,c i, Ka uu wi m regara xo ine permanem even to the authorities them-1 unable to dvli the authorities stationing of a unit of the Cana- of advice from the Department "f National Defence that it was not R. steamer Prince Rurwrt --- . miiiwiv. iiafi s miii wtajrwi ttci v arrived, in but that the intention was to have at iu.ju mis morning from these vessels visit the port fre Vancouver. Powell Rir anA ...i.. Ocean Falls and sailed at i o'clock Advices from the Department of. jthis afternoon for Ketchikan and Transport of establishment of nej SteWart WhenC h Hilt nlnrn U.Ui. .t.tii . n.ii.Li. STIAM5MIM I I COMMUNICAIIOWt I L. HCTTtU I rilONES 583 586 Announcement Regarding Deliveries Effective Immediately We Shall Have 3 Deliveries Daily as Follows 11a.m. 2:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. Thl: new arrangement is In the Interest of economy and we . sollrif t!l(! ro-oneration nf nur nntmna in . - . . w . .'h. u u lLIJ ... I11LLLUIH IlfW Iflllllll 1(1 T1 . . CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-I'acific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SB, PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct , TRINCESS LOUISE September 16th, 20th, October 0th, 17th, 27th Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from XV. L. COATLS. General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 meeting Included letters from the Vancouver Junior Chamber of" Commerce In regard to the recent convention of the Junior Chamber. t Commerce of Canada at Calgary, from the city commissioner . sending on an invitation of the Despite drain of iU membership j mayor rf Ketchlkan to the . by the demands of the war 8"-!cenl Labor Day celebration at the vices, there was a good-stied Clly and Irom st Catherine's, quite enthusiastic gathering ,0nUrto dwn how a com-nlght for the first meeting of 'munlty rtnk had been e- Junior Section of the Prince Rup-- ( ubluhd time ert cnamDer oi wKnm.r , A PommiUee to took after nom- Ine the suspension over the sum mr vara t inn nrtod. President A. S. Nlekerson was In the chair and the business of the evening covered quite a wide range of subjects. i lip r ill l n mtM m i rm m ii wuuuaa nectlon with the affair. Any pro fit that might accrue had been pledged as the Junior Chamber contribution to the community , centre fund and the surplus Is 'therefore., being reserved for that purpose A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. Brooksbank anr1 ' The meeting endorsed i Prince Rupert Association in ! authorities to strictly enforce existing statutes regarding the observance of Sundays and holidays by stores. lnations of 1940 officers was named in the persons of President A. S. Nkkeraon and Past Presidents G L. Rorie and C. Q Gilker. The nomination list is open to all members and the election of off!- tee. WiiMam Brookabank. chair- cef u1u take place at the regu-man. reported a surplus balance tar monthly meeting in October of $200 on hand as a result of CongratulaUwu were extended that successful event. A total of I to one of the members. Richmond $524.85 has been raised in coo- Mortimer, in view of his recent marriage. Tells of Ei Mlll,in Before the close of th meeting. Secretary T. J. Williams gave an interesting account of his recent attendance at the Ootden Oate Pacific International Exposition at Son Francisco Treasure Island c shttkt were bated there and made an interesting sight. Th. architectural beauty of the u was an ouUtandine and uniou asking I ((fature. Mr WlliUnw said Ilium for a plebiscite on Uie suojeci. mated by night the buildln- i vi uic """" w v...v lovnuins ana garaenx werr eve more soectacular than In the day Mr Utteras told of visits t th electrical, communications medl cal and surgical, arts and amusement secttonc of the Fair ail of which had marvels to present Reference was made to the British Columbia exhibit which was an outstanding centre of Interest visited already by BOOOu persons with 1.400 MO expected before the fair was over. Among the foreign exhibits. Mr. Williams found that of China, with its ortreleas Jade specimens, of outstanding Interest Italy had also contributed wonderful exhibits of art E. C Southby was a guest at the meeting. Mr and Mrs J B. Johnson an- - - "... u,i nfciim on iiumuir ana unoor i Viaa I . .. . irwuin-M Id. . , I oouna. Marriage Announced lumorrow evening south- Islands were read I "Ktw"iciu ana mar- Corresnondence presented to the,rTU"f of ,h1r dthl" Thdma j LINZEY & D AVIES I GROCERS jonnson to Russell RnUirrfnri famcron. fourth son oi Mr and Mrs Fred 11. Cameron of this city ! The marriate was nutetly soiemntz-J by Rev B. Shearman last evening at the home of the brides par-nt with relatives and a few close friend?: nresent , Interior Sends Recruits Here Terrace, Uk, Stnlthrrs and Trlkwa Send Lnlistmentt to Ical Battery There ha been oulte an Influx! nf recruits to the city from Interior polntj for enlistment In the 102nd WA-.'W.-.v.w.wji.jijjo -Heavy Battery The ultimate oh. r.r-rw.w irrtivr f . .. . . U4 mem is quite LAST TIMES TO." ( 2 Shows. 7 00 nj r- ; MICKEY ' R00NEY In "The Hardy's Ride Hyr VOI R TAVOItlTi; FMIHT Wth LEWIS ST , (At 7:43 and 9 EXTRA -nEIIINI) THE III DLr,t 'Aliddin and tVondrr "Jaipur. The r , mm COMING Till R n IJonM ltarrriRrn "ON noRRowin t r prnly for oversea .where the $M.fi0OiXO fair be- rrrru:' iht ina hld. wat the iaraeat man-mad? Uik- Smlthem anr eau Merwianwigtond ln the wwld and owed it """" nTC f calling u;wi thein-tlon to the San Francisco Q Chai 'f I JooWr Chstnsbtr of Commerce nMt 0041 u PC' ' ' which had conceived it as an sur efi1' base for which purpose, after th' fair. It was to be tvrmnnent'v The committee eonshUng of T-mei. Already trans-Pacific cllp- j. wunams ana i. rraser nicn jhad been delegated to go Into the city managership proposal report -ed activity in the way of securing signatures for a petition - . . tnjoy a new sense of smoking pleasure. Cigar-wise thousands say one puff tells the rich, refreshing, stimulating story. DtVtghtfvlly mild, Ctlhphont saves he ssVsWsMrir-M H t M BSj BbbbbbbbbbbbjBW MB I I W 1 1 .SJ Elio s Furniture SUNANAIR MATTRESS The remarkable new boxuprlng and innerspring maiirrss in one unll ,Now on display in our store ni:ATi:us, stovi:s, kic-uskb fiiknitkiii: nrxr Third Avenue Phone Green 916 Prince Kupci-t "c HON STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leavs ?rlnce Rupert for Vancouver; T.8.8. CATALA tVERI TUES TS.S. CAKDENA FBHiAt. DAY' 1:30 p m 10:30 p.m. uue r Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient. -ri.i.... 1 ittirr rVw J Jnrmatlon Regarding Reservations and Tickets from 1 RANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Arent. Third Ave. Pbone U