11 heran oewme V r.ber IS. m n 1 SPtU IT BACKWARDS' "And you art the word MILK", pointi out Ehw.thc Borden Cow. "And thtt'i hilt wit HUM ipurt. freth, whole milk with iJl the cream left In, powdered bjr removing the natural muiiture content. Simply add Klun to cold water -whitk with a heater and you have an inttant aupply of creamy patt curbed whole milk. I can't recommend anything tetter for baby, home or camp. "If It's BorcWs U' COT to b good" f JKIIMir iiriu illUIIUT UolknUd tea and sale was ess jVnrr iBillMliif lt!v Mrs. Magnus Hvedlng was m charge of the home cooking table. Mrs. Edgar Arnet looked after the kitchen and Mrs. T. Solllen was cashier. Mrs. Chris Jensen was cashier. Winner of a cake In a bean Mu'.day afternoon at thejgueaatng contest was Mrs. Amet , Hi- Maurellu Holkeated. with 740. The drawing of a raffle PHONES II and 19 P.O. Box 675 Mussalleins Economy Store -Where Dollars Have More Cents" EUabtKhed 1511 Independently Owned and Operated Oli) DITCH CLEANSER (Save (he Coupon). 2 i jr 19c ralmaiite Soap Ieal 01 p J' City Tom toe 0p C:.r site 3 for 2 s Large tin 2 for Green (iiant Tomato S Prunes- Packed in -fl Agv Qp Jire 10 y cello package 2 lbs Mndakh BUcuits Packed In Apple- Wealthy G-i CQ i-cr size wuter 89C brand per box r"'-z'"'rr ItenM. Apple Q-l OQ tjAaOJ IWI.nda Sandwich Spread Per box 25C Held Tomatoes. 4 lbs IQn Xi7V " . in basket Per basket Sardine K.n Oscar 95 P CuWev ftp " " Large hper Napkin--Plain Cp Hot House Tomatoes-- 9p - ilcred P r pkg 4 lb4 ln bsktBskt Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throughout the City To Telephones for Your Convenience Baal and Mall Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention MacKenzie's Furniture S-l'ltO: DINING ROOM SUITE ' I oik hair, beautifully rarved Table extends seven feet. nuJ.'c Jjvc tec. Large china cabinet Regular price $185 00. Ksrtir and up ic date Save 50. It will last S135 00 Csh price fhtm Hi 00000000O00OO0O0tt0O00O0UOOOiO300000000000000000000 SPECIALS. 9 A Free Tin of Woodbury's After Shave Talc With a Tube of Woodbury's Shaving Cream Hothfor gg A Tulie of Woodbury's Tooth Paste And a Generous Siz.e of Woodbury's Tooth Powder Both for 1 Cakes Jercen's Transparent Toilet Soap 25C Violet oild rose 3 Cakes Gardenia Soap and n Hottlc of I'crfume For Ormes Ltd. Jit Pioneer DruQ9iats Th Reiall Btore rhones: 81 Open Dally from I a.m. till 10 p.m. 25c ft M Sundays and Holiday from U noon till Z pjn. 6ftOOlWO0OpnQOQOOQOPUWrQ SERMON ON WAR Of Chriktians in These Troubled Days "Thftuahbi turn tn utanrtarri nf mrM loyalties In these troubled days. K l I Vl : Where U our loyalty? To our Ood m MR I or to our country? How should we I show our loyalty as Christians?" (Such were questions upon which ,Rev. H. O. Funston, pastor of First month at 25c a word. Eagles Bridge September 20. Queen Mary Tea Mrs. Llneham's September 21. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Spencer's, September 28 Anglican Tea Mrs. Neal Carter's September 27. Hospital Bazaar, October 4. C.C.F. Bazaar, October 7. Catholic Bazaar October 11, 12. Presbyterian Bazaar. Nov. 18. Anglican Bazaar November 23. Country Fair November 24. CENTRAL HOTEL" ROOMS and CAKE Pbone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C f, M.ACK NOTICE Commencing September 11, R. Shaw, teacher of Violin and Hawaiian Guitar for the Western Academy will be In the rrince Rupert Hotel MUSIC Venctia Fecro A.T.C.M. Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Classes Commencing Sept. 1 Phone BLUE 6SS DANCING Hodgson Dancing Academy Classes Commencing Sept. 1 Specializing Ballet, Mexican, Tap, Baby work studio 121 2nd Ave. Blue 898 LOCAL NEWS NOTES I For prompt and courteous II. O, Fuiuton Diocutses Duty Tlce Phone 13 Taxi. it. morning from a trip to Vancouver. Have your hair done at Dob's Beauty Parlor, 332 7th Ave. East. Phone Oreen 922 for your appointments. 2M) Mrs. Hans Underdahl and child " j Presbyterian Church, based a war-ireturned to the clty on Ptiace sfterronby the Lutheran Sewing time sermon Sunday night. .Rupert thls moroing from Van- er. there was a good crowd of call- pastor suggested, might be obtaln- ers who were received by the host-jed from consideration of the pre- Tony Christian returned to the city on the Prince Rupert thU couver. J. H. Pillsbury, after spending a cepw sei lorcn Dy unrisi in ine few days ,n clty ntted this Sermon of the Mount. The world's ,, u h rt on hit r- goods might go ln these evil days to turn to Vancouver, the aggressive, self-assertive andi Bridge Drive. Canadian Legion-Hall, Friday, September 15. (211-4-5) St. Peter's Hall September 14. Tea Thursday, (2141 Canadian Legion B. E. Monthly Meeting tonight. S. L. 214 C. C. F. Members and friend meet Deo. Weaver, Thurs. 8 pjn Club Rooms. (2141 W. F. Stone returned to the cit on the Catala last evening from a business trip to Stewart. . H C. Southley has arrived in the city to Join the sales department !of the Northern British Columbia self-esteeming persons but ln com- Mr and Mrs. J. E. Jack, who 'Power Co. ing days the door of the Kingdom nave been on a trip to San Fran would be opened to the poor in and elsewhere in California.' T. C. Wilding returned to the spirit, the lowly In heart, those who returned to the city on the Prince city on the Prince Rupert this recognized thejr moral poverty and Rupert this morning. j morning from a vacation trip to humbled themselves. I i Vancouver. Mr. Wilding will be Mr. Funston decried the presentj A detachment of half a dozen Dack kter. j tendency to develop hatred. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police r- . Dress and radio, he chamed. were officers arrived ln the city on the Mrs. John McRae, who has been dlstlncton tn obtaining her Bach-Saturday night's train aftei - Jelor and Master of Arts degrees at 'spending the past five weeks m University of British Columbia, the Interior between Endako and Most people react the classified leaves on tonight's train to take up Prince Rupert, organizing on be-j j- . . v.. half it nt of ttw the n C. r C. v F. He will will be' Sol ads. Do you? Announcements An advertisements in this Colston win be charged for a full .nost-eraduate studies ln chemlstrv at McGlll University on scnolar-, leaving on the Prince Rupert to-shlp. She arrived from Vancouver .morrow night for Vancouver, a week ago and has since been! visiting here with friends. 1 Appeal Being Catholic Tea. Mrs. Balagno's Made By L0.D.E. J September ptember 14. 9 -. .Local Organization is Asking Help For Evacuated Children In response to an urgent appeal from the Women's Volunteer Service of Great Britain, the National Chanter. ImDerial Order. Daueht- jers of the Empire. ha$ asked all ., u . chapters In the Dominion to help Rldlqrllomegroceryshower.Sep-i lzaUon ,n lu tember 23. 3 to 6 p-m. ' meet the pressing need of the mo ment the need for new warm elothlmr for the children evacuated jfrom the large cities. The local .Chapters of the Order solicit the 'support of the public and hope that the same warm response to this appeal will be given as was given to I their anneaU In the last war. Con tributions of new warm clothing, blankets, or money will be grate- fully received up to and including October 7 at Hellbroner's store. r ,by the following members of the local committee: Miss Helen Mc- Leod, Mrs. R. J. Keron and Mrs. D C. Stuart. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. D. Main, Sunny-side Cannery; A. L. Prltchard, Na-nalmo; Grace S. Heron, Chicago; Ororgse M. Crelghton, Mr. and Mrs. M. R Laidlaw, Thomas Fan nin and J. Dickson, Vancouver; J. E. McMynn, Britannia Beach; H. McDonald, Stewart; Dr. Stanley Mills and son, Terrace; J. H. Ward. Hazel ton; H. E. Goulbourn and J Burrldge. Victoria. ' Central Magne Rubben, Pete Sandnei and C. O'Brien, city; B. Post, Usk: P, Delaney. Blllmor. SWANA OLAFSON A.T.OM. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Piano, Theory Harmony, Etc. Enrolling Students for Fall Term l'UONE 813 Timely Recipes FISH CHOWDER j 2 pounds Canadian haddock' or cod li Inch cube fat salt pork 1 medium sized onion, chopped 4 cups diced potatoes 2 cups boiling water 1 quart milk, scalded 1 cup light cream, scalded 1 tablespoon salt teaspoon pepper 6 crackers, split 2 tablesspoons butter Wash fish thoroughly. DisdoPd gills and eyes. Remove head, bones' and skin from fish and cover these trimmings with salted, cold water and simmer gently for about one( hour. Strain and reserve stock. Cut salt pork on small pieces and try out In large kettle; remove cracklings to absorbent paper. Saute nnlnns ln nork driDDlngs. add po tatoes and boiling water, and bollj about five minutes; then add fish and stock, bring to a boll and simmer about 15 minutes. Add milk. cream and seasonings and heat' thoroughly : then add crackers and butter, sprinkle cracklings over ehnwder and serve at once. Ap proximate yield: 6 portions. PArJE TKREft SUPREME REFRESHMENT 12 0Z Q.5 0Z. 4007. .90 '1" J2M Thi- if I v . -r: . f-nicnt i not published or displayed !y the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Rush For Tea And Halibut Sales Coffee In Local , 18and Stores Is Felt cin? C3inidi2n ' Takla, 40.000, 9.7c and 5c, Royal. .,.m.T,t in thP Daliv News Domino. 7.500. 9.7c and 5c, niiiiuuiikVMivu w- - w -, tonkin? stfi th unrtt m in ih. at. PHnrp Rnrvrt this momlnt from visiting for several weeks at Ter- ,,- ,ft.mmn of the imno- Pacific. . ... . . . - I u. .it. Jw4ul . . f A c j - tnritn tempt to stir up hatred which be-' Vancouver for distribution, in tne ""- 1u"' " aJksitlon of new and heavy auues on ior. m -v, geU strife. If the press and radio dstrlct. night's train. She Is taking up red- coffee and tea resulted ln an im- Unome. 30,500, 9.7c and 5c, 8to"- were. Instead, quoting from the dence here. ' medlate rush of users of these bev-age. Scriptures on how to deal with and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roberts, 'erages to lay ln stocks. In some Skeena m. u, vjw, .oc lock after the present situation formerly of this city and now re- The Prince Rupert Gyro Club'case tne storcs were unable to Storage. there would soon be a vast change siding ln Prince Oeorge. are visiting 111 mommy Business session at met sudden demand and naa in the attitude of Christians. But here for a week as the guests of ! regular weekly luncheon today. ! to mnit number of pounds sold, even Christians were being carried Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lancaster. President W. M. Watts was In the . wholesalers were also caught ln the away today and forgetting the cnair. rush with certain lines short Fur- command to "Love Thine Enemies. I J- L. Roaf arrived ln the city stocks were due from Vaneou- Do good to them that hate you.' on the Prince Rupert this morning Rev. B. Shearman arrived ln the Ter on thls mornmg's boat. In loving memory of our dear Bless them that curse you. Pray for from Vancouver to resume the pos' city last night from Kitwanga. Lat- increased price of coffee and Husband and Dad, Robert raoa them that despltefully use you " ihe formerly held here as manager er in the week he will proceed tou due to new tariff, goes into Murray, died September 13 1936. We are saying today: 'we must 01 l"e "l,s" unD uc c - - o Mte. at once. A thought, a secret tear is division of Home Oil Disttributors as missionary teacher. He was atj protect ourselves.' That our chief . iLtd.. Tft taking taking over np lh the rfuH duties nt of K Kitwanga Innn nearly nMTIV three tnrpp wait years. concern. God can protect us. If It be His will that we give up our lives , then, perhaps. He is using us for an example His way Is best. May we seek to follow it. God's character is our standard." Cecil Fitzgerald who is now on military service here. George Weaver of Vancouver, candidate for the Skeena federal Miss Iris Corbould, who achieved riding, arrived in the city on l Keep up to dale. Aavuse regu larly. son. In Memoriam Keep his memory ever dear. Inserted by his loving 'wife and The Morning AfterTakin$ GrterslStte UverPifk Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvre One Package Serves Four People , Krfps for Weeks ln Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rpert Co. Ltd. British Columbia B. C. FURNITURE Real Values In Reconditioned Furniture Consisting of CHESTERFIELD SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, DINING ROOM SUITES, BEDS, DRESSERS, TABLES, CHAIRS, BABY CRIBS, BUG-G1ES KITCHEN RANGES and RANGES WITH OIL BURNERS, ETC. Larjje stock of Remington and Underwood typewriters in first class condition at the lowest possible prices. PHONE BLACK 324 NEXT DOOR TO B. C. CLOTHIERS 3rd. Ave