PADS TWO DAILY EDITION YOUR SUMMER SHOES ARE HERE Ladies While Shoes in All Styles and Designs Men's "Campacs" By Gutta 5Q t0 $3 5 Ladies' Sun Ray and Bar Q-fl Off to Cf F1,t Snort Shn-Prlred Child's ttunners AH colors, Priced 75c 10 81.50 Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BR1TISII COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year . 9.0C Classified advertising, per word, pir insertion 02 Local readers, per line, per Insertion , 2h Advertising and Clrcal.itlon Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations Wednesday. June 5, 1940. EDITORIALS SPEECH WITH A PURPOSE Some people when they heard or read the speech de-, Jivered by Prime Minister Winston Churchill yesterday felt very glum over the outlook. Probably this speech "was delivered for the mi of making the people of the Un ited Kinpdom redouble their efforts and also to bring home to the people of the United States the seriousness of the situation and need for their help in order to save the world from tyranny. The condition is not worse than it was the flay hefore he'made the speech hut the effect was depressing. It also may have had a stimulating effect on many people here who possibly have felt that there was nothing they could do. One of the chief needs just now is Red Cross sunnlies. THE MONTH OF JUNE "And whatis so rare as a dav in June' u-rnt t hp nnoh MINE WORK G0ESWELL Encouraging Reports Regarding ' Dardanelles Property .Near Terrace - TERRACE, June 5. Encouraging, rp port are t:omlng from Usk concerning the Dardanelles group of mining prospects. A tunnel fs being driven to pick up the main NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 60 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 111 ore body that was exposed by the iaie sieve McNeil. Two shifts of about eleven men are working. Last year the tunnel went In to 700 feet and exposed two mineralized veins, one at 300 feet with an average width of 2 feet and another at 550 feet with a width of 5 feet. It Is expected to pick up the main about 1C00 feet. ore body at Fred M. Wells, the managing director. Is expected In the district In the near future. Our Famous Edsun Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. ' Phone 58 and 558 BEAVERS BEAT MAPLE LEAFS Teams Again Tied for Kin Edward School Football Lea rue Lead The Beavers von from the Maple Leafs by four goals to two in their regularly scheduled fixture In the, Xing Edward School footbaEj league and are again tied with the' Wanderers for the league leadership, i Play was even but the Beavers were the more dangerous and Mc-Greish scored. Johansen added i second when Blake misklcked. The second half found the Beavers adding two more, both scored by Mc-Grelsh, and then the Leafs woke up and Pilfold scored to be followed by a goal by Wilson. For the Beavers Bond and Husoy were safe at back. Holkestad, Bert Prince and C. Pilfold were all good at half back with McGrelsh and Johansen the best forwards. Haasen kept a fair goal for the Leafs. Blake was fair. Arntsen played a very good game and snarpe and Sheppard were alsj National League New York 5. Cincinnati 4. Philadelphia 6. Chicago 12. Boston 2, Pittsburg 14. St. Louis 1, Brooklyn 10. American League Chicago 7, New York 3. St. Louis 5. Boston 3. Cleveland 2-3. Washington 7.2 Detroit 6, Philadelphia 8. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE-31 foot gill net boc 12 h p. Buffalo engine. A-l condl-!'n- Apply Box 3, Dally News. Women can work and men can pay and thus help keep up ' FOR SALE I c-S- air-conditioning 1 1 1 r 11 a.? 1 1- 1 . ' . 1 I course. Half nriM nulrV .il 1 jim rfvu im r sin niiiv 1 11 rnp nppripfi nrrin dc neon in nnMinrr i -- the sick and wounded and in providing comforts for the men in the field. It must be remembered that it is not only the British and French soldiers who had a bad time. The opinion is held that the Germans have lost more men than the Allies and especially airmen. FOR SALU. Phone Blue 317 after 6. personal' wide. All kinds of old rug material can be used. Loom has ten dollars worth of cotton warp on beam. Cost $75.00. Cash price $25.00, Instruction book provided. Rev. O. Thome. Klncolith (136) It is a beautiful month, a wonderful month. Every thin s r'l sle-Ralsed deck ism-nurino- FWo.-a ,M tv, : jf f ckex. 35-40 Bremen engine. n "fc - ,, v.a ... uiuvjiiujii;. me cm IS neUAUni.; Phnro nrun n 1 L 1 a. a. 11 T . . ... ' I -- ..U nut wu jiuu arm not too com. iature nas done everything possible to make it the happiest month of the year. And yet, here we are trying to kill each other. One or two ambitious men have inflamed the passion for power in their countrymen so that they are willing to spoil this wonderful earth of ours in order to secure for themselves something that has no value to them or to anyone elsej It is a reversion to the savagery of our primitive ancestors. NEW Stocking Club opens at Style Shop. Saleslady will explain to pallers. 1137, MEN WANTED A good business Davlnc cnnri in come and with future possibilities. Selling Famllex Products men and women all over Canada have found the secret of success. Why don't you get In on It too? NO OBLIGATION. Ask for FREE catalogue describing 200 necessity products and plan. FA Ml LEX PRODUCTS, J70 St Clement St., MONTREAL. tf. NOW IS THE TIME TO OET A GOVERNMENT Job as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno etc. Three Dominion-wide exams held since war began. Free. Booklet. M. C. C. Schoob Ltd.. Winnipeg Oldest In Canada. No agents. WANTED WANTED 500 women to Join An-nette's Stocking Club. (137) WANTED Girl for mother's help. Apply room 4, White Apartments. . (134) WANTED Girl for housework. Call ' MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC Stenographer. Phone Green 416. a42, THE DAILY NEWS Wen i i j NAVY WINS 'Fiw Sw W OVER IRISH" Si In Came Interesting And Well Con tested Although Navy Beat Irish Three To Nil FOOTBALL SCORKKS V. Ferguson (Navy) 6. A. llrt-keus (Velvet) X K. Smith (Navy) 3. Dick Cameron (Dry Dk) W. Fercusou (Navy) 1. Uaker (Velvet) X J. Campbell (Dry Dock) J. Martin (l us.ll.ers) 2. II. Dickens Velvet) 1. Potter (Fusiliers) 1. G. Ferguson (Velvetl !. Vlnk (Velvet) I. Borland (Navy) 1. S. Scherk (Navy) 1. A very Interesting and well con tested football niateh was played last night up on Acropons iuu when the Irish Fusiliers met Navy. The game ended with a score of .three to nil in favor of Navy. Scoring opened when Allan Da- Vie, wavy S cenire ..u.i-usm:. prw. nt Iho r,. n wiio Pilfold were the pick. Teams: Beavers Ormlston; Bond, Husoy: B. Prince. Holkestad. C. Pilfold; Menzles. E. Pierce, McGrelsh. Murray, Johaasen. Leafs Hansen; Blake, Rothwell; Sharpe. Arntsen, Sheppard: Wilson. Pilfold. J. Prince. Bagshaw. Grlmble. T. The league standing: W Wanderers io Beavers n Maple Leafs 5 L C 7 13 Baseball Scores Pts 23 23 12 piajr- Stanley W. Colton CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 10 dOllLjaii maiciiuo with North star winning over kinirv in the second came to t . - l m a M a rwmlt, worth tar ana fTMer , wnau Mtrwt we sUll thnl Itr mat uieveMtM In the league sUndings. Next unroit games wHl be played Saturday New York the second game which wtu well played by both tides Slmundsen pitched a good game for North Star. Melbourne Btuaey and Oliver aSntcrbane were umpire of last d the ball well into the oppon- night's sanies and we tms were ent's penalty area to Walter Fer- North SUr Zbura. 8munde.i guson who. in turn, drove the ball nt-d Van. Prklns IVttenuto. past the Fusilier's goalie, giving Mentenko. Astorl. Hodtklnton him no chance to save. The second Fr street Poitak. Arney goal was also registered by Fer- ourvkh. Klllaa. Bill PotUk. An-guson when he converted a perfect derson. cross by Navy's right winger. Nor- Dominion Dairy McLean. Oo-man Campbell. The Irish forward me8 jjebb. oood. Laurie. Laurie, pressed hard for a counter and Love, IUrker. Cameron were through several time but lacked the scoring punch and the half ended with Navy two up. Second Half In the second half Navy would have gone well Into the lead If It had not been for Webb, the Fusiliers' goalie, who played spectacular ball, pushing and kicking the sphere out at all angles. The third score of the game came after about twenty-five minutes of play In the second half when Ferguson kicked the ball at the goal and it glanced off McWllllam. play-j ins defence for the Irish. Into the I goal, this being a tough break for Webb. ' The remaining fifteen minutes of play was fast and furious with many collisions and Injuries. How ever Navy managed to remain on ton unUl the final whittle, j Officials for the game were Hen-jry Dickens as referee and Camp-i bell .and Baker as linesmen, j The standing to date in the City League competition Is as follows: W D P F A Ps Navy Velvet Dry Dock Irish Fusiliers MAHOMET'S KIN CAPE TOWN. June 5: CP-Sayed Hashlcm Alawle of Mecca direct descendant of the Dronht' HAND-LOOM FOR SALE -Takes Mahomet, visited Cape Town to lec-floor space 36" x 42". Weaves ture to the Moslem community. rugs irom 12" to 36' Commodore V. O. Brodeur R C N . commanding officer for the Pacific Coast of the Royal Canadian Navy: Engineer Commander a. L. Stephens and Lieut. Commander H Kingsley arrived in the city by Royal Canadian Air Force plan" yesterday afternoon to make a local Inspection. The plane In which they travelled left this morning for AU-ford Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands, to bring in one of the Air Force men there who requires surgical treatment In the Prince Rupert General Hospital, having been stricken with acute appendicitis. THE SEAL-' QUALITY f MKT' Goin Fishin? to GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by th only salmon canning company with an all tbt rear round payroll In rrine Rupert Our Fishing Competition For the largest Rainbow or Cut-Throat Trout caught on fly or spinner opens May 24th and closes Labor Day You Are Eligible With Any Purchase of Fishim' Tackle SEE US FOU DETAILS Kaien Hard PHONE 3 araware Lo. Box 08 Baseball Standings Cincinnati Brooklyn ... New York j 'Chicago I In the Intermediate Softball ; Philadelphia 1 League last night Fraaer SUee St. Loul 'won over uoimtiw" -j '.hut-out score f 14 to nothing PltUburg 'nlRht with Fraser Street taking on Chicago both North SUr and Dominion Washington Dairy. j Philadelphia Hebb. lhe Dry ptteher. ftb Louis laent during the first game and this was a handicap. John uox relieved for Hebb. Amey did a good pitching lob for Fraser Street. Hebb was. however, on hand for National League AmrrTran W L Pet 38 1 .700 U 11 .091 33 13 .630 20 22 .476 14 20 .41? 14 23 .376 12 22 JSS3 U 23 J2 l.eacue 24 IS, ,549 26 18 m n n toi 2 10 J25 IB 23 .439 IB 25 410 1 23 .410 15 34 J85 Niuht or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Srrvler.3 Heated Car mi im r iii -v.,. I'nt' uonrnft 'vvmi Ctt t t Un. . aa rfc 1 1 fit. ClMa-tr r it '.;Li l Jl At. . . r ri lla,V tt.a Ji l- 1.1 Cat. V U a-a a MB - B n I Bill ARE RINGING I. Tl- M-iL f 111 ti ll 1 xi ' c ins iiinnin nr vvoininr mm. J 1 mm i i.i l. iiiiiiiiii ill II r I ar -feaaar a, apaa . -. w . ,, WUHUa.1 a w You will find our stock complete anl line with this juyot occiieian. White Hells Wedding Cake Hove Wedding Stationery Hride and (.room Sets Wedding Serviettes (lift Wrappings (lift and Congratulation Cards Candles June 16th Is FATHER'S DAY More popular every year this newe days in which to remember Father V range of Special Cardu Send On.- USED FURNITURE 2 Large Cabinet At 3 lluffcU At C Wash Stanils Prom 2 Kitchen Tables Each 4 Nursery Itockrrs Each S12.50 S16.50 S9.00, S12.50, S18.O0 81.50 83.50 S2.50 C lU-tl Sprlmv From, and up C Kitchen Kantes For burning coal or wood From, up . 1 COL Bicycle At ; X C English Prams From . 1 S10.00 2 SST 1 S2.O0 S1.50 $15.01 815.01 S8.O0 810.08 12-Caage houble Barrel Hammerless Shot (iun 20 At j, 1 Ice Kefrlgrralor At Extension Tables From, and up S1O.09 S5-O0 ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Hours from 8:30 Bulldlnr, Third Arenue, Trlnce Hapert a.m. 10 p.m. " "