PA.OE rOTTK Vacation Days Are Here Better Have an Extra Pair of Classes With You for Emergency Fine Watch, Clock and Jcuelery Repairing Hand Engravinr-Kxpert Optical Service CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER THE STOKE OF DIAMONDS Visit Our Basement Store for Gifts for "The June Brides" CUTTING CIVIC WORKS Libby's Dill Pickles-Strips, 25'2-oz bot. .Malkin's Rest Red Pitted quality, heavy syrup, 16 oz. 2 tins 29c 85c 25c Evaporated Black Figs Q Per lb. W Malkin's Best Pumpkin Fancy quality, 2's tall. Per tin lie 250,000 DINNERS favor of defence measure costs. I mates 27,000 shooters were out. PHONES 18 and 19 JlsdiB P.O. Box 57S Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Heinz Fresh Cucumber Relish 10-oz. bot. Bulkley Valley Butter First grade. 3 lbs. 19c OW English SPECIAL OFFER! OLD ENGLISH LIQUID WAX, quart tin and ONE LAMBS WOOL MOP-Both for Canadian, Cncese' Mild, per lb. S1.09 Floor Waxing Easy! Libby's Prepared Mustard 9 oz. 2 bottles Angelus Marshmallows 1-lb. cello bags 3 tins MacKenzie's Furniture 15th Anniversary Sale SIMMONS' STEEL BED Cable Spring, All Felt Mattress. Bed complete 25c 22c Libby's Tomato Juice Gentle press. 14' 4 oz. QCn COMPLETE STOCK OF FRESH VEGETABLES IN SEASON KEPT UNDER VAPOR SPRAYS Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throughout the City Two Telephones for Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention $24.75 1 HOW MODERN IS YOUR PLUMBING? ! S Is your bathroom a model of convenience and beauty? .An you S n proud to show it to your guests? 5 You can achieve both these aims by having us modernize it with quality fixtures and fittings. fi See Our Latest Models of Kitchen Sinks I SMITH and ELKINS LIMITED g Phone 171 I'LUMIUM; and HEATING P.O. Box 271 S Easy Terms Arranged If Required ' For Topmost MF k PERCHA DEALER jjjp ! TMIIIHII VII.K 27t2 festivities. THE DAILY NZW3 Three-Day Carnival, Port Day And Labor Field Meet Planned For Coming August Junior Chamber of Commerce Hears Reports of Committees Which Indicate United Effort Being Made This Year The discussion started with a report from Mr. Ham that there was to be a general meeting of the carnival committee at the home of Dr. R G Large on Friday evening. ftpuled (i ndiT will hf received hc-ixlnn troln. Inln Kn n j. i . v. the ll,trirt K.,reer. Prince Hupert. uTt . . .. ' i not Inter thn noon n the 24th aa)-it June. l!MO. for the purchm., f licence X2TI: in !thieun fhnnn.l i to cut J.IS.imim feet ot Hpruce reUr Hemlock and Umm I Tw -'l yer will be allowed for , r.mvvl of tlmr. Further nMrteulHr f Uie fhlef Former. Victoria. Hi' ih. ii.,i. roritr. i-rince Hup. rl. B.l" I 'meron. Ocen Knl. H.r Hanger IDORA Roller Rink Mondays and Tuesdays Open for Private Parties Wed., Thurs, Frl 7-11 I 2-1:30. 6-11 on Sat. Frfesh Local Raw and Pasteurized AliHt VALENTIN DAIRY PnONf S57 Handyman Home Service Painting, Repairing, Gardening Light Deliveries Have that neglected Job done now. Phone Green C20 for the Handyman. THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin lit The new remarkable Plant Stimulant In the proper proportions, a mild insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant me. Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c irV nln.nli. T I -1 I I 1 . , "jiuicoaic uiairiDuiors W. H. Malkin Co. (P.R.) Ltd. carnival, it belnu suezested that this was to be a really big event, possibly the biggest In the history , of the city. . WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Youll Jump Out ef Bed in the Morning Rarin'to Go The liver thoabl paar oat two pnnnit ef ll'juid hile into roar bowel dUf. If OiU bU b not fluwlnefreelr.iroar fond doetn't die et. It Jait detain In the bnwrli. Gat bloat yoarttomach. Yoti rHeonttlpated. Ilanafol polaona fo Into the bodr, end rmi feel tmir, unk and tha world looks pank. A mere bowel movement dnein't ilwiri f rt at theraaae. Yoa need aomethine thatworka on the liver aa welt It Ukea thoa food, old Carter'a Mttla Uver Tllla to get theae two pound of bll flowlnr freely and mak roq feel "up and p". Harmleaa and eentle, thee make the bile Htm freely. They do the work of calomel but have no ealomel or mereury In them. Ak for Carter'a Little Uver PIDa by naint I Stubbornly rtf u anythlne Ue. 2S. CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Room, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Baths Mrs. C. K. IHack, Proprietress Dr. J Munthe Wishes to Announce That he has taken over Dr. II, O. Johnsen's practice at 416 4th AVENUE EAST J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. NEED FOR BLANKETS Canadian Ked Cross National Ap-j peal For France Is Issued ) TORONTO, June 5. A Nationwide appeal (or donations of woollen blanket for Immediate ship- mcnt to France l being launched , today by the Canadian Red Croa Tentative plans for one bier festive celebration in society. August are under way which should make it one of the woollen blankets, new or "a ambitious in the of " nfW" lJ'n,te'j; most events history the city, judging e i i i i i n i i i? of r needed for wounded soldiers and from discussions taking place at the meeting last mpht ref .JJ,, to wrd re. the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce. If the celved aiuy irom France at Red , plans work OUt without any hitch it is hoped to hold a big cross Headquarters In Toronto. j three-day jamboree, including a - - " So many thousands of blankets carnival, under the direct supervls- presided during the early part of afe rcqulred that lt u impossible Ion of the civic centre committee, a the meeting last night and whose tQ get delvery of the totai requlre-Port Day. under the Junior Cham- place was taken later by the vice- mfnU (rom Canadan mm, at the ber of Commerce, and a day of field president, Ross Ingram, before moment and Red Cross officials 1 sports and games under the local leaving, appointed a Port Day com- sUte thc appeai that has been i labor organizations, replacing thc mlttes consisting of J. C. Ollker, C. rccejved from France la so urgent annual Lnhnr Tv r-Mehratlon. This O. Ham, Robert Parncr, William nat ,,. neonU Qt Canada ari bs- plan has yet to be considered by Brooksbank,' Trevor Williams and lng a$ked to help by ylng i the Prince Rupert Trades and La- Thomas Fraser. blankets from their own household LONDON, June 5: (CP) London MELBOURNE, Australia, June 5: bor Council at its meeting tomor-l was suggested inai. us stores. uianicets of any color or County Council, governing body of 1 (CP) About a quarter of a mil- rowrilght. If approved there. It will Plans tor he bl5 co-operative ef- are acceptable, providing they metropolitan London, is reducing Its lion ducks were shot In the recent Bo to the meeting of the general fort were completed, the railway are jn good condition and not permanent works capital epependi- open season in Victoria. The fish- committee on the civic centre. It company officials should be ap- worn out. moth-eaten, thread- ture for war years by $31,150,000 in i eries and game department esti- is hoped that all organizations tak- proached for the purpose of secur- bare or stained. ing part will agree to pool the pro- lnB tne running or a cheap excurs- The French Red Cross alone ha ceeds In aid of the civic centre pro- ton tra,n or trains from the Inter- 23,000 hospital beds for wounded ject. lor for the purpose of giving the soldiers. When Dr. Fred W. Rout- President A. S. Nickerson who out-of-town people an opportunity ley, National Commissioner of the of attending and taking part In thc Canadian Red Cross Society, visit- ed French hospitals recently, he -observed a grave shortage of Dianxeu. me situation la even more urgent now because, In addition to their wounded soldiers. France has to cope with the needs of millions of refugees. J C. Oilker. who was m charge The appeal is for woollen of the Port Day preliminary ar- blankets only and It Is emphasised rangements, reported that It was that flannelette blankets or quilts expected to hold a full three-day cannot be shipped, carnival in aid of the civic centre Anyone contributing both new im ludlng a big port day event and and used blankets is asked to quite possibly a day of sports, pre- kep them separate and to sew on sumably under direction of the each blanket a label about 2 by Trades and Labor Council. This Inche at one corner and mark latter had not yet been decided up- It "new" or "used." If "used." stale on but would be before the labor also whether the blanket has been council Thursday evening and "fumigated." "washed" or "clean -jeemed likey to be endorsed. td E G. Southby said that one of the difficulties which had been encoun- BAM IHIIJI T.nwrj .m Ti. ... tered was that the Junior Chamber Dri7( o( ' was blamed for endorsing the ex- n h.r" ei "'JT "1 " curon to Ketchikan which took SV';nihBrd .e people away from the city and broke up the annual Labor Day - "irbratlona. It had been shown hat the trip to. Ketchikan was not endorsed by the Chamber. Thb : statement precipitated a discussion "n the action of the Canadian National Railways in taking people away to Ketchikan rather than bringing people Into the city for the holiday, it was, therefore, decided, to press upon the railway company' line desirability of running excur Cut Rate Shoe Store Exclusive Agents KeJettes Comfortable and Catual 0nl $2.19 The perfect companion jjSN. for your play clothe. 55 Bright colon In with. able cottoc, with soft pad-like rubber sole. Mall Orders Filled CUT RATE SHOE STORE THIRD AVE. IN TIIK Hl'I'ltKMK ( (H UT Or' IIIIITISII COIXMIHt IS I'ltdllATK In the Mailer of the ".tdmlnMr.tlon Art" And In Ihe Matter of Hie :tatr of lien-timln I'rreuMin. TAKE Nrmrrtr n, k -. ... ....v wiunr OI I1U Honor Judge FWicr dated May ijik . e v'fi-m nuiiiiiiwu-aior wttli the Will annexed of Uve EoUle of the. Inte Benjamin IVrgunrm, DoonMod, ut of the City of Print Rupert. Province of Brakh Columbl, Merchant, and tht II pern IndoTArd to th mtld EnUte ar remilret 1r rw ti . . - j i 'j v.c, vaiiiui 10 rne forthwith nd that (11 peraon hmrlna claim aaLnNt the nald Ritate ar re. quired to tn them properlr verified o v., uciine uui JOUi , . day of June 1040 falllna wluth "-SS I a. Holt IvutV. lutath.UI . nniMum laattvirur rwrnrn nn then In mr hiuuia. uaiijj t Prince FUijvrk n, O 19th Oav of Mar A. n ton auch claim thU NORMAN A. WATT. OHtcdAi A(Unlnltra,tor. NAVY BILL IS PASSED United tSatu Senate Approves Kx penditure of $2,230,000 on ftancs, Pilots and Bases WASHINOTON. DC. June 5.-The United States Senate late yesterday passed the $2,250,000,000 naval extension bill whlcli provides for 10.000 new planes and 16. 000 new pilots for the Navy as well a the strengthening of several air i buses. Canada At War 25 Years Ago June 3. 1015 Allied forces launched third attack at Krlthla. Gallipot!, but failed to pierce Turkish positions. Airships raided English east and southeast coasU but caused lttUe damage. Russians re sisted stubbornly In withdrawal from I'rzemysl TALK OF 20 TAILS SYDNEY, Australia. June 5: (CP) Thieve cut the talU of 20 horses In the paddkk of William Inghs here. Value of the horses was r dueed by the docking, but value of the stolen horsehair was slight OF ii.mi.s tfv. "Gr m apes Wrath" With HKNKY FONM At 7 20 & isi, -ALSO LEW MIIK COMEDT AM) CUtTOQx COMIKt. Tllt'ltS. .-iTti " c wonr" uea uutes on June ! talnlng 1U perferf , (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 i Can Ride for I'rlce of Ont OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCKVOOKwt0000000 FINLAND TO MEET DEBT WASHINGTON pr war. has arranged rl .' ' Cherub Baby Oil Excellent for Chafing, Chapping and Diaper Rash. A Baby Feeding Uottlc Free with each purchase Hoth for 40c Ormes Ltd. utm Pioneer &ruzgrjfs g The Reiall Store riionri tl t ti Open Dally from S a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and t 7 to 9 p.m. e OOCCOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOCH3000rOOaOOOrKH3C0000fl "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prlncw Rupert JJ ' British Colombli