da June 5. la4o HO A Tj(MVATT lmerlon Type HEATER Will supply a sufficient amount of hut water for the LVfrasr family of four for only $2.75 Trr Month. I'lus 8'i Tax (.ovl. 0 Sec'.ton of the Prince nibi r of Commerce, at n' cun last night, de-'. ir-e the movement to- f!ing up of the war ef- mm I moM Pi Costs tier Think of the comfort and convenience of having a supply of hot water whenever you want it: for the dishes, for the laundry, for the bath. Let us install an Automatic Electric Water Heater in your home. The cost is very moderate. Just make a small down pay-menu the balance on generous terms. Plan to put YOUH Water Heater in without delay and enjoy hot water all summer long. There was some more or leas desultory discussion in which C. O. Ham. O T. German. J. C. Olllter nnd E O Southby took part after which a resolution was passed endorsing the principle but not the iv to enderre the move detail of a proposal made to it by i! on subvrstve el- the Winnipeg Junior Chamber of :!.- country which might Commerce CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-rarific To Vancoiuer via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S 8 "Princess Adelaide" every Friday to p.m. To Vancouver Direct Princess Oliarlotte Princess Alice in,-. -sh Louise 1 t 15th. 29th June 8th. nd June 26th To Keichikan. Wranjell, Junrau and SkaKay June 3rd. 10th. 17th. 21st. 24th. July 1st. 5th O.mecUom at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Keservaiion from Prince Uupert, B.C. i rnji-rrs nrnrral Aeent COAL NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. rilONT 116 nioNE in UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. k Btcamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CAMENAJH1DAY. Doe Vnv3P.mr.. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Ticket, at Office Purchase It Convenient. Please and Tickets From Reservations Further Information Regarding Third Ave. Tbone 568 FRANK J. SKINNER. Prince Itupert Agent He little Vm9 NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED ni"ir"1PrV T TFs interfere with Canada's war effort "i i P i oi LiLU Ur 11 dld not faror the seUln up of Lounty Lourt cumbersome local boards or other- . WAP FFPHPT !.1:'uit!rlng up lhf ,tatulM or Is In Session i t nil ui i jx l - Three Civil Caes and One Appeal Set Down for Hearing Before Judje W. H I'hher There were three civil actions and one appeal on the list for attention of Judge W. E. Ftoher at regular monthly session of County Court this week. The cases were set as follows: Charles Bibeau v. Mrs. Cora Mc Fjchern. M79. T. W. Brown for rlatwtKf, W. O. Fulton for defend ant, June 14. Hob?rt Scharf fe vs. Charles Bruce S113. W O. Fulton for plaintiff. T. W. Brown for defendant, Septem ber IS. Thomas H. Payne vs. Esperanra Untt. JU1G. W. O. Fulton for plain tiff, T. W. Brown for defendant, Jane 28. An appeal of Thomas Collier against a oanvfction and fine by Magistrate McClymont in city po lice court for keeping liquor for sale was set for June 26. T. W Brawn W counsel for the appellant. i Two applications for naturallza- tion were approved. I Hon. Kenjl Nakauchl, Japanese consul for British Columbia, arrived cn the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver to pay a two-day visit to the city, sailing by the Princess Adelaide Friday night on his return to Vancouver. Mr. Nakauchl is to be the speaker at the regu lar weekly luncheon of the Prince, Rupert Rotary Club tomorrow. H. G. Helgerson Limited 2IG SIXTH STREET Prince Itupert, B.C. We have an our "sts ,ne '' lowing jood buys: 1337 8th AVE EAST 5-room house. $800. 340 Cth AVE. W. 4-room house. $900 or offer. 820 HOUDEN ST. $C00. 223 4th AVE. WEST First class house and 2 lots. Fully modern. Furnace, 3 bedrooms. $4000. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mr.i l. a Citv Is a rived on last night' night's Interior Skinner of Copper Tanh Navlor ir. has been ap pointed local agent -of the Sun life Assurance Co. m w nrna-n ulfp of Malor jnit. i. ' -i art and seasoned eastern traveler. arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from the south and will give a lecture tonight at a meeting of the local Women' Canadian Club. A lew years ago Miss E. M. Earl, the president of the local Women's Canadian Club, made tour of the Orient with Mrs. Clarke. . A party of fifteen students Irom the University of Wisconsin, making a Pacific Coast tour, arrived In the city on last night's train and will sail this afternoon on the Prince Rupert to make the trip to Ketchi kan and Stewart and thence to Vancouver tomorrow night The party is led by Mr. and Mrs. George L. Simpson of Eau Claire, At the meeting of the Junior Sec tion of the Prince Rupert Chamber ol Commerce last night George L Rorle. treasurer, reported that the finances of the organization were In a healthy condition with money In the bank and no outstanding ac counts. It was informally suggested that this would probably be the last meeting of the Chamber until after the holidays. Five thousana rn.c rtaperi people read the Dally News. !t pays to let them now what ynt have to jell Cut Hate Shoe Store Exclusive Agents The only children's shoes with the home fitting guide assu-e foot health' SaP vbwmaks Worn exclusively by th D Sonne Quintuplets SMART STYLES GOOD VALUE 11 a'ues all widths $1.85 T0 $3.25 browns and fancy patterns ylightly higher Mail Orders Filled CUT RATE SHOE STORE THIRD AVE. SUU. dance tn Oddfellows' HaB. 'visitor in town, having ar-,Thursday. June 6 at ,10:30 pmCJ-l train from the ilusste's Orchestra. Everybody uel- come. w. H. Manuel. ON.R. travelling auditor, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver. Miss Kathleen M. Clotworthy, Brown of the irun nwitu "'"Terrace school teacher, is paying a family arrived In the city on , brief vlslt u the city, having arrived rrince Rupert uus -mo.. "-";on nighU traIn Uom the In Vancouver. i terlor. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Larkwortnyi Maicojm wilding, son of Mr. and and child, who have been vlsltmgm Mw T c wilding, arrived in the the cltv. arrived In the city from ,tv n prmce Rupert this Vancouver on the Prince Rupert from nu studies at Victor this morning and" will proceed to , Ct)lleee to soend the summer va- ' their home at New Hazelton vy me nere with his parents. evening train. Col. Ralph Webb D.S.O. of Ottawa, Mrs Douglas M. Johnstone, wife after a two weeks visit to the city of cant. Johnstone of the Seaforth in connection with military inspec Highlanders at Vancouver, arrived torlal duties, will sail by the Prince In the city on the Prince Kuperc Rupert tomorrow nigm for vancou this morning and is the guest or ver. Mr. and Mrs. William Crulckshank McBrlde Street. Lieut. Tom Johnstone and Lieut ! 4 Jack McRae of the Royal Canadian o. A. McMillan, manager of Can- Naval Volunteer Reserve have been idlan National Coast Steamships, called to Esquimau Tor training and I arrived In the city on the Prince wui oe leaving lor tne soma in nnnert thin morning from Vancou- lew aays. ver and win be here on local dry dock business until tomorrow night when he will sail by the same steamer on his return south. Mrs. Edith M. Clarke FMJOS. of Vancouver, specialist In- Oriental A. J. Prudhomme was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club today, describing Incidents of a recent trip to Florida and New York. President G. A. Hunter was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. Next week the dub will -be In regular monthly business luncheon. The: members of the club will make an Inspection of the various club play grounds the week following. Most people ls. Do you? !-o iw classified BROKEN REST Up time and aain because of kidney and bladder veatneas. "T&te Cm PHli to aoothe and tone tip tbe kidneys enjoy a good night's sleep. In tbe XJnilrd State ak for "Gino PHU". Ipillsj 1 tz la Canada and th UA RftoUc an4 dw. tare Fconomy ata. W Announcements All advertisements tn thii col nmn win be charged for a full month at 25c a word Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. Wm. Lambie. June 5. Hospital Auxiliary Home June 6. Tea, Nurses' P.T.A. Tea and Children's Display, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, June 7. Rebekah Hospital Dance. OdcV fellows Hall. June 7. Lutheran Sewing Circle Tea and Sale, Mrs. Murvold's, June 13. Anglican Tea, Nlcholls. June 13. Mrs. J. W. A Navy Auxiliary Tea and sale of home cooking will be held In the R.C.N.V.R. Barracks, June 15, 3-6. Canadian Legion Picnic, June 16. 102nd Auxiliary tea. Mrs.'S. D. Johnston's, June 20. Cambral June Hall, June 21. Frolic, Moose Valhalla Picnic June 23. Presbyterian Tea. Mitchell's June 25. Mrs. J. R. Catholic Tea, Mrs. DeJong's, June 27. Dominion Day Sports Celebration. July I. Big Dance In the evening. Anglican Fall Bazaar, NovemBer 7. Halibut Sales Summary , American 87.500 pounds, 9.3c and 7.5c to 9.9c and 7.5c. Canadian 51,600 pounds. 9.8c and 7c to 102c and 7c. American Rainier. 36,000. 95c and 7.5c, Booth. Frisco. ll;50O, 9.3c and 75ci Storage. ' Kodlak, 40,000, 9.7c and 7.5c, Royal. - - ! Canadian Teeny Milly, 14j000, 9.7c and 7c. Storage. Rose Spit. 10.000 9.8c and 7c, Pacific. AtU. 14,000, 9.9c and 7c, Atlln. Ankar A, 12,000, 102c and Edmunds ti Walker. Bug. 1,600, 9.6c and 7c, Atlln. I DOUBLE saiffl'S SEND NAZIS TO CANADA Great Britain Slay Ship Internees And Prisoners Abroad To Keej Them From Mischltf i LONDON. June 5: (CP Stt. Hon. Anthony Eden, Secretary, of State for War, told the House of Commons Tuesday that the government was considering transport-ins interned aliens and war pris- Lleut. ATlzner Rryant returned to oners to places remote from the the city on the Prince Rupert this British Isles In order to prevent morning from a trip to Vancouver their possible co-operation wun and Victoria. He Is leaving for the German aircraft or parachute ( east tonight for overseas service, .troops. GETS SIX MONTHS Fred Sykes. who yr3-s early Sunday morning in Marg aret's Store on Third Avenue, having pleaded guilty to a charge of breaking and entering, was sen tenced to six months' Canada has been sueeesiea as a possible place to send these people hut officials In Ottawa last, night caught jsaja they were unaware '.ol -any negotiations. Lieut. L. F. Swanell of the Second imprison-1 Searchlights is leaving tonight for ment by Magistrate McClymont In city police court this morning. the east on call for overseas ser vice. Cement Lime Gravel Lumber Shingles We carry in stock, Wallhoards, Donnacona -and BundinVaiaterials of all kinds to look after small repair jobs or to build a mansion. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. piinvp S1 Estimate Estimates Udly UdIr Given Given ruuwi wj B. C. Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture 1 Royal Typewriter In perfect condition. S22.50 " Special -( 1 Monarch Typewriter In very good working $24.0(1 order - 12 Remington Tvpewriters In all carriage sizes. From $42.50 to $55.00 Baby Cribs In all sizes. From $3.50 to $8.50 g Complete Bed Springs and mattresses Sizes 4-6. From J $12.50 to $16.50 V I Lawn Mower Large size In very good $9.50 Shape s. new i uniuuic i 4 Studio Couches Made in new patterns In very smart styles. spring-filled cushions. Regular $49.00. Sfi 00 Now - . 2 3-piece Studio Sets in rust ana Drown, very NTS llll 1 v modernistic Reg. $100. Now o. " ' . . t 36 Cable Springs Very durable and strong. S7 95 Regular $10.50. Now 24 3-piece Chesterfields In very smart styles and all new colors. From $75.00 t0 $98.00 Phone BLACK 224 THIRD AVENU Next Door to B.C Clothiers SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! ulltfl ft OCEAN FALLS tod POWELL 1IVEI Steamer leave Princ Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the Eart Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan ani Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 3 p.m. W am, eta U ? rt V-M0