THE ee NEWS. ———. ——$__. “Not what we wish but what we want,”---Mer rick. The News Way is od Good Wa Wa —~ i | | PERSONALS. HI WANTED: = ee so “The News” Classified Ads. |) 0:00, ‘an see ee 0 ees ~s ere ee oe et ee ee We have an immediate purchaser for one or two good lots in Sections / | Heatrioe ‘Matucdas night on a |business trip to Vancouver, | Five and Six. Submit your listings. Lot 40, block 16. sec. 1, Price $6000. $2500 cash, balance ~~ rtion== J. W. Goovert, the expert oil For Sale 12 and 18 months. Look this up. (ne Cent A Word For Fach Inse ie accompanied by J, Doyle| | an ‘ ’. Tharp, came om| THERE .ARE NO “DEAD ONES” 7HERE—; l tance! alisedcd A the Sank tue Second Avenue PATTULLO & RADFORD EMail Le ne ee eee ani left for the south on the Beatrice, ! os ee ee ee ee ot oe eer =e = Telephone 8&3 yea : Mr. Goovert says the oil boring One lo eae: | Sorermnerera rere ymesrmarmarmesrns jis encouraging and two shifts will cash, Se tee tea steientous ¢ nlf [ FOR SAI E }be worked until his return with} 0" let the face of the tr dis-| For Rent | al | , cash, lox y m 4 , at te | . + ” | i a ) I ruption throughout the district ee el SECTION 1. Architeet W. L. Barker left on} “he ae: Hegel (NOTARY PUBLIC) | Appl ‘ e’ very easy terms, Trombone and Triangle. pply Phone 313, , cas Hy balance ve 73 Sy ci trip south. Iwo lots, blo aw ? . 4 cash | : h and lighted. J, JERS, Phone 116 , $10 ’ onth. One lot, bi e the Trombone, and refer to the ghted. J. H. ROGERS, Phon Lore Sod. Fe Block ht, $15,000. mean bas } ere yaper as e Bass Drum. Net front room vacant, Alder block cash, 5, 12 and 18 months. One lo \ beral paper as th i ne lot, } . |The other has been named the | 9 and 15 months lone jot, t . te . as ee ee Ol, ) ‘ ake the band| , TR SECTION 2. | Words of the Validation Act in| cash, ‘bal 4 ; Real Estate and Stock Brokers complete.” —Clayton. Insurance TION 5. cash, bal “Mr. Manson failed to get the| | Lots 16 and 17, Block 17, $2,100. §1, wrt Aelia t er a | ee ne cash, 6 and 12 months, Wo lots, t g > . ne re OUR Compani i for prompt and just for terms 7-room howse and cabin. : aa One lot, block P e R t Stewart sold, and the is itizen the a by settlements, Wa welds uv cy Snowe class of Lot 8 “Block 25 with two $-room| |S reached us in regard to the} cash, ‘bal rince Nuper lose $30,000. of extra revenue.| Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. houses, $2,600. $1,000 cash, 6 12 89d) Validation by the legislature of| two lots blo 18 months. % cash, bal son and myself is that where Mr. 6, 12 and 18 months, | age was reported at the t ’ ‘ , : ot 24, Block 28, $900. 450 cash, 6 and| passage was reported a re time, cash, bal. easy Manson begs I would demand. Help Wanted ‘ h : . the “me Two lots, block 49 There ac 2 wre . iffe , ot 9, Block 40, with 8-room house and} he There is a rae 4 seine ae Bow | Prmesomnsomnsrmeermwarmapma sms rmesre rs ots barn, 8050. #300 cash, batance 1 andjasked for. The bill passed its} pwo tots, block 1 son 8. shad , 41e as g . s . 2 years s § . . ‘ TF 4 , KAIEN HARD Wy ARE COMPAN y ie Diview i ites a ‘a Pu sap ty aioapee a oa oe aeee ers. Lot yt ‘block 29, $800. R350 cash, 6 and} third reading on February 21st as mg . “a #15 1 m Two thet! sers @ ce oOo F zr and de- as § se ¢ 00 * ‘ oO Ss ‘ rne . . Ane 0 lots, biock 1 ij 8 00 : ° | Constant, Flat 4, Washington block, 2t 12 Oe: | EEatioN 6. and was signed by the lieutenant] "g75°casn bal. 8} per mo,’ 6000 ea | | face tremendous more machinery. One lot, SAMUEL HARRISON ve G. GAMBLE Clayton, | FOR RENT—4-room house, 640 8th ave. | 1, 23 and 24, Block 8, Section 1, $15, | the Beatrice Saturday night for a % cash “They call Mr. Manson's organ|FOR LEASE McIntyre Hall; well heated , 12 and 18 months, House and barn; Lots 3'and 4, Block 8, $10,000, 1-3 cash, 4 cash, bal Triangle, so as to make | Severe )d lots in this section cheap. , \ Several go Pr , Pi Raply to Several Enquiries. One Jot, block . k APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED government lots in Prince Rupert ot 30, Block 22, $2,600. Want one ofter | Several enquiries have recent-| cash, bal. ¢ The difference between Mr. MAn=| Qemnimmsrmsemsrnermepmsrmsrmsrmsrmarmeed) Lots 9 and 10, Block 45, $800. $400 cash, | the hydro eleetrie bylaw. It8 lone tot, o : 12 months. ’ ‘re r ; mit 1 tor { but we here give formation $60 cash, bal. sis” a manding it as the right of the 1s 8 and 9, Block 36, $2800. 81,400) governor in council on February] one tot, block 40, section s, a375 THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 people of Prinee Rupert.’—Al- HMpretent employed furge Secountent,. at cash, 6, 19 and 18 months, ¢1,000/ 27th cash, bal. $15 per 1 nu “m¢ ‘Maw ‘heare . Anita: penta Hert | Lots 13 and 14, Block "25, ‘| ° - derman Clayton. (Cheers. ancouver, dsires Jocate Prince Rupert.) “°°... 6 months. In the preamble it recites that FOR SALE. Builders’ Suppliez Sheet and Plate Glass Can anyone use him? Box 5, Daily SECTION 7. | PP 2 That Private Wharf. News, 54-5t ots 7, 8 and 9, Block 21, $3,450. 1-4) some doubt exists as to the valid-| festaurant on s¢ Plumbers’ supplies Plate Glass Mirrors 5 r 7 ; $ of ond avenu Paints HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges ‘As for the government wharf} COOK (good) wanted at once. Apply Hotel cash, 6 19 and 38 soonthe. cash, 6 ana ity of the bylaw on the alleged arm land at Lake! ly Oils Tinware besides getting it completed at Essington, Port Essington. ih Sid 12 months. ° f ; | eround that it dealt with two sub- FOR RENT Varnishes mites Graniteware once [ would suggest that it be) WANTED Servant. girl; other maids kept, cash, oth eee we ject matters, but a petition from ae aro fee a a handed over to the city for the} APPY Mrs. L. W. Patmore. SECTION 8. : ' ; i tn riba : ‘ 4s 3 and 4, Block 15, $500. $250 cash,| the City Council of Prince Rupert! store, corner secona avenue and Sint The ‘‘ Stay Satisfactor: ‘itizens’ use.” ‘he WAN CE ood sewer ) Mrs,| Lots 3 4 ‘ 5, a MONARCH MALLEABLE R ; ” 7 ‘ Haze n Use, Clayton. Gebhardt. Woestennaver pioek sixth 6, 12 and 18 months. : having been presented it was ex- anys , ange. Mr. Manson is troubled with : 56-4 | Lot 3, Block 10, $450. $826 cash, 1 and the prayer of Street and Second avenue. $ years. pedient to grant the kind of vertebra that dom't | want gir attending school to help mind | Double or, sore 7 a te tapas 1% the petition, the validation clause J ® ave . ‘ig 8 . zr) baby trom 4 to 8. State what expected $750 379 cash, Ce cantee. ; have the right stuff running} Address X 15 News vo ot CxPected. | ot ‘6, Block 11, $350, $175 cash, 6 and| reading: eremi . ugier ltd through them to enable him to} | 1s eRe en dente The said-bylaw. known as by ’ — » rights > pec .t| WANTED—Woman cook for bachelors’ A . ont oer hs a oe Wn. Manson Ha demand the rights of the people.” | mess; permanent to proper party, Ap-|3-room house, 7th avenue, near Fulton;) jaw No. 59 of the City of Prince Phone 317 | $ ool S18 | ly xX 212, News t } $20 per month. » Clayton. ony ow | em house, 4th avenue, near McBride;| Rupert, to previde for the con- ° ° WHO DO YOU Split Skeena Tories “Mr. Manson is very brave it} ges ow } $15 per month cl truc iffin fa hydro electric sys- Re i acke 2e y , | Cabins Close In. St ON Of Gre ’ PHONE 80 ; eds a packed meeting, but when it id mikiNbob Cater in’ Neu: itaebitea, $y ly said city with|"""=™ P.O, Box M4 tem supply ; 2 fe | . at the G. T. P , Continued from Page 1. comes to facing a critic like com-) } Wanted Houses (| unten PSU re eteteer Cr eotericoe meant ts vater, electric light and power, PONY EXPRESS ‘ ary 1 Clay n ts ee | M WOR K FOR ? eee ae noni Bill layton ae 1) | . + ee coe ee 4, poeeety near Wetas-| and to create and secure a debt ibrar tory prmmerer 0 vont the jelly fish shape comes out. | WANT . se FOOK | k ; i e rm 1 , | t . . . I { K e sources of this city and the whole] ,. y Gaia oi SOnPConS lenses Good te aoe aba wie) 7 For teede bow for Prinee FOr ae Serres. 05), OURS EMESIO® meres Storage and das ee I ; Clayton. ‘ , district to build up Vietoria, Van- ies ry a ‘alitioa} Apply to John Dybhavn. 319 3rd ave Rupert property the said system amounting to Rig couver and New Westminster.” — Ms am tich M J ; YOUNG n want f v lithe’ bapecee Frerotte te te: gent $550,000," is hereby declared to] Seventh Ave. and Fultor : . HC * ce a stic es 8 0 i man ants room for services Do you have anything left Alderman Montgomery. Cait yeti nn Caen Box 25, Dally News. 56-3t || Information Free. be valid and binding, and the de-|__ t latt. | ; ‘ ; od | S - ventures issued or to be issued for yourself at the end of WAitof Gna aieioG nie mouth WiNTRECAR MA Mits wink ont via! the month, or do the grocer Mr a ave: .-*Ran: ig ; “The trails given us up river s 8 8 s there der to be valid and bind- ver, Mr. Manson says: Equal rights e windows in best business locality. Wil Th. COLLART iereundel t c eal e Briers ee . y ».lare go¢e “ails. no t ‘ails. ease 0 10 orbi erms, a smiisiitio mt o the pe her, yp baker, to all and coneessions to none”; wae: cha ae NO\ apanage es Box 217, News Olce. ee a | Sole Agent De eaves he re wey _ eres ee ran 0 eC coal man an¢ on ge : : rs » he savs:|—~James Catt. | baad allewe sfect, : it ‘all? eee es Ea of the other me ‘ ‘ ay a WT han See ihe chwditineses ee oe Natural Resources Security Co. Ltd. he said alleged defe Workingman’s Home al: ‘What ever you do, deal hand- ave see dh Ons | Bex 805 225 6th st. Phone 381 If so, then you are living somely with the G. T. P. ’—Al-|Triver for the worker. Sixty men Real Estate Several improvements have Free Labor Bureau i in Connection wrong. Did you ever think derman Montgomery. crammed to sleep in a car 30 a been made in the Royal kitchen] Phone 178 Ave. and 7th ee para aiine ee at f 5 ; 2 Amaia 4 tae emt ie ees make lie ae awit} ei GEO BRODERI S, Proprieter le soll as an avenue o McBride has sold the re-| feet by feet. Yet they say which regular guests w apy PE MMagy 7 TP a: COME. $\eaurcee-of the country to speou-| there. ls. law in. the. iprovinos, | WamrmnD ate dense teenie © UNION 0.9. COMPANY OF B.6., Lid» et — of living? lators to secure a bank surplus,| Where is it? I appealed to Mr.| 350’ cash payment. ‘P.O. —_—_——— oe ators to 8 a bank s 8, 36-6 : 90 CARTAGE wl Buy a few acres of land and has had sometimes to buy}|Manson—no result. Who gets : | a "j LINDSAY STORAGE where you can raise your > ar ¢ 2 "ice? tha#lawin» BB; O:9 Men with] WANTED-—-1 have buyers for vacant lots, The new stece! Pessileie Steamers j . . . ‘ them back at double price. ‘ Sections 6, 7 and 8. Prinepals only THE WEATHER. own vegetables, and some to Alderman Montgomery property and money to spend who What am 1 offe: a? Frank A. Ellis, 66 e | | G. T. P. T fer Agents +A ratdne> mhakn v ae . f ke H si : : a 99 Second Ave., next Hays block. Phone} rans sell besides; where you can “McBride's railway policy is to]¢an appeal to the clique. ae ee ee RG ae supply your table with poul- build a railroad from Fort George George Hie, WANTED—Best | Rashi nick ee} For twenty-four hours ending 5 Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable try and eggs, where you can fancouver ; » Pegce chelitancrcmeetionincoanieniiva fost est price for jot in Block ad tar... 290.917: to Vancouver to tap the Peae Section 8. Must sell for cash. Addres inp a. m., Mareh 141: Bar., 29.917; OFFICE—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phmalt grow your fruit, where you River district. If that is done, METHODIST CONCERT Box 291 News. " jmax, temp., 55.0; min, temp., can have a cosy home in the what is the use of a railway to —_——_ a. ee 6c 2.0, fresh air and sunshine, with Prince Rupert?” Alderman | Will Be Held on Monday Evening, | s l amosun sh no. Rent to pay. Montgomery. March 11th, at 8 o’Clock. Business Chances i | |} Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. General House Furnis af aera ae time to “I will show any ite sored The following program. wil pele eT or oe | Leave © Prince: Rupert for Vancouver| Plone +4, act, See > abo yusiness nan whether Liberal,|pendered in the Methodist Church | WANTED — Restaurant outht, especially as follows: ; i 160 acres on Porcher Tory or Socialist, that he cannot] on next Monday evening: er about Ga soa shea for ioe ss + 9 == Big Furniture Store g-tt Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 9 p.m. 2nd Ave. and 6th St. Island, $15 per acre. 2,000 3/ support the MeBride government|Organ Solo......Festival March in the Bulkley Valley, $7.50. and serve the best interests of Mrs. Sing re ee ia “Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 am CARD OF THANKS. Entrance 2nd Ave. Let me write in your next the province and the city.”—AI-| piano Duet ............ Zampa Miscellaneous Insurance Policy, derman Montgomery, Miss Froud and Mrs. Sing i Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening Mrs. Noel desires to thank With the Beer Bibbers. Vocal B0lOtss 7.3 6s. 6s.. Selecta || Perr | and Monday morning, respectively all friends for their many GEO. LEEK “Rather strange, isn’t it, that Dr. Large 4 J. W. SHIRLEY, 773 Taylor st., Prince Ru- kindnesses and appreciates j — Royal Hotel ; . “! ‘rance member should j : . a oe -pert ocator and timber cruiser; govt. i : 618 8rd Ave. Prince Rupert our temperance ember “i Mandolin Solo Selected ‘Tand ie pre-emption or purchase.| None safer on the coast than these two very much thi ympathy ixvh St j prefer to be where there are five Mrs. Bryant Nursery stock for sale, Phone 305. ; shown her during her recent Cor. Third Avenue and Six. mm meer rm seemed arr, . P . . » A ” ‘} P. O. Box 993. 4t fine passenger steamers barrels of beer being consumed.”| piano Solo Selected great bereavement in the loss Alderman Clayton, Mrs. Large 0 exchange pthurty sores food Fruit Jang, of her husband, Captain W. H. ibe . “eferre . , . acres anc clearec or unimprovec Romebody ‘referred to Mt.|-Vooal Bolo Selected] property in Section 5 or 6. Address be * H. ROGERS, Gal Phone 116 Noel, Manson as ‘the old warhorse ‘at Miss Dineen fore Wednesday Jason, News. SHOOTING the Conservative conyention., If|Reading .............. Selected] POR sale—Finest pedigreed bull terrier | : ; 7a rok ‘ aoe i ; dog puppy in town; seven months old, | Manson is a warhorse, I’d_ like Mrs. Chisholm born in Victoria, Make an offer, Max, ! some one to show me what is a] yoeal Solo Selected News Office | STRENGTH jelly Aone ren Clayton, Mr. Mellier ony ee ~ nese | SPECIAL SIMPLICITY eM peepiye get cadge sepa 2 ARE | ee [Transfer and Cartage ESTHOLM { Corley & Burgess Props " ‘ good fellow. Politically he is the PART IL. Ree ccc eee et OPERA HOUS i | ee The essentials of a perfect gun, are devil. il Clayton f Piano Duet ...... Wilch’s Dance] SMART business man desires partnership | outstanding features of the GREEN- ‘Two months ago the Con- Miss Froud and Mrs, Sing or Interest in good concern, Apply box | : ER GUN, apye _.P y 7 » ‘ ‘ 3 : . f a, Daily ews 56 - Its shooting capabilities are a servative ring in Rupert got a bad| Vocal Solo Selected Exclusive Offerings household word wherever sportS- jolt. We had a very bad split in Large Feet errr men congregate, and Greener guns the C ee : art Hate ha ; » Large ' x have won the world’s — highest re Conservative party here, Re-| Mandolin Solo Selected Lost and Found - 1 honors, — n cently we thought everything was Mrs. Bryant F REAL ESTATE si esr! es ee ee et retest The strength of the Greener ac tion is phenomenal. The Greener amicably settled, but what has ‘ g Selected Treble Wedge Fast Bolt is the hi ned? The ry first ; eck een LOST—Black cocker spaniel pn nswers Strongest breech fastening extant, lappened: © \yel iT mn = : , eaten a Min " imitated by gunmakers all over the “te s 4S é 21 Vor; : : wor ae ene portant business which had to be ‘ Selected Ratan Mlevent? RRM eae e re : : Tan ar : pega vat rte terre rege | | corner 11th Ave. and Justin St., with siecle He Frmneepen ection is done thé ene pvBiVE A ou” Mrs. Button lane to rear, 100 feet on 11th Ave. Lot on Market pla smoothly and the striker is a frac | tion did exactly what they had} yjolin Solo Selected Personal $900—$300 cash, balance 6, 12 and e u cas Lot on Second A Terms nae! of a second quicker than any [| agreed with Mr. Wadman_ they Prof. Kauffman 18 months, Interest at 7 per cent. | ‘ n J . — or . ~~ “ — a - é You get all finese padvantages if J{ would not do, fhe members| pjano Solo Selasted vPRPeTNaeINAe tte mntotas orange : 5 aoe your 1 is a Greene ; . ie Intire ) . » Tue 3 were whipped line, otherwise ae MARRY he 4 1 c »ads entire change of programme ‘Tuesday 0 slock p ere ppt into othe Miss Froud The Ideal Introduction Club leads and Wednesday ! Db Term | i 1 at It ed Ps Pd Pd Po Ps Lot 4, Block 23, Section 7, 6th Avenue, 50-—$300 cash, balance in July. $7 $ ’ » balan in uly | 3000 feet of the finest dramatic moving Lots fo name Bunnie Carrigan & Miller Lots 72 73, block 39, section & double pictures ever shown in Prince Rupert Lots 1 and 2 38 Grades to Select From } ¢ ania ‘ i . to happiness. Strictly private, high class wey would have resigned in a] Vocal Solo, “The Des “3s Army’’| and reliable, Bes 2 t. Addres ti t t d ‘ : Se ; olo, “The Deathless Army and reliable, Best in the Wee ddress on nen rus 0. Admission 10 and 1 ots 15 and | $56.00 to $1,000.00 box 1776, Vancouver, B. the pall SEND FOR CATALOGUE P. | bosy. —Glaylon. Mr. M. Davies ee SECOND AVENUE rete Manson the Disorganizer. “God Save the King” (ene W. W. GREENER | “Mr. Manson's former constit-| ‘Tickets at drug stores. 3 , 99.750. 1 63-65 Beaver Hall Hill luency is now the only Liberal one Det aab ati ath RE PERMITS FOR AND ALTERATIONS TO THE. Double corner Montreal, P. Q. in B. C, (Cheers.,) Mr. Manson's Nine BUILDINGS, vn om hou pretty, tasteful patterns r faculty for disorganization is one] j;), ope tk . Extract from Bylaw No. 10, Clause 4: “en | pen stock dinnerware to show| & y! Ch lis The erection ‘or alteration of any eap ots | eS 0 e um er 0. Good on SIX ej 7 the finest ad the province, He you in the crockery department building shall not be commenced in the Meet ed and 19 has got this distriet of Skeena 80/at Wallace's. 3t Oley of Prince Rupert util a. jermit, for LIMITED look street; ¢ ADVERTISE IN THE badly disorganized that it is split é ae obtained from the Inspector by the owner LOS aa Eee $16 000, Base erin es With | wee oon NEWS up from end to end, Mr. Man- Warm, ae rooms at Savoy. Seal intent with aust avenian crater Lots 7 and 8, Bik. 27, padaasts wi c O A L Level lots in Se = —— a ES ~ | Boa unet sald aN tall tian U5 4? and’ 18, Bik. &, Bec.°6, Pitth Ave. $8.50 Per Ton, Delivered ‘Sinem 0. Lin . $4,000, Good terms Extract from Clause 169: Lots 10 and 11, Blk, 21. Sec. 6 strategi Agents Terract ‘Any person found guilty of an infrac- om ; ; ° re tion of the bylaw shall be Mable to a fine corner hear dry dock; 250 feet frontage; g We have se \ not exceeding #100.00" ~ route on front opportunity ‘or | um er an ou In $ lakelse rw 8 IN THE— Application form and permits for build- aoc yy hg good hotel site; | at from $7 ings and alterations may be obtained from 000, Easy Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley i Malice Mums samy Ce Movlew; beat apartanas seg: be ite All Kinds of Building Supplies INSURANCE Bulkley Valley Fort George District FARM ee ™ Bialdine thépector Lots 98 and''30, Blk. 6, Bec. 7, 91.97 6.1 i: Phone 186 McCaffery & Gibbous rene - sl 52 ‘ | First Avenue one | sespniendalaniitaiaaiememeenaamae —— Cash $525; bal 825 per me oth ears IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— TO 8TE did view of water THIRD ' EL PIPE m FACTURERS. . 3 kK. 6, Sec, 7 LANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on I ANDS ee ane erat oF ORE. aay peo = eee lenders will be received by the City 5 ¢ , BI 32, Sec, 7, $1,200.| easy terms. Clery, of renee Rupert, B, C., on or before ALE @ 25th o arch, for the supply of ap ; 1, 7, $600. Very s s for proximately 3,800 feet of steel pipe, eigh a 7 “F NORTH CO, \ST LJ \ND C OMP: ANY Li mi What petted, Cain ee Senrerey: 00. oe ! thi ORF SR are: MR : I en or usiness Hotel ® « , p y ni uM M 2 ~ room 9 1 te Information for bidders, specifications rw PAYMERN | Lot with 24 fur ! \ tot sale PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000 00 VANCOUVER and forms of tender may be obtained from S od | loe ati 7 » B.C, Wm. Mahlon Davis, city engineer. H F M J. B. ROBERTSON | go A cRae & Co, | The Jowest or any tender not necessarily e ; " . Are ee ERNES rOODs Horseshoeing & General Blacksmithin 19 3 a tity Clerk 3168 Second Avenue Corne ay 7th St and 8rd Ave, J JOHN DYBHAVN 3 ”