fAGX FOUR EYES Licences jr Numounli Full-vue imes. The " es in Eye-Wear EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jcwelery Repairing, Hand Engraving Max Heilb JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties SCHOOL Begin Again September 3rd Special Prices for School Opening Now in Effect Exercise Rooks Ink paper. Retr. 5c size. 8 for Kegular lUc size. 4 tor 25c Loose Leaf Books Outside rings, heavy board 15c Inside rings 20c, 25c Extra fillers. 3 pkg. . 25c Rulers . . 5c, 10c, 15c Erasers . . 5c Paste'... 10c Protractors, Sctsquarcs (Celluloid) . . 10c and 15c Reeves School Paints 12 pans and brush 35c Reeves School Poster Paint Each 20c Set of 7 $1.15 School Crayons 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Pencils Canadian made school pencils. 3 for . . . 10c Drawing Pencils B, HB, H and HH. Each 5c MacLcan Pens 10c Nibs Pkg. 5c Blotters Pkg. 5c Fountain Pens 50c, $1.00 and up Waterman's Ink Blue, blue-black, red 15c Schacfers Script 10c and 15 c Drawing Portfolios 10c Music Dictation Books 10c Get Your Supplies This Week Save Money Save Time Save Trouble SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS We carry a complete stock for Prince Rupert and District School Text Books under Government Supervision Standard Prices NOTE Anyone purchasing books this week to avoid the opening day rush may return same should they not require them after school opening. PoVtase on TEXT BOOKS and SCHOOL SUPPLIES; is btTKA ocnu iasii Hiiii CIIAS DODIJMEAD Optometrist in Charge Tlione 261 for Appointment roner DAYS 25c 'urucr or u.u.is. THIRD AVENUE Clothiers B. C. Furniture Co. New & Used Furniture 1 ROYAL TYPEWRITER $22 00 1 MONARCH TYPEWRITER $24 00 t RECONDITIONED KITCHEN RANGES For coal & wood, from 28.00 t0 39.00 i 8-DAY SESSIONS CHIME CLOCKS flQ Qff Special ?7.tJD 6 ENAMELLED STEEL BEDS CIO CA to Q4 t CA "Complete, from tPl.DU ll.dU New Furniture 80 MATTRESSES Of felt and pure white cotton, In all sizes from 7.50 10 22,95 2-TONE ENAMEL KITCHEN RANGES For coal and wood In From1!!.81"1": 65.00 t0 94.50 IS STUDIO COUCHES Can be made Into double bed, single bed or two single beds. In the latest patterns and colors. From 36.50 t0 99.00 24 3-piece CHESTERFIELD SUITES-In rust, wine, green, red, mahogany, brown, very solidly built and gurantecd satisfaction. From 75.00 t0 104.00 Phone BLACK 321 Next Door to B.C. If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this papar will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city, .w.. THS DATLT HeWR Tuesday Augmt2T ROYAL TANK REGIMENT READY FOR ANY Heavy tanks of the Royal Tank Regiment rumble over a common somewhere In Southern England during manoeuvres. These tanks are just one of the many obstacles that Hitler's Nazi forces will have to contend with if they do decide to launch an Invasion of England. BAR UUIJ) LONDON. tCM The Montreal price of bar gold on the London market, was unchanged today at $37.54 per' fine ounce. t Important Users Say "Buy B.C. Products" British Columbia thrives by its In-dtutrles, and its Industries are gen erous users of " B.C. Products." Logging and Mining Camps were never busier than they are to-day. Employment and Purchases are steadily increasing, and Industrial demands for goods " made in British Columbia" are on a rapidly ascending eate. , The!Pr6yfncial Government Invariably specifies-" B.C. Products" for the n'umeroiis lnstituticiis which come jjlndeVMfs cart il r?'??' u3i uwic yusiciuiijr g. tM.h tw Purehasing: Ants for these -M'Smporti'nt users, whbMveUeuridiby lone investigation and patient test that " B.C. Products " compare very favourably with imported merchandise. Support the Product of our own Farms and Factories. Encourage the British Columbia Producer to deTelop and expand. Give employment to more of our own people. By far the major portion of your domes-tie needs can be supplied within the Province. , i "Buy B.C. Products" THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY Parliament Bldgs. Victoria, B.ci E. C. Rowibottoh, Hon. W. J. Asssunwt,' 1 iVpf MiniiUr, Minitttr. Everything in Novelties : At : I Eva's Novelty SHOP 625 3rd. Ave. West HOLIDAYS Book Your Reservations at SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP' Now Also for Full Particulars Write MRS. DUNN MassetL Queen Charlotte Is. B.C. CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Also CENTRAL APARTMENTS Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprleres I'd Like To Know: (Questions Thoughts and Views Behind the News) By B-T-II (Copyrighted) IF Prince Rupert has not-through a most malignant trick of Fate Hitlcrlsm . . . After a long long last come Into its own, as a Port of great Import? i WHY It required a war a war' that threatened all clvillza-1 tlon, to bring to the atten-' tlon of our government .the the vital strategic value of Prince Rupert as a logical and natural bulwark against Invasion from the west? IF Now that military and J naval collaboration has been consummated with the .iStates, Prince Rupert is Wot and will not, for all time in war-time or peacetime remain a thriving, bustling, evergrowing city, destined to dominate and guard this frontier of the British Empire and particularly the English speaking peoples of North America from all the Aslas? WHY Local capital and property-owners are not displaying Just a "trace" of the public spirit and confidence that prompted a group of the city's dynamic "kids" to step out and put over a Ithree-day celebration the ; success of which, pro-rata, this columnist has not seen surpassed even in Holly-' wood with a galaxy of film. stars to back up the efforts? ; W HY The business future of Prince Rupert would not be assured if the same energetic spirit of do it now was made the keynote of cagey property owners rather than pessimistic doubt and procrastination? WHYWhcn the government lays something in your lap which It so seldom does you do not realize they are : Order In Council p.c 3506 passed doing so because there Is a at Ottawa on July 29th, 1940. re-huge permanent plan to' 5mfid l?atu a.U illema Including make this natural y gateway to Canada Invul-; Owners Of firearms according to ncrable to potential Invas- thelr Place of residence should pre-lon. So whv not erasD the sent themselves at (a) a city or rnJifi, it . municipal police station; (b) a B.C. opportunity that is rapping provincial Police office; or (c) a an opportunity mat some, of you have Jived a lifetime! in an anticipation of-and build ouiid, hntirt build, BUILD? nmrrn - II You over cautious Do-Do's 1 are going to. wait until 'sharpy ... American money a u..u v.u.o mc "gravy" as the States com mence Alaskan operations for defence and future emergencies and utilize Prince Rupert as a by-base while doing so? WHY You don't realize, that once INVADERS TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourwey 8. D Jotuufan Oo.) Vancouver Big Misourl, .05. Bralorne, 0.75A. Cariboo Quartz, 2.00. Dentonla, .01A. Falrview, .00 U. Gold Belt, .20. Hedley Mascot, .36. Mlnto, .014. Noble Five. .00 li. Pacific Nickel, .08. Pend Oreille, 1.20. Pioneer, 2.00. Premier, .76. Privateer, .43A. -Reeves Macdonald, .25A. Reno, .13 y2. Relief Arlington, .08V4. Salmon Oold, .04. Sheep Creek, .88. Cariboo Hudson, .02 & A. Oils A. P. Con., .09. Calmont, .21. C. is E., 1.38. Freeholdf .02. Home, 1.51. Pacalta, .05A. , Royal Canadian, .112 A. Okalta, 470A. MercurKjQ4. ' Pralriefyaltles, .ISA. .' Toronto Aldermac. !l4. Beattie, .95. Central Pat., 1.84. Cons. Smelters, 34.4. East Malartlc, 2.90. Fernland, .02A. Francoeur, .38A. Gods Lake, .30. Hardrock, .79A. Madsen Red Lake, .40. McKenzie Red Lake, .95. Moneta, .43. the barrier is down as It is today Prince Rupert will In spite of doubting Thomases always be an ever growing, thriving city IT 18 THE DAWN OF A NEW ERA an era you've been waiting for . . . Livine for Just why are .you living you re standing still? DEFENCE OF CANADA REGULATIONS Registration of Firearms Game Department office. When applying for Certificate of Egif,tra mnh0thr!nf,?ir?rt,lnK PCrSOnal details will be required! owner's name and address, occu- k iuv.. ui.ftin, wucwicr or nut. he Is a British subject, purpose for whJch weapon is used, 'givne cjuuiiik serial numoer. No firearm cVmll . K 1 t ouiu ui mi n n V" way transferred to any person who Is not the holder of permit; no? shall any person sell or offer for sale any firearm without havlnit a permit to do so. 1 ' ' GORDON S. HSMEli. ' Attorney General SIGNALS DINNER Tn commemorate the nassine of the first years service in the C. A. S. F. the 9th Fortress Signal Com - Danv. R. C. C. S.. held a dinner last evening in the Boston Cafe. All personnel of the company not actually on duty attended. The banquet room was tastefully1 decorated In Signals colors and signal flags, while beautiful vases of blue and white flowers decor ated the tables, tastefully arranged by the wives of the personnel of the unit. Guests of the evening Included Lieut. J. W. Kllpatrick, Area Ad jutant, representing Lt.-Col. S. D, Johnston, who was unavoidably out of town on duty, and the Area Padre, Capt. R. C. II. Durnford. It was a night of stories and reminiscences that followed from the hectic days following Instruc tions to mobilize a year ago up to the present time. Major J. R. Low gave a very Interesting word picture of the period, paying tribute ito the first signal detachment to arrive In Prince Rupert, their trials and the work accomplished in the first few months they were, here. Lieut. J. W. Kllpatrick spoke I of the very Important lob that' was the work of the Signals and how well that work had been carried out In this area. A toast to the first Slenals detachment tn proceed overseas from this unit1 iLlvingstone and responded to bvi Sgt. Weaver. Training of Signals in war was spoKen Dneiiy on byi C. S. M. Smith, Lieut. J. O. James and C. Q. M. S. Sarginson tookt their audiences back to the trv-l lng days In the old N. P. A. A. In their "D0 you remember when?" reminiscences. A toast to Signals overseas was proDosed bv Cant. R. C. H. Durnford in. his own Inimitable way and was ably re - plied to by Lieut. H. L. Hall. The program was lntrsDersrd by songs. Noranda, 54.00. Pickle Crow, 2.65. Preston East Dome, 1.80. San Antonio, 1.80. Sherrltt Gordon, .60. Uchl, .30. Bouscadillac, .02. Masher, .05,4. Oklend, .04 '. Dominion Bridge, 2i.u.- Buy One Dress of $3.95 and Choose Another for lc KSh IT 8tyIUh nurabe J'" Value to $10 each. While last. they The sale everyone Is talking about Women s Hose Rayon Hose 35c a Pair. or 3 pairs FREE for $1, and Get An Extra Pair Free Don't Miss This-Dozens -VALUES of Items -VALUES 75c to $1.50 SWEATERS . . 49c $2 PURSES 49C $12 to $25 DRESSES $7.95 $4 LINEN COAT SUITS $L00 RUPERT MEN'S Womens Wear Surplus 210 SIXTH STREET Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues C Next In Itlin.l XT . .... iuuuuuuuicuuu. . . . . 1 ' """s ana uoys' More (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 . Cm Rid8 fcr Price ct One iu.muiit and VEI).Est,?, 2 Shows, 7:0Q angI i ' DOROTHY LAMOtlT HOB IIOI'E In "Road To Singanore" (At 7:41 and 951) ADDED "BRITAIN'S LUT LUr Sportlitht "CRADLE OF CMAMriOXS" Loyal Order of Moose Present "YOUNG AMERICA COMING TIIl'K, mi men- .jneron, Hrorr. ., . MEET AOAIX Bulletins DIES ASKS ACTION WASHINGTON. Martin Di chairman of the commission vcstigatlnjf un-American acthi-ties, accused Germans and lta. lans of tryinr to prevent tlie Ta-Hrd States extending aid to Erf. ta,n' ''e wou,d have all actn, fore,cn organization, made uitj. al. COMMISSION TO IM)U LONDON A commission hut ed by Sir Alexander Koeer, chairman of tVe Tank Board, b ltarii for India by way of South Atria to discuss with the Indian authorities and the sovcrnmrnlsftli ! L'nlon of South Africa mate pertaining to speeding up the vai I effort and turning It in the dir. j ection most needed. Mai! Schedule For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson ounaay j pj From Alice Arm, Naai Rher and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:8 la IkeTALk lcSALE DRESSES At The Sale Price Fall and Winter Women's Coats Fur trimmed CO 05 and plain O"' Values to $25 TO 50c on Our 9c TABLE TO $1 on Our 29c TAULE $4 DRESSES $1J0 $2 to $4 MILLINERY 5!C $8 to $10 Knitted Suit j $3.95 $2 to $4 SKIRTS 99c STORF, SAT.F OF