ugt uei. t 27 1840- THJ DAILY UXW3 PAGZ TRREB U1. -i O-JS- NION THRLAWHS ON ADOLF Thi is bow at least one Briton reacted to the pamphlets drop- Id by German planes in flights over southern and southwestern ..gland the night of August ,L The paper contained extracts from Hitler's appeal to, reason," speech to the Reichstag in ihich the German fuehrer repeated his reported desire for peace. Announcements i vui be charged for .'n at I, a, ord ies Bridge August 26, , ' I r.te Laaies urwge oetjes' ieqclng September 4,. tette'j Fashion Review anu et, September 12, Tea and ihments. I (0 Dance September 20. ELSIE F, II K APS A.T.C.5L idler of Piano and Theory nwd in all Grades. iCJkt. Successes. Special siiilng in Beginner's Class Work Pnone BLUE .997 ivs .Open September 3rd Forty soldiers, members of the Ir ish Fusiliers, arrived at the Queen They are on outpost duty. Papers Out Early During This Summer LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. Olaf Hanson returned pmlthers last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frasei re-i turned early this morning frorn a holiday visit at Tlell. W. J. Jtoberton sailed on the Prince 'George yesterday afternoon for a brief trip tp Vancouver. ; All concerns havinc bUU atalnt ! the Carnival Committee are xiy quested to forward theni iramed-lately to. G L. JKor'ie, Sectary 'J Carnlva Qornmljtee. (202) A party of yourjg Jolks returning on the steamer Camosun early this morning frojn a month's holiday at Oueen Charlotte Islands included Joyce and Billy Watts, tois, Mare and Richard Nlckerson, Margaret Sutherland and Peggy Large. PRINCE RUPERT LEGION DE-j FENCE CORPS: Parade tonight at ARMOURY at 8 p,m. Lecture on SIGNALLING at ? p.m. by It. 8. M. Parsonage, M. M., R. C. C. S. (202) 1 Mrs. W. II. Kergin, who has been visiting here with her son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Kergin, is sailing this afternoon by the Catala on her return, to Vancouver. Also going south on the Catala is Mrs. W." H. Kergin's grandson, Dr. W. S. Kergin of Premier. Reports of overnight meetings ford Bjy M j Ferguson for publication should also be Bay. Loran Bayes city; n eariy, preieraoiy me mBnfc - Anderson, Digby; before, to Insure publication. STEAMSHIPS LTD:. Pteamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: 88. CATALA EVERY TUBS- T.S.S. CAKUENA HiiUAi. DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:J8 pJn. Poe VsncnuvM. Than. pjn. Due Vancouver, monaay m.m. If (nvenlepV PIeMe.furvbaM Tickets at Office ber Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From WKK J. SKINNER, frlnct Rupwt Aten,!. Third Ave. Pbone 561 "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked LACK COD "."r. Hupcrt Snaked Paily Canadian Fish'&Cold Storage y H. BULGER Optometrist Co. Ltd. Kajaj Bank BIdg. Fi-csh LQcal Raw and Pasteurized MiHt VALENTIN DAMtY PIIONK 57 Cannery. Prince Rupert 'stealer Camosun and are return Helmer McKlnnon, Vancouver; Harvey Jones, North Pacific cannery; M. Ohashi, Port Esslngton. Central Gnr. J. Mclvor, Barrett; F. O'Brien, Barrett; Gnr. Shelford C. M.. Frederick Point; R. Burditt, Barrett; D. M. Nasadyk, Barrett; l. nnrl Mrc P VIPTPOIC. pltV. I hristy, R. C. A. F., Aliford Bay: ,Eng Sun, Sunriyslde; Mr. and Mrs iW s. Anderson. Terrace', Wm. J. Barton, Winnipeg; H. E. Goul-. brown, Victoria; D. II. J. Norton,' fAemet. Calif.; Dorothy M. Stew- Km Faniou ,Edsun Alberta COAL UulMey yalley Coal Nanalmo YemnH!on Coal Bulk ley Valley Wheat and 'Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEE!) CO, I'hone B and 651 ing on trie same p?ai wms. There was another Irish tnva "I met my husband' "on street today." "Yes, It's a pretty after all." I to. Mr. and Mrs, a. Pyson. wme tp. fho rttv pariv this morning on the Mrs. Gordon Jolliffe and two ns earn? In early thv morning on the Camoswn Iroih. ueen Charlotte City and pP be Jhojldajt w.g a; rw Jsimpsofl. sIoa Sunday night. Forty of thn came hi on a northbound steamship b.ut' sp; far there hye'beeix no Ue- They tell me I have a rival col imn jn. this papr'toda.y. ut it's not ?p funny as mine. "Willie," asked the teacher, "what Is the plural of man,?''' -"Men," announced ,Wlllle. "And the plural of child?" "Twlnsl" was the prompt reply. Betty (lust engagedl: Doris, do you; know what It feels like to be in Jove, what it eels like to sit next to the man you adore and feel your innermost soul vibrate?" nofls'5 "Rurp I da. I feel that that e very "time Joe takes me put on his motorbike." Counterfleting has increased 40 Mrs. F. Rakpr nnr! snn Glen ure nercent In the '.United States dur Charlotte Islands this week on the returning soutn on the catala after '.lng recent years. Lots of fellows steamer camosun which arrived an cxtended vlslt wUh her parents .Iflnd. Jt .the vonly .yajr left to make In port here early this morning, w, ,,, r. n,rr.wnrtfAMnf spnilmonev. Cpve. Mr. Baker was at one time J United Church minister at Anyox.1 Betty: "I can't think what you le is now at Rosedale near Chllll-JIsee In Peter. II,e dpes not go In , wack. I A party of eastern American vlsl- tors arrived at Queen Charlotte City It has been decided to get the Dally News out early during to do a good deal of trout .fishing. months. montns. the summer inai makes It very difficult to make jihanges in advertisements that HOTEL ARRIVALS come in late. All copy for new . . .a . . HUftS A ' t aaverusernents or ior vw - p j prty, isUmn Kurlsn, should be In the Dally News of- stevent0 B.c. Yum Gee, F. Mc- flee the day before publication n,na,H P .T for sport or games and . he does not like dancing. What Is he Interested In?" Pam: "Me." yesterday and drove through to. Tlell, where they plan to spend a W J gave weeks holidaying. They were Mr. and ana Mrs. Mrs. Reynolds, iveyiiwus, Mr. and anu Mrs. ivua.. iwrong change.' ) Well, you and . . drivers Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Burnam and . .... Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. Van Van Fleet. Fleet. They They expect expect I 0 me the can't expect taxi accountants for one the small world The novice boxer had been badly, battered In the first round. His J FlOOd All-i ' M?-u in tlicci luiu up. Allfordl "OOQ ouy, uc aaiu, jruu re aoiag line. He fared even worse in the second round. Still his second remained optimistic. "Ypu were great that time," ha said. "He barely laid a glove on you." j The novice looked puzzled. As! he went out for the third round.' he turned to his second: Better keep your eye on the re- James Burton! T.' Terence. R. I.'fr?e sald- Some- , Raerst. Chehalis. Wash.; A. E.DW " Bates, Telkwa, Mrs. B. Doberezak and Miss Edith Doberazak,.Smi- J w-n tj of houses and hAyent ;thers; F. Funnell, Decker Lake; up.-to;da e I M. D. Jones and wife. North Pacific, one to Jiyejn you raised the i?n sp luteh that I t a n O. Rittt. Scott, Oceanic: orpflnie: R. M. m. T.-w-- . . Advertising u n jiivestment art, Port Simpson; Mrs. Cecil Ross, H'raSf 3 Port Simpson; E. Thurber, Digby; 13 guests from AHfbrd Bay. Phones 18 & 19 P.O.Box 515 Preserving Peaches Arriving Vednesday, Aug. 28 HALES and ELBERTAS Prices Will Be Right Your Order Now? MUSSALLKM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Un, RECIIS.TRY ' NOTirr. Ouartfr of Swtlon 3.1, Townkhlp 2, llanie 4. rt l)Irlil. aud ('(rlfj-rat cif Till? N. 14U-K to Ihf Eat Half ot 1U Sortli-WfM Oinrtft of Srrllon 33. Tomhlp , .Krapxe foaH DMrU-t. WHEREAS satisfactory proof ot Iom rt the 'a.bove OertUlfaUa. pX "ritl l-Aied In the name of Enoch Moore and . 8. V;ynie. ripatlvelj i hli beta filed In UUs of,flo. notice U hereby given Un& I ahall at .the expiration of one month .from the da.te of the' first! publication herecjf, law Provtolonal Certificate of TMe Uf1 Icttt' OtrUfkoa.tes. unleas In the mean time valid, objfotlaa U made to me In DATED at the land RegtetTT OOce. trlnce Rupert, ft C. Wa l?Ui day of August." 19401 A. THOMPSON Dpputj Registrar of. ,TlUe. i September 4tH ST. ANDREW'S MISSION. 6hk& Tatlo Phone Blu 997 TORONTO, Aug. 27: -Five thous and parcels pf fopd per week for British prisoners pi war in uer-many, to be purchased and packed In Canada fpr shipment overseas. are asked fpr in a ca,ble receiver! from London by the Canadian Red Cross Society- This request will be discussed at an executive meeting of the So ciety In Toronto this morning, but unofficial statements made by Officers of the" Society Indicate that the Canadian Red Cross will not hesitate in adding this Important new branch of work to Its many services. In making public the cabled request, Mrs. H. P. Plumptre, chair man of war activities, said: uThls Is a great thing for Canada. It li another lmuortant Job which the people of Canada can do in relieving the British Red Cross of some of the tremendous load for prisoners of war from our abundant supplies here In Canada." Financing this arrangement will greatly Increase our heed. The parcel of food from Canada would be distributed in Germany under International Red Cross supervision. It Is understood that if the Canadian Red Cross 3oes. agree to supply the parcels, the British Red Cross will' send over to Canada representative of their packing department to supervise the packing of parcels in Canada. The food contents of parcels will have to be purchased carefully with regard to rules' governing weight and size of parcels are) regulated and .food is sent in small cans so. that there will be neces-) sary variety, ir the Canadian Red Cross takes on the request from England, it may ask the help of ; tho nannrtlnn Mprtlcal Mntrlftnn ' CPMINCL! Crescent Shows Aug. 29, 30, 31; Sept. 3, 3rd Jean JUc Lean A.T.C.M. and Ruth Nelson A.T.CJL AQunce the Opening of PIUVATE; and CLASS TUITION in PIANO and TIIRORY Commencing September 1 Phone Green 83G or Green 403 Studio in Federal Block NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Fronrlpt "A THH: AVVA .rKtiM HIIMr" R:n 75r up tiO Koonir H v i iio wi- rinc- ,Hiirrt ti c fhne tj(i r (k I THL SEAL QU ALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racket by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll to Prior Rnpcrt Committee In considering the nu-j tritlonal valu oj"the food. j The Canadian Red Cross has tor some time past been sending consignments of food oijer to England, to he jjacked th?re and sent to British prisoners In Germany inese prisoners include some va- naaians wno ennsiea wun ine British Forces, mainly the Royal , Air Force. i An urgent meeting of aU women interested in Red Cross work will be held in the City Hall on Thurs day August 29th at 8 pjn. A fifty cen,t russiiitq ad. iften make you .many dollars. rree Free will JVOGUE PURE WHITE Going somh on the Catala today "It will therefore be seen," Mrs.lUl be Clara Betty and Phyllis Plumptre -said, "that by sending Shennon of Vancouver, Miss Mor- , over these 5.000 parcels each week, 8n and Miss Dunham, Mr. and Mrs. f as requested, we will b making M. Carter frcm.pgrt Eslngton, sure that all bur Canadian pr!s-IMs. Macfie for Victoria, Mrs. E. oners In Germany are taken care i Baker and son Glen, Mrs. James, of. There are many of these Mrs. Dodinsead. Canadians of whom we have noj information because they enlisted! In .England and gave their na-i T. Tachlbana, Buddhist priest tionallty as English." 'from Vancouver, tailed by the Mrs. Plumptre emphasized that Prince George yesterday afternoon Red Crosi is the sole agent permit- on his. return south after a visit ted to staid food parcels to prls here and at Port Esiington. Also oners of war. Hundreds of veterans going south was T. Isozakl, prejl- , of the last war had testified that dent of theOcean Falls Buddhistr the food parcels they received Association, who accompanied him from the Red Cross saved them here. r from starvation while they were prisoners in Germany. ' "As an additional safeguard In this war," she added, "the International Red Cross Committee Is sending Its inspectors though the camps to make sure tha,t the pris- which It is carrying. Britain needs oners are properly treated and get all tha frmH cVio Mn rtrru4nrp aiVrt .IViaI. ta(taM flnl nMatt we can provide these food parcels RELIEVEH SUFFERING QUICKLY WITH 1 KELLOGG'S ASTHMA1 F RELIEF 1 10 Days Supply !l Cashmere Bouquet Face Powder '? With each 4 cakes Cashmere 2SC Bouquet Soap All for e 25c bottle only lc with purchase of tif 40c size. 65c value for 1 . Colgates Tooth Powder 20c tin only lc with purchase of 24C Giant Size. 55c value for 25c Woodburys Lotion With each purchase of 50c Woodburys Cold or Vanishing Cream. SOP 75c value for OrmesLtd. "Jfie. Pioneer Druq&ists Tbe Rexall Store Phonn. , & 82 Open Dally from 8 a m till 10 p.m. Sundays anrt Holiday Iront 12 to ,2 p.m. and 7 to 1 p.m. Complete Line of Lumber, Sash and Doors, Cement and Insulating Material ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. PHONE 116 PHONE 117 1i MacKenzie's Furniture August Furniture Sale 10 Sets-3-piece CHESTERFIELD SllITES-Just arrived, In rust, bronze and green colors and super sagless con- Q850 structlon. Prices are as low as Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE J . . li ft.'!! 1