April I. 190. rs. inorion ui !iLw Pnccae IlllCld 1 ooow d . I . - ... 1 1 .f irniin inifrwr woman nuc- tumb to Heart TrouDie in interior mwn MITHEttS, April 1 8mlther a i .. ...nit Vnmm 1rr1 mtlri , d ( iizfns on mursaay ai-whi -n Mrs. Olga Thornton uwav at nr nome aiier a r attack. Mr Tnorum had re-i st-ffered from pneumonia fad been tn hospital for gome . kf hsrf lmnrnved sufficiently d had returned to her home on isvd Pir wnrrr ine patera , Mr- Trnrotw had been the -vfr!ai?e f a products corrrpanv tfie Bulkier valley for many . ,l Ki4 trivelleri (hrnnthnnt miiv from Trrraee to the Fan- L Lake country and was welcome rver. home Mr? Thornton was a widow; her par- of the country but Is to have relatives Jo Michigan 1. ATSTniT . T Sjrr rWUkN 'INUIEBOOl Cbnstructln work at the Barret and Frederick Point forts hai had the effect of making the places look very bmre and unattractive. However1, at Frederick gardening operations in a small way hare already started. Headed by Sergeant Major William Brown the Searchlights have already a garden with some nice bulbs tn bud which will help to brighten the Uttle community and some members of the Battery declare t Bill Is not join to have it all bto own way and they are pre-ocMtrvx a garden with Howard Hlb-bard as the moving spirit A plot fct already laid out and good re sults are anticipated. At Barrett they are talking of a garden but no nraetleal demonstration Fine Furniture For Your Home Chesterfield Suites, Dining Room Suites, Breakfast Suites, Bedroom Suites, Enterprise Kitchen Ranges, Heaters for Burning Coal or Wood, Heaters for Burning Oil, Carpets, Linoleums, ConRoleums, with large varieties to choose from and reasonable prices. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Mooe Building. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert "in from 8:3 .ra. to 5:30 p.m. Phone GREEN 916 "RUP ERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia I Night or Day Mjgf T A VI phone iiz ini Prompt Service 3 Heated Cars i J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldf. Fresh Shrimp BOAT W.SL. nallv it 4 TROTIEK'SDOCK aged by earlier frosts are recov ering. Hon, T. D. Pattullo, Honorary President of the Horticultural Society, has sent a check for five dollars as his contribution to the funds. This will prove very ac ceptable. , Our Business . . . To BUY and SELL Furniture-Households etc. etc. Get Our Cash Price for Your Disposals BAGGAGE Vanities, Pnkritcs, Gladstone Rags, Suitcases, Juvenile Cases, Wardrobe Trunks, Steamer Trunks, Etc. Rest prices Sec us First There was great demand at the sale Saturday for aubretla. ranunculus, primula and polyanthus plants but the supply was very limited. The tw0 trolllus plants were snapped up immediately Possibly this may prove a guide to those Interested in the Anglican ! plant sale Thursday. Violas also sold well as did also the fine has chrysanthemums donated by Rob- "t been irtvm of their Interest in ert Gordon the project. . ' Primroses wintered very well this year and In most gardens are The mornw frosts m ;lp to keep In bloorn. m-se flowers seem to growth back Just now In spite of be. gfna, favorll, in prince the warm sunshiny days Happlly.'RUpert the frost has not been severe 1 j enough, to do any damage and : There seems to be great activity . .. . I iL.k i n rj n i j i ewnc ui uic inai were oam-uii riuicc jxupen generally in nig ging, moving, planting and sow ing, all of which promises well for a successful season. The absence of some of the enlisted men will make it difficult for those at home to keep their gardens In shape but in several cases wives and children are rising to the occasion and doing their duty splendidly. H. F". P. INSTRUCTORS- HAD fin LONDON. April 1: CP A distinguishing collar badge, with the letters "V. R., will be worn by Instruction officers of the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, the Air Ministry has an nounced. WAR ALLOTMENTS LONDON. AprU 1: (CP) Portions of four Royal parks In Lon don will be taken over as garden allotments during the war emer gency. The parks are Bushev Park. Rettent's Park. Richmond and Greenwich Park. TURBANNED FLIER LONDON. April 1: (CP) The uniform caps of the RoyaL Alr F'orcc don't fit well with a beard so one officer, who is a Sikh and must wear a beard, wears a blue turban with uniform. BURGER BRAWL SYDNEY. Australia, April I: (CP A brawl started near a hamburger stand here when a soldier claimed he had been robbed by a civilian. The quarrel grew until 200 civilians and 50 soldiers were involved when police ,l THE MTRCMK COritT OP nKITIll COMMK1A in ruoimn In th Matter of (hp TMalp of JrM JuHmi JrkMo. Drcrc-Vii TAKE NOTICE tfrrt by Lrttrn Probate lwutd out of lb Suprrm. Court ' f Bf'Wi Columbia, I - afpatntrd EMcw.cr of ithe Esttp or Jewe Julian Jn-kon, DrenttA, lae et th CMy of ITirtr RMprnt, Drtttoh Columbia, who tf;tl on (lv 37th day of January 1940 at PrUio- RtiptTt vforesaid. and mil wmm tn(kbtrd to th Eattt of th mhS Jew Julian Jackaen. Dwiiwl, are require to pay tft omootvt cf thrlr InArtxadrM to m forttiint h and all prmni bavins ctauna iftmH anld Estate r rrqulrrd o fU thun wtti m tvoDrrlr Trlfll en. or betfor. Ux 'SOth day ct Aftll 1940 tailing which I distribution of hf !d Eatat ahall be rmde ak1ng Into account only Mich chikim tM kImiu then nve teen flitd roe. DATED t Prince mipeK. B. C. th! rrt day f March 1940. 8VaET DOUOKA3 JOHNSTON Executor of the Estate of Jcase Julian Jackaon, Deceased. THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by the only salmon canning company with an all the year roand payroll tn Prince Rupert TITF-DAILT NEWS WAR MINISTER AT THE FRONT Vl iig .hi? forward areas of the Western Front, accompanied by Lord Gci Secretary of State for War Oliver Stanley, viewed with uitere th;. mule wearing a specially designed gas mask. OLD LAND WELCOMES CANADIANS! Hospitality of BrKaln for Active Service Men from Overseas Recorded By MARY GOLDIE Large Assortment of FINE Bulk Candies Come in and pick your favorite kind Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Lesion great excitement, and said they un oivn thundering eoorf din ner into the bargain. The consideration of the hosts. do- they like to eat?" "Do they like eating at home or should I take them to a restaurant?' The last question Is the easiest to- answer. beeause the young Canadians away trom home shows a great prefer ence lor private entertaining and LONDON. April 1; CP)-Canad- m for- invitations to private Ian soldiers are learning that the warmth of English hospitality is a fine antidote to the raw bitterness 5f the Istand's damp winter climate. The boys who crossed the Atlantic U help in the Empire's defence of freedom are finding the "reserved-English actually can teach them something about hospitality. Into the office of the Victoria League Club where I work Invitations pour dally from people who ire eager to take these men Into their homes without question and orovtde them with good meals, warm baths In fact everything from tea parties, luncheon parties md sherry parties to chatty evenings by the fire, or visits to the theatre or movies after dinner. The groups Invited number anywhere from one or two, to 20 or 50. At our club the men are selected. Iven directions and sent to their destinations. Even the blackout doesn't seem to hinder them serl-lusly and they early always find their way successfully. It has been a pleasing surprise tor ome of the Canadian boys who didn't think the English would open their homes to strangers. They hadn't been in London long before they learned their mistake. The people like having them. They like their fresh, breezy ways. They are amused by their accents. But most Important of all they admire them for having come over to fight. Guiding- in London If a man wants to see the sights of London it can be arranged. It Isn't easy for one. by himself, to get about London even In peacetime, and a soldier on leave naturally wants to see as much as he can while his spot of leisure lasts. Many Londoners have taken parties sightseeing and one man brought his car this In the days of petrol rationingto the Club and took three Canadians to Windsor, Hampton Court and Ascot race track, where they sat in the King's chair on the stand. They told me about It with houses. They feel the need of this horne atmosphere. They enjoy sitting about the fire, smoking, chatting. And there is absolutely no end to the amount of trouble the English ve taking to make them feel at home. West-End Hospitality Such a varied assortment or invitations comes Into the office that it is (sometimes difficult to sort them out. There are several "standing orders" for Saturdays or Sundays for lunch cr tea. Onemon at Richmond has two boys each Sunday for lunch and then takes them sightseeing. And if they have to ask what Richmond Is before they go, they know It Is an eye-filling Park district on the Thames when they return. Pecple of all types are entertaln-olg the men. Poor people, rich people with only small flats, people with large houses. Acceptance of one Invitation usually means others will follow, for the hosts have other people in to meet the men and so the ball of hospitality keeps rolling. ! They havent time to be lonely, these Canadian soldiers. If they do feel that way, they are partly to blame. One boy told me he didn't want to go to any parties because he feared he would get roped Into something dull. It was his 111 luck. I think now he Is lonely but he needn't be. Some Things Free There are free theatre tickets, free concert tickets, free zoo tickets, free dance tickets all provided through the kindness of English people. A Canadian on leave came Into the ofrice for writing paper to refuse invitations; he had so. many he couldn't cope with them all "It's wonderful the way the people here are doing these things for us,' he told me . The English hospitality means a great deal to the men and It means a great deal to the hosts, it Is of vital Importanpe In, .drawing" Can-ada and England closer together and getting the two peopl better acquainted. The men never miss saying how much they appreciate It. And they are doubly thankful for the fact that when they come on their next leave they have friends to see. Yes. the "old country English ate showlnr the overseas Canadians something about hospitality. Advertising, is anf.iiivestment6j(. Twenty -Five Years Ago , April 1, 1915 I I rank Pranks of Vancouver is uceedmg with development of a ' coal property at Lake Kathlyn heart ..m-tiiers. David Jennrnss Is tn charge of a crew of men earring' out fre work. ' Attorney General W. J. Bowser, frllowins a visit to Prince Rupert, sailed this morning aboard the Prince Rupert on his return to The Prince Rupert Bfiard of T ade is endeavouring tchave the local dry dock put to use In the manufacture of-shells for the- war. AFTER 32 YEARS CAMPEftDOVN, Australia. April 1 CPl Elected to the Ilampden Shire Council more than 32 years ago, Councillor W. McDowall missed his first meeting because of Illness after setting a record for attendance. LESS WINE TO U. K. MELBOURNE, Australia, AprU wine-growers' meeting declared. AGRICULTURAL PROBLEMS and hostesses is sometime over- j KEW. Apustralla, Aolril I: (CP) powering and amusing. We are Seventy grouos of farmers have asked all sorts of questions: "Whatjoeen formed throughout Australia do the boys like best to do?" "What by the National Secretariat of Catholic Action to deal with agri cultural problems. Renresentatlves met for a conference here. Xabob Coffee dQ Per lb ti7l Blue Ribbon Tea C7f Per lb DV Nabob Baking Powder 1Ar Per tin Xllx Prunes 2-lb. i package XO Red Plum Jam QQn 4-lb.tln L Fancy Santos Coffee OOL OOp 1-lb. bags liMaMriiaaaaaaaaMaaaaMHiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMHaHaaaaaaaaaaaaa Lemon and Vanilla 4 Aa AUl Extracts 2 oz. 4 oz. 15c Royal Household Q-f Off Fknr-49s OX.OD I HAJiWAv I I STtAMSHlM I fatafsv mu Jf &1 cnUtte .,.Qufckrtethf9 specialized medk-nonforthencne. , where most colds start. Hdps prrvmt colds developing. VlCKS bank. Va-tro-ngl Man in the lVloOiv Tk.M 4s a mmnr nronnd frrwn to the effect that there wai an election recently. Forget It. Ery-thlng seems to be going on Just the same as ever. There is no good reason for the Liberals to crow. They'll get ft In the neck If they don't watch out.. Jake says he went and wasted his vote casting It for Morris. j It seemed like a mean trick for 1 those people who signed Frank COMFORTS ASTRAY Morris nomination papers .to turn READING. Eng.. April 1: tCPMaround and vote for somebody At least two Ions of "comforts" ielse. t 1 intended for airmen are sent to i 1 '. v wrong addresses each week, off 1- Easter shopping seems to be stUl 'dais estimate. Two tons sent in going on : d win do so as long sis .error to the Army Comforts Depot i the old man has money In the here had to be readdressed. Some or the political candidates were bronsht up on the motto: 1: (CP) Loss, ol the carefullv- i"Never cross your bridges until culUvated wine trade with Britain ;Vnu come to them." Thev-came to is threatened by the lack of ship-olng SDace to carry Australian wines to the United Kingdom, a the bridge fell m. last week but several If you have no troubles to speak of. better not go to an afternoon tea. Dollars go farther than they used to. I know that Is true because they never come back. I . . ' Try a Classified Aa-i ertlsement; LINZEY & DAVIES Phone 583586 CASH SPECIALS FREE DELIVERY Bakeasy Shortening f A J-1' Per lb Honey 4-lb. tin Brentwood Peas Per tin Bacon Sliced. 1-lb cello wrap 49c ioc Nabob Strawberry Qt I'' Jam 4-lb. tin Mammoth Size Grapefruit . Tomatoes 2's. Per tin R. A. Soda Blsrnits Per pkg. 24c lie 19c 29c CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S.S. PRINCESS' ADELAIDE every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct S.S.Prlncess Norah April 8th, 18th, 30th, May 10th To Ketchikan, 'Wrangelt, Juneau and Skagway AprU 4th, 14th, 25th, May 5th, lSth, 27th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphosphates, Monocalcinm Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Brand Metals Gold Silver Lead Zinc Cadmium Bismuth Antimony and Zinc Dust Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General 'Office' and Works Trail. B.C.