9 3 s 9 S C Z S r s i. 3t 1 I I 9 PAGE TWO RUB Family BERS If you need rubbers of any description we can ccr-tatrilj :lodk after you. From 'Velvet Overshoes to IJaby (lUinboots our stock is complete. We Have Just Received "KARWASH" A new lightweight hip pullover as light as ordinary rubbers. Fits right over your shoes and does away with cuniliersom leggings. Priced $3.75 SHOESTORE LTD , The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H.P. PULL EN Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member of Audit bureau or Circulations MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN 1'ItKSS 98 Tht Canadian Pnsa is exclusively itlUl cu uae lor republication of tJl aevt atemlches IrediW to It or to the Aasorl&ted Press In this paper and also t ; ; local dc DUbliabed therein. All rUixt of rluIUca.Uon ol epecU) desmtcbes therWn are also reGerred. ; DAILY EDITION Value Of Humor Wednesday, November 27. 1940. Prnlinllv thprp npvp.r has hppn a timn when the value When an advertiser buys a space in the Daily News he knows or should know that he is addressing an aud ience often to twelve thousand people. If he remembers j uus ne win iane a gooa aeai oi care witn ine preparation i of the advertisement If he were to stand before an aud-' ience of ten -thousand people in a huge auditorium he-would need to spend a eood deal of time preparing his1 "EVERYBODY'S WARM FRIEND" COAL Try Our Famous Edson Hard CoaI PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. EDSON, NANAIMO-WELLINGTON, BULKLEY VALLEY Office and Coal Hunkers Trotier's Dock Phone 58 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Utjtl Bulk BId( Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAJRY moNK M7 ANNIVERSARY ' OF BAPTISTS Thirtieth Birthday ot Chureh Celebrated With Supper Monday Nlht Members and frlene. or First Baptist Church met at supper in the parlors of the church Monday evening to commemorate the rur.- Ueth anniversary of the arganixa-rtion of the church. After an vnjov- able meal, an interesting program i beiitlting the occasion was rendered. The pastor or the church. Rev E. E. Brandt, was in the chair A "well prepared toddress describing j 'highlights of the early history ol the church was glvertby H. W. gett. "To' the pioneers of the city many of the names mentioned ana p vents referred to proved most interesting. Those who arrived in tnt community at a later date appreciated the labors of the pioneers. were a bass solo by George Sinclair, admirably tendered, and a lively 'community singing led by G. R. S. Blackaby. ' The address of the evening was given by Rev. Dr. J. Willard Lltch. organizer of the church and now paster of the Kerrisdale Baptist Church of Vancouver Drawing les- i wmmm DOUBLE AtAETT,c f U.. !. 1 ;il.,-,t.o,l ln fV,n Pnfolinn nt 'FOR SALE ui llllliiui nus uccil u& wcit tuu?uaicu no in uic ucicuv.c ui 'Britain. The London cockneys have had to take the bombing. possibly more than any one. Yet amid it all they joke and laufijh and sing and this lightheadedness carries tht-m through. Thebombing is really no joke. No man knows when he or his family may be wiped out by an explosion, yet the blitz is made a joke and this joking tends to get rid of the feeling of dread. Many a man in England cracks a joke with his last breath and no one can tell us he is less likely to enter a happy hereafter than the man who died with a prayer xm his lips. Large Audience - - - FOK SALIS Conlectionery and variety store as going business. Showing nice profit and books open to buyer. Good reason ror selling. Apply Daily News or P. O. box 938. 231 FOR KEN! FOR RENT Large furnished office including beat and light. Daily News. ti. i LOST LOST Dun hill lighter in or around Bowling Alley. Initials L. V. Reward. Box 60, Dally News. 278) LpST Ladies' Lorie sport watch between Fulton and inn street. Phone Green 811. tf LOST Tortoise-shell glasses In case between theatre and Prince Rupert Hotel Daily News. (2S0i speech. If he did not make good the people would walk? out on him. That happens to some advertisements. The1 WANTED matter is not carefully prepared and the readers of the Wt. on 20.ton motOT overlook It paper TesteL oood security. Apply Box The editors of this paper take a good deal'of care in I Daily News. (278) 3nd of the news and the St St! P"?11 opinionsjWANTrD 0usework by hou oilered. The result that and is more more people read it I Blue 334. 279 ji aaverusers ao me same tney will also get results, M any are jretting good results from'their advertising and all can do the same. Chance To Make Good It is quite pdssible that ilussolini has asked Hitler not to interfere in his war with Greece. It would be consider-ed rathera disgraceful thing for the Italians to have to be rescued from their present predicament in Albania. Doubtless the Italian high command feels that it can yet defeat the smaller and much despised country and can redeem its name as a defeated nation. At any rate by Hitler hold ing his hand it willgive the Italians a chance to make good. So word goes out to the world that Hitler will not interfere. LITERARY STUDY AT HOME "Modem Bus iness" by Alexander Hamilton Institute, the best and largest buslines training course in a 2t volume library, cost about $150 DO. Our special for only $18.00. For this or any other Home Study Course and Educational Books in any subject write to Pacific Book j Supply. 1165 Robson Street, Vancouver. B.C. ti. PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT Job as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno. etc. Four Dominion-wide exams held slnee war began. Free Booklet. M. C. C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg Oldest In Canada. No agents. MEN! WANT NORMAL PEP. VIM? Try OSTREX TONIC tablets. Stimulants and oyster concentrates aid to normal pep. Results with first package or maker returns low price. Call, write McCutch- roii's and all other good drug stores Central Hotel Modern Steam-Heated 'Rooms, Dining Room, Steam Bath and Housekeeping Apartments Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress THE DAILY NEWS 'Wednesday By 'A P h O n e itmsH COlUMtIA wsmiitr ca tio. TkdKWcMM if Mt puUiiktd or diipUy ti , the Liquot Ccnfaol Bow J or by tkt Covrmmnt of British Columbia. Int?restlng Items on the program! sons from the pioneers, and t.w nitK -HiV mo n v nf thtm Little Theatre Presenting Play Farce To Be Staged By Local Group Next Week At -Booth School Her Husband's Wife," the first play produced by the newly organized Prince Rupert Little Theaae, will 'be presented to the. public at the auditorium of the Booth Memorial High School on, Decemb?r 4 and 5. it lias been decided by this local dramatic group whose first appearance to Prince Rupert people It will be. The play had a very successful 'run in pro fessional stock before being made available to amateurs. The plot Is based around Irene Randolph, who, llvhv? a life of ease and loved by a devoted husband, suddenly becomes obsessed with " the idea that she is not to live the long and that she must choose a wife for her husband someone 1 who will be good to him arter she! entered Into their work. Dr. Lltch gQne UnwUtmg,y she D,ckS expressed the importance of the Emlv Ladew, ex-Ilaneee of Irene's! contributions of the men who met brother, Richard, as her husband's-the personal challenge or the Chris-. second wife. From then on the tran life and laid the foundations of Plt thickens and becomes funnier organizations to perpetuate In the and funnier. community christian values. Includd in the cast are Miss, Margaret McLachlan as Irene Ran-1 The committee in charge of the dolph. Edward Stark as her hus-l supper arrangements cunsuwu wi. nana, uruce stepnens as uncie ; Mrs. J. A. Lindsay. Mrs. Gus Berg, John. Mi?3 Coral Rogers as Emily! Mrs. J. Armstrong. Mrs. Frank Mor- Ladew. John Good as Irene's bro-, ris and Mrs. Frank Glass. Servi- ther. Richard, and Miss Faith I j teurs were Misses Edith Johnston, King as the color blind maid. Nora, j i Kajr watson and Mrs. Koipn waiser The nlav is under the direction of . ' and'Mrs. Don Ritchie. Charles Edklns. i 1 9 i SERVICE OF A BETTER CLASS (Art lMurray) T a x i "JUST TRY 99 ONCE" TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! For the girls and boys No doubt they make a noise But brain, husky, wealthy and wise Give them dolls, needles, hammers and nails Later they get admiration and praise. Here's a Few Variety Specials Embroidered Pillow Slips Per pair 99c Plain Pillow Slips Per paif 50c Aprons For everyday, full size. Each 25c Soft Kubber Slats Washable. Each Mc The VARIETY STORE B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used Furniture "nam- $7.50 TO.$10.00 5 CBrrx tV4MEL S14.00 TOi6.50 "STl $22.00 TOS45JO0 1 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER Just like I45 00 1 COT In good condition New Furniture 11 FELT MATTRESSES Sizes 3-3, 4-0. Special . 20 -SPRING PILLED FELT MATTRESSES Of finest quality .IS SPRING-FILLED FELT MATTRESSESt With silk striped covering material dU03 i UNPAINTED DROP LEAF TABLES Very strongly built. Special S7.50 $16.50 $6.75 2 4-piece BEDROOM SUITES Consisting ol bedsteau; tanity and bench, and chlffrobe, in waterfall CAO HA design -ipv&iOl) i DRESSERS With round mirrors. In waterfall. C99 ifffl design, a real snap . t?2t)U IC CHESTERFIELD SUITES-In all colors and styles. From $75.00 TO $104.00 Phone BLACK 311 Next Door to B. C. Clothiers THIRD AVENUE CONVENTION AT SIMPSON 1 Port Simpson Is making .preparations to receive some forty or firty I delegates to the annual. convention or the NaUve Brotherhood of British Columbia which will be held at the neighboring "village commenc-lngnext Monday and lasting. probably the most of the week. It is hoped 'to. hove the delegates at Simpson by Sunday when -special church services will be held as a prelude to the convention. Delegates will come Jrom as far south as Squirrel Cove, near Powell River, as far north as .the Naas River, west to the Queen Charlotte Islands and east to Moricetonn in the Interior. Alfred Adams of Massett is presi dent of the Native Brotherhood of ' British Columbia. Lumierjsck Sags Bacldeg's Mixture Grind Medicine for Severs GRIPPY COUGHS It tain a Jot to gtt a lumberjack down, but it needed only Buckiejr'i Mixture to get him up again! Read vhat W. G, McGure, Cowichin Lake, B.C, Myi:"I bad uch a (evere 'grip-py cold that I had to go to bed. The ramp foreman brought me a bottle of Buckley's Mixture, and thanki to it, I am on my feet again. You may uu thia letter to let the world know about till grand medicine." Buckley's Mixture is made to do one thing only give relief in ahortest time ftora coughs, colds grippe, bronchitis, etc Prove for yourself that it does next time you have a cough or cold. Don't experiment- -Buy Buckley's. H OVER IO MILLION IOTTLES SOLDI g m I f WAKE UP liver bue: And Youll Jumn n...... r ! UrA 1. . ynarttwnarh. Ye . T? '"J: on th. Unr , w.-it I, JT .,U,"t them. Ak furCir-, tSL-I,'"ml Dott't Delay thnstmas Is Only a few weeks awaj Ilefore you know it Chrs(w will be here, t'urchi m luriMDias-caw iwiar, CJIHIRTMAS GIFT t.. PINO, SEALS, TAGS, EI trin f..-. . .. .. i thnnnlno rH Jrt; i eonveoiew dibb' PRINTINC Company Betner Block Phone 1 BUTTER MAID DELICATESSEN Now Open For Business ' ALL VARIETIES Cooked Meat and Sausages Chicken Pies & Steak Pies Silversides .Block 0000000000000l000OO9tKKOQWVO9OO000000Wl HOT WATER BOTTLES $1 .00 and $1.50 tHjooooooooooo&oooocioooooobooooooooo'''ooooooos Orates lid. Mi Pioneer Driuifftets al P 'The-Rexall store ""M Open.DalJy frm Jn UU10p. Snndays and Holidays froiu 12 to "2 P-m. na 1 to r cKjffooaooooaaaaoaaooaonoooooMoaooo