You DAILY EblTlbN Find ffolfd Comfort and Dependability iro These Shoes r Uriyx Arch-Grip Sfibes Pcrfhs P!ioe$c Arch Supporting- Shoe uraaa s tltJtt ComfortaMe, Snuar TToif.Fittinr Lines, Widths to R&E "Miss Atlanta" Sfes For general all round' wear Q T and priced' from tpcWe Family shoe store ltD. Home of (Tond Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. prince rbpert - BRmsir Colombia Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEtf - - - Managing-Editor Classified advertising, per word1, pr insertion. , readers, per llner per insertion -... Advertising and Clrcaliitton Telephone Nnws" Department Telephone i. Member of Audit? Korean nt Circulatums HOUSES NEEDED 38 8 Saturday. January 8, K)40. EDITORIAL THE BRITISH CABINET Ttie ehang6s in the British cabinet, as announced in tffe latest edftwrit of this paper yesterday, came aa a aur-orfee to most people in this country. It h pveatrmed that Mr. Hoire-Befoha was in some ifespelgta fffi4 safofaetory He is a' fnaw with abwidan energy and some originality. A Jew, tee may be imtrerj witB Jewiste jwejudices. His removal may of iay not flneai chamge of vrar policy, Ir may mean a cftange f metiiod Tne chan is proba&ty made at the desir f the rest & the eabftfiet or poaaibly on the advice of the military or osval high comwiand. It may also mean that the airgervfes are to be gfven more power of in itiatrve irfisteatt of feeiitg controlled . hoUy py the army and navy. Tneffr awe? )4enty of other throgs tfep change may portemf hot one guess is about as good as another. ifcmlaft rrafatysrie'en unaatiafactory m tfie rrrm-istery of iwformafcHm anl hh rew'gnation wlB fee welcomed by the Errrplter press. Because a man fat 3 haftking expert do"esf not niean that he for a good puMteity mam I fact it gm&hflfy hreaiwr just the opposite. tHK.Vlfi S FifHi li Ei f) Kf S It i en'defit t&at some Iiaiana are anxiowg to mr render sinco f intend is semens: through (Ksfcrihtftlon of leaflet instruct ?on how to give themaefvea Bp aruf lelrfng them trie rewd they get for their gun, airprarMsr and other fmpfem'errt of war, Mo such leaflets would hare hf'f n distnbifed had not at least some Kniwians been inclined 10 iflrtenrreY We know now that many Kefsftfanw have wrenirTeVed and also that whole regiments" had to he machine gunned to drive them mto the conflict. Now -we. h,ear that two million more men are to fee pent agamal the fmns but if they are of the aame dalffrrf as the others they are not Ifkefy to he more mceemttul than the first army. ltar are" mtdJy needed m Prince liunert and the t. .T- 1 '. .: . , - ieuerai government lias a iheme for loarrrng motley at a Iov rate of lrterAt. to enoiirncr thft KnilTfnr a a mi II houso. TTle difficulty is that no loan company ha been- wujiTfg w iwe up the oner or the government and make loans aftdef fife-sttflidMtf. ft J trnderstood that rfieed ef- Runt ti Mall bttfldrW ssdcTety was formed to maker loans-1 Beats Savoy Hotel Further Play Last Night: IV Commercial Bmvilhg league Commercial Bowling League was lh action again last night when Vfgus Aparttnents defeated Savoy I&btel by a score of two games t one: Rnp4a Oil bowled in seore tor a- secttntt fixwrtf. Uie Moose Do The fii-st halt of tile Cflnunefteittl Bnw!!n I'ainc as well atfffljfjia tjrunrtHntr nmne'u-ttnns will m'Xl wek. Xhttlvldufll minrtiu' m ;r: rni lows: 1.0, Artiriis- .1?fiWnieni! 1 1 ? 3 Jack h-1 ;n' if' ,McMeekltv 'i Taylor 135 135 ; w i-" Kliirf !(I4 KM r McLeod ... JfnniHeap-' T.ilal SaVoy Mnlwi Morris Jtarelil ; Arney Low Score Total Imperial! OIV KliuKor Hfcirtwlg ... Kristmansotf Brend T I WANTED ...... x uiMiii, w kj j n inanr ji i aiicnicilbB. yct nope they succeed. At tfie tfme Whdn; there vaa shipbuilding in Prince to hrifljd rXillfters. It Was well patronized and tfie money Lost wa relonned a fant a It came in so that thf clrrfriiinvi stock ry w-as able topay a good dividend every year. It was a great dfoet to the city as it enabled a number of neoole to l 14'4' m 144' irw Handicap 2 ', Tatar , 5SV The leafjne 1188 829 . 99' m PERSONAL sin mil 133 14H' 13,7 sir t z WW 153 24" sir prme U 4 Woose Lodce 2 6 02 e. W. R. A. tf ? J3nnw Aaftrtmenttt 9 E2 SNy Hotel -9 9 'GSyro Club 8' 7 fftnperint Ott T 8 !anadlan JfcotttlrtT 2 tl 77 ' T ill:: Mi MB 13(1 A? 3'. 1533 14' 93' If 10 n 9 9 3 T 2" FATHER T1TE.V SOV LOTffiiON'. Jn. ff: (CP) Tan d fter the death of- Vlnceat CVwtwrtrttt eker. deou?r-tteot' Jfieaant of tTi Citv at London, earn ;the deafh of hl son. PlTlnr Of- ""' Albert; Antony Tickers, In iaction FOR STALE POB SALE Cary Saf in goodl condition. Apply Dally News. tt. ; FOR SALE Sealed tenders will ' be received by the underalgned ponedi. up t ivon Saturday, January Jkntu 26tfc, or the jMTShase oi th ' hattbirt boat KyrleBe, ' Ifngth-i 40 feeety beam r2 feet, powered r by 29 H.P. Rapp engine. Thts 1 boat may be seen al the New : FWiermen' Floats atter the 9th mutant. Terms strictly cash. Highest! or any tender not ne-; eessarlly attepted. Official Ad'-mlnltrator, tW HOW TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Letter Garner, Postal Clerk, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Etc. Free Booklet. The U. C. C. Schools Ltd., Wirwiipesr. Oldest tn Canada. No Agents. 70V can ran a Honw Kindergarten with- oar help. Canadian Kindejarter Institute, Wlnnl; pejr. Manitoba. tf, FOUND FOtWri-Man's Mac eece lined glove Owner may hare sanrte- by paying for this advertisement., tf. WANTED WANT'ed Woman desires house-work. Apply Daily Ncws (5) Hoasekper, middle- aged widow preferred. Apply, Box 27 Dally News. MO) L03T t- ri-m Imperial certificate. return to Dally $21). 6fl" registered Finder please News. Rewarjt -J3 hi i Iff T hffffi'fist txhn- nthfrrwian f-Atiffl nrf Vioo Inni. i ff LOST-Man's Grurt wrlrt seenidrfn pity iffal the company was wound up. f". p?y,nc B1e 920, i it pfld hack every dollar invested and seven per cent in- BOARD A7Nf) "1(005! terest on the investment the last year. It riifglit not be difficult to organize a, similar concern nt sitri. ffiiriff hMhcstf DConfe have intimated that thev would k willing to, stioscribe" to the stock. It might be an ROOM and News, Board, Apply watch. DEA'LER WANTED (5)i Dally 410 ordinary business corporation or a co-operative or&anlza- require an active dealer to tion in wlcrfthe member- would have theMrrbWfng pVef-j h"Jf th JffiS; erencc. Possibly the latter scheme might be the mttr t T'LZl "Tll Such an organization would enable local people to build man' Bid. vanc6uver, b. c. homes for tnemselves, who otherwise could not do so. 'ioj T' .. mndeni warfars 1 Violin ' At 2 Vacuum' Cleaner At .aww ae- A ' rt. . .. rr Bradmrd' i m I Aimtrv soccer oonedK ' iaolwSawd Sftltwall 1. WatJbrd I. Norwich 1. Charlton 0 abandoned 1 i. 1ot!tihnm-Aeseat ostfnned. West Hum 4, Souffcettd 0. Western g I Chester 1. Cfeew 9. SMrtow 3, Maneheater QMtedi 2i MancMstfe lE&jr 3. fiwrpooi 7. Ninrtto BrifMkM. X- Prt Vate X ftockoort 3. Wtexham I. Stoke I. Tfaamere Rv (T. Northwestrn' i AeertntoiD f, Bottsw I . Barrow J, Bwrnley 1. Blaekbitm Riirers- f. OMfamt 3. Blaefnnnl CwOtle 2. Bn'T 3 RoMsfe 1 SoutStport I. PresMff lnrtted X fd&nd Coventry 91 WoPirtmtHiv 3. Leieester l. )mMviimfn I. Lnton f Wattfltt a. Southwesi. Bristol Rows 1. eUacHtt 9. Torquay 3. Swatnea 2, Swtndon. 2, Plymouth. 9. East MTdtand Doacaster 2, Opmttoy 9. LMcaUi 9, Rotherham 1. MansfieUtllfott Cotmty (pont- Fareac 2 Gkesterfteld 9. Sheffield TfoJ&rf, 2, Barnetey I. South B Aldershot I. Queens Park 3. Brighton 3. BnwJortf 2. Bournemouth Portsmouth 9. Chelsea 1, FulRam I. Soirthamptort 5. Reading . Northeastern poaedY. DorUnvton ivnac- W" twfc Tstai' Paftuw t. Cttrptrnt Orient gSI iSE arttepol (piwt- cicy a Scottish Eaxt ADor 9, PSOtlrtc 1 CbwNwfeeath I. Dundee I. Bundee W(tt 4. Arteoaxlk. 2. Ease Fife U Afeeotoa 4. HRemiaaa 4, SaUfc L Klncs Parte X Heart 1 3t Beraad-I)afermUne 1 pt-poned. , ateftewitrtr 1 at. loanaflon 3, West ; Atorfyfe cube r. ade S. AMoa ft Dowilwiton T, it Mhrrm X KUnamedc I. Hmdltan 4. ' Motherwell 3, Ayr 3. tyf f floaSh 3. Mnrtioa ft Rne 4. 5en Pwk ft TWrrt Lanark 2, PavtkdE Ibtatie ft Exhibition Garner CMlf Glfiy 4. BIrmlngiuun 5 JJewposf Connty t. West Brnn-wlett Aittkm 3 Chelmsford 9! 1 Association 3. B. C. Fufniture Co. Values In few Arid U?ed Furniture Used Kitchen Range fit good, condition, of various make. Price S18, $20, S22.56 S25.50 1 3-piete Chesterfield Solte Just Mke new 9 Dresser From 2 SessIonsJMay cKhrte CloVlc Jtttt ttk neV jf... S64.50 S7.50WSI3.50 S&.95 9.95 $7.50" $10.50 New Fuftiiture 1 3-plece Veloor Chesterfield' Latest style 1 Chesterfield Bed arfd 2 TMf Chairs At - r 1 J-piece Chesterfield In rust and the latest style Phone BLACK 321 Next Door to B. C Clothiers $89.50 S89.S0 $98.0 THIRD AVENUE T t REBUILDING CANADIENS MONTREAL rr. 1 CP -President Imest Snvarinf of the Montreal Canad;ens announces the removal of Paul Droui.n Ernest Robinson ar.d Paul Raynes' :n from ttte- Une-o and tttt in of BUI' aummerhlll. Otis Maav misco aud Arnuuut Mbntftw- fiUR Hew Bkwen. This is aoot&er phaae of a M(r tarn: (MdttBtRwasB: piam wtttclt ste-ort an Wddwulny wtth tile sending of Hie TCtenm wlisf er. Jtahnny Ongnon to the !w Turk Americans I - - . I 'STORT GHSt Fanner aywmuiit auxln ataamftr iiq .if Cimada, Asrchw '!Ni"llii sjMnntrar rewina ttew awwaalfo i hi- immt defeat o IBaWB IfccwJ i Xnr.ntir 11 HH atft M Week t ;t i ;t noh led ram me Mwded , . k i1uih 42 VM M fiWKfaf in- i:i!hj led hmmwwinwBrtlHtt!" e:ir.i urUer Uline- tB I , .I !uut f(uir9-wus 2 W. Ml watt an American dtMU LS :v hittteing oId : -tl.le tine of "l I'Hl netrt In 14.44, FKWEJC 9 ttl.lf Jim r.tPETOWW. Ijtvtah mm nt mmti Afrkni I statnMy in the Ftgavea tor ltM 9rm tk 9SI b in M On each oeca.tlon BtCdKOCTS (MtORK trr,rd .ifvr aomit two hours LINZEY & DAVIES Red Arrow Sodas Pr pkft. Sarar Crisp Corn Flake 3 pkgs. Oglfvie flake-Per pkg PHONES 585 3S6 r Colrafe Tot Soap OiTp I Bowl-All for Cashmere Bo4aet BotUe L4Hn AU for Rtmo Deal I karre I imaR Pbr Soap. 1 25c 26c lot Deal I large Lax O ff p 0t,U J Lt Soap Obn Baga Wheat Path- fju-h 2dc 22c 25C 10c Geod Fmh On mid Cffe -Pr lb- LtD. Tta Per lb. Exign Peaches Fr tin Pork and Beans 1 lb. iiae each Totnatoe Per. tux. TQ YOUR FRIENDS 2 s.. sum An nantfs I Waebaat ifirMk x Dim At Atf foft asm tw In $mxpfkm when CHURCH NOTICES FIRST UNITED CHURCH Orrm Mfv 3 wanna Olafon ,VTX-M. Ceader Senior Chir J. S. WUvn Leader Junior Ch4r H. T. Lork JlWfeiUr er. J. C ackson SFN'DAT. Janaary 15U II a,w-Jnninr Choir "Ar.of.her Y'ar fta.j Pa.ed Away" W bar7 SerTn The Friendihip ( Jea." ? p m - Quartet Tome L'nto Mr Er:i-.t R .'. Mrs. H B Br4- Or rnr Mrr R- o Larxe ind r J ? Wltoon -rT...-, -,m One End We" Reeeptfcwr nf Mem hers and Sacrament ( Uic Loni's Sapper T Lock. 55c inptfite Mallo. Whip 9 3 flavors. Per Utic. First Grade Batter 3 lb i Snip A 10-LB. BOX OF NEW PROCESS f. sv. M m WW. oc 97c 15c 10 c Orange- Dozen 20c 25c 3dc 12c j Rupert Brand Kippers For $1.50 we will deliver a box of Kippers fo your friend noose ! in any Exprm point in B C. or any Canadian National Railway Express pofnt fn Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Mall your' order with cheque or cash to CANADIAN FISH tt COLD STORAGE CO. LTD Trine Rupert, B.C, with name and address ol consignee. We will enclose card with name of sender. I Canadian Fish & Gold Storage Prince Rnpert Co. lli British Colombia