t, 3.. June 10. 1640. V fl.0OwUtaAa')GO8atC of ' lb, OM W aisa toaacca U Cvudxn Mrvtef In United Kingdom r4 ft vet ary,' &Xm-t Can" PjO. tot MB, Mamraaj, Out. Sons Of Norway Dance Enjoyed One Hundred And Seventy-five Persons In Atlcndsnre At Affair Thursday Night 1 TH2 OAIL? rU'Wfl "D Im 9M1 U. Captain Wilhwipcon?" "tit tUy? Th'ieofl Dm Sw.rt Copl" SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "Tin fumt jtrm in nkitk toltte ,n b, ,m,l,tj," Cement Lime Gravel Lumber Shingles We carry in stock, Walllwards, Donnacona and Huildintf Materials of all kinds to look after small repair jobs or to build a mansion. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. rilONE 651 Estimates Gladly Riven PHONE CM Were Married Saturday Eve MIm Amy Margarita Pearce Be-comes Bride of James Moreno The funeral of the late Robert McCook will take place from the parlors of the B, C. Undertakes Tuesday. June 11 at 2 30. LOCAL NEWS NOTES B. A. RasmuAsen, president of the ' Bank of Alaska at Skagway, was a paasenger aboard the Princess (Charlotte Saturday afternoon go iflf through to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Westhead 'of Lanfara bland sailed Saturday afternoon on the Princess Charlotte I for a vacation trip to Vancouver I and Winnipeg. j The regular monthly business ; luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club will be held this Wednesday Tomorrow the executive will be in session. Mr. J. t. Spickett. one of Juneau beat known pioneer women and former postmistress of the Alaska Capital, was a passenger aboard the Princess Charlotte Sat -hestfa with Mrs. .J. S. Duck ants were Mis Kathleen Pearce and Hnk of the Canadian National a pianist and o.var earner as ucorge Robinson rjter of ceremonies. Delicious re- . Omenta, featuring hot dogs. r.'Jles and Coffee, were served at .Ight t The committee In charge con-1 d of Mrs Ole Wick, Mrs. An Dybhavn. Mrs. Larry Arnofd I Evrrson R Hundelde and Lap n Ar,. ild. .1 If you hate someimng to swap try a Classified Ad. Most people .ads. Do you? rrao In classified Funeral Notice den of the 102nd Auxiliary. Dailv adverMnna m Nws is ure v bring suits GYPRQC PIRE5PHOOP WALL. BOARD Build YOUR walls and ceilings on a safety basis with Gyproc Fireprotf Wallbosrd. Whether new construction, renovations or repairs, Gyproc is the ideal material for walls and ceilings. Just consider these features: IASIIY AND QUICKLY ERECTED sovts lima and labour PERMANENT AND DURABlE-thtrtfore economical Wilt NOT WART, CtACK, SHRINK OR SWELL INVISIBLE JOINTS-pantl strips are not necttiary SMOOTH, PUST-FREI SURFACES asy to keep clean TAKES ANY TYPI OP DECORATION no monotony Tha LIGHTEST WEIOHT g yp sum wollbaard mad In Canada And GYPROC It FIREPROOF G)fni It iU mryuhirt in Cans J 4. Sttycur hc DtdUr in Ltmlhtr d BuiUtn' SuppUtu W h Irtttk ht Irtt Oypn laoi'al Insist on Ctnulnt Gyproc IJtnlify Ikttt turn wayu 1; Look for the nam GYPROC on tha bck of every thcetj 2. Look for the Green Scrip on both !de edgen me Dally dally re- t hITKiJtH1itW H PI I m lW" rn (TrEioTrg Mike Hudema sailed Saturday afternoon on the Princess Charlotte for a trip to Vancouver. Verne Price of the pathological laboratory at the Prince Ruper: Oeneral Hospital left on Friday night's train for a trip to New York Father Eagar Dallam, well known Roman Catholic priest at Skagway, was a passenger aboard the Princess Charlotte Saturday afternoon going through on a trip to Seattle. P. M. Bums, Inspector of customs, and hi assistant, O. E. Norris, after a visit to Tulsequah o'ri official business, arrived in the city from the north on the Princes Charlotte Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Loul Schulta of At- urday afternoon aoine thrmiffh ti.lm were passengers aboard the 8eattle entente to California. Pr)ncesa Charlotte Saturday af ter- -noon going through on a trip to VOLUNTARY REGISTRATION Vanc00Ter and elsewhere In the TOR NATIONAL SERVICE will tn' Mf-Schulz is one of Atlln' take place at City Hall and Cana-(bf!rt kno''n pioneer business men. dlan Legion on MONDAY. TUES- DAY and WEDNESDAY next, 7:00 Ueut- - O- Stuart, commanding to 10:00 p.m. Males only ages i6jofriccrof th Royal Canadian Naval to 60. i37) j Volunteer Reserve here, expects to Entertainment For Troops In Town Enjoyed The regular Sunday evening entertainment for the member of the military . naval and air force units in Prince Rupert was held last evening in the Canadian Legion elubreoms. With Mrs J. S. Black at the plana, community singing was enjoyed. A competition in which groups had to recognize musical numbers when only a few bars Mix Amy Margarita Pierce and were played provided keen interest With some 175 persons In at- James Moreno of the Irish Fusiliers and the members of the winning ndar.-e a Sons of Norway Lodge were married at the home of the group wre given prizes, 'ance held Thursday night In the parents of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Th main feature was the show- :ddfejlowv Hall was a real sue- E. R. Pearce. Saturday evening. Ing of moving pictures through a. Music was by Mike Colussfs Dean Otbson officiated and attend- the courtesv of WUllam Crulck- .... u jji a icw uays jor xJig- Mand to report for duty with the .1 Rival tSm Rebekah Dance Is Successful Two Hundred Persons Attend Af-fair In Aid Of Prince Rapert General Hospital A highly successful and enjoyable dance was held by the Re-bekah Lodge Friday nleht In the Oddfellows' Hall, about 200 being in attendance. The hall was prettily decorated with balloons and spring flowers. The affair was in aid of the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Delicious refreshment were served at midnight 'and dandm? continued until 2 ajn. with music by Mrs. DeCarlo's Orchestra. Ra'lwsvs These films were much" irs A- Barbe was general con- appreciated and the troops en-Jvenor- "slated by Mrs. D. V dorsed verv heartily a vote of8m,th- noble grand, Mrs. Norman thank on the motion of J. S. Wll-1 Moorehouse. Mrs. O. B. Church, son who was In charge. ' and Mrs. P. D. Morrison. Those Refreshment provided by thealso ang were Mrs. B. Whar-Canadian Lion lhen served r1' Mrs 11 V. Tattersall, Mrs. S. under the dlrction of Mrs. S. D. v; Cax- Norman Moorehouse. N. Johnston and Mrs. James Had-ir Aoplevard and F. D. Morrison. u. a. Church and D. V. Smith were In charpe at the door. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prinre Rupert J Salt. F. M. Burns. Q. E, Norris. T. O. Stokes. F. S. Walton. H. J. Ilobbs and P Mrinihn Van couver; E. c. Baylla. Inverness: 'H. B. Cooper, Winnipeg: R. H. C Ersktne. Edmonton; J. W. Allard. Dundaa; R. Moore. Smlthers; W. M. Tully. Vancouver; Murby Siv- erlson. Eagle Orove. Iowa: Henry .Helgen. Emraetsburtj. Iowa; Fusl-Iller and Mrs. J. Moreno, Prince Rupert. It's the eumuiam rmcl of ad vertlsini? that counts. "Build B.C. Payrolls" SEVEN YEARS We always have dining table." PI . namrrtl Mrs. K. McP.: "Since coming to British Columbia seven years ago," she writes, "1 have used Pacific Milk for tea, coffee, cocoa, soups and for cakes, puddings and can dy. I am never without It. I it on our PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Stanley W. Colton CHIROPRACTOR ' Wallace Block Phone 640 SPEECH OF ROOSEVELT Italy Refused to Negotiate Rut Stabbed Its Neighbor in the Back, Declares President CHARLOTTESV ILLE, Jane It-Speaking before a gathering of the University of Virginia, President Franklin D. Roosevelt this afternoon charged that Italy had been unwilling to negotiate for a settlement of what it might have considered Its legitimate aspiration. In declaring war, Italy had "stuck a dagger in the back of its neighbor." "We send our prayers and oar hopes to those friends beyond the sea who, with such magnificent valor, are battling for freedom," he said. There would be a speeding up in making the resources of this 4 country available for the Allies and also against the day when democracy would have to be defended within the United States. J?T Wl CIFflMSFR ml. 1 VvS8 efr ttts. m f1M trtf rscct U4 tWM BIm-Dm T tnm Bit ri CJMr tilt, l U HHf wki an 4 ttff. U Ullrt CiixUal C LU, MMtnal. Act , mU BIG FIVE CLEANSER ilct mttt Jm it tmr Mitr in tittttlly mU tt tiictt itrtirats Wtat cratek Na mcll a It It kt la ;nr kaa4 ktttra tt tn-talaa all til (atara Cliciriaa. UNITED CHEMICAL CO. LTD. 3830 St. Ambroise St Montreal IN TIIK M THEME CtH KT or RRITIMI IX TROnATE I In thr Mattrr or tUr "AdwInUtratlon j Art" And I In thr MMIrr of the T.statt of ln-j mla) rfinon. i TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Hia Honor Judge FUter dad Mar 15th I I u axrinted Admmi&traXor 1U the Win uMirxcd of tbe Estate of tbe Wte Benjamin rVrpuon, Daoeaard. U.V of the OUT of Prtracc Rupert. Province of British Columbia. Uerctunt. and that I are required to pay their clatou to me forthTath and Umt all pernor having claims agaariflt the mid Estate are re-: (ruired to f He ttoem properly verified in vruUuc with me on or oeiore the 3oth day of June 1940 falling which f ahall make distribution of uch Estate baYtng regard only to clt'.ma then In my hands DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C. this IGth day of liir A. D. 1940. NORMAN A WATT. Oflleial Administrator. Announcements Ail adertlseinen in ixn w. imn will be charged tar a full month at 2V. a word Lutheran Sewing Circle Tea and Sale, Mrs. Murvold's, June 13. Anglican Tea, Mrs. J. Friday, June 14. Cambral June Hall, June 21. 27. Presbyterian Tea. Mitchell's June 25. July First. Fare $2.75. Queen Mary Hall July 5. ,7. W. Nlcholls. A Navy Auxiliary Tea and sale of home cooking will be held in the R.CJf.V.R. Barracks, June la. 3-6. Canadian Legion Picnic, June 18. 102nd Auxiliary tea. Johnston's, June 20. Mrs. 8. D. Frolic, Moose Valhalla Picnic June .23. Mrs. J. R, Catholic Tea, Mrs. DeJong's, June Dominion Day Sports Celebration, July 1. Big Dance In the evening. C.-N. R. A. Excursion to Terrace, dance Oddfellows' Catholic Bazaar, October 2 and 3, Anglican Fall Bazaar, November . 1 a a a o g o a a a a a a a a a a I s a a g a a a a a o a a a a g o o g 2 g g a WHERE TENANTS nAPPY 40c PUTTING BILLIES CANBERRA, June 10: (CP) HEXHAM, Australia. June 10: Rents are high In Australia's capi- (CP) The oldest working loeo- tal but tenant are well-treated motive In Australia which, starter! for the government is the landlord it career in 1858 is now a tank of most dwellers in the federal engine here. The Commonwealth's district and house are regularly oldest engine, brought here In Inspected and repaired. 1855, u In a Sydney museum. a oooooooooooooooouooaovwwc-awoooooooKiaoooooooHj Cherub Baby Oil Excellent for Chafinp;, Chapping and Diaper Rash. A Baby Feeding Bottle Free with each purchase Both for Ormes Ltd. ZTJi Pioneer Drmzpfjts The Kexall Store Phones 81 St 82 Open Daily from a.m. till 10 pjn. Sandays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. VOOOOOOO-OQ OOO B. C. Furniture Co. Outstanding Values In FURNITURE 10 End Tables-Each 16 Coffee Tables In all styles of fine walnut From 22 Table Lamps Latest In shades and colors. From - Chesterfield Tables In fine walnut. Special ; S6.95 $1.95 C Couches and Pads Can be made In a double bed. has very comfortable springs Next Door to B.C, Clothiers S2.45 to $9.50 to S3.95 $18.75 10 Studio Conches All new colors. Can be made into double bt two single beds. Very finest quality. Regular $45.00, now , 1 3 -piece Studio Sets in' ruit, green', very modernistic. Reg. $100. now . $36.00 $75.0d $10.50 piece Bedroom Suite Consisting of bed, vanijy, stool, chiffon ler. In waterfall design. . $72 50 3-piece Chesterfield Sets In rust, green and brown. Strong, durable frame and long lasting life. Cr?? QiU.VV Reg $100 Now Phone BLACK 324 THIRD AVENUK SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! Milk: tt OCEAN FALLS fad POWELL BIVEI Steamer leaves Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan anol Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For fans, tU.t swA f wri9 City TUkst OJJU, IU trA Aw. y-Mo g O 0 8 ooooooooooboooooooo OtKKK -OOOOOOOOOObOOOCK