m m m 8 8 5 X 3 s s s M c I PAQE FOUR ' C AMPACS ' The Finest Styled Crepe Soled Shoes on the Market - Comfort, Style and Durability, All in One. Priced From 52.50 TO $3.95 Six style? to choose from. Buy now while sizes are complete Family shoestore ltD The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Paid fa advance, per month By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all other countries, per year - Classified advertising, per word, pr Insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion News Department Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member of Audit Bureat ol Circulations PAILY EDITION EDI S6 98 Saturday. April 13, 1940. RIALS CAMPAIGN "SEXT WEEK The Daily News is glad to be able to co-operate with the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Horticultural Society in drawing particular attention to the Clean Up, Paint Up and Beautify Prince Rupert" campaign being carried out next week. It is a very worthy object and one iYini marine? mtiti . vn1?M Al "i. - .11 l ' .uv ijivuiio iiiu.11, jiuu uiiiv in matting me city attractive to tourists, desirable as a residential city but also in increasing our self-respect. Every Junior Chamber of Commerce in British Columbia, and indeed throughout Canada, is carrying out a similar campaign. These include such places as Vancouver, Duncan, Vernon, Prince George, Kelowna, New Westminster, North Vancouver, Nelson, Chilliwack, North Burnaby and Haney. All these are very desirable cities but it is doubtful if many of them have such beautiful parks and gardens as Prince Rupert. Already visitors to Prince Rupert usually hear about the city before they leave Vancouver and are told it is a city that is well worth seeing because of its attractiveness. Gradually the change-has been made from the old city on stilts of the early days to the more modern city of today. In keeping with its fine new buildings and public gardens, the residents are co-operating and vying with each other as to who can do most in making this a beautiful city. There are, still some old and unsightly buildings that should come doVrfand some back yards that need cleaning up but the work is well under way and the attention of those who have such' unsightly or unsanitary places will be drawn to them during the campaign with a view to having them removed. We all need to examine our own places with a view to improvement. HOLDING BACK NEWS No matter how much we would like to get the news of the various events in connection with the war, it must be ..remembered that the British and French Admiralty would not be justified in giving out news which might interfere with the success of the operations. Take as an example the landing of troops. No information is given out until they are actually landed and even then it may not be good policy to say how many or exactly where they were landed. Because of these delays in giving out news it sometimes may be thought that the British and French are inactive. Occasionally we hear such remarks as "Why don't the British do this?" or "why don't they do that?" We always must remember that we havp n small nart nf tun ;ntn.n ilion only but the British .high command hasall the information available. We must allow that'lt is in a. much bet ter position to Know what to do than are we four or five thousand miles away. Also 'we must remember that we are liable to be led astray by German or other enemy propaganda, especially radio propaganda. The Daily News is a member oi the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership Jn these organizations. .... G. W. Spinney General Manager. Bank of Montreal BAR liOIJ) LONDON. iCIO The Montreal price of bar eold on the London market was unchanred todar at $37.54 pet fine ounce. Five thousar.a fluDert people read the Daily News, it pays to let them know what yon j nave to sea - I ' 7: CUssiFlES 9.0C . 02 1 I -5 run 5AL- FOR SALE Baby chicks from vigorous new blood leghorn breeding stock. Unsexed $10.00 per 100, pul lets (97) $25.00 per 100. Also Rock and Red chicks $12.00 per 100. Appleby's Poultry Farm, Mis-slon City, B.C. tf. FOR SALESealed tenders for the purchase of the gasboat "Audrey W." will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Monday. April 15th. Length 42 feet width 10 feet, draft four feet and Dow PERSONAL or AGENTS WANTED flat. (93) HOW TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Letter Carrier, Postal Clerk, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Etc. Free Booklet. The M. C. C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. No Agents. 'I AGENTS wanted to sell children's garments complete line direct from factory to wearer exclusive territory. Children's Wear Mfg. Corp.. 510 Homer Str. Vancouver. tf. MEN-WOMEN! HERE'S WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! A STEADY INCOME-financlal security for life guaranteed you with a Famllex Agency of your own. Inquire TODAY without obligation, THE FAMILEX PRODUCTS COMPANY. 570 St. Clement, Montreal. YOU can run a Home Kindergar ten witn our help. Canadian Kindergarten Lnstitnte, Winnipeg, Manitoba. tf. MMl KKOHTHV ACT XOTirK II: Ortlflrali. of Tltir .No. 2IM1.I t ,. Thr EautfTtf.ss rrrt (from, Iront to I J'T',! "'. 1-2? " ,",k . S. f Ity of I'rlnre ltiiM-rt. Map 93. WHEREAS imiJKfiu-tsn-v . J p. Uf 1UH th above OrtJctfate of Title hnvd u' nnn ox imina c. Wler hu bwi Med in th office, notice U hereby dm) that I hmr tlon of one month from th date of nrw jiuoiu-Tion Jwirrof. lmuc s ProYl!onl Ort incut of Tltl in lu of tn mid ion OrUfkute. tinles. In the meantime valid nhiwtimi to me In writing. uaua at the Land RrgUtry Office. Prtnee Rupnt, B. C thu let dT of April, 1940. A, TilOMPBON, DfjUff IVglitrir. X ered by lff-20 Easthope. Boat may) oe seen at Yacht Club. Terms: Cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Norman A. Watt. Official Administrator. (83) FOR SALE Trolling boat 'Partner". ( -engm 30 it., powered by 6 h p. Easthope. Boat and engine both in good condition. Lota of aooons and spinners and very little used.L 4-spool gurdy mot installed i. A real bargain at $375 cash. Apply ! Dr. H. O. Johnsen. 83i WANTED WANTED Housekeener mML aged widow preferred. Apply Box 494. Prince Rupert. B. C. tf. WANTED Small house Phone Green 995. 1. of FOR- TH2 DAILY NKWfl Old Country Soccer ENGLISH WAR CUP, PRELIMINARY ROUND South A Southend 1. Queens Parle 0. Brighton 1. Clapton Orient 2. Northampton 1. Watford I. Mansfield-Notts Cdunty, later. South It Bristol 2. Aldershot 0. Cardiff I. Reading 1. Bournemouth 5. Bristol City 1. Portrait 2. Walsall 2. Swindon 1. Torquay 1. I North A Snuthport 1. Oldham 1. ! North Brighton 2, Crewe Atos ander I Rochdale 3. Accrinfton 0. Barrow 1. Carlisle 0. Wrexham-Stockport, later. North B York . Bradford CUy 4. Hartlepool 2, Halifax 1. Darlington 2. Cateshesd 0. Hall 1. Lincoln 0. Doncaster-Rotherham. later. SCOTTISH WARTIME CUP semMinals Alrdrte 0, Dundee United 0. Rangers 4, Motherwell 1. ENGLISH REGIONAL East Midland Grimsby 0. Barruley 0. Sheffield United 1, Chesterfield Coventry 1. Wolverhampton 1. West Bromwich Albion 3. Luton Northeast Middlesbro 1. Leeds 1. Bradford 1. Huddersfleld 2. Northwest Blackpool 5. Burnley 0. Bolton 1. Preston Northend 0. Bnry 2. Blaekburn 1. West Manchester City 5. Tranmere Rovers I. South C Arsenal 3. Portsmouth 1 Charlton Athletic 2, Tottenham !4. 2. Fulham 2. Mllwall 0. Southhampton 3. Chelsea 0. Westham 1. Brentford 1. South A Norwich City 5, Crystal Palace LANCASHIRE CUP-SEMI-FINAL Everton 4. Liverpool 1. WELSH CUP SEMI-FINAL Swansea 1, Newport 0. Exhibition Birmingham 2. Aston Villa 1. Chelmsford I. Leicester 0. Newcastle 3, Sunderland 2. . - .ww s. lot. , a). Plymouth Argyle 7. Armv Kiev-1 ICI1 1. . -.-- , SCOTTISU REGIONAL West Ayr 2. Kilmarnock 3. Celtic 4. Queens Park 4. Dumbarton I, Queen of South St. Mrlren 2. Hamilton 1. Morton 3. Partkk Thistle 0. East Alloa 1. Kings Park 3. Arbroath 2, Hearts 2. Dunfermline 4, 8tenhousemulr Falkirk 0. Aberdeen 1. I ll pnrvnT rtl AT ! arum tnvi 1 1 wuh f.wMhall now launched m j what gives prwnUe of being one of the meet meeeatfal seasons it ha. i enjoyed In years, baseball and soV -fbmn fans should also be coining to j life. True, baseball and sobtbal: jnare been dlrldlnt favor even where In recent years but. with mmerous new youni men In Prince jtopert at present, It would appear possuue inai mere anoura re ample players and tans lor both the of sport In me. Tommy Farr. former British bearwetafat boxlnc chamoion. rele bra ted kit homecoming In England M year ago today by gaining a de fr Rd Durman of Baltl itMon more in London. Tonypandy Tom my had been defeated In fhre sac leessire flghU in his tour of the I , V I . J n. uiuiea suies. SERVICE OF BLIND MANCHESTER, April 13: (CP-Whlte sticks taooed the Hal of Manchester Cathedral when a congregation of blind people gathered for a memorial service to the late Isabel Heywood. founder of a wind aid society. Raith 3. 8t. Johnston 4. St. Bernards 0. Dundee 0. East rife 4. Hibernians 3. NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (not Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black. Proprietress (Central Hotel! Our Famous EUsvn Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wflllnrjon Coal BulHey Valley Wheat and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 55 I DORA Roller Rink Daily Sessions a Follows Mon Tue.. Wed. 7 to 11 p.m. Thursday 7 to 11 p.m. Friday 6 to 10 p.m. Dance l:3fl to 2 a.m. Sat. Children 10 to I a.m. 2 to 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 8:30 to 11 p.m. Special Arrangement Can Be Made for Private Skating ParUes ssssar--iii- ia i a smi jamssaLs-a-L- THE Friendly Feeling a GREETING CARD The New 1910 Cards for Every Occasion Arc Coming In Birthdays, Anniversaries, Showers and Weddings, Bon Voyage, Birth Congratulation and Announcement, Cards of Sympathy We Have a Complete Range on Display Come in Often "A Ft First OIL SILK LAMES' mnitLCU Patterned nrw spring shades D)u-black in d r.iturul FULL SIZE 16-MB VALUES TO 4 Mall Orders Promptly filled Open S! 0 At People) REVERSIBjJ "l"" It! Oat1 COATS WITH IlCMr-. TOMvn,, T Very prartksl . a! j -wo roan in (, , match. Stlif, , in new color past-lie lininx tbal n, , out Into a fu.p ( , rain coat. RUPERT- PEOPLES 9M w lflVl i "In the Heart of Trlnce ltup- f ,cii io iiriiDroners - rhcr.j KLrr" WAWAw.v.vAVAv.v.vAv.v.v.vAVV B. C. Furniture Co, We Hare Jut Herelrrd a Larje Ste NEW FURNITURE . . . Pnnalal In nt lt.l a i iiuivuni nuur. i. nmrrlif Ids ri - t . 1 ..... I iMvenporis, Mudio Couch cv Coffee T ' ' T Drrser lth round mirrors. Chlffrobe with . s i i. my reasonable prire. 12 END t con r.r. taiiixs 50 MATTKESSriIn all Special n-. itr. 4 i 11 COMI'LLTi: ItEHS Dedtad. cable spnn, C40 ) mattress Special tJlOilH 7 MtlSEKS- In Oriental Walnut with r,r; mirrors Special 21 COTTON' f EI.T MATTRESSES-In ery : patterns at 12 SPUING. I ILLEI) M.TTKESSES-Q O nC Very fine matrrlal and patUnia " I lKIK(M)M Sl'ITK-In Oriental Warnu! : Vanity has rotind mirror and has vr fine finish 22 CIIESTEItfli:LI)S--Of newest OfiQ Aft CQQ DA colors and styles from OD.UU OOiW rhoneIJMCK32l TIllRD.tVtvn Next Door to U.C Clothiers J. H. BULGER Optometrist Rojsl nank IUdf. saj Night or Day "T PHONE IVA I I'rompt Service 3 Healed Cars SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! Mllinr it OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEi Steamer leavea Prince Rupert trj THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Train leare Prlnc Rupert for the E Montlaj, Wetlnesdaj, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan nd Stewart ererjr WEDiNESDAY, 2 p.m. Jwta fir sfj rt II or writ Oty TUkt Offlc, S23 ' Fresh Shrimp nnAT 1V.S.I- Dallyst I P TiifiTiElt'S DOta a B m - --