! I I I 1 I I L CASH VALUE 50c Perluxe Cleaning Unit &N.R. TKA1NS For the East t; Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays 6 pm From the East ; Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays n pm Cordially yours, Featurm? continuous flow of crystal clear Perchlorethylene Solvent obtained by hi;h pressure filtration and distillation; no oily residue; Perluxe is non-lnflam- able Garments cleaned with "Perluxe" definitely show brighter colors and stay clean longer Whites are whiter, woollens and flannels softer than if cleaned in gasoline or other Petroleum Solvents THIS COUPON Will be accepted as Cash Payment of 50c on nrr t $-00 or over of Ladies', Gents', Children's or Household Dry Cleaning. If returned to us together with your order on or before April 30, 1910. Be sure to cut out this Coupon and make use of it. P n Itvirnnui! ! LONDON. AprO 13: CPt Decls-; ton of the Post Office to make mail , carriers' uniforms last two season's S instead of one has been modified ; with the Issuing of new trousers for ;19I0. Only the coat and vest will do double duty. aOTOOH00KlOOOOOOOtKOOOBtrO&OOOOCKOMOOCKIOOOOOOCKJOOOa Dear Mrs. Housewife:- At last a method of Moth, Bed Bug and Roach-control that really works! Now you can be completely rid of Moths and all other Insect oests 'Including Flies and Mosqultos instantly and Insect larvae, without recourse to expensive, Inconvenient, "Fumigation" methods. Sprays every room and cupboard with SAPHEX Liquid, using a NEBEL Electric Sprayer. Both are available at our store. SAPHEX Liquid is odourless, colourless, tasteless, harmless, to humans and animals. It will not stain dothw or wall paper, nor will it taint food. Rooms' may be used Immediately after spraying without harmful effect or tell-tale odour. - The NEBEL Electric Sprayer enables you to spray thoroughly, in a few hours, every room from cellar-to tUc. Quick, easy, no advance preparations or mess are necessary. The SAPHEX Method is particularly adaptable to . cafes, stores, factories, dairies, bakeries, apartment houses ""Jf, warehouses, etc., eliminating the necessity "for ( costly preparations and expensive shut-downs. !, 4 ! ; We will be glad to give further particulars and adJ YiM on special problems. Do not hesitate to enquire Ormes Ltd. Ztfm Pioneer Drtu&iats flu ; Kexall Store , Phones 81 & $2 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. l: Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. und 7 to 9 p.m. -,Koooooaoopoan6 oOOOOOOOOgOtmOOOOOOQHlKiH000000oo 8 i fji'V' to know when reading the Daily Newe i that the people of the whole district are doinjf the Rama Other Equipment Available 1. STEAM SI'KAY GUN Which will restore all Velvets, l'msn, Mohair as well as Suede to their original lustre and newness. 2. HAT BLOCKING .MACHINE Will refinish all Gent's hats from sizes 6 ,'J-l to 7 to their original size and shape. 3. HOFFMAN STEAM SHAPER Give your gloves a perfect finish. Dyes availahle for all kid gloves are: Brown, cream, black, white, grey, tan and ecru. I. LANGLEY-JOHNSON PANT SHAPER-For your white flannel trousers. Positively no shrinkage; 5. PATRICK STEAM IRON-For all ladies' dresses and all other Silk, Rayon, Celanese, etc., goods. Positively protects your fine wearing apparel from any shine or scorch. fi. TIE SHAPER Brings your old tic hack to life again. i. PIONEER - CANADIAN LAUNDRIES DEODORIZER A constant flow of pure air will completely eliminate even the slightest trace of odor left in garments after cleaning. We positively guarantee "ODORLESS CLEANING." 10 Point Suit Service 1. Perfect shape and snug fit of coat collar. 2. Ugly wrinkles Just below collar eliminated. 3. Shoulders smoothly rounded. i. Lapels rolled. t 5. Sleeves creased or rolled by request. Waterfront Whiffs Halihut Landings This Season Running Almost Double of Last Prices Holding Up Prince Rupert leaves Dry Dock Halibut landings at Prince Rupert for the first two weeks of the 1910 season have been almost double in volume those for the opening fortnight of 19U9. Factors con- trihUtirir' rfl trip lni'o-o inrvnicn i ... t,i,c uiuuuc mure intensive with a larger fleet and favorable weather The larp-nr flout inplnrlnc ,;Ur.. e n halibut vessels which later in the I 1 SeaSOn Will turn tn nthor fl.hln,T " " I ' j pursuits. Borne of the boat. rhtch " "f aock WMk not been In this fUhery for years, and. after making compass adjust-There are also this spring a few ln? runs around the harbor, moved new boats as well as some old down to the Canadian National boats appearang under new names. ha7M to.tle up bef0re Ieavlnf . Monday night for Vancouver. ThA i,Hino. . Capt. P The landings at T3 Prince i t, Rupert up Ne!1 McLean ,f ,n command m aim jnciuaing yesterday amount- ed to 882,050 pounds as compared with 483,900 pounds up to the cor- "unnng almost a day late, responding date last year. The Can- on steamer Cardena, Capt. adian total this season to date Is John Boden. not due In port ; 390,050 pounds In comparison with Untl1 8 'clolt tonight from the 215.000 pounds last year and the Uth' heavy freBht cargoes for American aggregate 472.000 pounds wavPlnU having caused the de-jas against 268,900 pounds. Landings 71,6 vessel ,s making her ! for, the week at 8kccna River ending today totalled I , cannery (772,750 pounds 310.750 nmmrf. polnU thu afternoon. jfrom Canadian vessels and 462,000 j . pounds from American. the pressure of heavy landings prices held steady, averaging from one tfytwo cents better for first class flih than last year. The top price -of the week at Prince Rupert for halibut was 9c and 6c which the I Hazel II. was nalri fnr in nnn . - " i f and the low 8c and 6c which num-1 .... i erous boats were oald. n. .APr 1915- Mysterious ex- adverse exchange rate against Can-1 reck,ed tb" ldlngf Mf he adlan funds, the usual difference In J11 8tat,on,a,t Lerwlck- price quotations on- Canadian fish Sfta"i German reinforcements has been wiped out. Canadian fi.h checked Russian advance In Uszok on some occasion receiving higher bids than American, Having completed annual over- Canada At War 25 Years Ago t Pats. Keep up to date AowiUse reju larlv. . ? 6. Body of coat vest and waist of trousers moulded to perfectly fit your shape. 7. Longer lasting crease In trousers. Knee bulges eliminated. 8. Trousers returned on "NO Kit EASE" protective haniers, 9. Special attention paid to all linings. It. All minor repairs, small tears and buttons sewn on free of charge. ill d ! COMEDY IS HILARIOUS Melryn Douglas, in New Character Part, and Joan Illondell, Cay As UsuaL In -flood Olrls Oo to 'Paris" "Oood Olrls Go to Parts," with Melvyn Douglas and Joan Blonde!! co-starred, come at the feature of fering to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here tonight. An hilarious, ! sparkling comedy, the pictures pre sent uougias as an English exchange professor who la slightly be- , wittered by the feverish and hectic activity at an American university and becomes completely dazed when ! he suddenly acquires the role of a conftdenUal waitress whose sole ambition Is to go to Parts. Miss Blondeil plays the part of the Laugh-provoking adventures Involving the two stars take them from the college town to New York and eventually to a millionaires mansion where the tangled threads of half a dozen lives provides suspense which builds up to a surprising climax. Important featured roles are played by Walter Connolly, as a capricious millionaire; Isabel'Jeans a flighty, middle-aged woman; Alan Curtis, playboy grandson, and Joan Perry, the granddaughter. Of "particular Interest to the ladles In this picture will be seen a preview to the seasonal short skirt fashions. Special creations, ranging from an afternoon frock to the widely discussed new wedding gowns, were designed for the use of I mc oiar hi mis picture. Daily advertising w DM News Is sure tn .hH ' jsults. s uai,y re PAOZ SIX THE DAILY KZW9 I I .. . 0 Pioneer -Canadian THIRD AVENUE THE HOME OF TEKLrXE" CLEANING PIIONKS k ,m The DeLuxe Dry Cleaning Agent CLEANING CLOTHES BY MODERN METHODS Leading in Most Up-to-date Appliances and Skillful Workmanship Steam Garment Press Note the oval shape of buck and head, rnalilinr ik. ...i . . m ...v v,iut 14 and shape your garments to the perfect fit. Blocking Knltirj g.. mi raaciune a specialty Let Us Dry Clean and Moth-Proof Your Fur C oals. Wc Clean and Renew Chesterfield Suites, CurUir Drapes, Carpet, Rugs, .Mat, Blankets, Slip-Covr Mattresses, Cushions, Comforters, Etc. .ty. w VI MAIL ORDERS GIVEN Yim WHEAT PUlCES NEW YORK. April 13 - Wheat pure m New of l ' to c w ins at JI MS NEW YOUK COPPER ATTENTION Three-Hour Service , Required Australia Deals York fork yesterday yesterday were were j I n, n uh septmbr do. mow lo lanaa NEW YORK. April 13: 0mr Further Restrict - I price were A .11 to .13 lower on Importation On NcvfcAl the. New York metal market vs terday with September at 10.24 per pound. SK Imports Of Mo'.r W ChiMis Arthur Cade of the 102nd. Bat- 8YDNEY. Au tery is sailing tonight on the Car- CP Auv' . dena for a trip to Vancouver. serious Wow r Friday by -: TonlRht'a trait, due from the tlons on non ; liast at 11 o'clock, was reported motor car . ; hls afternoon to be on Ume, present quot TONIGHT OXtV 2 Shows, 7 00 snd :M 3i (At 7:12 and 9:12) m a h c ii or TIME aresents in moil ibtUllng, Tlmtly J Sfttt'tuhr 51 '1 t - lUiEreFKmu Iff ACTIOS! i:xtra Added "(lOLD- am "VKNCTIAN MOONLK'l,r Comlnp .Mon. Tiics Wed., Oreta Oarbo's ! lrt Com "NINOTCIIKA edy