I 13, 1M0 facie nvE ' ... -, . It. Xfl ' . MacKenzie's Furniture LOCAL NEWS NOTES ANNETTE'S B03 Sauare Yards Dominion Linoleum :are yard r . . 1 I . mre yard C squ ire Yard Kexoleum ,,,irtre yard Phone 775 Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific t v.nMUin rim (Wan Fall and War Ports .s S PRINCESS ADELAIDE every Friday 10 pm To Vancouver Direct SSPrinceai Norah April 8th, 18th. 30th. May 10th To Ketchikan, WrangelL Juneau and Skagway April 4th. 14th. 25th, May 5th. 16th. 27th .-rtlons at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations (rom w I rn iTrs. r.enenl Arent. Prince Rupert, B.C LINZEY & DAVIES Phone 585-586 CASH SPECIALS - FREE DELIVERY MalklnS Pure - - ll.tll-V I '.! ::c a;ioz size 2's 29c 49c Malkin' Pork And Beans 3 (or 25 c "rape Fruit Juice Ol Alt Golden Corn rp 2 (or fe&r 25c Malk iti'a Rc&t Tea 60c I Peas and Carrots- 25C 2 tins Malkln's Pumpkin per tin 10c Malkln's 5E25S5 Marmalade 31-oz. Jar 28c 4-lb. tin 43c Malkln'a nest Red Cherries Per tin 15c Sorkeye Salmon l's 34c Vi's 20c 95c 81.50 40c NOTICE We Wlh to Notify Patron That Our Meat Department I,v Now Open (or Ilualnm Only llili Quality Meat ( I'M'i: DELIVERY Anywhere in the CityPhone 761 Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-Operative Association COAL NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. rHONL 116 MVr I If 4 r f phone 117 CANADIAN PACIFIC Hindi lui Cash (or Old Oold. Bulger's t(- NOTICE Valuable coilpon in Pioneer Canadian Laundries' ad on Miss Thelma Skog sailed last b- naee ot thU issue. Be sure to aight on the Princess Adelaide (or eutout make nse o( it. (87) a trip to Vancouver. , Mrs. MacKay, wl(e o( Major Mac-General meeting o( Rupert Rod of the Canadian jy and Oun Club. City Hall. Tuesday 8erice corps here, arrived In the April 16, at 8 pm. 88 ttty on the Princess Adelaide yea- ! . 'terday (rom Vancouver. Sergeant Major Canoll o( the , ', Irish Fusiliers sailed last night on William Beynon win sail tonight the Princess Adelaide for Vancou- on the Cardena (or a trip to ver on leave. Announcement Organizing Here jHfc, v Jack Ewen, Boys Work Secretary of Religious Education Council of British Columbia. IX HIE M THEME TIH KT OI' nillTISII t OLI'MIHA in rttoimc In the Miller of thr EMate or Jew TAKE NOTICE that by Lrtr Pro- WOOD for SALE $7.50 per Cord PHONE 459 Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 CONFECTIONERY STORE Now Open Till 10 p.m. Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Lesion NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM UOME" Rates 75c up 60 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. I'hone 281 P.O. Box 111 Campbell River and other Van couver Island points as well as Vancouver. Fine Concert Bv The Prince Ruper; Hairdresser's Association wishes to announce hfirprl I nflll V11UI ill ViiUil that owing to an Increase in price o( KUDDlles a sllcht raise on chare-; es has been agreed on, same to take Last evening at the Salvation e((ect Anril 15th, 1940. C. V. Suth- Army Citadel a splendid program , erland. Elite Beauty Shop. M. C. was given by the Junior Choir o( Mai.fie Hnme Heantv shon. Robt. First United Church under the Ritchie. Bob's Beauty Shop. Helen leadership o( II. T. Lock. HamDton, Helen's Beauty Shop. Ul- Although the weather wasvery Han Davies. Mi-Lady Beauty Shop, inclement, yet a goodly number oi Vera Morse, Modern Beauty Shop, people gathered to hear this fine M Harlan fVio? Rav Beauty Shon. entertainment. Rev. 3. C. Jackson VI Crittall; Vl's Beauty Shop. Evy acted as chairman and Miss Swan Zarelll. R. V- La Belle, Nelson's na Olalson was the accompanist Beauty Shop. Besides several sacred choral , A. K. NELSON, Secy, numbers there were individual and ' duet vocal numbers by Betty Wilk inson and Marie Lock, Bonnie Perkins and Joan Adams. The Instru mental oart o( the program vrasjl provided by Helen and Audrey II Green and Joan Derry. The proceeds o( the gathering is" to be devoted to the work of the! local Red Shield Womens Auxiliary In aid o( the Army's War services 18. Twenty -Five Years Ago I April 13, 1915 1 A prospector named House who is in the city (rom Graham Island tells ot the existence oi eonslder- , able placer gold on the Islands. He Is confident that it could be de veloped along large mnd -prof itable lines. I There is considerable criticism o( , I the poor boots with which Canada's .denting (orces have been supplied. The minister o( mllttla, General' Sam Hughes, is under (ire. He de-. ' nles charges. The city council decided last night to proceed at once with the I extension o( Eighth Avenue to the! plant o( the Canadian Fish St Cold Co. at Seal Cove. or Drtah cuumtoi. i vL. appotntM Storage Zxrcwx ot the Estate oi Jese Julian Judvoo, Z)tv4. late of the City of Prtone Rupert, BrttUh Columbia, vho dd on Ue 27 Ui J of January 1M0 at Prince nupcrt aforeakt and all peraom indebted to the EataAe of the MJd Jewe Julian Jacltaon, Deorased. are required to pay the amount of their Indfptednem to me rortttwlth and all persona having riattns afamrt the aald EaUte are raqulrcd to file tbecn rth me properly rertfled on or before the SOtfe day of April 1940 falling which distribution of the "aid Estate shall be made, taking Into aoraunt only tuch ctatma na shall, then have been filed wttSi me. DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C. thla 13rd day of Uarcb mo. SYDNEY DOUGLAS JOHNSTON Executor of the TnMe of Jesse Julian J after oi i, Deceaaed. It will be a pianK roaaway. CARD OF THANKS On behalf ol the relatives o( the Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged (or (nil month at 25c a word. Presbyterian Spring Sale April Boys" Band Dance, April 17, Moose Hall Refreshments (ree. Toe H Dance, Parish Hall, Seal Cove, April 19. Scout Tea, Mrs. Carter's, April 23. Anglican Tea, Mrs. Parkin's, May 2. 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Armoury, May 3. f Moose Ladles Dance, May 7. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 0. W. A. Canadian Tea, May 15. Catholic Tea, Mrs. May 16. Empire May 23. Legion Spring R. E. Moore's Carnival, Moose Hall, SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDORA ROLLER ARENA CHAN UP WEEK SALE Starts 9 a.m., Monday April 15th DRESSES Prints, crepes, sheers, some with jackets. Regular values to $12.95. 1 Aft Clean Un Wpek Sate V DRESSES Crepes, sheers, prints, taffetas, satins, failles. Regular values to .$5.95. Q9 Oft Clean Up Week Sale a a aamw a aww a a a a a a a KNITTED SUITS 2 or 3-piece in boucle. Retjular value to $19.50, all sizes. CQ QE Clean Up Week Special V,atl HOUSECOATS Satins, corduroy velvet, wool. Reg value CO Aft to 9.95. Clean Up Week V V STRIPED SATIN SLIIS Tea rose and white. Clean Up C-fl ft ft . . V v v Week Special. 2 for FULL FASHIONED HOSE Every pair perfect in crepes, chiffons, semi-service, service. Clean Up S,sral: $1-00 NIGHTGOWNS, Pajamas, Slips In Novasilk. Reg. values to $3.95. Clean Up Week C-fl ft ft Special, each SILK HOSE Reg. value to 39c pair. Clean Up Week, J QQ 3-nnirs fnr SUPERSILK HOSE 3-thread, pair HOSPITAL MEETING attendance were Frank Dlbb, chair-1 man; D. G. Borland, Arnold Flaten, F. A. MacCallum, R. E. Benson and Mrs. H. L. Landry, directors, and II. W. Birch, managing secretary. The monthly report of Fire Chiel II. T. Lock said that housekeeping j conditions at hospltal and nurses'' home were satls(actory with fire j alarm systems In good order. ' , Reporting (or the Women's Aux- 6 SISTERS CAFE IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS 3 Your Patronage will be highly appreciated "Aim to Please" is our Motto-Thank Yon PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass CasUnp Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled $1.00 GIRLS' FLAT CREPE BLOUSES Reg. values to $1.95. C- ft ft Clean Up Week GIRLS' DRESSES Prints, crepes, taffetas. Q1 ftft Clean Up Week tJ-Vv SHOES Sandals, all colors including white, red, blue, green, yellow. Regular values to $3.95. Clean Up Week Special, 1.00 SKIRTS In novelty wool tweeds. PURSES All colors and white. Dean Up Week $1.00 RAINCAPES Reg. values to $1.95. Clean Up Week C- ft ft Special HATS Felts and straws. Reg. values to $3.95. Clean Up Qi ft ft Week Special ItVV SILK SOCKEES Women's and children's. Clean Up Q4 ftft Week Special. 4 pairs VA'VV KNEE HIGH HOSE Full fashioned chiffon. Regular value 75c pair. Clean Up Week C-l ftft Special. 2 pairs for . . VA,UV BLOUSES Silk, linen, organdie, Short and long sleeves. Regular values to $1.95. Clean C-l ftft Up Week Special. 2 for VA,V-V BLOUSES Satins, sheers, taffetas, all colors. Regular values to$2.95. Cleaj Up Week M These And Many More Values On Sale At ANNETTE LADIES' WEAR CO. 530 THIRD AVENUE .iliary, Mrs. H. L. Landry stated that ,$3 IS per hospital day, this beln ' bed tables had boen ordered but an increase. DisDursements ior injj had not yet been delivered. The board confirmed an arrangement made by the house committee, F. A. MacCallum. secretary, where- The April meeting o( the board o( ; piggery, will 111 W.. buy hospital garbage irnrhlira!.. directors o( the Prince Rupert Gen-1 (or $20 a year, thus relieving the . . .... . .... k.u ninht in Hicinerdwr. late uen r erguson, nis inenas wish, crai nojjju a iiciu , to thank those sending floral tri-. the hospital. It was a brief session, i ,Rfeprt JfJ butes and (or expressions o( D( routine and in- CtSt'S lS JMV1(JI 11VVII VU. month amounted to $4822.67 with 1 capital expenditure (or the montir i amounting to $146.64. - . A tentative proposal to give per by a Chinaman, who is starting a ' manent employment between the j . 4 1 ,k x-rav department and the secre tary's o(fice to Miss Pearl Purdyf who has been conducting the ray department on a part time bas is, was approved by the board, being left to the executive committee wltrj consequenUal character. Those in hospltal days during the month at power to act UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert (or Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TTJES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1 :30 p.m. 10 :30 p jo. Due Vancouver. Ttaurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Flease Purchase Tickets at Office Further InformaUon Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prlncv Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia 5'