1 PAGE TWO Tango Pumps TAILY EDITION New shipment of HIack Kid, Brown Kid and Blue Kid in sizes to AAA lo C widths, just arrived. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. rmxcE rupert - BRinsn Columbia Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Paid in advance, per week Paid in advance, per month By mail to all part of British Columbia, the British Empire and United SUites, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all other countries, per year Ctaaifled advertising, per word, pr Insertion Local readers, per line, per Insert ton Member of Audit Bureat ot Circulations J? .50 300 8.00' 02 .25 Saturday, March 2, 1940. EDITORIAL WORKING TOGETHER Recently the secretary of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce wrote to the secretaries' of all the Boards of irade of Central British Columbia sugesting that they all co-operate in an appeal to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to provide suitable facilities for this part of the country so that people throughout the district may get daylight radio reception. This they do not get at present. This is just one case where it would be advantageous for co-operative action. A still more important case would be for Prince Rupert and the outside districts to co-oner-ate more completely in the matter of buying and selling y?r,ous time this has l)een discussed and with consul edable i mutual benefit Now w5th spring approaching, is good time to consider what might be done this year. In the first place the growers of the interior might well consider what they might do to help supply the coast market and I rince Rupert business houses might do well to consider how besUhev may handle the products of the interior, remembering that, in doing this, they are performinp a public service. So far as the consumer is concerned we suggest that Prince Rupert people give the preference to interior nm ducts over those coming from the south. That would be their share of the co-operation. This might apply to all products including the product of the mines. SPLENDID LITTLE MAGAZINE There has come to our desk a copy of the second num-i oer oi tne second volume ot "Canadian Nature" published in Toronto. It deals with all phases of natural history, including a section for gardeners. It is profusely illustrated, well edited and is a great credit to the publishers. Curiously enough it does not carry any advertising. While manv people would consider the lack of advertising a loss, others will enjoy reading a publication which is free from suggestion of what to Wear, what in par. prr Thij has rn fw'na(l for and the price of ,15c for the magazine looks large to, those who have been purchasing what seemed to be more 11)1 IC'SS. FOREIGN BORN RESIDENTS In the United States there are many millions-of foreign born citizens. The largest group of these are the Germang of whom there are close to seven millions. Italians come second with four and a half million and verv close to them are the British with about two hundred thousand less. Polish'number over three million and there are about the same number of Canadians and Scandinavians. Two and a half million Russians, a million and a half Mexicans antover a million Czechs make up the larger! groups. Counting the Irish and the Canadians as British,' the British lead all others. ! NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDORA ROLLER ARENA HOCKEY IS I WINDING UP Canadian Legion Has Not Lost a Game at Smlthere Juniors to Travel SMITHERS, March 2 Pin vine in the local hockey league came to an rtid hist week with the Canadian Legton on top, not having test a game all winter. The Legion is nor, engaged in the playoff to determine the champions ir the season and feel confident of being thee tors in the finals. The Smithers Juniors, composed of. players under 21 yean of age are busy practising far an antici pated trip to Prine George when they hope to play the winners of the Cariboo League for the hand, some large sterling silver eup donated test year by II. C. Webber manager for the interior of British Columbia for the Mutual Life ,As surance Co. of Canada, which is tr be competed for annually by th-Central Interior and Northern British Columbia junior hockey players. This is the first winter thil this cup has been competed for and the local boys feel confident of their ability to bring it home. Saturdays II pm ON.R. TRAINS For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri F 6 p m -From the East. i Tuesdays. Thursdays and Keep up o d larlv LINZEY DA VIES Quaker Oats- Large si2e Purity I.. & I). Tea Per lb. Cream Cheese-2-lb. pkg. Niblet Corn 2 tins Wild Rose Flour Pastry, per sack Ritz Rlscults-2 pkgs. Sandwich Bicuit-Fresh, per lb. Shaker Peachc Per tlrt A(,u.e regu NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME Rates "5c up SO Rooms Hot tt Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phono Ml P.O. Box 15 PHONES 585 586 Butter 1st grade. 3 lbs. 95c Aylmer Vegetable Ap AvC Soup-Per tin Cut Green Ilea in Per tin 10c Toilet Soap Colgate ()", 6 for -53 18c S1.85 55c 55c 25c 40c 35c 25C 9c 15c Try Our Fresh Ground COFFEE 40c Per lb. THE DAILT NEWS flturd- Bulletins I FIRST NOMINATION IN First nomination (o be received to date for Skecna In (he federal election Is that of Olof llamon, the Liberal candidate for re-election, whoe papers were filed ith I the returning officer, T. W. Brown, this afternoon. W. O. Fulton k named as Mr. IUnW official agent. Going an Mr. Hanson papers were E. T. Kenney, W. M. Watts. Alex Mcltae. Dr. J. 11. Carson, Robert Gordon, Peter Gamula. W. J. Scott. G. W. Nkk-erson, George J. Frinelt. Mrs. Nora E. Arnold. J. J. Jude, I). EarcilC Mrs. Msry V. MacLaren. L C. Mills, Dr. L. W. Herein, Thomas Trotler. Mrs. W. D. Vante. Mrs. Robert Dowther. S. E. Part-er. J. N. Ktllas, S. C. Thomson. H. F. Pullen, C. G. R. Anderson, Theo.-Collart, G. C. Mitchell and Ole Skoff. VIIPl'RI FALLING 1IELSINGFORS The Runfint are pounding relentlewly along a thirty-mile front as Viipuri falls in flames to the Invaders. There are further Russian gains aleng. tbe Karelian Isthmus. In the lake Ladoga sectfon the Finns are still holding out, I Meat of Rusian forces northeast of Lake Lador.i with two thousand In-vaderc frozen to death was f-firially announced today. Finnish troops there raptured one hundred tanks, mostly intact, a communique said. TWO NAZIS DOWNED LONDON The Air Ministry announced today that Royal Air Torre planes had shot down two enemy aircraft one a Hornier bomber which fell in France and the other, a Messerschmidt which fell behind the German lines. In general fihtint on the Western Front, the French dispersed set-eral German patrols. ARMSTRONG-GARCIA DRAW NEW YORK Henry Armstrong, welterweitht champion, and Cf-erlno Garcia, New York and California recotnized middleweight kine. battled to a ten round draw here last ni(ht before an estimated 20,000 fans. Garcla's title was at stake In a bitter .brulsinr battle. They punched toe to toe. head to head, almost throughout. Garcia suffered a cut right eye and Armstrong's left optic was early closed tight. Garcia weigh ew 153' i pounds and Armstrong, 142. FATAL QUEBEC FIRE QUEBEC Bertha Pilote, 2, who was to have been married today, and her sister, Delrina, 22. were identified tentatively as victims of a three-hour fire which raced through a lower town build-in-;. Three others went to hospital with burns. , E. P. DAVIS K.C. DIES VANCOUVER Edward Pease Davis K.C, 80, oustanding Western Canada lawyer before his retirement nine years ago, tiled here last night. GERMAN SHIP LOSSES ARUBA, Dutch West Indies The German freighter Heidelberg was captured intact by a British criiWand is being towed to Trinidad, it is reported. It is the second German loss In this vicinity- In two days. Yesterday the 2390 ton Troja was set afire and scuttled rather than surrender. U-BOATS ON THIS SIDE NEW YORK At least four German submarines are believed lo be prowling on this side of the Atlantic with British warships chasing them. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY phonb m Our Famous Edsun Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nahaimo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. . J'hone 58 and 558 FOOTBALL STANDING How teams are making out in Old Country Lineups: Falkirk Hearts Aberdeen Alloa Dunfrmline Mibernlans St. Johnstn Dundee U. Dundee Cowdnbeath St. Bemds East Fife KinOPk. Ralth Arbroath Stenhsmulr Rangers Hamilton Queen of S. Albion Motherwell Clyde Kilmarnock Morton St. Mlrren Queen's Pic Ayr Airdrte Dumbarton Thd. Lanark .Celtic ,Partick Ft) It SAL!:. SCOTTISH S Eat W. L. D. F. A.Pta. 13 2 2 09 26 2fi t 14 A ? 10 2 61 10 2 3? M 4 A 4 m 111 U U U .1 JUM 7 5 4 SI 33 18 ! 6 5 6 45 41 18 8 7 2 43 48 18 I; 0 7 4 40 35 16 7 7 1 38 44 IS 5 C 4 30 M 14 5 10 2 46 59 12 3 10 3 36 44 9 j". 4 11 1 31 Sft 9 3 10 3 30 58 9 3 11 2 30 60 8 V West ' W. L. D. F. A.Pta f 13 3 I 40 17 27; 10 3 3 45 31 38,2 9 4 3 44 20 21 V 10 8 1 39 36 31 8 4 5 41 37 3lj 5 S 40 24 17K 7 7 3 38 37 17 5 7 7 3 30 31 17 3 7 3 37 39 15j O O A J I SI 5 8 3 32 30 6 11 0 31 40 12 "I 11 3 9 4 24 34 10, 4 9 2 25 44 10 FOR SALE Terms: strictly cash: Lots 9-10, Blk. 11. D. L. 369. Terrace. Hugh M. Adams Estate. SS00.00; Sub Lot 1 of Lot 1429. Range 5. C. D. Lakelse Road, 10 acres, Peter De Boer Estate. $100.00; Lot 20. Blk. 11 1 I, Prince Rupert. George Macklln Estate $900.00; Lot 4, Blk. 37. Sec. 5. Prince Rupert. J. D. Peel Estate, $125.00: Lot 3p53, Cas-star, 103 acres, situate near Aiy-ansh, Wm. Stewart Estate. $100.-00: Unsubdlvlded portion Lot 2199, R, 5, C. D.. 142 acres, and cottage. Estate Nell McCarthy $300.00; Assd. Lot A of Lot 5. Blk. 2, and Assd. Lot A of Lot 6. Blk. 2, D. L. 45. Port EsMngton. EUte Mary D. Holland. $200.00: Unsold portion Lot 3822. Casslar Alice Arm), and cottage. Estate John W. Strombeck. $500.00. Official -.Administrator. Prince Rupert. B, C. tf. FDR SALE 7 hp. Imperial Heavy Duty gas engine In good condition. Atwater Kent make-break Ignition, brass shaft, intermediate shaft, stern bearings, stuffing box. propeller and force feed lubricator. Phone 13 or write Box 585. Prince Ruocrt. B.C. M WANTED WANTED Reliable ilrl for central 1 housework. Hours 8 30 ajn. to 6 t p m. Wage $20. Apply Box 33 Dally j News. (54, BOARD AND ROOM FIRST CLASS board and room, close In. Phone Black 965. tf. PERSONAL HOW TO GET A GOVERNMENT juh as Letter earner, Postal Clerk, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Etc. Free Booklet. The M. C. C. Schools Ltd, Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. No Agents. I YOU can run a Home KlnderMr. I ten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Wlnnl- peg, Manitoba. tf. MEN! Want vim? Try raw oyster tonic, OSTREX Tablets, to pep up whole body qulckl if not delighted with results first maker refunds Its low price. You donVrtsk a penny, call, write Mc-Cutoheon-'s. ad all other good drug stores, lf SAVE Vs On DRUPQI8TS' SUNDRIES tf It's made of rubber, we have It Price List and Booklet "Perfection In Protection" free on request. In Plain, Sealed envelope. IMPERIAL IMPORTS (Western) P. O. Box 227 Vancouver, DC. Dally News Classified Ads orlng .results. SOLID CUMFOR For rhp Man With rrm WlJ. r Odds nnd Knds in Hoys' School Hoots. ItcRtitarly up $3.0."). S1.99 m vl hjiLL, U & t. Widths A shipment of the above has junt arm , for the man whose foot is naturally w , cause of conis or bunions should , .... .,.,.11 luuiiijr rnuu i ucjr uiv vunsiruc'i O. i 35 22 Hninpt. Prim! moderately at . vu,j UrilBKUS- For the Kntire I araiy Low rublKT.v. storm rubbtrs won)on', and Lii "..:: " af con. Meet Foot H jnnerj! and Kctls for Ih Uttlc (,en!. a Mta a Both rut), oies til t , hit ,.r 95c S2.95 The Cut-Rate Shoe Store PHONE GREEN CIS Mall Orders Promptly Filled t":u .unit Coal! Coal! C Winter winds awn 4recAifzTy Tin tr your" Tteetfs Circuits developed by RCA Victor for maximum efficiency of a new 1.J volt 'A battery and new 1.4 volt tubes. Costs less to operate. Permanent magnet dynamic speaker for superb tone quality. . A High Power Radio at lowest Upkeep Write for Full Particulars J.H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank nidr. Phone 775 oa Foothill Rtilkley allfj N'anaimoYcllintt, We are equipped t any of these roaLfxj rarefulljr s. retried grade! ft :t Phone? i I -C? Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Just Look at These Features NEWEST BATTEET MODEL RADIO twn ci HWftlllkM Me I -62 ; WilWlitlLuiM MacKenzies Furniture BLANKETS All wool, white and grey Flannelette Sheet Per pair 52.50, $3.00,33.50 Fresh Shrimp BOAT W.SJ- Ilnllr nt 4 p n TROTiril'S DOCK