i, j.mary 0, lMO,v Orange Pekoe Blend Ffl A T m 11 AH vAlifillfi TEA lanada At War 25 Years Ago 3? T;t Canadian rrcsa jl princess Patricia's made for I -h' Infantry reported (janutry io Western Front. Allied I siltdated positions nh of Doited Solasons gains in Mr. and Mrs. Oordon Funnell were in Port Edward last week. gueaU of. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Yule They returned at the week-end. Hill Sixty Chapter held its regular meeting last night at the home of Mra. J. N. For man. Officers for 1940 were nominated and plans but Argonne. the sylvanla. HALIBUT LIVER OIL 50c S1.00 1-oc. bottle telephone bridge on i I. Russians entered Tran- 000600030000000000000000000000000000 OOOOOO0 i? To Maintain Good Health Kveryone Should Take Vitamins Daily, the Year II Hound, n inter and hummer a t Potency Vitamin Products Will Supply Your Vitamin Need HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES I.' 75c 100 Capsules A. n o. Oftpmlei S1.25 SS.OO S1.00 S1.25 Products are Manufactured from a Local Refined Oil Support Home Industry Ormes Ltd. ZtfiA Ptonccr Drutipfcts The llexall Store Phones 1 & 82 Open Dally from 5 a.m. till 10 p-m. Sundays and llotlils) iram 12 to t phi. and 7 to 9 p.m. BULKLEY VALLEY COAL is EQUAL o any coal on this marKet And Th PRICE still REMAINS the SAME Bulkley Valley Collieries LIMITED o o o o s o o o o g o o o o 0 8 a s o o o o o o o o 8 3 o o o o o o a g o o 0000000000000000 0000000 000000-0000000000000 ni!i: to i.Ncuosi: in mien of Nanaimo Wellington Coal 1 thft Mln i . I 1 1 , .1 II. - (nrrlir In f ff ! f ll t in uue uuuar rr iwii iiu ..i.-'- - 'K fommentln January ) 1916, our price on Nanaimo Well (ton Coal ulll h. rli,.u ijnilmo Wellington Lumn-Saked delivered prr ton uiuimo Welllnttfln Mine Run Sacked, del For ion iinalmo Uelllncton Lump Bulk, drllveied. Per ton illlllflln M'.IH. 1 1 I. I1..IL. rlllvarH Per toll iiniiniun .iiiiir itiin uuiit, uuiivii. $13.50 $11.25 S14JK5 $12.00 Albert and McCaffery Ltd Phone 116 and 117 TODAY'S STOCKS (Couruy 8. D. JobAaton Co.) Vancouver Dig Missouri, .13. Bralorne, 10.75. Cariboo Quartz. 2.41. rntcHite, .01. Pair view, Mfc. Oold Belt. .26. i4 , Hedley Mascot, .47. Mlnto. .OIK. Noble Five, .01 Pend Orlelle, 2.15. Pioneer, 2.20. Premier, 139. Privateer, .93. Reno. .49. ReUef Arlington, .12. Salmon Gold, .02 ty. 8heep Greek, 1.20, 01U A. P. Goru, .20. CalBieni. .42. C. & E.. 120. Freehold, 02fc. Hame, 2.93. Paealta. .05. Royal Canadian, .18. Okalta, 150. Mercury, .06?-Prairie Uoyaltles, .19. Toronto Aldermae, JSVi. Beattle. 1.03. Central Pat 2.55. Com. Smelters, 48.50. East Malartle, 220. Fernland. .05. Franeoeur, .63. Gods Lake. .64. Hardroek. 1.38. Int Nickel. 46.00. Kerr Addison. 2.50. Little , Long Lac, 220, MeLeod Coduhott. 2.33: Ma die n Bed Lake. .55. MeKenrle Bed Uke. 1.47. MVfb, .91. Noranda, 78.25. Plekle Crow. 4.15. Preaton Bast Dome. 225. San Antonio. 2.40. Shenitt Cordon, 1.11. Stadacona. .09. Uchl. 1.01. Bouseadlllac. .03 ft. Mosher, .09. Oklend. .14. Smelters Oold. .00?;. Dominion Bridge, 38.00. Stock Values In New York Lower NEW YORK, Jan. 9: Trading for the first' hour on the New York Stock Exchange today total I led ICO .000 shares. The Industrial avere was off .61 at 150.73 and I rails off 17 at 32.01. I Sweepstake Will Be Carried On DUBLIN. Jan 9: CP-Reports that the Irish Hospitals Sweepstake is to be discontinued are officially denied. The publicity committee says that' such reports are "entirely unfounded.' Announcements All advertisements m this coi omn will te charted for a full month at 3SC a word. Eagles Bridge Jan. 10. Anglican Tea. Mrs. Crlpps. January 18. Toe II Dance, Seal Cove, Jan; 19. Presbyterian Burns' Tea, Mrs, LakleV Jan. 25. ! Bunts Day banquet Jaii. 25i .Legion'-Hall. Hospital Ball tea. 2. I - Legion Valentine Tea, Mrs. D.C. Schubert's. February 14. Anglican Spring Sale, April 4. THK BAIEY; RlfWS PAnFTTTOrtp' ' -iin " 1 r LOCAL NEWS NOTES Ladles Moose meeting tonight. For prompt and courteoua er- 7J ,vlce Phone 13 TaxL tf. Moose Lodge meets tomorrow atj Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Smith sailed 8 pjn. Nomination of officers. 7) ;thls afternoon on the Catala for T. Taylor and R. C. McPherson, who have been stationed here a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Mary Forrest sailed this af- wlth the Irish Fusiliers, sailed this temoon on the Catala for Vancou afternoon by the Catala on their ver enroute to Nelson where she return to Vancouver. plans on taking up future residence. Albert Anderson and Ray Ben-ri At the meeting of me Chamber son of Maseett are spending a few i of Commerce last night days in the city on business, hav ing arrived on their own Pitt yesterday afternoon. boat Scott; manager ware, was elected of the Katen tad-ed a member1.' Col. and Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls and daughter, Patricia, - left for the opening meeting .of tht annual Week of Prayer. Ths speaker wfc.s Ren W. J. Frlesen, pastor of the Pentecostal Assem bly. There was considerable enthusiasm and response. Air. Ftiesen's subject was "Our Inheritance." HI Scripture reading was Romans V: 1-111. There should be thanksgiving ,for the speaker said, and for a faithful 1 Christian people. Too often, how-lever, was confession based on an Insufficient knowledge of the Gos pel. Often there was failure to witness as courageously as one might. The speaker prayed that God's word might become 'better known and that people might bear more faithful witness evpr though called upon to endure per-secuQor&and trial. " PTwifjHt the meeting will be held at the Pentecostal Assembly Hall- with the speaker Adjutant Howard Fisher Instead of Rev. ft. C. H. Durnford who is Indisposed. '' l NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) J. H. BULGER Optometrist Koyal Rank Kktc. I !. A Notice ! ! Effective Monday, January 8, our CONFECTIONERY STORE will open from 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Mussallem's Confectionery Opposite Canadian Legion THE SEAL QUALITY 7 mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon carmine company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert WANT SHIPS BUILT HERE Opinion of Chamber of Commerce That Canada Should Utilize Her Own Shipyard The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, at Its annual meeting last night, passed a resolution, on motion of O. W. Nlckerson, asking that the country utilize Its own smpyard ana dry dock at 5 Prince Rupert in connection with the shlnbuildlne nrneram. Joseph j m,.. Nlckerson made a fighting speech In which he said he did not think the Canadian National officials at Vancouver would make any move to try to get contracts. ay lasi They would Drefer tn lease the evening's train for Vancouver via Vard for that nurtv tn some Jasper Park. Ml Nlcholls wlirother oartv. He twlnted out that. resume htr studies at Strathcona ,f the ships were built here, any School near Victoria after spend- lDrof It would eo to the oeoble of Ing the Christmas and New Year holiday season at her home here. Week Of Prayer Is Duly Opened 1. Seventjr-flve Present When Rev. U. J. Priesen Speaks At Salvation Army Swentyflvewerepfesenat the Salvation Army Citadel last night Canada. Hi knew 'that the local dock had underbid other yards when they secured a former con tract and they had made a nice! profit on the contract. When a firm owned a plant and wished to build ship it didn't usually ask for tenders. It went ahead and built them and that Is what the C. N. R. should do here. There was some discussion during which it became known that an inquiry had been received asking if there were enough houses available in Prince Rupert to house men If they were employed In shipbuilding here. At that time )nly ten houses and accomodation for two hundred single men could be found. There seemed to be a strong opinion that, as this was the only shipyard owned by Canada. It should use it at a time like this. Mr. Nlckerson remarked that, un less the contracts were pushed Gspel coming to this land, the 'down their throats, the C- N. R. officials would not do anything. EXECUTIVE OF LEGION Part Being Played In Connection With Present War Various Act! vlllrs Repotted tlpon The executive of the Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League was In regular session last evening in preparation for the regular monthly meeting of Wednesday. Considerable literature from both the Dominion and Provincial Commands of the Canadian Legion dealt with the part the Legion Is playing and can play In connection with the present war. The first suggestion Is that of the "Big Brother" movement. In this feature the ex-service man of the last war Is fully prepared to act as a "big brother" to his successor in the present war. The veteran is particularly well equip ped to do this as from experience he can counsel and help the younger generation. Already the Legion has been able, through direct representations to the Dominion government, to ensure that men recently discharged as medically unfit from the military forces were supplied with suitable Provision has also been made whereby members of tne present forces may become associate mem bers of the Legion. Cards have been prepared to this end and the Prince Rupert branch has Issued thirty-five to all soldiers who have applied for them. These entitle the holder to make use of all the facilities of the Legion. One time ly feature of this Is that the holders of these tickets are eligible to attend the smoking concert to be held on Wednesday of this week In the Legion clubrooms follow ing the regular monthly meeting. Letters of thanks from Capt. A. Q. Rlx for Christmas cheer sent to Barrett und Frederick Points, from Capt. R. T. Xah for use of the clubrooms and from the Es sondale and Marpole Hospital Cheer Funds were read. The-usual hampers and supplies had been sent to needy families while the Christmas dinner for single ex-service men had been attended by forty-three veterans who had en joyed the "get-together" Immense ly. The gift of cigars and cigarettes from Colonel J. W. Nlcholls had been very much appreciated. Three applications for regular membership were approved. Members present were Jack Preece who presided, and W. J. Ranee, Oeorge Abbott, C. L. Barker, O. J. Dawes, H. T. Locke and J. M. Walker. 1 Whifflets From The Waterfront Union steamer Catala, Capt Ern Utd in more Canadian Homtt than alt tlmilar mtdicationt combined btcaute it aett fait and direct to relieve misery. Mother, don't worry yourself sick over those miserable colds. Don't nut up with the distress they cause. Now find out for yourself without it costing you a penny why thousands of modern mothers use Vicks VapoRub and bless the relief it brings so quickly and safely. Vicks VapoRub is used externally there is nothing to swallow, nothing to upset delicate digestion. And nercs now easy it is to use B.vR Jj Masecar, after a bflef visit here in connection with ? his duties as auditor for EdwardL4fi-sett Ltdi, sailed by the Catala this afternoon on his returrt"Tb 1 Vancouver. " ' est Sheppard. arrived in port at northern points and sailed at 1:30 noon today from Stewart and other pjn. for Vancouver and waypolnts. NOW TRY FREE t This Quick-Acting, External Treatment FOR CHEST COLDS Second, it gives off the soothing medicinal vapours of seven different relief-giving ingredients vapours that penetrate to the irritated broiv. chial passages. And here's what this pouitice-and-vapour action does. It clears the air passages, loosens phlegm, checks the tendency to cough, relieves irritation also eases soreness of the chest muscles. This comforting action continues hour after hour and invites healing, restful sleep. Often by morning, mot of the misery of the cold is gone. Try this time-tested treatment FREEl - MAIL FOR FREE TRIAL Va'poRub over "chna ! B P"' ? I cock iirora n Eecc necKio to waiJt waisti.Tnen I . Then I 1 ijiuu, print jjimi, name umc ana im au- u - tpreaa on i ; and cover i a thick second layer ! dress plainly below and mall today to: with a wanned cloth. ! vicks. J.7 Euu.it st, w, winJMr, Out. J ' VapoRub goes to 1 J. Right away. ray, work to relieve the miser of the i Name- cold two ways at once-two DI- "... RECT WAYS. J Addrett . First, VapoRub ids on the skin, i . . i stimulating like a warming poultice. ! ' It's GOOD READING I ime Join Our Library for the Latest Books 75c Monthly Subscription (double $1.25) Some Recent Popular Titles WATCH FOR THE DAWN - Cloete FOUR PART SETTING - Bridge ' THr SACRED FALLS : Channlng THE TOROUTS i. River SANDRA 07HOORE Wllloughb? Brief Hoar Portbury BLACft NARCISSUS - Ooddeh Tfli; HAPPY RETURN . Farnol ESCAPE u Vance PAPrr. PRISON . Wren ANOTHER CYNTHIA Leslie MOMENT IN PEKING - Yutang ROGUE MALE Household THE CITY OF GOLD Young ' ACROSS THE YEARS Lorlng Jungle Captive - Hull THE DELECTABLE COUNTRY Baldwin ACROSS THE DARK RIVER Mendelssohn Over 300 or the Latest Books to Choose From. 30 Rooks Added Monthly From Latest Book Lists koM O - i hi MacKenzie's Furniture BOEING AIRPLANE MODEL Build an Airplane "Replica Models" you can make with the aid of a pen Knife or Razor blade Start in a small way Models 10c each 3 for . 25e Phone 775 REDUCED WINTER FARES TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River $36 RETURN Leaving Prince Rupert Meals and Berth Included THURSDAYS Rate Effective Now Until February 28 Return Limit, .March 31 11:15 pjni Southbound Canadian National Steamships V-2-39. to