?AQt TWO PLIO - PEDIC ARCH SUPPORT Street Dress Shoes Are constructed and designed to give the foot the niaximunvamount of support and still have all the beauty of style which have made them so famous. Carried in Black, Brown and Blue in fittings from A A to E width Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes PAIt.Y KlitTinN THE DAILY NEWS. PIUXCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MEMBEK Or THE CANADIAN PRESS SPORTS DAY AT SCHOOL Pupil Of Klnr Edward Have New Kind Of Cloiinr Exercises As part of the closing exercises at the Kins Edward School a sports day was held yesterday at the school grounds. Pupils of the bealnners and grade two classes competed against each other but In the other grades competitors were clessed on an "age-weiRht-helght-class" average, ajid recorded as Juvenile Junior, Intermediate, senior ana open events. Results were as follows: Beginners' Grade Girls 1 Margaret Keays, 1 Mar-Jorle, Crittal, 3 Marton Shenton. Boys 1 Olynn Fitzgerald, 2 Arnold Hanson, 3 Olen Saunders. Grade Two Olrls 1 Connie Pierce, 2 Ruth 'Charstad. 3 Mary Leavltt. Boys-- 1 Vito Campagnolo 2. Lawrence Kritsmanson, 3 Alan Jacklin. Under Nine Girls 4 Dorothy Stacey, 2 Alice Anderson, 3 Gerd Lien. Boys 1 Dick Ormlston. 2 Ronald The Canadian Press la exclusively entitled to u.w foe republication of all nnr Davie 3 Am Johansen deepatebes credited o It or to the Asocl.tl Press hi this paper and alsj thei Juveniles , local news puoiisnra inereiu. All right of republication of special decrwluhes therein are alxo rcsenmt tu in Wednesday. June 26, 1940. NOW WE KNOW EXACTLY Now we know exactly where we are. The British peonfe have been f ijrhtinp in other countries under con i.U4. . t i. i rri l '2 OwMim Mnrtran q'uered from which attacks might be made on,Blake WUson- LI l 11.U1II. A.DEIRESSINT, DAY BIG GOLD HAUL NANNINE, Australia, June 26: Yesterday was a denressinar dav for most neonlp fplt i cp)-a yield of us ounces of FOR SALE ;POR SALE New 8-foot punt. A PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT JoD as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Three Dominion-wide exam9 held since war began. Free. Booklet. M. C. C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg Oldest in Canada. No agents. FORRENl- FOR RENT Fully furnished 3-room house. Phone 168. (151) I I sad over what was considered to be treachery on the part 501(1 from 1,5 nounds of ore wa of Premier Petain. The French people were sad because iiS!". Si wSwf lecrnIAmt!;a,if, thnf7arrqUe,AetSand the "-v under the'S baLT fc thumb of two dictators. As long as they are in the ascen- ;the ground only two weeks. . dency these dictators will see that France has no chance to rise again to a dominant position. The only hope for the French now is that the British will defeat the Geimans and Italians and give them back their territory and what, is icii, ui meir navy. liacKenzie's Furniture Excellent quality at a medium price. Easy Terms. .Your, old Suite taken a part payment. KiliarricUs Bail! by AffCtnorr far th REST vigour Uh OmfciwlyconHftcte 11 If mif bf hid IB I VKKtf of (M (fifif. P'ited tt9ttir4 mkn 0 mUiJMrJfCt Pint lor llit ihfrt pwcfs $135.00 Phone 775 CUssifjEO snap. Phone 572. tf) , WAN'TEU HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Apply Suite 4. 610 6th Avenue W. (tf) LOST LOST Wire - haired terrier. Answers to the name of Gin. Licence No. 93235. Apply Box 8 Dally News. (150) THE DATJ.T OTCWS . u.j i' VELVET IS way through the second half. Norman Campbell refereed the t game. The city league standing: W D L F A Ptt Velvet 1 0 0 4 1 2 Navy 10 0 10 2 Dry Dock 0 0 2 1 5 0 Olrls 1 Jean Hu.soy.2 Ruth Leav-I riAit itt. 3 Lavina Elliott. Boys 1 Don McWilliams, 2 Ralph Wick, 3 Richard Hedstrom. Juniors Girls, heat one 1 Myrtle Sather, 2 Pat Brocklesby. Hea Two 1 Georgia Rudderham, iTENNISTS" CONCLUDED Uel'amy Wins Men's S:ngles And Borland and Norrlngton Men's Doubles In Clab Competition Prince Rupert Tennis Club concluded a very - successful club tour- UIUUI1. U.UI. WCIC I1UI itlWclVS UKUSUUL. 1 IKTK SCCIlieil IU . . " --- . t . lnall Georgia Kuddernam. 2 tnw iiiesaay evening when, af-ue be traitoi'3 evervwhere Now thev all hack their iidiioi teryneie. imow iney are are ail DaCK nn on. men Myrtle sather. 3 Patricia Brockles- ter many delays because or wet own soil and every man is a fighter and every woman is !by. weather, the men's singles and ready to back the fighters to the limit The Dominions! Boys, heat one 1 pat Wilson. 2 doubieai finals were run off. result-are sendintr in both sunnlies anil men. airnlanps and tanks. Harry Mentles. lg as follows: isruons are reaciy. not oniy to neienu tnoir country out to Heat Two 1 Everett Pierce. 2 fierht back. It will be a strenuous fight a fight to the .Xi Pat wiison. finish. . I Pierce. 3 Bob Mitchell.' :In addition, there t. is a large army in the eastern thea-1 ' intermediates Men's singles Bellamy beat Pul ton. 3-6. 6-1. 6-2, 1-6. 6-2. Everett Mm's doubles Borland and Norrlngton beat Lamble and Qwy-er. 7-5. '6-4, 8-6. tre, centering aroumi ralestine. in thiR army are tho fam- oins i Eveiyn Bussey. 2 m- mnwnes pnwuced some ous Indian fighters, who distinguished themselves in Drev- fld Andersen, 3 Victoria mc- !f"k""f tennf- in the singles iouswai Australians, who are . aman? the best fighters Xt-i Bud Pierce. 2 'lJSS in the World, and many Arabs and Other Mohammedans Blake. 3 Murray Sharpe. doubles prolonged rallies and ac- who are fanatics when it comes to war. There is also an ' seniors curate placements were the order. Egyptian army that can give a good account Of itself. It1 Olrls 1 EVelyn Dahl. 2 Ursula Considering the dull threatening is DOSSible too that the Turkish nrmv will ho rrlv fn tnVo Braun, 3 Lona Trlcker. weather a fair sized and interested . , "vv v"'xv- nr,i vr,.ri f 1 taa- gal er? attended part. wtuuiut vi'bl t(UUlv " i 1 A - f I - On the whole, we can make a good showintr. With ' o,n nine coon rests, anyway a noweriul navv and rnrVit nn nur suIp wo nro nnf at oil cm,i .t,.mninn.i.in 1 t' ""lesville, Ind.. June 26: beaten. Much will depend'upon the kind of fight we all Davis. 2 Maurice Teng, 3 Tom wi-.Jrij '8 e"f of marr'cd fe- . . . i. ivirs, Hums i. n 1 - - j savs an na put up. jpvery man ana woman snouiu consider himself "i"- , . , lt baked biscuiu for her farmer ainslus3801 Wh 59 fr US 112 against US. birth of her nine children. Bud pierce and Eyerett pierce wQn -Lvery night the British flyers are pouring bombs on from a team composed of Maurice .... r- iniiii.aijr uujct;tivca m ueriiiaiiy anu on air Dases in COll- iens. xeaay jersiaa, Kicnard iiinwi,! countries .m.4utnr. J-..,. ...1. 1. U 1 . ' 1.1 . nlnV. and nn T Pat tim. fS f with IHS J- I CC, CLFANSFB Get tfthHt et I Mrllini tui U-4- tkrt BlM-OUt T Inm nt ClMmcr tiM. ! I it Mttr luklat till Mttia. U Ualttl titalitl C.. Hi. MMtrttl. Act lfk. mtU lr af itr w ltM t mnt ! it tt ty In ft kttttr Clttxitr ftlti. UfitaJly nut tf llatit Utretfltatt Wta't icrattk Mt taitll - a II It ilia1 la ktati amatt It tta lalat all tat attar' Glrttrlit. UNITED CHEMICAL CO. LTD; 3830 St. Ambrolse St. Montreal CHIROPRACTOR) Stanley W. Colton, D.C.Ph.C. Wallace Block, Phone CIO CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM BATHS Make Appointments 2(0 Rooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Baths Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress Baseball Scores I Yesterday's Big League result: American League Boston 11-1. Detroit 7. New York 3. Cleveland 5. Washington 7. Chicago . Philadelphia 10. St. Louis 12. National League Pittsburg 0, Philadelphia 7. Chicago 8 .Brooklyn 3. The league standings to date: f 1VA JM. AX W Brooklyn Defeated Dry Dock With Only Goal P!1"1""?" of Last Nighty Football Game gj In last night s City League Toot- St. Louis ball game Velvet defeated Dry Dock Pittsburg by a seore'of 4 to 1. The Dry Dock Boston team was weakened bv the absence Philadelphia National League 34 33 33 33 24 22 18 10 or several players, who figured two American Leatue imm ntviin n mnnv niffhbt Cleveland 40 would be too much tor their physl Detroit 35 col fitness. Nevertheless, a scrub new ror team was organised and the game St. Loulj 30 was played. OmAoa - 33 In the first half Smith. Dry Chicago 25 Dock's goalie, was beaten three Philadelphia 22 times bv Vlnk. Dickens and Camer- Washington 23 20 20 21 29 31 31 34 35 23 23 31 32 24 32 35 38 .030 .655 611 .532 .436 .415 548 515 .635 .603 .475 .481 500 439 .384 .39? on. It was also In this half that Dry Dock received its only goal when GTeer of Velvet mWtleked Five thousand Rupert past his own goalie. Velvet's fourth people read tne Dally New goal was scored by Dickens half P7s to let them Hnow hm v RHEUMATIC PAINS? GIN PILLS help to tone up cloed kidney and eliminate pain-cauwng nreta acid. la the United Statu aak for "CINO PILLS". 1 lliN Is CanJ aad th U-S.-Rr(iilr 4 new, Uft fnnmr Ml Fresh Local Raw and I'aRtcuriaxd MH VALENTIN DAlin J. H. BULGER Optometrist KoiaJ Xanl Kbit IDORA Roller Rink Mondays and Tuesdays Open for Private Parties Wed, Thurs., I'rU 7-11 2-4:30. C-1I on SaL THE OLD GAItDENEIt FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin B1 The new remarkable Plant Stimulant In the proper proportions, a mild Insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant lite. Try a Packet Today 10c. 25e Wholesale Distributors W. II. Malkln Co. PJL) Ltd. THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Parked by th only iajmn canning company with an all tha year round payroll In trnem Knpfirt 7.ULU rifiiiTr.it, 100 ml i a. J t rm . . 'if va otM fu batltfT tmJ ltba M HCAVkv C-rt mij imlf . WIWfMtv JUST LOOK AT THESE FEATURES Qanpbl tlta4t4 ktnai-itm bad Mclit4M I"4" itUt . . . lr kntfatai I. jots gaui ttriam. Nn. al Mt ( Mk tttt. ft4 aaaiiMt, IvMaxik HiIimM 1 tttrtWr Vem wfmtUt coal t rw I 4 nil ltw lut titra kw huttrr tilt. Convvnitnt Terms nrnrr ni---T ii .la. I rttmrC OtutVi Africa lnrt 9Atl DTTncnif uunuuui uvuui wwtic i innii wriii (CP) Veteran of the Zulu wars,' Jackie WlUon " 14 ' ot u, Dugald MaePhall has celebrated himself "Cuiu i ' , hit 100th birthday. MwnagM of prlte fighu h. V 1" Jt congratulation were received from' to be confu,.i . the King ana yueen ana irom JacKi Wllsmi, . . " r a Prime Minuter J C 8muU. east. Hil ONE FACT Everyone KNOWS There's a Bigger and Better VALUE in any Radio by R.C.A. Victor Compare will R.C.A. Victor McRae Bros. Ltd. SAVE DOLLARS on these BARGAINS 2 Rij; Upholstered Chairs Left from Rceu,ar.525M'. $19.50 2 only .'MMccc Chesterfield Suites- $109.00 2 Maple Flat Top Desks QQ Q Regular $M.50. Special . 2 NiKht Tallies Regular 9.00. Special . . . $5.95 ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Mooe Itulldlnr, Third Are nue. Prince noprrt Hours from :J0 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. rhone ORtX?" " SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVE1 Steamer Leaves Prince Rupert Every SATURDAY, I p.m. MONDAY, 3 p.m. Trains Leave Prince Rupert for the Kast Monday, Wednesday, Friday. P n1- AIR- CONDITIONS SLEEPING CAK For fares. elc.,cll or 'J . CllyTlrket Office, 523 Jr