SERVICE Prompt and Efficient Service in Watch, Clock Jewelery and Optical Repairing, Hand Engraving EXPERT OPTICAL SERVICE Licenree for Numount Fullvue Frames The Latest In Eye Wear CHAS DODIMEAD OPTOMETRIST rhone 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Gifts for Every Occasion Whifflets From The Waterfront , Returning south alter an Alaska tourist voyage, C.P.R. steamer Prin cess Alice, Capt. Robert Thomson, Is due in port at 4 o'clock this af ternoon arid will sail at 5:30 pan. lor Vancouver. Bringing In one of the largest passenger lists she has ever handled Including a considerable group of round trip tourists for Alaska as well al some Irish Fusiliers under Lieut. Col. J. N. Burnett here to augment the local garrison, CNJt. steamer Prince George, Capt. H. E, Nedden, arrived in port at 11:15 this morning and sailed at 1 pjn. in continuation of her Alaska voy-,age whence she is due back here j next Monday southbound. Alan and Hugh Burbank, sons of M. A. Burbank, divisional engineer for the Canadian National Railways, arrived in the city on last night's train from their studies at Vn n rnn vnr i r .tund v," vacation nere. Mrs. Dave Hamilton (formerly Miss Ruby Llewellyn) arrived in the city on last night's train and will spend a few days visiting here before returning to her home In Sudbury, Ontario. While in the city Mrs. Hamilton will be the j guest of Mr. and Mrs. George L Rorie. Most people- rac tnt classified lads. Do you? PERFECTION... Since 1807 Always order McCallums the Scotch of Superlative Quality! DrfiZtJonJ Boffed la Scotand 265 oz. $3.75 40 oz. $5.60 This advertisement is not publlshea or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia B. C. Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture 1' ROYAL TYPEWRITER In good QOO Kft Condition paa.aS.OU 1 MONARCH TYPEWRITER 24 50 12 REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS In 10", 12", 16" carriages. All reconditioned. to QCff From ?w 6CZ.Z $12.50 10 $15.50 1 LAWN MOWER In good condition, large size. QQ IJS Special ?OWw 5 RECONDITIONED KITCHEN RANGES Of various makes, from $28.00 to $35.00 NEW FURNITURE 6 END TABLES Walnut finish 12 COFFEE TABLES In walnut, of various styles - 24 FELT MATTRESSES In all sizes :... 4 DRESSERS-Waterfall design and large round mirror u 8 STUDIO COUCIIES-Very modern, three spring filled cushions. Reg. $45"O0. Now $2.45 $9.50 $7.50 $22.50 $36.00 24 3-ilece CHESTERFIELDS In new colors and patterns ?rn,ty,e; $75.00 toS125.00 riione BLACK 324 Next Door to B.C. Clothiers THIRD AVENUE LOCAL MAN IS WEDDED .Miss Thtlma DesJardins Of Ter-i rare Becomes Bride Of Corporal : Pierre Leltoss I TERRACE, June 28: A wedding of much Interest took place at Terrace 0n Thursday morning last when Miss Theresa DesJardins of Terrace became the bride of Cor poral Pierre LeRoss of the Royal Canadian Artillery at Prince Rupert, Rev. Father Fabre, the parish prist. officiating. The bride, who was given away by her father, was charming in a white satin wedding gown and veil and carried a bouquet of white roses. . She was attended by her sister. Miss Jean DesJardins, who wore blue satin with net overlace and a blue veil, shoulder length, and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Tne brides brother, John, acted as groomsman. A wedding breakfast was served at the home of Mrs. John Nor-mandeau and a reception was held Thursday evening at the same house. The couple took the evening train for Prince Rupert where they will reside. TFRRAXE WEDDING Miss Dorothy Head Becomes Bride Of Karl K. Knapp, High School Principal I .TERRACE, June 26: (CP) The marriage took place at Terrace last Thursday of Miss Dorothv Head, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Head of Terrace, to Karl K. Knapp, principal of Ter race High School. The ceremony took place In the Terrace United Church with Rev. C. A. Hlnchllffe. the rector, officiating. The church had been prettily decorated for the occasion with blue and pink flowers, the color scheme being designed to match the blue ensemble which was worn by the bride who carried a bouquet of the same colors. The bride was given in marriage by her father and her sister, Miss Elliott Head, In a dusky pink ensemble, was bridesmaid. C. W. Michlel was groomsman. The couple, following the ceremony, left on the evening- train for Prince Rupert enroule in Van couver where they will sphr their noneymoon. offTcfrjT ' installed Enjoyable Evening In Connection With Women of Moose Cere- I 1 mnnlrt A very enjoyable evening was spent In the Moose Hall on the occasion of the Installation of the new officers or the Women of the Moose, under leadership of the Installing regent, Mrs. Sam Haudcni-child, and grand Installing guide. Mrs. T. O. Morgan. The officers are; Graduate Regent, Mrs. Hugh Smith. Senior Regent, Mrs. Sam Hougan. Chaplain, Mrs. Adcock. Junior Regent, Mrs. Hague. j Treasurer, Mrs. McCarthy. ! Recorder, Mrs. McFarlane. Guide, Mrs. O. Stegavig. I Assistant Guide, Mrs. R. Glske Sentinel, Mrs. Doreen. Argus, Mrs. Erlckson. Pianist. Mrs. Carr. ! The evenlne wa. unf tn i,i- cards, men of the Moose-and friends '8 invuea. Prize winners first. Mrs. ond, Mrs. R. aiske; men's first. Mrs. Parsons; second, Mrs. Wing- Dally advertimna - .... rews Is sur tn, hrim Open Till lo.-nn n m ' 711 Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos Candies MUSSAURIU'Q CONFECTIONERY THE DAILY NEWS WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Youll Jump Out of cUd in th. Morning Rani to Co Th. liwr ahouU pour out tw poan4i of liquid bi) into your bowrla dally. If IhU bU. U not Rowlni f rerty. your food dVmn't dicrat. It Just aVraya in tlx bowrla, Gu bkiata us ywirttomach. You grtconatlpatrd. Harmful polaooa go lata U body, tnd yv IrW aour, una and th world luoaa punk. A mer. bowrl nomini t dtrant alwara trt at thr rauaa. You (ml anmrthlnf tbat worka on the ltvr writ. It takan thoa rand, old Cartrr'a I.lttl Lirrr Mia to lit thraa two pound, of bile flowing fiwly and mak. yon fcrl "up and up". Harmltaa and rmtla, tny n.ak thr bi) flow frrrly. Tnnr do th work f raamrt but hara na calomel or rarrrury In Um. Atk for Cartrr'a Link Uvrr PlIU by am I Stubbornly rf uaa any thin 'W. Ha, School Has Closing Day PROGRAM IM 01 Miss IN JULY Law.renTce Music lests fPass 'Excellent Program of Pictures ' Listed for Showiwc Stxi Month ' The following students of Miss at Capitol Theatre Here Nellie Lawrence were successful In the recent violin examinations held ! bv Uis Toronto Conservatory of In addition to "Gone With the Music: Wind." the Capitol Theatre here (lrade h.. number of other outstanding First Class Honors -Lnvlnla El- plctures booked for July showing in llotL Prince Ruoert. among tnem dciuj. Walt Dlmey's masterpiece in technicolor "Plnocchlo" which is coming as the holiday feature for the first of next week. . The booklrigs from now on ! through July are announced as fol- lows: Parents and Friends Gathered To- June 28 Mickey Rooney In Visit Pupils And See Work pyoung Tom Edison." "" I June 27 and 25 Marx Brother Prior to closing day at the King and Kenny Baker in "At the Clr-Edward School for the summer an cus." open day was held on Monday af-, June 29 Henry Arthur and Jean ternoon. There was a larce at- Vnwu in nn nprnnn" and tendance of parents and friends. Spring Bylngton In "On Their Own., over one hundred taking advan- July l. 2 and 3 Walt Disney's tage of the opportunity to see the -Plnocchlo." I children In their rooms and July 4 and 5 King George and samples of some of the work done Queen Elizabeth in 'The Royal VU-durtag the year. ,r and mth Feuows and Dorothy The most popular exhibits were Peterson In "Five Little Peppers and , tnose 0r drawing and manual arts How They Orew -Oeneral comment indicated the July 6-Jackle Cooper in "Seven-1 appreciation of the .parents of the teen" and Frank Morgan In "Henry newer and more humanistic treat- ooej to Arizona." r, Z T ine 8UII'tct3- July 8. 9. 10 and 11-CIark Gable. rttht a enull and Vlvhm Leigh ln"Oone With the I nfW.- .u8n stanaara Wind." technicolor). w 7r thPUJlh- ' July 12 and 13-Tyrone Power punils dinT:.; and Und Da ,n "Daytime J nridPnt., iZ w,fe and L,yd Nolan In "Man BabJs nmvT WfltCr Wouldn't Talk." reveSion ? ,h. vTh,nS a W "-Mickey Roon- Stne dyyrndd8t0ne,n"JUdW,Ur-cnoIra.:r?bln Ju" 18 and 19-Andrea Leeds and nam. 6 mUSlC 000 "Swanee River" Miss E. A. Mercer received in. , f- visitors. I JU,y zu ana Turner ana Arue Weather Forecast JtJX) will tnd 300 Soaat Cap or I lb. 0(d Wjini. pip toOKco to Canadian. Mrving In Unit ad Kingdom and Franc, only. Addra "Swagj ct. P.O. Bw 6000, Montrnal.Qua. Shaw In "Dancing Co-Ed" and J. Edgar Hoover in The Parole Fixer." July 22, 23 and 24 Irene Dunne and Cary Orant In "My Favorlt General Synopsis The pressure Wife." is high from the Queen Charlotte July 23 and 26 Oary Cooper, Da-1 Islands southward. Showers have ld Nlven and Andrea Leeds in occurred in Northern British Col-, "Real Glory." j umbla but the weather remains July 27 Joel McCrea and Nancy j fair and warm in southern dls- Kelly In "He Married His Wife" and tx- Sidney Toler In "Chan In Panama." , West Coast of Vancouver Island July 29, 30 and 31-Laurence Oil-! Fresh northwest winds, fair and vler and Joan Fontaine In "Rebec-' moaeraieiy warm. ca. "Do th. girli lilt Captain WitK.npoon?" "Dolh.y? TK.y call him Swt Cop I" SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "The purtit form in hith tobacco can bt ,moltJ UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: 1JJ.S. CATALA EVKRY TUES- T.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m, If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 668 Our Famoui Ediun Alberta COAL Bulkier Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal IJuIUey Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PKINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Thone 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY FROM MOMK" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prlnca Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 111 Honor Sven Richard Skog. Grade 2 Honors A vcdtlla Thomasson. Pass Frank James, Jean Ayres. Grade 4 Stanley Wozney. Grade S Nancy Owens. If you hajfo something to swap try a Classified Ad. OrtNINO MONDAY AFTERNOON July 8th 2 p.m. 2 Shows, 7:00 nd "IS I IM;ST SINCE "BOYS TOWN MICKEY ROONEY In "Young Tom Edison" (At 7:41 and 5) ADDED 3 Stootes -You N,lj, gp , "Ali Can nttf Pete Smith Nottlty Coming Thurs. - frL MMl mtos. In -ATTiiccmcrs' With Ktnny T.iUt 'a,., GONE WITH THE WIND SEATS ARE NOW ON SALE AT THE BOX OFFICE BOX OFFICE Ol'EX 12 NOQ.N TO 9:10 I'M DAILY AITERNOONS At 2 p.m. 75o Loin ii.oo All Seats Reserved MAIL ORDERS. I y-, t fa tWc. Hrt. TVit ffi Wa HM I. Sawa Air.a'. tXZtn AT ADVANCID Ht$ UNtll If 41, cnPiTot EVENINGS At 8 p m. fill AH Srati KrwnH Mon.. Tuet.. Wed.. Tkia JulyS- Jn NEWEST SLACK SUITS v AND FARMERETTES For The Holiday Weekend. I a 1 Finest Assortment lit- ' In The City. Plain colors, itrlpu and plaids Rote blue, green and tan tn paitmu tnit escape description. If you in- Jut a little ahead of the youll find It among the 8IZE.S i: ? SMCK SUITS ... Up from rARMERtrrnus up from S2.95 S1.75 8electI6u of contrasting or plain colors. Limited quantities of each style assure you of something dlffrfnt-at prices that youll recognise a. quite inexpensive. The newest itylr importations from both the EaM aiifi the States shipped In express for Dominion Day. .Mill (lrtlrr Ptnmntl. t'lll.J i . ..i.L. 1 , RUPERT PEOPLES STORE a "In Hi ll.-jr. nt t,l Tlllttn AVE. Next to Hellbroner'. Thone HLUE 907 "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily ' Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I'rlncv Rupert Co. Ltd. Rrltlth ColumblS It's interesting to know wli m.-uKnir th Daily Nefffl I that the people pf the. who (Jjct pr0 dofnif th? same.