esday. June 28, 1940. TH3 DAILT NZWB PA CHS 1 TPHftB Little Lessons in Home Economy ! u Hi 4 A 10 40 ' i i ii A kmliful ntm llertrk Rtnft tilt iSlt C-E mojrl tui I inUallrd In your lUthrn for m until Joun paymtiU. Dmltncr on my Iron. Presbyterian Tea And Sale Success frllihtful Affair Held Yesterday Afternoon at Heme of Mrs. J. It. Mllchfll A ' uceessful tea and sale of home Kk.iig was held yesterday after-at the home of Mrs. John R. ill' :rii. Atlln Avenue, by the Aid of First Presbyterian Ci Thi xnaeiom rooms wen? a. ?.;'Jy decorated early arr-ier flowers. Many guests eall- Ami I . tHMHlPS I I C0MUMiCA!lOS I Trans-Atlantic M III I r 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental , i. Trans-Pacific and Way Ports ... vi. via C Ocean Falls To Vancouver Fr,day 10 pJTl. 8.8. "Princess rw- To Vancouver Illreet , Princess Louise Princess CharloU. IJJ June Ut. 15th. 29th , "'.'S;! June-u and ana Skagwa, , Wranfll, To Ketchikan, June 3rd. 10th, with f Canaman "Sl ? Pacific Service, Connections at Vancouver Ticket, and Reservations fm W f rmrii l Arrnt mMB When you W'fed to the teeth" with 7 coal and wood and the smoke 0f of sulky fires gets in your eyes, and the heat upsets you, and the waste of overdone roasts gets you down . . . Turn over a new leaf . . . COOK WITH ELECTRICITY. Then just snap the switch and begin to really enjoy cooking. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited ed and were received by Mrs. Mil- C. Jowle kYa. chell. Mrs. D. C. Stuart, and MrsMUlUUCllla niC H. O. Funston. The general convener was Mrs. James Simpson Presiding at the J pourlng table, which was centred with a beautiful bowl of roses on a handsome lace cloth, were Mrs, T. McClymont, Mrs. I S. Hope, Mrs. Samuel Massey andi Mrs. R. W. Cameron. Servlteurs were Mrs. II. V nnvk1hv Mn W W C. fYNlll Mrs. E. J. Smith and Mrs. L. Lee 'Successful Mrs. William Lamble and Mrs. John j0" 5?" f Muslc pad McLeod. Acting as cashier was Mrs. Robert Cameron. I Pupil of Misses Way and Olafson Succeed In Tests All the students of Mas M. A. Way and Miss Swanna Olafson en- I tered In the June exams of the Tor- creaiiaDiy. uesuiu were as A.T.C.M Teachers examination had charge of the home cooking Pa( n performance of pieces. conditioned in viva and Uble. t'lfl'ili'ilHI MFtk voce ear test Helen Green. Oracle 10 Ada Brown, Patricil McCl-mont. Jean Derry. ! Ornde 8 Honors Janet Rochester. Grade 7 Barbara Hope. Grade 6 Barbara Flaten. 21 IN 26 YEAIIS PRINCETON. Ind June. 26: CP Since their marriage 26 years ago. Alva Williams, 32-year old painter and paperhangcr. and his wife Emma, 42, have had 21 children. Fifteen survived and are still home. Announcements All adterttsetaenU in this cd imn will be charged for a full month' at 2V: Red Cross Tea. Mrs. Bid Thomson. June 26. Raffling oft teacloth. . ' Catholic Tea, Mrs. DeJongs 713 5th Avenue West, June 27. 1 Miss Way and Miss Olofson re- cltal, First United Church, June 27. Dance, Moose Hall, Friday, 28th Dominion Day Sports Celebration. July 1. Big Dance In the evening. C. N. R. A. Excursion to Terrace. July First. Fare $2.75. United Strawberry Tea, Mrs. Clark's, Pacific Place, July 41 Queen Mary dance Oddfellows' Hall July 5. Hospital Auxiliary Bazaar, September 18. Catholic Baxaar, October 2 and 3. L.O.B-A. Bazaar. October 16th. Anglican Fall Bazaar, November 7. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Dont forget dance Fri. nite. Moose Hall. "52 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayward, who are leaving for the south to- Red Cross Tea 'And Sale Held At Decker Lake DECKER LAKE. June 26: A' vtry successful tea and novelty sal was held by the Decker Lake Red Cross unit on Thursday af. ternoon whin 0ver $100 was raised. There were visitors from Burns Lake and surrounding districts. The committee In charge consisted of Mrs. carl Anderson,? president, Mrs. E. Gustavson, vice-president, and Mrs. G. Funnell, secretary. Others assisting at various booths were Mrs. W. E. Funnell, Mrs. Glans. Mrs. Ousfavson. Mrs P. OL-on. Mrs. Shaw and Mrs Plche. O. Funnell made a very capaoie auctioneer. , The hall was well arranged and nicely decorated for the oc- caslon. Handyman Home Service Kenairinr Stoves. Koofs, Electrical Appliances;' Oil Burners Cleaned, Plumbing and Painting 221 Seventh Ave, W. Phone BLACK 735 r.r.r On Sale July 4,5,6,7 Here's a golden opportunity to visit your friends on the prairies during the vacation aeason. 2000 miles of travel for as little as $27 50 in coaches! Slightly higher fares in-tourist and standard keeping cars. 30 Day Return Limit Stopovtr anywhere en route, incluj tyf Jrr r''yP0Un,l f th Rockier You can go u fr Eut Wxx Arthur on Uxte vacttkm firtt. tout kvl mt will UJI (jiMKerei. CANADIAN NATIONAL V-46-40 Dance Fri. nlte. Moose HalL (152) v Dwinn nf nnoth Mem- Strawberry Tea. St. Peters, Even- orlal High School teaching staff lang Branch, June 27. Mrs. William salUng thU afternoon on tne in-1 Mcian. ceas Alice for Vancouver to spena, the summer vacauon. All applicant for Oyro playground assistant instructors apply at Boys' Club, Friday 1 pjn. Miss Kay Thompson arrived in peU8 th hollda, .n Victoria. "Ft," - V W - MaVV MMv J- J- LittIe- ' Mrs. S. O. McNeil and family of;Mrg- Hiewan were passengers a0Wxauiu Dr ml-final5. throuah to Vancouver where ty Dominion 150 will spend the summer while Mr. , McNeil Is engaged in fisheries pa- Czi tot Vanou. troi service. . wh uke chare of a HOTEL ARRIVALS Koyal A. R. Beaton. Frederick Point; Mr and Mrs. Lee Wing and A. Derry. Port Esslngton; Key Kursln, Toronto; A. Jacobsen, Shirley; L. B. Hansen and O. P. Murphy, Scstall; E. A. Wicks. North Pacific; T. H. Walsh, Wells: Charles P. Macfarlane, Barrett. Prince Rupert Stewart Jackson, Maple Bay, Vancouver Island: P. P. Clark, Dundas; L. Wolfe, Big Missouri; E.W. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. MacDonnell and It. Kennlngton, Vancouver? Marion L. Briggs and Fred Nash, Terrace; II. J. Brown, Port Esslngton; J. W. Morison. CaspacQ; H. E. Rose, Van-derhoof; Jerry Dler and Adrian D. Smith. Lansing, Mich.; K. Attre. Barrett Point. I seine boat which is to be operated in local waters this summer. Following their regular weekly luncheon today, members of the Oyro Club paid a visit of Inspection to the various playgrounds in the city on which activities on a supervised basis will be commenced next week. LOW RAIL FARES ... or... DOMINION DAY MONDAY. JULY 1 Between alt Stations in Cnd ONE-WAY FARE snd ONE-QUARTER FOR ROUND TRIP (Minimum Fare 25 e) COINCt JUNE 28 TO 2 P.M. JULY 1. (II Train June 28 tickets wit be ui itr Jane 27) RETURNi Lv. destination until TUESDAY, JULY 2. (It it Train July 2 tickets will U n Grst available Train) Full (m Amt WSWMT Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Serrice-3 Heated Cars HOLIDAYS Book Your Reservations at SANG AN' RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Xow Also for Full Particulars Write MRS. DUNN Massett, Queen Charlotte Is. B.C. H. G. Helgerson Limited 21C SIXTH STREET Prince Rupert, B.C. We have on our lists the following goo'd buys: 412 EMERSON FLACE 7-room house, 2 lots. Lovely garden. Fully modern. Furnace. 4 bedrooms. Concrete foundations. Cash $3150. Terms $2000, balance In monthly payments. We Have Several Furnished Houses for Rent for the Summer Months 6-ROOM HOUSE On Taylor Street. 3 bedrooms. Fully modem and sewer. In good condition. Cash $1600 or $1800 on terms. Benj. H. Harry M.D. EYE DISEASES Lenses Carefully Prescribed (t C31 Blrks nidg. Vancouver, B.C. PHONES 18 and 19 P.O. Bos 575 Mussallem s Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Libby's Tomato Catchup-Made the "gentle pres; way. XDl' bottle Hand-E-Wrap Waxpaper Ztoot 19c Jell-0 Jelly Yowder Delicious assorted -f Xtl- IZp flavor. 2 for Old Dutch Cleanser 4Qf 19K' 2 tins Aylmer Apricots Choice quality. 172 oz. 29C Black Label Pineapple U1 Cubes 2 Una ny Spray For killing ACn flies. D&L. 8-oz. bot. tft3 Classic White Naptha Soap For laundering. 1 1 J"1 3 ban Malkin's Blue Label Tea BLUE LABEL 60c " ii QUALITY TEA Empress Baking Pow- -ffTo der 12-oz. Un You can get Preserving Jars, Rubber Rings. Mason Caps and Lids, Parowax, Memba and Certo Crystals, Certo, Memba Seals here: Order them with your groceries. COMPLETE STOCK OF FRESH VEGETABLES IN SEASON KEPf UNDER VAPOR SPRAYS Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throughout the City Two Telephones for Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One LUMBER CEMENT, SASH and DOORS Complete Line of Building Supplies Albert and McCaffery Ltd. Phone 117 Phone 116 y j Cherub Baby Oil g Excellent for Chafing, Chapping and Diaper Hash. A Baby Feeding, Bottle Free with each purchase Both for 40c Ormes ltd. Viut Pioneer Drtu&ists The Reiall Store Phones 81 & M Open Dally front 8 ajn. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. g acoooooooaooacHim0CHaooooo3O0ooacKf&fioooooocHSooooo3 ' - If yoii lose anything, advertise for It.