kl I, if. EYES Licencee for Numounts Full-vue Frames, The Newest In Eye-Wear HVt o. $3.75 40 oz. $5.60 ,. Specify ; UkHV.IV Ot PISTIUED, BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTUN& James Buchanan & Co., limited Gloisow, Scotland EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jcwelery Repairing, Hand Engraving Max Heilb CHAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge riionc 26 i for Appointment roner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties Associated Boards SMITHERS fC TP 1 Ar,ii 1 Dr' R' B- Brummltt and family VI 1 raUe Anniiai i returned on Sunday afternoon , , from tneir motor trip to' the fy 11 1 IVlCGtinP' l VM".WVM rHICPllPfl isuth- They were accompanied on 5 thelr trJp m& Reg Comson- 1 !Mrs. W. B. Brummltt, mother ot I Dr. Brummltt, returned to Sml- ! The annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia, which was to have been held in Vander-noof next month, has been postponed in view of existing thers with them for a visit. Miss Delia Carpenter and Miss June Carpenter returned home on ; Monday from a short motor trip to Vancouver and other points In the south. Bulkley Valley Crops Benefit From Rainfall ' SMITHERS, July 17: During the past week the Bulkley Valley has enjoyed several good heavy .showers of rain which have done a great deal of good to the grain 'and root crops but were too late I to benefit the hay crop as haying lis already under way throughout the district and the crop will be a light one this year. The first thunder and lightning storm of 'trn year occurred during early morning hours of Tuesday arid there were heavy showers of warm 'rain along with it. aI,. jtSeffc' This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor1 $ ?i j- llf of British 'oiumrii , CEMENT, SASH and DOORS Vm" 1 1 Complete Line of Building Albert and McCaffery Ltd. Phone 117 Phone 118 "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Princ Rupert (q British Columbia Canada At War 25 Years Ago July 17, 1915 Second Canadian Division reviewed at Beachborough Park, Kent, by Sir Robert Borden and Sir Sam Hughes. Treaty of al liance between Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany and Turkey signed. German drive endangered Russian hold on Warsaw; evacuation of civilians began. Daily, advertising ro the Dallj News Is sure to bring dally wwl"m","m' 1 V Wtailrli'lI nc.LCHU you'll understand ) - VTSSa it peine so widely imm ISm acclaimed throueh- 1 tfm-T asm Control Board or by the Government l CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.C.Ph.C. ' Wallace Block, Phone 610 IDORA Roller Rink Mondays and Tuesdays Open for Private Parties Wed., Thurs., Frl., 7-11 2-4:30, 6-11 on Sat. HOLIDAYS Book Vour Reservations at SANG AN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Now Also for Full Particulars Write MRS. DUNN Massett, Queen Charlotte Is. B.C. THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin Il The new remarkable Plant Stimulant in the proper proportions, a mild insecticide and further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy-plant life. Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c 'Wholesale Distributors H. Malkin Co. (P.R.) Ltd. 1KB DAILY NEWS MOTOR GAR ACCIDENTS Have Been Order Of Day In Bulkley Valley Recently i SMITHERS, July 17: Motor car accidents seem to have been the i order of the day in the Bulkley 'Valley recently. A car owned and driven by L. T. Kemple of Smlthers, while travelling south near Fort Fraser 'a few days ago, was In collision with anolher car whlih came around, a sharp corner. The Kemple car was pushed off the side .of the road i and quite badly damaged. , A car owned by Alex Murray of, Doughty, and being driven by an- I other party left the road about two miles east of Smlthers. near the top of the Bulkley hill and was quite badly bashed up a few days ago. t On Sunday afternoon a car owned and driven by Mr. Stefano of Smlthers and containing his whole family of seven persons left the road at the Fagerlid.farm near Lake Kathlyn and went through a 'fence Into a pasture, turning sev eral somersaults In the procedure-. The car was very badly damaged and came to rest on Its side. The glass remaining In the wind shield was kicked out and the family came out through the opening as the doors could not be opened. A doctor was called and some of (the occupants required stitches I In cuts that had been made by the broken glass. Another car struck a calf owned by Mr. Oliarny while passing his farm about six miles east of Smlthers. The animal had its legs broken and had to, be destroyed. ,New Personnel jArmy Council LONDON. July 17: (CP) i Changes In the personnel of the Army Council due to army appointments are shown In the Lon-'don Gazette. President of the council Is An-(thony ( Eden, secretary for war. ; Vice-president is Brig.-Oen, Lord Croft, a Joint under-secretary to the' War Office. Other ttiembers are: Gen. .Siri John Dill, who succeeded Sir Edmund Ironside as chief of the Imperial Army Staff; ClAssinED FOR SALE. HOUSE for sale 5 rooms. Apply) 544 9th Ave. West. (167) FOR SALE Two gentle saddle or I pack horses. 1100u lbs. Cheap.! Armour Salvage. i MISCELLANEOUS LESSONS in typewriting. Also high speed typewriting and shorthand given mornings, afternoons or evenings. Regular day classes begin August 1. Phone Red 923. WANTED GIRL wanted for general house-work. Phone Black 322. (168) NOTICE FOR INFORMATION in Training in Aircraft Construction, Aircraft Engines, Electricity, Refrigeration, Diesel, Radio or machine shop, reply P.O. Box 338, or write J. A. Maxwell) Prince Rupert Hotel. National Schools, Los Angeles. Registered by the Gov't in British! Columbia. PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT Job as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Stenp., etc. Three Dominion-wide exam3 held since war began. Free. Booklet.. M. C. C. Schools Xtd., Winnipeg Oldest in Canada. No agents; FOR SALE LICENSED STEEL BOAT Built at Atlas Boiler Works. New, 33'x 9 10"x 5Y Engine 90 li.n. International truck engine. Coventry & Reynolds reduction gear. Atlas Boiler Works 4 .... , I YOUK GUTTA If pk PERCIIA DEALER M mam British Masks Are 60,000, LONDON, July 17: (CP) All war equipment is not the type rushed to the battlefields. Providing the civilian population with safeguards against modern warfare also Is a huge task said Sit John Anderson. The minister for home security outlined briefly some of the duties of his department and listed some of the tremendous orders that had to be filled. As an Instance. he said nearly 60,000.000 gas masks had been Issued, including those for babies. 'Some 350,000,000 sandbags had beep given out along with 1,500,000 oilskin suits and 3-,000,000 steel helmets and numerous pumps, shovels and all sorts of other air raid precaution material Gen. Sir Walter K. Venning; Lleut-Col. Sir Edward Grlgg, Joint under-secretary, War Office; Richard Law, financial secretary to the War Office; Sir Percy James Grlgg; Lt.rGen. Henry Weymss and Lt.-Gen. Robert Halnlng.. Up time and agam because of kidney end bladder weakness. Take Gin Pilli to soothe and tone up the kidney enjoy a good night's sleep. In th United Sates ask for "Gino Pills". IpillsJ 2 ibcs br Canada and the U.S. Rul.r and ntw, larf Economy tlx. Ml Dr. J. Munthe Successor to Dr. II. O. Johnsen Now Has His Office In the RESNER BLOCK THL SEAL QUALITY ill! GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with au all the year' round payroll tn t Frlnce Rupert iRestrict Paper For Parliament Committee Lockinr Into Economies For Lords and Commoners LONDON. July 17: (CP) A Parliamentary Committee is con-, sidering ways and means of cut-i tins down the use of paper ior official purposes. , I Various economies have been! sueeested. They Include: a 90 per-, cent cut In the number of copies' of the Order Book printed dally; space saving of one-third by use .of smaller print; reprinting of motions put down for discussion bv Deers for one week only. 'At present when a peer puts down a motion without fixing a day for I Its discussion it Is reprinted for a I I I month. Quality of the paper and of the envelopes also may be re duced, BALDWIN'S VEST LONDON, July 17: (CP)- Tncf I Arrived FOR SISTER from" O up. As low as Wednesday, July l7 11$ LAST TIMES TOXlGJit t snows, 7 too and 9:00 MICKEY ROONEY "Judge Hardy And Son" With LEWIS STO. E (At. 7:27 and 9 ADDED Crime Docs'nt Tay Series "DRUNK DRIVING Cartoon COMING TIIURS. Fnt In Technicolor "SWANEE RIVE1! now have to tell by instinct when HQu$e u-BrtorlaU d summer comes. Since Lord Bald- jwhfs elevation to the Lords they lost : their annual official Intimation Dally New CTiassit.tQ Mi his putting on a light waistcoat- results. Shoes for Sister, Brother, and Baby Too! Both dressy and serviceable styles In blacks, browns, wh - t. patents. Oxfords and straps. New fashions the CI CO girls like. Priced up from pltDU FOR BROTHER Boys who are boys demand rugged hard wearing servlcrab They wear so much longer if you buy them at Q4 7;? Cut Rate. Up from ; HlD FOR IJAHY ' Babies' feet are doubly important because they're at that drr , mg stage, aoia low snoes and booties In all sizes, fl ff UtlU broken rest I The, Gut -fete' Shoe "Store UKfcKN 615 THIRD AVENUE ji aian yrners i romptly Filled Open Saturda" Night PHONES 18 and 19 1-lb. cello pkg. Libby's Tomato Soup S)En 3 tins for Australian Cheese njn Mild, per lb AHLl, P.O. Box 515 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Malkln's Best Fruit Juices 12-oz. bottle 25p Jlande-E-Wrap Wax Q Paper- -Pkg, Polly Prim Sweet Mixed Pickles Large OC bottle Honey Graham Wafers 1Qn JLtt Malkln's Best Aspara- OQp gus Tlpv-Per tin Garden Fresh Peas- S v ' and tender. OCn 4 lbs Fresh Hunch Carrots-Young and tender. 1 3 bunches XV Fresh Bunch Beets-- f Hp 3 bunches .... AUV Malkln's Best Baking Powder 12-oz. tin .... 19c Fresh String Beans -J Qj Green or Wax. 2 lbs. COMPLETE STOCK OF FRESH VEGETABLES IN SEASON KEPr UNDER VAPOR SPRAYS Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throughout the City Two Telenhnnn. fn. v , , , xuur uuveiiicucc JtoatanIa l Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER GABS PHONE 13 fi Can Rids for Price of One ,