Want Third Term But Will Get Unanimous Draft Tis Expected WHAT WILLKIE THINKS COLORADO SPRINGS, July 17. Wendell Willkie, Republican candidate for President, holidaying here, said that President Roosevelt's message to the Democratic convention in Chicago had but one interpretation. The President will he nominated on the first ballot and will accept." rillPAnn .Tnlv 17? (CP Nntwithstanilino- n mps-l sage from President Franklin Roosevelt informing the ..tLxvinn Hint Vio Vinrl "nn rlpsirp nr liiirrinsp" nf lininrr rp.-i BURMA ROAD (QuMtion Comei Up In Parliament. No Confirmation ol Agreement Belnr Closed Commons today to make a state- any candidate. The reading of tne Jnent In regard to, the closing of the message was greeted with shouts of ftnrmi mad to Chinese war sup- "We Want Roosevelt Now." Men tiles, stating that no word had been hcelved of an agreement having tn reached between Japanese au- i .... Ethortties and the British ambasso- BoMt Tokyo. !i ' Butler's statement was made m Boite of earlier dlsriatches from WILL FLY ATLANTIC iDnVt and Duchess of Windsor Make Crossing by Plane to Assume Bahama Post to MARSEILLES. France. July 17: (CPlThe American Red Cross steamer McKeesport, laden with relief supplies from the United States, arrived last night at this French port which Is still controlled by the government of France. The vessel had been accorded a safe passage by British blockade authorities. Halibut Sales Summary American None. Canadian 19.000 nourids. 10.4c nd 7c to Up. and 7e. Canadian P. Doreen. 12 00(1 11p nnd 7c. Pa cific. . I lUilWC Cane Hno 11 s nnn in in and 7c. Storage. I'eainot, 2,000, 10.4c and 7c, Allirf. to continue In office, to be a candidate for office or to be renominated !any candidate they might choose trvnft tnlir 17 nirliard A. renomlnatlon. LONDON, July 17; (CP) Reuters rLlJ Ken Agency said that the DukelSome Lhlldren unit rMu.a - liru. hava Knn V . I fd clipper plane passage from Lls- to New York and are expected Ioon to flv from New York' to the Ba- Ihamas where the Duko will assume the office of Governor Oeneral. The I next Thursday. clipper plane leaves Lisbon on RED CROSS SHIP OVER American Vessel Arrives At eilles, France, From New York May Yet Move Will Be Taken in Limited Mimncr Where Convoys are Possible' Parents Held Responsible LONDON, July 17: (CP)-Rt. Hon. Clement Atlee, Lord Privy Seal, dis closed In the House of Commons yesterday that a "certain numDcr of children would be evacuated in a few cases where It .might be possl- Mar- Dle to provide convoy. Private eva cuation can continue oui paxenw must bear the responsibility. Y.M.C.A. Man Coming Here Will Be Located at Prince Rupert In Connection With Recreational Service for Forces CaDt. R. C. H. Durnford, chaplain of the Prinpn Runert earrlson area, . ----- - i has been advised that a permanent. . i A I IU r. Vninlft Mpn'S GIBRALTAR KttUlcuufc .v.v. w j. . i - r - i 1 " nnmfnated. Roosevelt forces at the Democratic national Major (icncrai o. n ! convention, in session here, appear to.be not one whit less. wiiw". "j t Butler, Under Secretary of Foreign make It clear that all delegates to ond infantry Brigade Affairs, declined In the House of this convention arc free to vote for tion of Roosevelt s name to .the boisterous convention was met with 25 minutes of cTierfnR.TheTe'!!as no diminution whatsoever In the third term enthusiasm In snltc of the message. A total of 773 dele-uatpd nWpprt fn renominate Roose- Tokyo that Gfat prltiln, had agreed velt will. H is.- expected, lead the a Aa J n m, ti rtvvtftiiT e -ninvpTnpn r rrvi3v I fir 51 11 IIH IllIIKIII.S nlcht (CP) There yesterday. The results of the raids 7 PhllMn "J T were not Immediately made known. NAMED TO COMMAND: Pearkes V. Becomes Chief Of First Canadian Division Q6icriniliUU IV I a titiiu ten ii ui cut ui tiiv uuti GAwub v i g nSlnLS6 aTES' AWA; July 17: (CP)-MaJor HI fPlin AH UPia" '. General O. R. Pearkes V. C. has in 111 lir I """ " been been bddo VJLIVM 1 w v last night by senator AiDen w. Barkley. The message, on behalf of Mr. Roosevelt, said that the President never had and did not now desire, appointed to command the First Overseas Division of the Canadian Active Service Force, succeeding Lieutenant General A G. L. McNaughton, who is assuming command of a British Army Corps, Hon. J. L. Ralston, mlnlslcr 0I national oeience. an- the office. The further for message nounced ,n ,ne House 0, Com. caIaim released all oil delegates HfiTQre to frt vote vnrp for fnr . . morw yesterday, uo. fous or Th The Prrslrlpnf President said he wished "to .earKes pP!irV , in ,rtmn,,nri commana i nf th. rpc. CARNIVAL . . PLANNING Norton Youngs Accepts General Chairmanship Committees- Report Progress It was decided that carnival con-, cessions at the carnival would be operated locally Instead of bringing in an outsider to take charge as had been orglnally proposed. The policy of giving war savings certificates and stamps wherever cash mizes are provided for was , adopted. i W. F. Stone was delegated to pro- I of the carnival features. TO MOVE TO PARIS retain Cabinet Meets To Consider Reconstruction Of France VICHY. Julv 17: (CP) The cab inet of Marshal Petaln Is meeting today to consider "reconstruction" measures and the moving of- the capital of France back to Paris. MORE TAX COMING UP LONDON, July 17:- (CP) Sir ,Ji..t . t.n ...iiuorriuo in iinffslev Wood. Chancellor of the Prince Rupert next week lobe sia-1 Excnequer. m mb wmu tloned here In connection wiin .me ouagei, n - - providing of recreational facilities Impose a sales tax on a wide varl-for service men of all branches lo- ety of commodities and to further will increase income taxes w ar is cated here. The Y.M.C.A". man Jhe bring full equipment for his work..costlnglBritaIn $40,000,000 per day. PROVINCJAL LIBRARY V Weather. Forecast Stella Wjeto Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert and Queen Char-loUe High 0:05 am. 215 ft Islands Moderate to fresh- 13:05 p.m. 192 ft. .nutheast winds, ivi'iuy ana cooi Low 6:50 ajn. 2.0 ft. with showers. 18:55 p.m. 65 ft. NORTIlEItN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER - Aft.. V(V .TTvviX. No. 167. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1940 PRICE: i CENT8 Launching New Peace Offensive President Roosevelt Does Not IS RAIDED'- Pf Four Visits Made By Enemy craft To "nock"" During Yesterday LONDON. July 17: MADRID, July 17: (CP) Spain has broken off diplo- matte relations with Chile in a Kiirfripn new move In the I were luur air rams on on Gibraltar uioraitar . DreaK ouuueu situation. The mlnUtpr ivu last night handed his passports by the Spanish government and Is expected to leave immediately for home. The. antl-natlonallst campaign In Chile had reached an "Intolerable limit." It was explained by the Spanish foreign minister. BILL FOR W0RKLESS Mines, Big Missouri, .05. Bralorne, 8.10 A. Cariboo Quartz, 1.85. Dentonla, .00 A. Falrvlew, .00V4'. Gold. Belt, .21. Hedley Mascot, .30. Mlnto. .01 V4. Pend Oreille, 1.20. Pioneer, 1.80. Premier, .73. Privateer, .50. Reeves MacDonald, .20 A. Reno ,11. Relief Arlington, .04'. . Salmon Gold, .02. Sheep Creek, .80. Oils A. P. Con., .082. Calmont, .23.. C. &E., U5. Freehold, .013,i. " Home, 1.56.. Pacalta, .03. Royal Canadian, .UVi- -Okalta, .72, 'Merciiry, .03 Vi. Prairie Royalties, .15 .A. Toronto Aldermac; .11. Beattle, .75.-Central Pat., 1.55. Con. Smelters, 31.Vi. East Malartlc, 2.37. Fernland, .03 A. Francoeur, .22. Gods Lake, .23. Hardrock, .65. Int. Nickel, 31.. Kerr Addison, 1.85. Uttle Long Lac, 1.90. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.25. Madsen Red Lake, .27. McKenzie Red Lake, .90.-Moneta, .39 Vi. Noranda, 45.00. Pickle Crow, 2.20. Preston East Dome, 1.60. San,Antono, 1.56. Sherrltt Gordon, .60. . Uchl, .31. Bouscadlllac, .02. Mosher .03. Oklend, .0315. Smelters Gold, .00 VJ, Dominion Bridge, 22. Vi. INSURANCE1 Meaiure Introduced In Canadian Par lament Employers And j Employees Share Equally 1 OTTAWA, July 17: lCP)-r- An unemployment insurance bill was introduced In Parliament late yes terday by Honi Norman, McLarty. minister of labor. It was-given Its first reading arid Is-expected to -he speedily put through. The bill provides that employers and emDlovees shall contribute 'equal amounts and an amount of 'one-fifth of their contributions ,; will be put uo by the federal gov- Commlttees on the forthcoming ernment which will bear the cost 3 China for a period of three 'third" term draft. three-day carnival In support of the oi adminUtration months. It was also Teported that senator uarier uiass oi Virginia, civic centre project preseniea pru-sn agreement had been reached to known as a supporter of Post- gress reports at a meeting" of the ban shipments of war materials master General James A. Farley general committee last night. All through Hong Kong. ifor lne presidency, arrived In Chi- indications point to a successful I : 'cago today. He did not immediately celebration. ,'dlsclose what part he might play Norton Youngs has accepted th? In the convention but remarked general chairmanship for the cele- that the statement Issued last bratlon and. was In attendance last night by President Roosevelt might night. T. J. Williams was chosen as lust as easily have been made six treasurer. The chairman and the months ago. treasurer together with tne secre- Postmaster Oeneral Farley said tary, G. L. Rorle, were appointed a that his name would still go be-1 finance committee to bring In a fore the convention despite the I budget for a meeting of commltte; certainty of President Roosevelt's chairmen to be held on Friday. TODAY'S (OnurtMT B D STOCKS JnQfMtoo Pol i Bulletins ASSAULT WILL FAIL LONDON A great onslaught of German forces on Britain by land, sea and air simultaneously may come "within the next month" and, If it does come, "it will fall," Air Secretary Sir Archibald Sin-clair said In a broadcast tonight. NAVAL BASES RAIDED ALEXANDRIA Italian planes carried out raids In the moonlight last night on the Alexandria and Malta naval bases. Bombs dropped at Alexandria failed to hit any ships, the raiders being speedily driven off. No bombs were dropped at Malta but one of the enemy aircraft was brought down. DISTURBANCES IN HOLLAND LONDON Renters dispatches report serious disturbances at The Hague as the Dutch become restless over Nail rule. The burgomaster of The Hague Issued a warning that demonstrations must cease. NEW JAPANESE CABINET TOKYO Emperor Hlrohlto called Former Premier Prince Fumimaro Konoye to the palace tonlcht and ordered him to form . U It I. it I1CW ufci Hindi niiivsm y - , peeted will be slon? one narty to- J - talitarian lines dominated by- the Army and probably-.havinfcloser.. relations with Rome and Berlin. I There will be stroncer enforce- ' ment of Japan's "New Order In East Asia" policy, it is expected. NO LONGER OBLIGATED LONDON Great Britain no longer considers herself oblicated by treaty commitments with Rou-mania to assist that, country against Independence threats) Foreign Under Secretary R. A. Butler Halifax stated today. TO SEND RESCUE SHIPS NEW YORK A full page advertisement appeared In the New York Times President to land to brine refugee children to the United States. Helen Hayes, motion picture actress, is one of the sponsors of the movement. SHOWERS IN SOUTH VANCOUVER Showers yester? day brought some relief to a serious forest fire situation In the southern interior. Fifteen hundred men have been fighting fires. FAVORABLE CROP REPORT OTTAWA A more favorable crop report Is issued by the Dominion Bureau, of Statistics. - ARMSTRONG FAVORED NEW YORK Henry Armstrong win win Dy a unum-uiu. Armstrong Is welterweight champion and. Ambers lightweight ATTEMPT ON TRAIN NORTH BEND, Oregon Rocks, piled on the Southern Pacific Railway track near here were dis-covered and removed before the evening passenger train came along. It was evidently a sabo. tage attempt. AUXILIARY VESSEL LOST LONDON The Admiralty announces the loss of - the naval ausiliary vessel Van Dyck in an air attack oft the coast of Norway June 10. -It said that two officers and five ratings were killed and 29 officers and 132 ratings made prisoners of war. Hitler's " Amelioration" Plan to Be Offered As (British Attack Option Rumors Percolate as to Germany and Italy Getting To-j gcther to iMake Final Bid to Bring Hostilities LONDON, July 17; (CP) Rumors of an imminent ! Italo-German peace offensive as a prelude to launching a .major armeu onensive againsi ureai omani peicuiaieu I through to London from Rome and Balkan capitals today. The rumors were related witn reports tnat uanan r oreign Minister Count Ciano was visiting Berlin today or tomor-j - row to work out a peace ultimatum with Chancellor Adolf Hitler. Der f A--v- f 11 II nrimfrri I ; Fuehrer was described as anxious to JVLil UJull 1 lay before the world his pet plan ms sv4T4i"vi for a new order in erupting Europe. Ill I A (M A I I A Then, if Great Britain persisted In Liner Arrives At Eastern Port With Precious Metal Also Passengers Including Children OTTAWA, July 17: (CP) A British liner arrived yesterday at an Eastern Canadian port from Liverpool. It brought over $52,000,000 In jgold and a number of passengers including ciuiuieii. , ASSIST IN ; "REGISTERING continuing war, she would be charged solely with seeking to balk Hitler's program of "amelioration." KEEP WORLD ROADS OPEN United States Is Opposed. To Clos ing Arteries Such As Those In Burma And Indo-China WASHINGTON, D.C., July ltt (CB) The United States Depart- Local Committee Probably Will Be ment ol state yesterday anntjunc-Formed to Help Registrars ei United States opposition to the Everywhere 'closing of world trade arteries In connection with the reglstra"- " next. carry the burden of the war. The questionnaire will have to be answered by each registrant In the such as the Burma road and the French Indo-Chlna railway. Japan tion wnicn is 10 lase v has demanded that Great Britain month in this district wun i. w. cl Bflrma road tQ chma Brown and J. S. Wilson as regis- . , 'trars, the minister of national wav services, Hon. James O. Gardiner, TTUDEI? AD I? announces, through the member for jfii!l the district,-wno is asKea 10 coiiaD- oratS in the work, that it is the in- ( tentlon to make this drive forreg-. . ., . . . . , i SHOT DOWN lstration a national eiion m oe eu-; gaged In by all people of all classes Air Raids Between Great Britain .and, so far as possible and practl- nd Germany Continue Various today nreing the i cable, on a voluntary basis. He says. Nazi Bases Visited send ships to Eng- "We want to conduct this reglstra- tlon at the minimum of cost and LONDON, July 17s (CP) Three Canadians who wish to help Canada enemy bombers were shot down by the war , will here have an oppor- British fighters during raids on Iin tunlty of rendering service to the northeast Scotland last night, the nation free, of charge In carrying Air Ministry announced. Houses nut. this mnst nivessarv registration, n-oro wrorlrert hut thprp wptp no We want to stress this factor and casualties. There were enemy all of this leads to the necessity for planes over northeast and south- the registrar and his assistant be- em England today. Heavy explo- Ing persons outstanding In the com- slons were heard In one town but munlty who will command the res- there was no Immediate announce- pect of all classes. The minister suggests that, In choosing deputy registrars, younger men should be chosen as they must registration unit where he registers i and a half tons of high explosive and great care will have to be ex-1 were dropped on Hanover oil erclsed In getting proper answers, i tanks. V : It T considerable amount of tabulating , Lou Ambers . In thelr , bout . tonight. ui,. registration unit, all of Odds that Armstrong are even necessitates keen younger people with clerical experience to be sure that these records are prop erly compiled. In the setting up of a voluntary organization to assist the registrar the minister asks the assistance of the member for the district. The chief registrar for the province will be a member of the Judiciary and the services of the Judiciary will al so be utilized In classifying regis trants with respect to the service which they may be called upon to render the nation in the conduct of the war effort In Canada. DENTISTS' TIME OFF MANCHESTER,' Eng., July 17: (CP)--Harry and Frank Acton; brother dentists- by day, serve as cooks on the Y. M. C. A. soldiers' canteen here at night. They sleep 'on cots at the office between Jobs. ment of damage or casualties. A communique said that the Royal Air Force made raids in Normandy, Holland, Northwest Germany and the Ruhr and yesterday on enemy-occupied airdromes In Northern France. Four U.S. MAY PROTECT American Nations Discuss European Possessions in Western Hemisphere SANTIAGO, Chile, July nToz-eign Minister Cristobal Saenz said yesterday that he had deceived and was studying.a note from the United States on the establishment of a protectorate over European posses sions In Central and South, Amer ica. Details of the note have not been learned. BAR QUID LONDON, t CP) The Montreal price of bar gold on the London market was unchanged . today at $37.54 per fine' ounce. JiM.:t -.A-'- 3-; ,