! 1940. TH2 DAtLlKmi page thJ )DAY'S STOCKS 17 B D nuurfo (X.t Vancouver - (HI , 2.62- 1 1 . 4 . in . " '11, .IV. ' 0 IS X:. V " i Oonald, .17. U :.m. .0. ' 1 03 f K 107. .'.mi. .01 iw Oil 14. ' ' 1 .ities. .18. f , 1 ' Toronto j l 210 ' ;m. 40.00. 1 'ir. 3.24. i3 MB 37 '4, 3012. : 2 38. la. 2 55 Quietly Wedded Saturday Night Mlt lather McMillan Become Itride of Cliarle llagen at United Church Parsonage A quiet marrtaie took place Saturday night at th United Church parsonage. Rev. J. C. Jsekson of-ftciattnf. when Mlaa Bather McMillan became the bride of Charles liana Slmonaen Hsgen. Witnesses Of the ceremony were Mrs. Irene 'Smith and George Smith. I Kalso Resident For 50 Years NELSON, May 7: CPt- Samuel Stewart Fowler, aged 7V of KaWo, resident of the Koetenay Lake district for SI years, la dead. ! McLeod Cockahutt. 1J0. Msdsen Had Lake. M. MeKetude Usd Lake. 1.18. Monet. .96. N onto da, ti.lt. Pickle Crow. J 00. Preston But Dots. tM as. Antonio. 230. Sherrtt Gordon. 83 UeJU, X. notrfeadUlac. Mi. Moahsr, Sfl. Okland, JMA. 8melters Gold. .00s;. Dominion Brldt" 3500 - - v BOYS here's a sporting offer to put up to your Dad and ten . hanccs to one he'll acctpt it and Presto! you'll have a I new GDI. Bicycle right away. "ITjii it a real good proposition for both you and your DjJ k . sc it will be the mean for your Dad to encourage you to i: . hard and to paw an J it will make you really w ant to study. (ct a C.CM. Catalogue as soon as you can and, after looking - r and deciding which model you want, proposition your D-J like the boy in the picture. Be sure you go to a GCM. dealer as he is authorized to ate this sporting offer. Then, too, a CCM. is the make of v !; cscry boy and girl wants because they arc so smooth 'wg and easy to pedal. They last much longer, too, because of tin. great accuracy used in the machining and fitting of the moving parts the front hub the main sprocket-hanger, - J hc CCM. Ouster Brake. In the catalogue you will find illustrated several models fr a which to choose, from the sturdy CCM. delivery to the hcJWiful lightweight road racer. All CCM. Models have seamless tubular steel frames; rust-steel spokes, bright parts chromium-plated our CCM. 13-Viar nickel and Dunlop Tires. Boys, try this on your Dad and here's good luck! 758 C'CM OF.It.MANS PUSHING FORWARD (Continued from Pace One) had denied specifically the Ger-fman claims as being fantastic. The claims In regard to the battle-:ship and cruiser were specifically ! denied by the Admiralty as being) I untrue. j Since April 9, according to Ber-llin claims, the Oerman naval and lair force have destroyed twenty-j three submarines In addition to (other Allied naval craft. The total Allied tonnage sunk since the war started is placed by Germany at two millions. On Friday the 35,000 ton battleship and the 8,000 ton cruiser of the York class were sunk and on Saturday the Polish submarine and two transport Ships, one a 12.000 tonner. Unwinding Subjects 'Reports emanating from Stock holm indicate that. In spite- of capitulation. Norwegians are showing much hostility towards the Germans with whom they endeavour not to associate. There is much dif- Acuity in handling Norwegian prts-1 ousts. ClvUUtu are loath to com-, ply with German demands that1' they help to build prisons to holdf Norwegian captives. Boys under 18. years of age and men who are not well are being released from prison. In Oslo hospitals are filled with wounded. Trench digging machines are being used to dig graves. ' Nearer. isns are not allowed out ; after dark. They are not permitted i to approach places where German soldiers are quartered. No one Is Kowec! ground the Oslo air field. f CCM. STIONO riONT HUI Huilt oi harand Mt with ttoMt Ml nd rcurllr scfiuk4 ftnd hardimd bIJ.rar to fiv ytirt oi iwirti ami uy rwnmn. CCM. COASTII I1AKI A hot bt-iW br C-C M . fsa.r U fswwarj clutch -Mtton, more pwr-ful in it mooch. )uitk mop Him anf f its prtdrtort. iKuli mi ufr strong. hrdnstl sU m mt i ho ndi of iodr'a ctU TllellX j HAN0II jU4iEC Th I S pm of una moM im c lM. Hcrcla art maciuaaa, handanaj and nniahad vith aatraaia accuracy ao that you mar ac rfta roac Ml ef font paJallmii xcioo. ,S nb,l7' .. A5s CC J Jtaail" 4l 3 CCM. Bicycles CCM. Bicycles Are Sold Hy K5i$k0 Accessories and Repair Iarts are on Sale at McRae Bros. Ltd. , , u Sold on the usual Monthly GorUOIl S HarflWaif 6. Payment IMnn , LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. C. .Anderson U 'sailing this afternoon on the.CaWla Jor NamuV Father P. Champagne left by last evening's train. Sac Bajsport And '' Port Esslngton. William Millar is sailing this af.-ternoon on the Catala for a three weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Rev. J. X2. Jackson, pastor of First United .Church, Is sailing , this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver. He will attend the annual British Columbia Conference. BLACKHEADS Ca ! aaa oi Mraxtfw pwdr from four alrufflit. SprftAi m hot. wt rlotk ksvir to ttat ( tUjr, u will M AiMOIOM. tun iuk- Th h .4a. aara Mat jtapl aj U iiaati tUtkhMlt. At the suggestion of Norman Nelson, manager of. the Nelson Bros, fisheries Ltd., -a letter wilh be sent, by the Prlnc? Rupert Chamber of Commerce to the Independent air companies operating1 on the coast suggesting extension af the service to Prince Rupert. ThU action was. decided on at the dinner meeting of the Chamber last night. Three new members were elect ed at the regular monthly dinner meeting ,of the 'Prince .Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night. They were U B. Lambiey, mana ger of Phllpott, Evltt .& Co, Ltd.. Oeoree Eckerman, manager for th Junior .Chamber Halibut Sales I Summary American 98J0OJ pounds. 7c m lOc and "c. Iand Canadian i.1.000 ,pouds. ana oc. Hrowned In Nicola Lake .6c 9Co American Yukon. 25 000. 9 Sc and 7c, Bo.-th. Sentinel. .25.000. 9c and 7c.J Booth. Urania, 25,000. 9.3c and 7c, At-ISn. . Alkl 9.000. 10c and -7c, Storage. Flirpkn 14 000 0 V inH 7o Tn. VII u. Canadian CarmenlLi. liftOQ, 9.6c and Storage Roland . Monro Of Merrltt Io;es Life Jn Capsikal. of Boat" MERRITT. Mny .7: (CP) Roder ick E. Munro, Merrltt service sta-1 Ion onerator. wts drowned vwheh soi?U 'boat caDslzed Jr) Nicola Lk. A cwvinlon from. Kamloops efcaned Police !e .endeavourlns 'n rtrover the body. Handyman Home Seryfce Pain I In j, itepaltln, Oanlfnlnr, Usht Deliveries IIave that neglected job done now Pi.one.Crfen.60 for, the JIandyman.. Fresh (.oca! Uaw nnrl i lntte.itruetji JWHi YAlaENTIN DAIRY fHONS S57 FOR SALE Sealed Tenders for the purchase pf .Ben's News .Stand and Gas Station as a going concerh will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Thursday, May 16th. Particulars as to stock, building, lease and equipment, will be furnished oh call .at office. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms Cash. GORMAN A- WATT, Official Administrator. Tonight's trait, due from the Cast at 11 o'clock, jim .reported this afternoon to be on time. Dr. W., T. Kergln, formerly of Prince Ruperti was last week received as a member of the Vancouver Rotary Club. Indian Agent James Glllett left on last evening's train for a brief (rip Ui Kltselas, accompanying Capt. Gerald II. Parry, inspector of Indian schools, who Is pn one pf his periodical trips to this dls trtct on official duties. T. Mayo, superintendent of the Bennett .& White Construction Co. after a visit here and at Allford Bay In connection with contracts the company Is carrying out, will sail by the Cataala this afternoon for Vancouver. W. H. Tpbey. formerly superin tendent of the Canadian National Railways here . and now general manager of the pacific Great East em Railway, was a recent visitor to Prince George In the course of an inspection trip over the P.G.E. line. Major D. C. Stephenson, com manding officer of the Canadian Scottish here, s sailing this afternoon on the Catala Jor Vancouver where he will undergo an operation at Qhaughnessy Military Hospital. Engagement John and Mike Karnsosky wish Edward IJfsett. T.td. nnd B. R Ito announce the engagement of Dodds. .manager ofOrmes .Ltd. An-thelr sister .Ol?a. second daughter other nrw meni.br. James CJark. of Mr. and Mrs. D. Karasosky of lntt"dued the members ajlAlberta to Josenh Albert, only son s alo A S. Nickerson. presldentlof Mr. and Mrs. L. Martin of Prince Rupert. Announcements All a0erllwi:irn-k ip itiir imn )U he -riatf'd iiMill ' otf Moose Ladies' Darire, May 1. St Peter's Spring Sale. May . , PresbyArtun T, Mrs. T. Brown's, Ma. mv . . i; ' W. A "Pnadian 'Legion. SprlniJ Tea. May 15. , :Cathollc Tea, Mrs. J. L. Blaln's. May .10. United Teat Mrs. R. G. Large, jMayil. - lEnjplre Carnival. Moose Hall. May 23. ;Evenlng Branch W. Tea, May 30, Mrs. J. B. Gibson's. Girl Guide Association Tea, Mrs. J. R. "Morison's, McBride Street. June ir-" Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. V. M. Lamble, June 5. , Hospltai Auxiliary Tea, Nurses' Home June 6. Lutheran Sewing Circle Tea and Sale. Mrs. Murvold's, June 13. An silvan Tea, Nlcholls', June 13. Mrs. J. W. Our Faninua Edun Alberta -COAL Itulklej Valley Coal Xanalmo WeilinRton .Coat Bulk ley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT PEED CO. Phune 58 and 5SS J. H. BULGER Optometrist .Royal lunk tUd. SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDORA HOLLER ARENA 364 Days For You. Make The 365th Day (Sunday May 12th) FOR HER. I Mother's Day ? Suggestions We Will Pay the Postage on All Out of Town Gifts KAYSER HOSE $1 PAINTY SLIPS $1.25 FANCY NIGHTGOWNS 51.93 HOUSE COATS $1.95 WOOL 8WEATERS $2.95 ilANDERKERCHIEFS 25c DRESSY COATS $12.95 PURSES OLOVES STYLISH DRESSES SHEER SCARVES .... $2 .... $1 $3.35 $1 Knchantinf: New Evening: Cowns Lateit arrivals in all the new breathtaking colors and styles for that "all important' formal Charmingly designed to catch "his" eye. . SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY .Mall Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night . 5 RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ! -In the Heart of Prince Rupert" S THIRD AVE. - Next to Heilbroner s Phone BLUE 907 Handlin g Of U.S. Money "hamber of Commerce Hears Instructions From Foreien Exchange Board Another letter from the Fireisn "nchane" .Board read to the Chamber of Commerce last nieht "mjnded the members of the Chamber that it was Illegal to take United States money at par" bulj the official premium must be paid. It was not necessary to take United States money but, if taken;. It must b? at the established .discount rate. The chamber decided to order 200 cards for the use of Prince Ruoert peoole for their "irds or oher prominent places in the business PstftbUshments;. rrd will Indicate to tour ists that their money is at a 'v. Thrift Cash & Carry J'loie J.79 (Free Ddiverq .on -Orders SI.00 and Over Fresh J'ruit and Veetables Are at Their JJcst At jthc Thrift Bananas- I jpa, OQ rlne. 3 r Oranjes Large navels. 35c size. Special, 90 P dozen Grapes New Australian. Arriving Wednesday. Canteloupes 2 for 25c Tomatoes Firm ripe aftUV OCTp outdoor. Lb Rhubarb Strawberry Op variety. 6 lbs. Lemons Juicy, thin lip skinned. 6 for Butter First grade, wrapped Salad Dressing- Miracle Whip 8oz 32 02 20c 55c Heim Special 2 medium tins Pork and Beans, 1 bottle Ketchup, 5-ox. size. 09p The 3 for Fds Naptha Soai Qffn 4 bars Super Suds and Glass 99f V Bow 1 The 2 for Utah Celery All sizes. 4 (In Per lb. Spinach Fresh and clean. 2 lbs. 15c Cucumbers Crisp and 99 GOV green. Each Bunch Beets Nice 4 tin " tops. Per bunch . Green Onions, Radishes ffp 3 bunches Lettuce First B.C. Lettuce. Expected Wed. 4 tZn 2 heads Cabbaffe Firm heads. Eggs Grade A' medium. 1302 25c 3doz 70c Chocolate Bars Cadbury's tj-lb. size. Special, OCri 2 bars Gaiety Toffee Fresh shipment. 9Qp 1-lb. cello bag MtW Glocoat Giant tins Plus another 1-3. QiRp Per tin Eureka Bleach 3 quart bottles 25c SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! Mllinr it OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEI Steamer leaves Prince Rupert every THURSDAY. 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prlncs Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. v Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For ores, etc., call or tcrlU City Tltift Office, 5U IrA At V-l-40 , i 1