fAOX TWO Gracia Shoes Three Reasons Why You Should Wear Them Isf. Classy styles, plus comfortable lasts. 2nd. Durability arid built-in arch rests. 3rd. Priced lower per Quality than any similar make on the market. Stocked in Sizes and Widths From A to EEE. Family shoestore ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue . . . H,F. PinjJ3Jj-.--Managing-Editor EDITORIAL One Minute a - - - So rapid were the raids on enemy channel ports Thursday morning that fires were started at the rate of" one a minute, according to yesterday's despatches. This, followed the speeding up of the attacks on various parts, r .:.. ..:,i n .i i : 4.1 e How About Prince Rupert? - - - j Prince Rupert people have been feeling pretty sure that the war could never reach this port and yet even this I is not a sure thing. While there is no immediate danger it is well to be prepared. For years we have been point-; ing out the desirability of making the port impregnable and the wisdom of the policy is now quite apparent. No' weaK spoi snouiu pe allowed anywhere on the Pacific cOast. Another Appeal - - - Rupert and this time it is a comparatively'light one. Those ."i". bc? who have clothing which they cannot use are asked t'o1 Acts. , 12401 donate them to Cdmbrai Chapter of the Daughters of- the Empire who will have them forwarded to the Old t HOUSES FOR SALE Country for use there. The clothes must be clean as the F0R sale-420 "s Dunsmuir young ladies of the Chapter cannot be expected to do the 5 rimSe0 SSLfSJ: laundry work On the donations. Blankets or other woollen material will be welcomed Married Thursday Aiyansh Couple The marriage took place last evening at the Rectory, "Very Rev". .Tamp.. Tl mhcrirVrifflMntlrnr nf Xrflcc w u ... t-l . .Buv U ............ Q , V. . ArtpHnn flprrlpk anrl Knnth both of Aiyansh on the Naas River Miss Mildred Cecil was bridesmaid and Henry White, groomsman. C.N.R.- Trains For the'Ea'st-; Moridays", . Wednesdays arid Frl-dayi(, .,..,:........... 6 pxn. From the H$VZ TuesdasVThursday'frarid ; ' Saturday ...... L. Il p.m. CASH FROM GOLD COAST LONDON, Oct. 11: (CP) The Royal National Lifeboat Institution has received l-13s-3d (about $8) from the Sekondl Masonic Lodge, , 1 Gold Coast, collected at a lodge , , tt nl Miss Adeline Derrick Beconies Bride , , g. , . . of Cecil at Res.dertce Kenneth; of Dean Gibson ' ALL-FIRED RABBITS LONDON. Oct..ll: (CP) What looks like a rabbit-hole in one's garden may hide an unexDloded bomb, warn London air wardens In a circular to householders. Very careful scientific "ferreting' Is NiiED Something noisier LONDON, Oct. 11: (CP) Following complaints from motorists caught lri air-raid hotspots when they failed to hear the warning sirens, the authorities were asked to make provision for special alarms fpr motor-traffic. King Edtfaftf School Play In Football The King lidward School loot-, ball league1 began Its 1940-1941 schedule yesterday when, after a closely fought game, the Wanderers won from the Beavers by one goal to nil. Play was very keen all the way hroith but the players were not keeping then portions W?11 and there was little combination. With .practice the boys will improve and there Is much promising talent. The only goal was scored by D. Murray shortly before full lime. Tams: wnrter'ets Ev-.liHn- J Zburn. J Hebb . N. Tanaka, Gordon Prince, J. Flaten: R. Elliott, D. Murray. Steinar Antonsen (captain). Ole Skog, J. Intermela, Bag-shaw. Beavers W. Sunberg: F. Orlmble. G. Haugan; W. Halcrow, Arne Lien, Bert Prince; M. Leavitt, D. Scherk. Akl Kuwahara, H. Men-zies (cantaln). A. Owens, E. Pierce, Percy Mork. double nyi8c QMEI wanted vi uiiuiiu,BViueiiu.y usijwiio4 using u Iuku. ul VANTED Roorti' for tw0 girls the predicted invasion. From day to day the British are, Phone Black 270 between 6 and c. carrying the war to the invading forces before they com- jevenings. 24i; mence the movement across the channel. It is this smash- wAMTPTvlwrTri, " . , ... .-. , ,. , , wanted woman who can cook. ing of their barges and disrupting of their general ar- No other. Phone Blue 503. eio rangements that has proved disconcerting to the Gel-' ctn Avenue West.- tn mans and. undoubtedly, has del.ived thp nrnnnsprl invn. Cinn HmvBTOr nvonai-ntinna nvn ctill nninrr nn,l f, WANTED to exchange vifv-v) 7i vi7UiMtlUtlO C I. PV111 HVJ11,b VJ 1 1 (.11111 lb seems as though Hitler is determined to make an effort to dislodge the inhabitants of the British Isles. Soon Be World War - - - ft It looks now as if VP shmild verv snnn ha invnlvrl in FOR HALF LOST use of 7 room furnished hous. in Vancouver for1 four or five room fur-nfsHtjl' houe in Prince Rupert. Phfche 644'. Sjt. Gibson. 241) a world war. The mixup in the Balkans, the expansion SJSl'SS' cS efforts of Japan, the general speeding up of war efforts Mscaffery Ltd in Canada, United States" and other countries, the sever-- - ing of trade relations with Japan, the reopening of the SALE-7-' house. 2 lots. Burma road, the increasing German preparations for the SwnffZ a.TI invasion of Britain, all point to very strenuous times mi) ahead. The war is pretty sure to spread to the Pacific, j Mboft vessel odd- 32 wth. ff.ff beam, 2.6 darft.,15 h.p. 6 cyl eoiine.' Cabin, pilothouse and galley". Sleep' 3 comlortably, 5 if nbcefsary. Real otfshore boat in A'-l cohd. Large enough to live on board. Moored at Llp-seit's. Cheap for cash. Terms to reliable party. Phone 118 from 8-5 or Oreeh 802 Evenings. . .(2421 LOST Bunch of keys between Cow Bay and Savoy Hotel. Box 27. Dally News; (240) dltlon. 2 bedrooms. Fully modern, concrete piles. Good base-ment. $2500. $1000 cash balance monthly. Immediate possession. 221 6th Ave. East. 5 room house. Fully modern. Good condition, 2 bedrooms, large pantry and back verandah.. New1 foundations, fenfcec! garden. Taxes $34. $2000 cash'. $2200 terms with' $1000 cash. Immedlae possession. Owner leaving town. 343 8th Ave. East. Moaern 7 room house on 2 lots. Solid concrete foundations ull basement, fui-riace, firepjaci in living room. 4 bedrooms'. $3000' pash or $3506 terms $2500 cash with balance $40 per month at 5. i Houses' on' 1 Lot; 416 and 418' 6th Ave. East. 2 storey-7 room house. 4 bedrooms,, furnace. Fully modern. Immediate possession and 3" rooms and attic, bath. Whole property fdf $4000.. Half cash balance monthly. Taxes' $50 per ye'ac . , , . II. G. JIELGERSON LTD. 6th Street (242) THE DAILY KEWS IBOWLING iWedding. a I crrttimr Burns Lake fmllTiaua! Results fn Play of Laclles This WeeU Individual scoring in Ladle.' Bowling this week was as follows: lift Sister vs. Sav'o, s'wlnlers BiE Sisters Gdhiez : E. Bond ......... Rothwell M. Bond Alexander 156 .... 12 .... 184 181 .... 178 Handicap .. 52 . 155 13f 135 173 119 52 Totals 747 777 Lucky Strikes-r- 149 126 152 1 125; 52 Totals 855 768 647 Savoy Swingers-La Belle 159 179 210 Werch - 169 136 197 qroxf'oi-d 159 15) 228 Smith , , - 189 118 187 McLeod 144 149 181 Handicap 15 15 15 Totals 835 756 1018 Blue Birds vs. Lucky Strikes Blue Birds-Pierce 135 178 207 Turgeon Ill 156 162 Boulter 183 161 126 Hartwig 146 184 Keron 159 203 . .. Parent 79 92 Handicap 13 13 13 W. L. Pts. Rangers 8 18 Blue Birds 7 3 7 Savoy 6 3 6, Stylettes 6 3 6 Big Sisters . 5 4. 5 Lucky Strikes 2 7 2 Annette's 1; 8 r Knox Hotel 1 8 1 If you have tsuxnermng to swap try a Classified Ad. Miss Kuth Lillian Cooper Becomes . BURN'S LAKE-. Oct 11: - The United Churcn manse was u s-sne of a wedding of Interest to Ihe community m Tu sday afternoon when ;Mlss Ruth Lillian Cooper. d3u;lit?r of Mr. and Mrs. t Coft?r. Francois LaXe. became the brid.e of Roy Everett Lord, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lord of Tch$slnkut Rev. Adam Crisp conducted" the eeremcny beneath an aWh decorated in colors of pink and white. The bride wa? charming in a gown of pale pink satin with accessories, to match and wore a bandeau of orange bidPsoms In her hair. During" the sHn'n? of ths register Mrs. Adam Crisp played "All Thrbueh ThV Years'.' Th- da-; of the wedding marked t.1-3 the fortieth marriage anniversary of the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper, who witnessed the Alw attending were Mr. . and MM. Lee Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lord. .Following th wrddlhg the happy couple, with their attendants, left for Francois Lake. sumpw 81 B7 VI ,v fo Mil Menzies 134 149 122 - ... . Hague 109 123 108 - - - -- Bird 142 134 120 Moss 198 152 165 ' Handicap 100 100 100 Totals 764 745 707 Rangers vs. Annette's Rangers-Peterson 171 157 199 Rcbin 132 143 170 Asemlssen 125 184 180 James ..- 165 155 211 Low score 76 100 81 Handicap 21 21 21 Total 690 760 862 Annette's Selie ..... 159 137 124 Field 118 158 131 Amey 143 165 3f Wloshik r .70. 100 110 Dirkeiv 137 140 199 Handcap 45 45 45 Tctals 678 743 690 Knox Hotel vs. StyleitieV Knox Hotel McKeown .... 14? 186 108 Yae?er 124' 138 110 Scharff 941 125 153 Fritz 1C0, 15Q 142 Brasell 92 78 157 Handicap 10T 107 107 Totals 719' 78f 777 Stylettes Stone" ll' 123. 156 Schaeffer 118 151 90 Nelson l. 130 159 184 Blackhall 1CT 158 133 Lautens 113 81 132 Handicap 137 137 137 Totals ...... 779 809 834 The league standing to .date: Five thousanc ft.' nnirt 784 opj,. rMd lne Daj,y News. It oays to let them "tnow what foi This advertisement is not published or; displayed by (he. Liquor Control Boird or by the Government of British Columbia. When you' Want a' Reliable, Comf'or'talile, Dependable' taxi Service PHONE 1 3 21 Uoiit Service at KcRular Uafes I H. 60L6ER I Fresh' Local Raw and Optometrist P.tosaifiik 2! V1V Treat yourself to healthful, refreshing WrMrtf t Gum. The chewinft helps relieve tension and fatigue, helps Itep teeth clean, bright and attractive. The delicious flavorassures a pleasant breath. Enjoy this Inexpensive treat every day as millions dol Your friendly retailer features Wrlgley's Chewing Gum. GET SOME TODAY! B. C. Furniture Co, New and Used FURN TU 7 HEATERS In perfect condition. ,. From . 5 RECONDITIOXI'I) KITCHEN' RANGES AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. 12 RECONDITIONED TYPEWRITERS , In perfect order. From 1 ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE Itt good shaps Spcrla) 1 S5.S0 ' Siil Fit S22t0S45 NEW FURNITURE 322. 8 KITCHEN RANGES All 2-tone enamel for w :d nni Made of highest quality material, 65 4 TimEE-qUARTER' IZE" BEDS 24.5i 2C SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES In all sizes of (21 fi 581 .. fine .materials .and patterns, Special ,.l colors including green, red and brown. Can bs nia?!?2l double bed or single bed. Regular $45. S365v UW ....... -r A lit 18 THREE-PIECE CHESTERFIELDS In all cote t -d : "I the finest materials. Very durable C7 10 S9S I construction V' v" Phone BLACK 321 THIRD AVM1 Next Door U B.C. Clothiers "RUPERT BRAND' Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian fish & Cold Storage Prince Ripen Co. Ltd. Brlttso in inia paper win soon- let you Know u - -the citx.