at. October 11, l,tO, Travellers the World Over I RCD lASItON I thi squaki wnul Home Guards Give Orders FurWf Step hoof for Instruction 01 region uciciuc Corps ir,,m there was a turn-out of thirty-six men at the Prince Rupert Legion Defence Corps school of Instruction at the Armory last night MacKenz stick to HfiTPlI Pnr Yniir NcwT when some cf the members of the school were put through paces for the first time In giving squad drill orders under the supervision of Regimental Sergeant Major J. SImpklni. Lance Corporal E. C. W. Armstrong directed a period of physical training exercises. Sergeant Samuel Cawley gave preliminary Instruction in the use of eas masks and Company Sergeant Major R. E. Cook continued his lectures on the Lee-Enfield service rifle. ie's Furniture m i 1 1 i tm i i im nHILll c,.nor niiiYe Taxi Fleet Call- ItlTERTIA MATTRESS Special features. Insula' Supevtu double buoyant centre. fft Lifting handles ?lti?V S01T NAP MATTRESS Special BEAUTY REST MATTRESS Built for sleep PHONE 773 $24.00 42.50 For Service And Dependability Complete Line of Lumber, Sash and Doors, Cement and Insulating Material ALBERT i McCAFFERY pnONE 116 LTD. rilONE 117 v Johnnie Walker . . . because they know their Scotch lied Label, 2614 ozs., $3.3 40 ozs.. S5. Bltck Libel Over 12 Tears old. nUrilltd. HtnHii anil ItarrUfl in CrntlanH Ida Thi advertisement Is not published or displayed by tnfc Liquor ControJ Hoard or by the Government of BritUl. PAfiimhia Shower for Miss Karasosky Delightful Affair Held At Home i Of Mrs. P. Dvornek Last evening a delightful shower was held at the home of Mrs. P. Dvornek In honor of Miss Olga Karosky Who is to marry Joe Mar-,tln next week. The evening was spent in playing cards, games and elnging. Just before refreshments were served a pink and white decorated box of gifts was brought in. Miss Karcsdsky thanked everybody in a suitable manner. Servl-teurs were Mrs. M. Pawchuck and Pauline Laporte, Those present were ths Misses Olga KaraScKky; Lillian Vacher, Pfiulir Laxcrt3, Elsie Hipp. Violet Cavenalle, Mary Sicuro, J. Chap- an. Fanny Calbraith, Alice Krebs, Miry s:everl. DIta Sicuro an! Mesdames P. Dvornek, T. Martin, O. Prnulx. M. Pawchuk, Grtf.'in, Pr;mc Vaehsr. S MsFrtllne. V. MacLean. T. Elliott. V. Johnson. T. Thorns. VQ. Viereck. Maiy Mae- DmaJd. G?yhan Father, A. Ertc- n. H. Warsfold. Only Seven FUR COATS left which were brought in by customers to be sold. Come in and get one at your own price. New shipments in the latest styles arrived yesterday. goldbloom' The Old Reliable Your Credit Is Good "JET5 STOVE pousn SAVES YOUR TIME "Jet" Cleans Hot Stoves In Safety All B.C. Stores THE SEAL 01 QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In , Prince. Rupert.. . raa cult iqki PAOB I THH1 XOC'AL NEWS NOTES t , Dance at Boston Hall Saturday night. Admission 35c, (240) ni P. McCaff ery sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Monday be'hig Thanksgiving Day retail stores will close all day. Retail Merchants Association. Just say Three Two' please." t nytA' Mra T.vmnn S Fprrls. ... . . utiu . , i i well known residents of Ketchl-i i lean, were passengers aboard the Prince Rupsrt last evening going (through on a trip to Seattle and elsewhere in the south, i . Mr. and Mrs. George L. RorLe, who have been on a motor tour through the southern Inferior followed hV a visit irt Vancouver and i Victoria', returned home on the Princess Adelaide this arternocn from the1 south. ! Winners of two boxes of apples which were .drawn for at the Eagles' Hall Wednesday night in a Junior Basketball League raffle I were Mrs. F. W. Wesch cf Eleventh 'Avenue East and S. Knutsen of Ninth Avenue East There were three interesting vls- lltors In the city yesterday. They were Loudon Hamilton, In whose rooms at Christ Church, 'Oxford, the I CivfnrA rirnim hfpan In 1921: Eric Bentley of Toronto, leader of the J Oxford Group In Canada, and Major C. H. Holmes, manager Of Pember- ton & Sons Ltd., Victoria, who was here for the wedding of his daughter. All showed a great Interest in the city and its progress and. visited all the Doints of interest with Judge W. E. Fisher, who was at college j Willi UI1C Ul UlCiil. Xiitjf oojivu iaa night on the Prince Rupert for the i outh. tired feet Anglican W.A. Tea and Sale Heine Of Mrs. A. K. Nicholls Scene Of Uclijhtlul Affair Yesterday ; Afternoon ; The home of Mrs. A. R. Nichols, Fifth Avenue East, was the scene of a delightful tea yesterday ar-1 ..i w,,, fv,- Woman's Anviliarv 14- 1 4 4 MJF UlC - - of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral, the affair being completely successful. The rooms were taste fully decorated with sweet peas and many ladies called during the afternoon. The guests were received by Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. H. S. Meadows, the president of the Auxiliary. Pouring were Mrs. W. J. Greer, Mrs. Robert Blance. Mrs. Priestley and Mrs. G. A. Rlx. Serviteurs were) Mrs. William Cruickshank, Mrs. F.I N. Good, Mrs. A. G. Rlx, Mrs. C. v. Evltt and Mrs. P. M. Rayner.. Mrs. G. W. Cripps acted as cashier I iiudi - - a Itu.u j In charge of the home cooking! table were Mrs. L. B. Lamoiy ana Mrs. P. F. P. Bird. A pleasant feature of the afternoon's proceedings was the presentation by Mrs. G. A. Rlx, on behalf of the Auxiliary, of a .handsome set of local pictures to Mrs. P. M. Ravner who is leaving the citv soon to take up future i residence at Victoria. Sentiments suitable to the occasion were .voiced by Mrs. Rix who spoke of the work Mrs. Rayner had carried out for the Auxiliary and the gen eral regret which wouia De ieit in view of her leaving. Mrs. Rayner responded briefly. It's the cumulative ertect of advertising that counts. Grocery Store CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY Monday, October It Confectionery open until 6 p.rri. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Opposite Canadian Legion Just say "Three Two please." A. M. Borland letumed to the 'city on the Northholm this rooming from a trip to KLemtu. Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Mills of Terrace are paying a brief visit to the city having arrived from the Interior on last night's train.' (240) : I John Nelson left yesterday with MtSs Helen Valentine arid Miss' the Irene May I for Port Simpson BettyH Wosds sailed last night onto visit Mrs. Mederic Nelson who is .the1 Prince Rupert for a trip to in hospital there. Vancouver. Andrew Palmer, who has been relieving on the typographical staff of the Daily News for the past month, will sail by the Princess Adelaide tonight on his re turn to Vancouver. J. 3. Meredith, manager of Chateau Lake Louise, well' known Rocky Mountain resort of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and Mrs. Meredith were visitors In Prince Rupert a few days ago in the course of making the round trip north from Vancouver. CARD OF THANKS The trustees of the Ridley Home wish to thank all those who helned to make the grocery shower a great success by their services and gifts. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Announcements All advertisement in thU cU-tiTtin will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Lutheran Bazaar, Metropole, October 12. Orange Bazaar, Metropole Hall, October 16. United Church Supper, Oct. 17. C. C. F. Dance October 17. Queen Mary Dance. October 18. Navy Auxiliary Tea. October 19, Legion Hall. Gyro Hallowe'en Hoedown, Octo ber 31. P. T. A. Telephone Bridge, Octo ber 25. Dance. November 1, .Oddfellows' Hall. Canadian Legion Bazaar Nov. 1. Salvation Army Sale, Nov. 6. Anglican Bazaar. November 7.. I Sonja's Bazaar, November 8. Moose Hall. 102nd Auxiliary Dance. Armory, November 8. 14. Presbyterian Bazaar November Hospital tea and dance Novem ber 15. Hugh McDonald, road supertn- POUND STERLING tendent for Atlin district with headquarters at Stewart, Is paying NEW YORK. Oct. 11. The Brl-a brief visit to the city, having ar- ,.!h pound sterling was unchanged rived from the interitr on' last av $4.03Vi i ihe New York foj nights train. eign excnawse mantei yesieiuay. nLxafid&L 'I'J. I. . .bTT H'l T.m CjI ImmTTTb I'l.l 1jBi1IBjT1IIIB Highest Potency Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 50's .75 MO's 1.25 250's 3.00 PURE HALIBUT LIVER OIL V2 oz. i oz. .50 1.00' Onnes ltd. Z7it Pioneer Drvtq&ists Tlie Itexall Store Phones SI Si 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. CHWKMHlHW)JHKHSHHHSikH Used Furniture Bed, complete Two-irich continuous steel post with centre1 panel, coil spring and felt mattress, size 4-0, walnut finish, . ., Bed, complete Tv6-inch continuous p6st, coil spring and "felt mattress, size 4-6. Restmore steel folding? camp cot, size 2-6. Steel Crib walnut finish, size 25x41". Chest drawers Odotl. size with 5 useful drawers. Monarch l'ange-Fitted with oil burner. Monarch range-For burning coal or vood:'i Circulator heater Medium size, for burning coal. R.C.A. Victor Radio Small size. Watches 21-jewel Waltham; 17-jewel Gruen, 7-jewlel Waltham. ; English Pram, doll pram, baby high chair. Kitchen chairs, tables For kitchen or dining-room. Come, Look Around Our Used Furniture Department. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE BUILDING -:- THIRD AVENUE Phone Green 916 Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pia. 4, J j it i 'I: