SHLS'QTON, D.C., Oct. 11. lirr of War Henry L. Stlnson kietd iai- night that, as a step Lining defences in view of taition In the Far East. 5700 talOaards, specializing In ar- Itaii and will proceed lmme It will be the first time lilt that National Ouards- pave been sent beyond the Varies of United States proper. BERTHA ! GUNS BUSYl Jtnlar Display as Shells Are M Across Straits Into Dover Area; R.A.F. Answers iKESTONE. Eng.. Oct. 11:1 -Nazi long range guns, bom-! f 8 the Dover area at dusk last j opened up with single rounds pen Increased to salvoes off pells. Flashes of the guns lit French coast around the fit' The hnmharrtmpnt rp- I in no damage of consequence fperty and there were no cas- rons, swarmed across thei in the teeth of a southwest and lambasted the Nazi gun ps with tons of bombs, hlt- particularly hard at Calais and Grlz Nez. AN AD IAN jgP CROSS PPO,A,Rl 't Packing Co. Ltd. Z.'. 25 Minn, m tPortSlmP.n 30 on Wa , V, s ai"ady exceeded .allotted to Prince Ru- "Ul tho TlllnJ I. . . . . 6k great and tnc open a BUDAPEST, Oct. 11: (CP) German military penetration of Rumania has aroused Balkan fears today that all southeast Europe may soon be drawn into an extended Axis war front. A strongly organized diplomatic campaign to draw Greece and Turkey away from Great Britain in itntl-alrcraft. functions, .and secure obedience of other ton ordered from California southeastern European countries is awaited as the next logical step. If the campaign fails, Balkan observers predict that military action Is almost unavoidable. Britain Freezes Assets The British government today blocked all Rumanian credits In Great Britain. It was not known whether Rumanian ships In British ports were Included In the order of seizure which was made presumably because German ' troops are entering Rumania and , because the Rumanians have arrested and allegedly mistreated I British subjects. The action of the British In freezing Rumanian credits Is similar to action taken in the United States. The British legation in Bucharest Is reported to have already burned Its documents preparing to leaving the country. Communications between the Britlsh'em-bassy In Bucharest and the Foreign Office In London have been disrupted. Only one of many mes-dispatched yesterday got il Air Force bombers In large ' through and Us contents were not To Study Methods Of Great Britain United States Sending Hlgh-Rank-Ing Air Commanders Overseas WASHINGTON, D.C.. Oct. 11. - Two high ranking officers of the United States Air Force nave oeen sent to England by clipper plane to study British air defences and viv,n r.f nmhal.t.tner Nazi air (raids, It was announced today by Secretary of War Henry l. tumi. Weather Forecast General Synopsis -A moderate depression s centred over soutn- ern Alaska and the pressure i latlvely high off Vancouver Island. The weather has been mild and showery In most parts of British part cloudy and mild with showers. Prince Rupert and wuecn lotto Islands Fresh south to few isoutftweet winds, mostly ciouay jand mild with occasional rains. Coast, Announced by Minister of National Defence OTTAWA, Oct. 11: (CP) Creation of a military command to include British Columbia and Alberta announced by Hon. J. L. Ralston, minister of national defence. It will be headed by Major General R. O. Alexander of Toronto. The command will serve the same ; function as the Atlantic command' in the east. The new command will ! be responsible for all operational matters affecting Pacific defences and will work in close co-operation with the navy and air force. It will have supervision over coastal defence forces through fortress md! area commanders and will direct operations of all mobile and land sir forces detailed for Pacific Coast' defence. It will also be responsible for Internal security measures and; protection of vulnerable points de fined as military responsibilities EMBARGO 0NSIAM Licences for Export of United States Planes to Oriental Country Revoked WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 11. Licences for export of. lighting,,, planes from the United States to Slam have been revoked. Some such planes, now at Manilla on the way , to Slam, have been ordered return-' ed from the Philippines. J INCIDENT i SUSPECTED Assassination of Japanese - Controlled Mayor of Shanghai. Viewed by Some as Put Up Job SHANGHAI, Oct. 11. Fu Slu, 69-year-old puppet mayor of Shanghai, was assassinated in his own home In the Hong Kew district of Shanghai last night. Almost immediately Hong Kew was placed under martial law and Japanese troops crossed Into the International settlement, ostensibly to search for Chinese Nationalists who may have slain the mayor. Some suspicion was held about the proptitude with which the Japanese entered the settlement following the Incident. There was also some speculation as to how an assassin could have got Into the heavily guarded home of the mayor, . as Having serious liuernatiuuai possibilities In view of the already tense situation. Fu was slashed with a meat chopper, his Injuries including severed jugular vein. A long trust ed servant who escaped on cycle Is suspected bl- TO BUILD ! NEW TANK Three Thousand Of Fresh Design To Be Turned Out In Canada-Huge Expenditure OTTAWA, Oct. 11: (CP) De signs of a new type or unit are Columbia. km rnmniefi and Dremratlons WftQt Coast of Vancouver isiana . --. : ,. .... i. jiro unaer way w luuu..,.v Moderate vo iresu swum 'torn 3,000 In Canada, Hon. Clarence D. liowe, minister of supply, told the Canadian Press Today. The total output now planned will cost about $150,000,000 . AR CRISES TWO AREAS ituation Is Tense BliST mmln ! Tomorrow sT ides mm v uk . High 11:04 sun. 19.0 It. 23:17 pjn. 18.4 ft. Balkans and rafi . Low 4:46 pjn. 6.7 It. 17:20 pjn. 7.0 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUftlblA'S NEWSPAPER utbreaks Are Likely Vol. XXIX No. 2407 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1940. PRICE: i CENTS Ranese aaiu i iiu iu innc uvcr snanghai International acuiement; untish-Kumanian Relations Arc More Critical fllANGHAI. Despite Japanese denials, well- formed sources insisted today that fourteen thousand Lese soldiers of Japanese dominated Nanking pup- government arc concentrated outside of Shanghai lilp it is rumored Japan plans takine over the inter- ftional settlement French concession on October 18, incident with the reopening by Great Britain of the irma road. BUCHAREST, Formation of 150 planes, some Sh German markings, flew back and forth over Bcharcst and oil towns of Plesti and Giurgiu todav. icy swooped low over the British legation in Hu'char- where tnc stau is speeding packing up. LONDON. Sir Reginald Hoarc, British minister F Rumania, has notitied Premier Ion Antonescu that ations between drcat Britain and Rumania have Iched a critical point. IARDSMEN ISPATCHED TO HAWAII Time Since 1918 That They ire Bn Sent From United States Shores BALKANS TENSION All of Southeast Europe May Soon Be Drawn Into Extended Axis War Front- MILITARY COMMAND FOR WESTi- Change in Set-up, Affecting This Bella Bella Plane Crash t VICTORIA, Oct. 11: (CP) Flleht Sereeant F. J. McMahon sustained slight injuries when a Royal Canadian Air Force plane crashed while taking off at Bella Bella yesterday, the western air command announced. Flying Officer Gan-yon and Sergeant Ewart were uninjured In the crash. FORSOOK LIFE OF COMFORT Wilfred Crcnfell Spent Forty Years In Bleak Labrador CHARLOTTE. Vt.. Oct. U: AP) i S't Wilfred Grenfell. whose death has taken place in Vermont, 'fcrs-ok the comforts of civilization and assured success in the medical profers'.cn to devfote more than 40 years to ths spirrual and physical needs of the Eskimo, In- Passes Away DU. W. T. GRENFELL dlans and flrher folk of Labrador and northern Newfoundland. He began his work In that bleak region in 1892. He navigated shies up and down the treacherous coast, journeyed inland afcot or by dog team over windswept fields of Ice and snow, came out to enlist more and more aid for his people, and built up a chain of (hospitals, schools and relief centres. i His active participation in the work virtually ended In October, 1 1934 when, as he sailed from Bos- J ton for a lengthy stay in his na-.tlve England, he remarked sadly: I "I'm getting too old to drive dog , I teams and I m afraid I must take I The whole incident Is regarded the umc comes toj . i , i ii , cash m my checks." j Hardships and years of Intense phs'sical exertion had brought onj a chronic heart condition which forced him to "take it easy." But he continued do do what he could' for Labrador and his 73rd birthday on February 28, 1938, saw him at (Continued on Page Four) PREMIER SENDS CHECK A check for $50, being a voluntary donation from Premier T. D. Pat- tullo, has been received Prince Rupert General the managing secretary, H. W. Birch, announced today. RESIDENCE CHANGES HANDS Another recent deal In local has been the sale of the D. E. Murphy house on Fifth Avenue West to William Richards, IS MOVE ON SUEZ COMING? Premier Mussolini Gives No Hint of Axis intentions But Newspaper Has Suggestion PADUA, Italy. Oct. 11: (CP) Premier Benito Mussolini witnessed a military demonstraticn here yesterday but refrained from any speech or hint of axis Intent The newspaper II Piccolo the parade a. "prologue" closed events to come and It is reported that at the recent conference at Brenner Pass agreed upon a pincers movement on Suez -nd that Nazi military activities in he Balkans at present are preparatory to such a manoeuvre. DAY VISIT TO DETROIT Pan-American Delegates Are Automobile City in Course of Tour . Following Inspection Trip ' to Coast in DETROIT. Oct. 11. Twenty rep retentative.' of nine Pan-American OTTAWA, Oct. 11; (CP) Canada's home air defences on Pacific a$ well as on Atlantic coasts are being strengthened, said Hon. C. G. Power, minister of national defence for air, following" return from his recent trip to the Paci Calgary Man Is Killed in Railway Yard CALGARY, Oct. 11. John R. Taylor succumbed in hospital here yesterday a few hours after being crushed between cars in the railway-yards here. LONDON SILVER LONDON. Oct. 11. The price of at the siiver on the London market was Hospital .'unchanged yesterday "at 23 7-18 pence per ounce. CHICAGO WHEAT TRICES CHICAGO, Oct. 11. Wheat prlce3 were up Tie to U8c this morning with December, at 84c. Capt. Sam Hougan and party are The! back from a week's hunting trip to house was formerly occupied by 0.Porcher Island. The party Included C. Young who has purchased the W. M. Watts and Alex Finnie. Tne residence of W. P. Armour on ' deer withstood the Invasion. In fact, Fourth Avenue West. I they kept out of sight. , EVEN GERMANS ADMIT DEVASTATING ATTACK ON PORT OF HAMBURG Royal Air Force Planes Range Over Wide Area of Reich to Cause Widespread Destruction to Enemy War Machine BERLIN, Oct. 11. the great north German port of caned Hamburg suffered considerably last nignt at trie nanas to undis- of the Koyal Air force, tne uerman, iNews Agency aanui-some ob- t.prl todav. "Devastation visible for over a radius of one servers regarded it as a possible kilometer (five-eights of a mile) was done by the Royal nrelude to a new axis thrust. a :.. J.-. fV, anf vol coH nf TTnmVmrfr " r Tip Npwk Agency reported, and another sec tlon was left a "shambles of ashes." At least three persons were killed and fifteen wounded in Hamburg. Attacks on Amsterdam and cen-j tral Qermany were also admitted, j The Royal Air Force bombers slashed at the naval base of WU-helmshafen and shipyards at Kiel: despite Intense anti-aircraft fire, the British Air Ministry announced. Several sticks of bombs were dropped across Wllhelmshaven Harbor and the Royal Air Force also struck at channel ports all along nation, vi'ftine United , States to warsnips aiso oomoaraea v,uer-lnspect the country's defences, ar- b.,urs on he German-occupied "ln-rlved in Detroit yesterday and In- vaslon coast" durln8 the niht' the soe:ted automobile manufacturing Hriiisn. Admiralty announcea plants which are being or may be used in the making of war supplies. Henry.. Ford- and.Ediel Fori were among those to meet the delegates. PACIFIC DEFENCE Minister of Air Gives Impressions NEW SUGAR PLANT NOW PRODUCING First Official Car Sent From Winnipeg To Portage WINNIPEG, Oct. 11: First official car of sugar from the New from Amsterdam to Le Havre and Manitoba Sugar Company factory bombed airdromes in Bavaria. .was shipped from Winnipeg today, Navv Busv Too 'billed for Portage LaPralrie over Heavy .and light forces of British lines of Canadian National Rail ways. The new plant, constructed at a cost of approximately two million dollars, has a capacity to work The bombardment of Cherbourg nd 'lne 1500 tons of sugar1 beefs started fires visible forty miles " nours 01 continuous ppera- awavJhe Royal Alt- Force-iassisU. ""on ed the warships in the shelling. The British shins met no opposition ex- cept for firing of German shore f batteries on the way home. "No damage or casualties were sustain-if ed and there was no naval opposition from the enemy although It was known enemy light forces were at Cherbourg," the Admiralty The Krupps munitions works Essen and naval concentrations and bringing down two Nazi machines during fighting, took in a great many points In Germany and German-controlled territory. The main attacks Included oil tanks in Ger many. plane bases, barge concentrations,' were struck. Iall For the second successive night Royal Air Force bombers raided 1 German destroyers in Brest harbor last night, It was announced. Bremen and Hamburg radio sta tions went off the air. ENTRY OF RUMANIA German Troops Expected to Move Into Balkan Country After October 15 BUCHAREST, Rumania, Oct. 11 German troops, already In Transylvania, are expected to enter Ru mania between October 15 and 24, it was announced here last night. It had been reported elsewhere that the first German troops were al- Rumanian Assets Are said. liaVt Impounded fic coast where he visited many r-rnft flr nd f,om which all1 for such funds can be with- Major Tower said it was a very big coast to patrol and watch and he admitted "it is a fact we have not aircraft nor personnel for all our projected squadrons at both coasts." Major Power announced that recruits of the Royal Canadian Air Force would be stepped up in ratio of from fire to seven or an increase of forty per cent, the pilots' training period to be reduced from the present fourteen weeks. Missiles on British Metropolis Yesterday dockyards at Kiel and Wllhelms- WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 11, v hafen were again among the prln- The United States Depart- rinal taroets of the Roval Air Force. , mpnt nf the Treasury vester- the evident Intention of the British day ordered the Impounding of . being to wipe these out as rapidly . funds and assets of Rumania as possible. and Its citizens in the United ,' The widespread Royal Air Force ' States. The value of these raids, carried out despite adverse funds and assets Is estimated I . i t.i j v. .... ' . 4-, An Ann nnn TTar, nn tnri V, K j neanng iparlnr rnmnletlnn. completion. l.,n. 'HHfUh t i t i j i.i i ... n siauons nlanp returned safelv. re speaKing oi me racinc coasi, porting that they had .succeeded In drawn, special treasury 11- cences must be obtained. The t reason of the Impounding is to prevent he funds and assets . falling Into German hands. Among the points visited were I ri n Hamburg, Bremen, Hanover, Co-iCCl Rl IIVIkN logne, Meklenberg, Wilhelmshafcn, 1 Ll f I DVlYlLllJ Kiel, Antwerp, Flushing, Amsterdam, Brest, Cherbourg, all of which are Important points In the Ger ON LONDON man war machine against Great Britain. Railways, airdromes, sea- Little Activity In Way of Dropping LONDON, Oct. llOnly a few bombs were dropped In one section of London during daylight raids on the British capital yesterday and 'today, although there were three 1 alarms, no bombs were dropped, an I official communique said, although, during the night, the enemy again reached the city. Enemy" planes at tacked points In Kent, along the south coast and In the Thames Es tuary as well as Liverpool, Canadian Food Going Overseas Hon. J. G. Gardiner Conftrrm? With Lord Wooltort In England LONDON, Oct. 11: ;(CP) Hon. J. G. Oardiner, Canadian minister of agriculture, conferred twic0 yester- ready In the country. Italy, it was day with Lord Woolton, the; British stated, would participate with Ger-Jmlnlster of food. Sending'pf food many in, tne training oi military overseas irom vanaaa ro Urcv units in Rumania. Britain Is under 'discussion.. '4 I 4 :4