PAGE TWO Buy LIPPE early while sizes complete ea V 1 7 You could not fail to be impressed with. our wonderful range of slippers For Him or Her are 1 Gift 1 AMILY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes jjjg THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISfl COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion . .125 Classified Advertisements, per w"ord, per insertion '.02 Member of Audit Uiireau 01 Circulations MK.MBEIt OP Tim CANADIAN Wusft toM mtiuS! th"r?n th' this paper and alao th AU rlghta or wpuaiifrtloa of apeclal doaiches therein we also rwerved TAILY EDITION Monday, December 16. 1940. EDITORIAL Beginning Of The End - - - The way the campaigns are going today it might be that the war in Europe may not last as long as had been expected. Possibly another year may see its end. It is .doubtful if it can last another winter after this. Our reason for suggesting Mis -is, based on the , double victory against Italy by .Greece and. Great Britain respectively. rtiicuny uiere is unrest in itaiy ana signs of unrest in other countries. Unles the Axis powers can show some definite progress it will be difficult to keep up the morale of the enemy forces. Most people realize that the weak spot fust now is the German U-boat campaign against British shipping. While there is no immediate danger, severe inroads are being made into the British merchant marine. We feel sure the British will be able to cope with this menace and we are equally sure that the United States will lend every! possible aid in helping ro carry food, men and war supplies' doing it would be dangerous to the people of this contiri-ent. On the whole the war situation never looked more hopeful than it does today. It may be different tomorrow or next week or next month but we do not think the re-siliance of the European nations is as great as was that of Great Britain after Dunkirk. Neither the -Germans nor the Italians can stand punishment as well as the British The winner is the one that can give and take and refuses to view a knockdown as ending the fight. Britain got her knockdown in Flanders but she has recovered and wp. snaii .sppn see n Italy can stand defeat as well as did -DM Lit in. That Black Cat Superstitious people will rejoice over the result of uk Vancouver election. According to southern news papers a black cat appeared on the platform when Dr. Tel ford was 'sneakiner iust before the nWH trued as a bad omen and on this occasion the fates ruled true to form. The Doctor was defeated. If he had been elected We probably should have heard nothing of the No Interest In Election Very little interest was taken in the civic election at Vancouver inis year, ine average attendance at meetings was said-;to have, been thirty. Even the G.C.F. meetings were not anywhere near crowded. It was this lack of interest which caused the defeat of the mayor. Either the Vancouver prolariat no longer trusts Dr. Telford or they have ceased to believe in the efficacy of the C.C.F. as a cure-all for alj their troubles. Possibly it was because most of the men are working and it was-wages they want- TROOPS AID HOMELESS LONDON, Dec. 18; (CP) " To raise funds for people rendered homeless by air raids, troop's stationed at -a,, southeast ' coast town have orrhed' a concert party and are giving regular shows. FROM FAR EAST Melbourne, Dec. 16: (cp in addition to war guests from the United Kingdom, Australia has found homes for 3,156 Britishers evacuated here from Horig Kong and Shanghai. PARADOX OF 'XMAS At this time when people nre being called upon to make sacrifices to assist In the war effort, itev. H. O. Funs ton, In his mornins service at First Presbyterian Church yesterday, appealed to this community to forego bacchanalian festivities which had become unaDDroDrlatelv I associated with the Christmas sea son and devote, what was thereby saved from Joollsh spending .to the relief of those "who are flght'ng our battles." a Mr. tension was outspoken In his f comments upon the 1 paradox, of celebrating with drunkenness, dell Ipravlty and licence the sacred be- THE DAILY NEWS r J. U I.J. caslon of the anniversary of the birth, of 'the Prince of Peace and the Savior of the World. ,Wht would Jesus think of people who thought it necessary to have a drink to celebrate his birthday? It was a dark occasion Indeed today to witness the world at war oblivious of Christmas principles. But it appeared that this must be o. After all, a truce for one lay with the understanding that war would be resumed on the morrow YOu!d be but a sham. Mr. Funston asked If mtlqns which had become selfish and forgotten true Christian principles were not In a measure responsible for the present condition of affairs as well as nations which would live by the .oppression of others , and, therefore, must necessarily be overcome! !'; '. . , i ! Local Groceries Changing Hands I. n. Daly Purchases Thrift Cash & Carry From W. M. Watts purchase of the Thrift Cash and Carry grocery business by I. B. Daly from ,W. M. Watts Is announced. Mr. Daly has been Identified with the Armour Salvage Co. Ross Ingram, who ha; been manager of the Thrift Cash & Carry for Mr.'attjj has taken oyer the Llnzey '& Da vies "' LONDON SILVER LONDON. Dec. 16: (CP) The price of silver Is unchanged on the London metal market. Good Start In Radio Auction Ha?. 47 voice,. i the Irish Fillers' S t- jorcnesira, Xfifc. Colossi !Townsend ,ifh - and an(l T i ...... MAannn.. . vrjFv.....s n"ivM i wim Violin J , A d J 4 . I . ' Hflllftn. ' fti UU, " I " WS pl,n - ,- " WHITS . The opening program in connection, with the radio auction bcim; conducted by the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce to aid the Salvation Army In v Its Christinas cheer and winter relief work went off well, the gratifying ( sum of $70 being bid, The auction .will be continued tonight, Tuesday and Wednesday and Is attracting considerable Interest. Those taking part In yesterday's program Included" the Borden Street u ,uu wani sometnim, K 7, " r tw way J. H. BULGER Uptonietrist 4 IBI Ml. U.ii 1 V V lull II Must Prince Rupert be 1 Like Coventry, Birmingham, Bristol QITC5 F'sLcC JC5 . w, TIJK ,.mniuir vnrirv w Bombed alities Our cilie? could l,c bombed an, might be. bombed, unless we me nil our renM ami marshal all our resources in men, material and money for defence. v Wlmt a piagnificent example of sacrifice and service the people of Britain's crueliy racked cities set for us! " " ' ' rilJ We Canadians must measure up to their standards f heroism. ; ' You ask: "What then can I do as a civilian to ,hare in our defence?"- The answer is: "All of us at least can save to the limit of our ability nfknd our savings to Canada to help carry on the fight against v tlie iazi menace . ' r IF YOU A HE AN. EMPLOYER, volip" 8lrl 8avjn mu, ive ,oa,,ergh. Urf,e employees to save If you have not already 4 orJuTa r Sn EVEHYONE must sharl IF YOU ARE AN EMPLOYEE, start saving.' .Ghe Wholehearted co-operatirin fo your enp oyer ,n organizing a Iayroll Doction Plan. Use all vo r ffi S 2 persuade fellow employees to save and invest in War Savings CertiL S " -ncs. es aiiu k on saving and investing until Victory i won. keeji Just as the war is hemg fought day by day, so must the cost be niet day by dJ SSnuoZ 8aV ng inWi"g iar SuVi"S CertificSS Np one need go without actual.ieeessities to but save, we urge you ' " not to huv thi, Kjnch K" 7 ' for compete labour, and material with war production. ? S-' -rr :. . " . .: . . :iH' ..JL,, ' . ' , , , " V WAR SAVINGS COMMm'KK S'n'r ' W" " f- be wured from w S""'" "d $e Gpi B,.ub, Joint Niftional Clulrm,n, OUaw MATURITY VAI.Uta Or ANNlAI, rURCHASCif $15 to $S $80 to $130 $145 to $225 $245 to $600 limit tor Ml ing8XerUnpate8 make .siileudid Cl.rlt.. :r.. V .; WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES I $5 for S4. 10 for n or i.. - .. 5T. rffc-,ry 30for40 00 for $80 Provide a safe in vestment-a direct obligation of the Dominion of Canada i'Jay be redeemed at option of recistercil ounfr Hflr fi . ,'" - " iSfi.e at an tald.-shed alef vflucH 8'X ,,,ontl1" fro, o( Proyide a good r.etiirn(r- you r h, vestment Increase hy 25 hy maturity. EAtlNINCS PER WEEK ' up to $20 over $20 to $30 oyr $30 to $40 over $40 SAVINGS I'KK "WEEK 2St to $1.00 $1.25 to $2.00 $2.2S to $3.50 $3.75 to $9.25 -. 1 1, ' ' " !-t.' . H-"jjij ! .-i i i'ie"ii