Y FAUEFOUil 1 . M siyZz2J HMotiey savins; prices, Gl cavil ,..y' Celebrate Risht 81 This Year District. Splendid young; birds 8 pounds each 3 Bulkley Market i I i I The Greatest Achievement in Modern RADIO Tile Radio You Have Long Waited For SEE AND HEAR These Maritel aild C6nsole Models BEFORE YOU BUY Therp is N6 Carrying Charge at Edward Lipsett Ltd. FTS that &I1 the family will enjoy OCCASIONAL PIECES FURNITURE VALUES ft-tliilA. Wnlnii) (TinicU flinln Taam Cli.. 1.11 $6.00 - , .... m.,m "'" lutniHco 9 1 .UU VU 71.JU CARPETS for all your floors Axminsters, Icugs and Mats, Jaspe m Rues. Linoleums. Cono-oleiims fn! TOYS Watrons. Scooters. Velocinides. kiddto Kam. rmii rnvriofroo SS -v ! ' v vmi '"b1-") jffM mnaergarien seis, uaDy Hign unairs, Swings, Etc. EUO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE BpILDINr. -:- TIIIRrj AVENUE TELEPHONE GREEN 9i6 When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TA1 Service PHONE 1 3 24JIourServlce at Regular Rates m. m IlJm. m.- vru fil IC DC ATEMiWon HodO 1$ St -k hi ft I 5 a Llng-Roome Tables each $15.00-C0ffee Tables $10 and $15.00 W Magazine Tables each $11.00 Smokers' Stands $1.65, $2.65 and Z tWt SI SrtPpHft- niaetp C9i m 01 en no en .l.i ti.ij. ft HB T v..oi.d wi.uv, uiv, i.ju ivieiiu cuuge iaoics, - i-v . ....i. 'lung nouiu ounc vuiiiiiung 01 uuuei., Xf, extension' table and six chairs. C?fk PAi 8 nieces 0DU.DU45 4-piece Bedroom Suite Chiffonier, vanitydresser, CO ft A benchnd full size bed V iUU ffi 3-piece. Chesterfield Suite Chesterfield and QIQC ftft' two chairs vwwuu Sihimdiis Beauty Rest Spring Filled Mattress All sizes $42.50. M Special offer $5.00 for your old mattress. C97CftM Ybu pay only ? Oil 3 BAGGAGE p Your IPre-ChrisliiiasI mmmmmMmmmmmmm t uthiam Lemon PARTY Is not complete unless serve with the refreshments Buckingham Ginger Ale Don't Delay -wrgyr Christmas Is Only I'o fniir urnnlrc turoirl n ka. icn ntcno anaj Before you know It ChrKthias will be here. Purchase your Christmas cards today. CHRISTMAS GIFT WRAPPING!, SEALS, TAGS, J2TC. Enjoy full selection, leisure In shopping and delivery at your convenience. DIBB 1 PRINTING Company Beiher Block Phone 234 you i Lime Crush Rickey j In 6 oz., Pints and Quarts The pleasure of the Kiddles' J Parties will be heightened with m... i.i; ..... 3- 4uic spurKiiug, ueilClOUS )i ORANGE CRUSH J And a host of other flavors Order from your dealer J NORTH STAR Bottling Works THS DAILT HSWS. l Monday , ! Fraser Street 3, liJ ULittlLillf; L ! Defeated lira's Nw Stand Local Intermediate Basketball te Basketball Team Downed by w Augmented Aggregation Port Simpson a( tJnder the ausolcps of thA Prin o i y IMA Pnrf S mnsnn lntn..jl.l.. : -1 . " Public Notice DEFENCE OF CANADA REGULATIONS oiiriuit Public Notice Prohibition of Photography of Specified Places In the Trlnce Rupert, B.C. Area U,Vier and by virtue of Regulation Np 18, Defence of Canada Resufations, I, the undersigned Minister of National Defence feeing a competent authority' for the Mrpo.se of j said Regulation, do hereby order that no pholo-graph, sketch, plan or bther rcp-fwentetlon shall be, made of any oUhe- places or are as hereunder specified, or of any part thereof, or "ot .any object therein under the authority of a written permn granted by the Officer Commanding, Prince Rupert Area, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, acting on'imy behalf. (1) Prince Rupert (BrltUh Columbia) HARBOR and ap-. proacnes, including METLAKATLA PASSAGE, the whole of DIG BY ISLAND and Including the railway bridge at ZENARDI RAPIDS and waterfront facilities related to shipping, shores and faces of cliffcr adjoining the above Wea. (2) Any work of defence form- lng part of the defences of the CITY OF PRINCE RU-PERT, B. C, and environs. (3) The Royal Canadian. Air Force Station and Base at SEAL COVE, situated In the-.said CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. (4) The Property of the Prince Rupert Dry Dock and Engineering Co. Ltd., situated in tthe said CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. And I do further order hat any photographs, sketches, plans; or other representations made under the authority of a written" permit granted by the said Officer Ctfttltnnnrllnir Prlnna r..- -- --"Ot 1VU" J-pert?ArDashallrhot be pafa'iished .uniess and until they have been sxweR w ana Approved by, the said Officer Commanding who, acting On rhv hpHnif: special derectlons as he .thinks necessary for securing that any such photographs, sketches, plans, or .other representations shall not be uiibllshtd unlets nnd .until they have been .submitted to and approved by him. DATED AT OTTAWA, ONTARIO, this 4th day of July, 1940. Ifjgnd.) CHARLES G, POWER, , Acting Minister vof ' ' ' National Defence. In case of breach of the Order jjen,ajtles are provided glider the lBf.llJSjfelflilftJo"- ..by score bt ii to 22 Oh Saturday Night In an Intermediate B Leaaue basketball fixture at the Exhibition uoii Hall nan Saturday oaiuraay night. nigm, Fraser fTaseri Rupert o . Basketball , , .Z Association, ...v- the. Wet Tigers defeated' Bea's News I vi'it. j. 7 1 . . . ' -.aiana dv a score ox . to 22. The Tiirkcvs IUTKCJS are arc Scarce Scarce So so hnlPrl ordWmadt lT a trip . to y Port a , 11 tearn Wst Pt 6f the same was close Simpson Sat- with Fraser Street leading 22 to early and get the best birds ,tot Play a augmented In-flo at the Interval. In the second "lc P"1. team .half, however, the Newsies were 3 .w4 uu ujicr a cjose contest dv snowed under 19 to 6 lie nave a larre niimnpr nr -innni1' -uc m iu to. il DPino mm. Tr.,Arv,.t-u ul .itA Chickens direct from the Smithert$jSchoors first loss of the seaSoW'iul with 'ten. aril Afhlv xnth 0 ,u S3 icV:V " -aw "l""'cu5 seven, were high scorers for Fra WW If .u. " . y "oss. ana ser st"t while Holtbf and Lee v" owiivao. yiUVra LfXl Wffl tone fr rliU i .uu iiiiuwo. ii oil time snnrA 'twas 27 to 14 In fiivnr nf Da ci , fc vs A W UiiltJ son. In the second half High School again had I finding the hoop although they oeppered at It from all angles. With numerous time-outs, arguments between the referees and substitutes, the game was one of the longest on record, taking nearly two hours to play. Twenty-two I av good in their long shots, running six points respectively ... ...w.v j-uiio rauie nign was - . Sir uaj&et. DO- is ',1""f?.,ntf HctfkeV Scopes NATIONAL HOCftEt tfiAGt'E Sdtifrdaf Chicago, l; Toronto', 2. Sunday luontreal, 2; Detroit, 1. Toronto, 4; Chicago, 1. Rangers, 6; Americans, 3, PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Portland 2; Spokane, 3.. , personal rouis were, called against " Port Simpson and ten against Hh 'ieasant rt 0n je return trip the School. The final score was 58 to ,a was abound, having to lie 48 In favor of Port Simpson for f,ve hours Metlakatla The Individual scoring was as Paisage unUl i tos lifted, follows: J' Supporters making the trip in- . Port Simpson-C. Henry, 4 (' 5 Yaihariacka, J. Murray, C. McKay, 3 (3): Ross, 2 (2)11?: ind E Clapp' J- L. Nore, Swanson. 8 (4); Rid, 8 (4V W-T-- " P Fea?by. John Good, Cooper. 20 (2); Pollard, 13 a ) p. arotfay e111 and Walter Talt (3); total, 58. '.Ferguson. Booth Memorial High School '"" ' " -- ) McCavoiir, 5 111; Oland (2): fiin.ii-v? - Z'y ' turoane, 14; Deildal. Holkestad. il ll; Bussey, 12 (2); Bill, 3 (4); Total, 48. In soil? of clear kies and absence of wind, a henvv ground swell wasr rininlng on the northbound trip for the loal team and Alex Bill. Shorty Sanrurbans as well as other members cf the team .found the life of a sailor not so Give Up Party Make Donation To Red Cross The Bible Class of St. Peter's Church at Seal Cove is foregoing its customary Christmas "At Home" this year and, Instead, has made a donation of $12 to the Red Cross. Arnold Flaten, treasurer of the lo cal Red Cross, has written a letter to Miss Isobel Hebb, Secretary Treasurer of the Bible Class, ack nowledging the donation and ex- S pressing gratification at same. "You may rest assured." sav Mr Pintn' 2 letter "that someone less-fortnnst. 5 than ourselves will be grateful for' 2 ... Vi ...IT uisuwiiix wrucn voiir p rt u- enable our Society to render In Great Britain and elsewhere." Whifflets From The Waterfront J With thirty passengers on floard - mer, .. arrived In port pun, a at i. 9 a ovlork I To- Our Many Friends and Custom This business has been sold to MR. j. 1$. no v will onntiniip r.n nnnrnto nn n o!.,,:i.. i j.. -. v liwiiuM 1 on. A1 . 1 11 . .. OU mrougn tne years ana none that vnn ,:n . ' December Accounts up to and lncSudlnc Saturday u . to the undersigned. Payment may be made at the T usual manner or by mail to P.O. Box 688. ' nnfYnTrirn n i fin n I Hk IH I I 11 X M JT I'Allll liiiui i jnoii bftuft southbound. W. 31. WATTS and other Alaska points whence she Including eight who disembarked will return here Thursday afternoon . . . , At T-l I I I ai, rrmce itunprt r?pn fomo- f F w. . V . KlkaUUi Princess Norah, Capt. William Pal AH You Kiddies nnl.l. . I . jiiiw. urrivea m cor gj morning from the ecuta ' n a . o a.m., iweive hour mu. I art " and other cr n n.:r:nern uciocki union steamer uaiaia, Lap!, a. U. yesteraay morning from Vancouver McLennan, delayed again by having whence &h6 will reuru'HW( and SflllM' ot !l am ei i . ...... ... . 3 .. w ,71J " . . on.aKway neavy ireignisio aiscnarge ac way- row afternoon isouCabQund n'M w www wi wliriiViaiAMM I Kaien Hardware t For Ladies and Gentlemen's 2 TAILORING M-t.lee I Z We Cover Buttons for Your Dress By Your Own Cloth it $ Cleaning Pressing, Repairing J ? .T phone Green 960 P.0.975 Cental Hotel Modern Steam-Heated Rooms, Dining Room, Steam Bath afld Housekeeping Apartments M"- C. E. Black, Proprietress GUNN'S Variety Repairs General Repairs on all Rubber Footwear and Garments. Tires and Tubes Vulcanized We are fully equipped to do all bicycle 6i wheel goods repairs Service and Economy ,flth St. opp. OK Barber Shop JOHN GURVICH, Contractor Wishes to Announce the Founding of Hid Seal Cove Trucking; una l Transportation Co. And for Your Service Offers 4 "'TRUCKS TO 4-YARI) CAPACITY AND 2 LARGE COVERED VANS Small jobs arc bigger the job our business but the the better we like it For Any Type of truck ifaulinir hv Hour or Contract Phone THREE-TWO Please