gSaJi w wpip i i wmm hi Wanted-Raw Furs HUHivw w" iuiu , PIECES PAID I- .-December WrlMG i r w . ... ' " . r . , ii i in in , " .Twai Mr. and Mrs. Bud Daly Wish to announce that they have purchased the Thrift Cash Carry And will be pleased to extend the same prompt, and courteous food service that customers of the store have-"enjoyed in the past. Your Patronage Greatly Appreciated tjiiip to J. k. uu.-tiutiM, rrlnce Rupert, B.C. RcprAcnting HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY We bought three brand new heaters Just so you wouldn't freeze We bought three cars to put them in They answer 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' The cars are painted in two-tone blue Their beauty is equalled in ease If you want safety with comfort Call us at 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' RUPERT'S LARGEST TAXI SERVICE lacKenzies Furniture "A Good Place to Buy" Ii : ijlD TADLES Walnut finish. ii h - i'SITEE TABLES If . Irt) . ' fiWi i;S and CABINS! S ' :in fHU UP CHAIKS Ea"h v. - $1.95 S11.00 iCood Stock of BEDROOM SUITES, CHESTEKFIELI) SUITES ODD C1IAIKS Phone r,5 32" 3rd Avcnue 1 n ' "EVERYBODY'S WARM FRIEND" COAL 1 PRINCE RUPERT! FEED CO. Sole Distributors McLcod River H:rd Coal insnisi, vavaimo-WELLINGTON, BUEKLEV VALLEV Office and Coal Bunkers Troticrs Dock If oTflbsc anythinjf, advertise for it. Phone 58 ' 'itti i ii i i b if i' m Ti'irirrTiriiinT" UNION 1! STEAMSHIPS LTD. SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FAKES Including all meals and berth accommodation , TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN Frohi PKINCE RUPERT 36.00 FrofriPort Simpson $39.75 RcUuccdWatcs-Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver nvpr M from intermediate points.) under twelve) Half Fare -(Five years of age and Tlcts on felc from November 1st, 1910 to Fcbcuary,28, 9U, laood to return up to 'March 31. 1941 Stcamerr Leave Prince Rupert At Vancouver SS. CATALA Every Tuesday 1:30 p.m. Thursday a.m. Ss n .,..1. 1,'rMnv 10:30 n.m. Jlonday a.m. ; " , i 1 Tickets and Reservauons uum P'"ce RANK J, SKINNER) Third Ave. Phone 5C8 Rupert Agent (I if f:onvLi,nt. ricw p'yfyij ,g I J LOCAL NEWS NOTES your protograph. Phone The . to Vancouver. m0rnlng from Vancouver and aboard the Princess Norah yester- Benson Studio for an appointment, j jn visiting here- for the next m0ming returning to the Yo- You can't snv Mprrv Christmas to Vancouver for the Christmas and New Year holidays. W. J. Alder was recently taken with a heart attack and was ordered to his bed throughout the holiday season and into the New Year. He Is at his home In Vic Phone 957 ROUND STEAK Per lb; ..i - SIRLOINSTEAK Per lb - RIB STEAK 2 lbs BONELESS STEW BEEF 2 lbs. -r- :i POT ROAST Per lb. PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb - T-BONE Per lb PICNlCirAM VEAL SHOULDER-of VEAL Per lb VEAL CHOPS i Per lb. PORK LOIN PORK CHOPS Per lbv ' SWIFT'SjlBbNELESS AYRSHIRE BACON Per lb. .'. BULK PURE LARD 3 lbs POULTRY . ROAST CHICKEN Per lb BOILING CHICKEN Per lb. , GRADE 'A' TURKEYS Per lb .t DUCKS Per lb Phone 957 SPECIALS BEEF mt. ana mts. few days as the guest of Dr. ana kon ater a trip Vancouver and to the city at the end or . turned w Kereln. Fourth Avenue , in fh iith. iany better than on a record. Make .the week from a one yourself at McRae Bros. 1 Iver. Douelas R. Dorrell. school teach er from Port Simpson, will be a passenger aboard the Catala tomorrow afternoon going through 20c 25c 45c 25c 15c 22c 25c 15c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c SOc 25c 30c 30c CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Collar., D.C.Ph.C. Ws.ll.ire Klnrk, Phone fill trip to Vancou- " - IF NOSE CLOGS AT NIGHT Rsal Relief Put 3-purpose Va-tro-nol up each nos tril ... 11) umnu swuucu umu- t CnrttViAH Initfttloni (31 Helps flush nasal passage, clearing mucus, relieving transient congestion. VICKSYATRONOL toria, i ' ' I .. Show that you mean It Say i Notice k given that gun practice to . . ' rpeHrd at twill be carried out from Barrett ,, "lua- and Frederick Batteries between the hours of 8:30' am., and 5:00 p.'. M Turnbull. ' Inspector of m.t vn me lom, nui tuu ion ui December 1940. 8 fa 9 S2.50 11.50 I schools, and Mrs, 2g5 Turnbull will sail tomorrow afternoon on the ss. Catala for Vancouver to spend the f, iVn( T.iWl Holtbv. and niece. Christmas and New Year holiday ? . 1 Ik. tt Daphne Hemmell, who U a graau- ate nurse from the Children's Hos- ? nltal in Toronto, are the guests of I . Capt. J. W. Kllpa trick, who - has Mr. and, Mrs. Lionel Holtby. been area adjutant a .rrmpe ku- - pen since me sian oi ing. war,. wm John'Dunh of Fairbanks, Alaska, De leaving this week for Victoria to who has been in California to re- take over duUes as aide-de-camp ppIvp mpfHral treatment. Wa3 a pas- tn Mainr Opnpral R Y Alpxandpr Jisenger aboard the Princess Norah general officer commanding In yesterday morning returning to Al- chief, Pacific Command. Capt. Kil- aska. He was met while the boat patrlck expects to leave either to-.was in port by his uncle, Joseph" morrow afternoon on the Catala or 1 uunn oi inis ciiy, wjio wu iimibuay ingiu on uie rnnce .u- seen him before. pert. I J. Hope-Brown arrived recently at' Kitwanga to become manager ,fcr the Hudson Bay Co. there. W. dltant at Fort St. AV. vwunuj. -. - Hot- James, has been transferred to ' Pnrt Simnson. The current issue fi tains other news of Interest con-i. . . i i.-i 1 1 . : cernlnt; tne company s acuvincs k in various narts of Northern Brl- t'sh ColumblJl. JONES' FAMILY MARKET ARROW BUS Time Table Effective Dec. 2 PHONE 459' "' Leaves Leaves Post Office Seal Cove A.M. 1 "'tt.M."'' 7:25 'V:40 8:15 8:30 10:00 10:30 11:30 12:00 Sat. Only ' - , ! ; ftal.jOnly P.M. P.M. 12:30 1:00 i i P.M. PuM. 1:30 ,.2:00 2:30 :. 3:00 3:30 4:6q-- 4:30 .5:00- 6:10 ,6:30 6:30 '6:45 7:30 3:00 9:30 10;0i 10:20 11:00, 11:30 11:45 SUNDAY SCHEDULE 1:3C 2;00 M 2:30 3:00 4:30 5:00 7:00 7:30 10:20 ll:0r Arrangements may be made for Special Trips or Parties Fresh Local Raw und Pasteurized MiHi VALENTIN DAJRY FHOMV Ml THE SEAL f QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINlTsEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll , In Prince Kupert ' k n) --h ' ; . . ' .j T. Tno grrlvpff In f he I torn nfr O tCTYtXt 1 n Ckf V&AAWtA to-'-t- . - iwere on hand to clean the hall up been spending several and start building the stage, Vancouver. at Gordon & Andersons Phone 872 NUTS No. 1 Quality, mixed, no peanuts. 2 lbs. .... BABY BOX Sweet luicy oranges CHINESE GINGER- In crock. Each ALMOND PASTE 2 lb PURE LARD-Prints. 3 lbs. . 45c 89c 29c 20c 25c weeks inj uary 3. 'PAQE THREE P. C. Richards! manage pJ lOle Welle returned to te city on .rj? Burns Co. Ltd! at, WhlUhorse, to, 'the Princess Norah yestenuy morn- - "d passenger aboard the Princess, Ing from a brlel trip w Vancouver, i--- - - , arrive in Prince Rupert Norah yesterday returning north after a trip to Vancouver. Just say-"Three Two please." ( Just say-"Three Two please." q q mmtSi accountant for W I ' . . . ... 'ti 'TI miinn MnlVIn r.n Co.. will sail tomorrow Capitol Theatre have special. New shades in crepe ana enmon catala for Van Xmas gift tickets or books in gift; hose" nicely boxea ai tasmun r - towendl lhe Chrlstmasand envelopes for children and aduiu. wear. ; Kew Year holldair season. I Wndort Ward will sail tomOlTOW i ... ,, i nrrA r, Vip , .... .1 ,m.n.k.. 1 - - - j uC. w. 1. ici6iu - pass xuton noute wmtciiuiec. The gift that only you can give afternoon on the Catala for a trip Qn the PrlnceSs Norah jester-, d sansom were passengers xpects to on tomorrow night s train. Mrs. J. Boyle of Juneau, who has ( . been oma trip to Seattle, was a; an y-w5tciui muwi..6 avw...9 the Alaska Capital. ' Announcements All advertisement. In this column wiU be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Eagles Bridge December 18. : 8.O.N. Christmas tree and dance December 28. Moose Hall. Lutheran Circle Christmas Tree A donation by stewarc. Lonaia-i ucui. -iat - . , con of 200 feet of lumber to the'eity on ss. Princes, Nonh yesterday 'December 30. Metropole, Little Theatre has made possible from his naval duties at wu.ww the erection of a stage In the dra-'to spend the Christmas holidays i-i. -i..u.. in tvio MTn. mrth his narpnts. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. tvre Block. On last Saturday af- McRae. He was accompanied by nis Valhalla dance Metropole Jan tvi mpmnprs nrmner. uuncan wtnuc, uu Genuine Hogmany Dance, Oddfellow's Hall, December 31. j United Church W. A. tea Jan. 16. TOYLAND IS OPEN m - ROBERTSON'S FAMOUS PLtlM PUDDINGS I NBOWL CAKES Rich, Fruit, Delicious. 4 lbs. 9 i Hear the call to arms from the toy trumpet I The rhythm of the marching feet of wooden soldiers! TOYLAND IS OPEN ! This grand, exciting Christmas girl-and-boy-land has opened its new 1910 wonders. Here arc colorful arrays of gifts that will cause small eyes to pop with surprise and pleasure. And Santa Clau3 is here oo!. .In fact, everything is here to make this the greatest Toyland of all time! I GORDON & ANDERSON f THIRD AVENUE COPELANDS FRUIT MARKET 50c s 95c CANDY ..GINGER Christmas brilliants, ftn Chinese preserved. Ju3c arriv- 1 lb- celio ed. 12-oz. Qp AvX SPECIAL CHRISTMAS Pkt - " 1M g WINE 25c Australian Raisins OtTp "ort " Seedless. 2 lbs. MOK, Everything That Is Good to SWANSDOWN CAKE Offp Eat at flour COPELAND'S Bleached SULTANAS rjn V vi LiLiiAriU O 1-lb-cell FRUIT MARKET Recleaned Fresh ' TELEPHONE 872 JLAl' p CURRANTS-l-lb. bag Free Delivery Service i . . . m Commercial Hotel Prince Rupert Thoroughly Renovated Hot and Cold Water in Rooms Inner Spring Mattresses Harbor View ' ALEX PRUDIIOMME 1 ' Proprietor F.VEUY SATURDAY J BOSTON HALL, 9 O'CLOCK A WARM HOUSE mind 'Afii Sleet -J voir 'proper Meats Aids in makinf the Christinas season an enjoyable one. People have been known to use a, ton of coal as a. Christmas gift. Clean coal, full weight and satisfactory delivery are the promises we keep. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 632 V-. an V ft -.1 IK