Ftrmidable Addition to British Nary Takes to Water Indian Navy Also Gets Ship Dense Fog In M If Vancouver nas Struck Traffic tAVfOUVER. December 16 Ma-. k n- nd air traffic of Van- wa anilyed throughout v""lf-end b dnnf? for. Vlsl-I fcjwas down to ten feet. Evenj a (ti reels putomoblle traffic "nrr'ed on with h greatest of i f!hi)ty and there have beennu-hom accidents. It is the worst fcf in twenty-five years. t Aircraft Carrier Has Been Launched Crett v. Vini rrsfl Takes To Water on Atlantic Coast Col. William Donovan. United States Army I observer, has arrived In London, L iu . .! that he is on a special mission for Co . Frame Knox, United States aecreiury War. Coli Donovan crossed the Atlantic orTdi" clipper plane to Lisbon. Oils A. P. Con., .O8I2. Calmont, .24. C. At E 1.40. Home, 2.40. Pacalta, .04. Royal Canadian, .08. Okalta, .72. Mercury, .06A. Prairie Royalties, .0712. Toronto Aldermac, .15. Beattle, 1.18. Central Pat., 1.93. Cons. Smelters, 39.00 'A. East Malartlc, 2.79. Fernland, .03 Frahcour, .412. Gods Lake, .40. Hardrock, 1.11. Int. Nickel, 34.00 Vi-Kerr Addison, 3.70. Little Long Lac, 2.12. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.32. Madsen Red Lake, .66. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.28. Moneta, .60. Noranda, 59.00Vi-Pickle Crow, 2.02. Preston East Dome, 3.50. San Antonio, 2.70. Sherrltt Oordon, .83. Uchl, .35. Bouscadtllac, .03. Mosher, .07. Oklend, .092. Dominion Bridge, 26.00'4. She LONDON, Dec. 16. With but Ufcht and scattered thrusts by enemy raiders, England had fairly quiet Saturday and Sunday nights. A town In the west Midlands and another In the Thames Estuary received hrlef vlcltt frnm Wal hrmhrx LONDON UlAUun. Dec urc. 16: to. iyr CP Launch-, uaumii-,- -..v. ...... (nha taken place at an undisclos- Saturday night. Sunday nlcht rt port of another "formidable ad-1 Sheffield received considerable to i the British Navy. The more bb. There was sl'eht hunching has also taken place of a ' damage and a few casualties with a the Royal Indian Navy, .small number being killed. No don for 48 hours and there hav Kaah tmmf n 1 a rm WASHINGTON D.C., December The neW United States air-, "aft carrier Hornet, having a ca- Paclty of 83 planes, was launched an AlianUC port oamiuaj. Committees In Cities To Aid Rehabilitation Ottawa rvppmber 16 (Cana dian Press) Voluntary committees are being set up in many cmes ui Canada to assist men discharged from the fighting forces m renao Uating themselves. Military Observer For United States Col. William, B. Donovan Arrives In London, Reportedly on special Mission TODAY'S STOCKS (OmrUwy 8, D Johnnton Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .05. Bralorne, 1050. Cariboo Quartz, 2.25. Dentonla, .00AA. Falrvlew. .00i. Oo'd Belt, .31. Hedley Mascot, .57. Mlnto, .01 U. ' Pend Oreille. 1.85. 'Pioneer. 2.20. Premier. .92. Privateer, .54. Reeves Macdonald, .17. Reno, .13. Relief Arlington, .02 Vi. Salmon Gold, .02 Vi. Sheep Creek, .85. Cariboo Hudson, .02V2A. ITALIANS PULLING OUT ATHENS There are indications that the Italian fortes are preparing to withdraw completely from southern Albania through the flame-scarred port of Valona. Further important points have been captured by the Greeks in theii' relentless advance. ItrFUSES TROOPS PASSAGE VICHY Marshal Henri Phil-lippe Petaln, President of France, has flatly refused Germany permission to send troops through France to assist Italy in the Albanian and Egyptian campaigns, it is stated here. ONLY AN ARMISTICE BERLIN A rather significant statement was officially issued here today pointing out that only an arml'tice existed between Germany and France. Really Germany was still at war with France. HOW ABOUT ITALY? ANKARA A German propaganda statement, heard here today, pointed out that Germany, not having given its consent to Italy entering the war, was under no obligation to assist Italy. It was even possible that Germany might break off relations with Italy. e Puts Building Nazi warpianes were reported TTnrlor Pntlfrnl 'over Liverpool and northeast Eng- ul,UV4 ,land late Saturday after many quiet hours. Australia Takes Measures to Res trlct Construction in Wartime SYDNEY. NJS.W.. Dec. 10: (CP) Latest of the many financial and economic restrictions in Australia caused by war needs and condi tions is the control of building by the Australian government. I Regulations have now been Issued under war powers providing that no that In the metropolitan area of Sydney alone there Is a shortage of 25,000 small homes for workers and middle classes. Similar shortages exist In other capital cltle3. New York Stock Values Steady I NEW YORK, December 16 Val-I ues on the New York Stock Ex- change were steady on Saturday. The turnover for the brief session! was 390,000 shares. The Industrial, average at closing was 132.31, down ,04; rails, 27.85, .unchanged, and utilities. 21.14. down .05. Early 1 trend today was downward with outlook unsettled. NEW YORK COPPER NEW YORK. December 16 (Ca nadian Press) The New York copper price was ,03c. higher Saturday wltn Marcn closing ai iu.o. jjci fine ounce. CHICAGO WHEAT PRICES CHICAGO. December 16 16 rVilnnorr. M.-Vioat. nrtrps were 'ic. to. C lAL J Many Victims Bodies Taken Out Of iMine BUCHAREST! Rumania, Decem-'.6 Fifty-cne 'todies have been rcoverPd fromVrhe Rumanian coa mine disaster jof the week. Tw hundred and Ififty men are still underground but It Is conslde--- possible seme of these may still be alive. Ask Rechiits For Gestapo Taken As Indication of Difflruty Nazis Are Having in Mastering I ( Conquered States j BERT IN. December 16 A call for re-uits for the Gestapo Is 1 taken ss another Indication of the1 difficulty that "is increasing for; Germany In handling the people of European countries which the Nazis have overrun. GALLANTRY REWARDED Two Canadians Receive Hijh Honors For Conspicuous Bravery ' , Vnovj r-b'r 16 'Cana-1 dian Press) Twt( C?nTd!an olth-ers viy received hl'ih hones for. consn!rious pallantry. Cait. D0U5-' ilas.'W. Cunntn?h?m of Calcaryre- ' celved the OeolTMed'and . Lieut. Jchn M S Patton of H?- j llton. the Orr" Crw. Th" honors were for bravery dlsnlayi " whl!e commanding a company of Royal Cansd'an Fn-'ners repairing bomb damage. . building W" German Capital Visited by British-may be undertaken w tho m. the aimies permission of the Federal Treasur- Bombed er. , In the meantime It Is reported R.A.F- RAH) ON BERLIN LONDON. Dec. 16: (CI) Railways, factories and utilities services in Berlin were bombed by British raiders last night, the Air Ministry announces. The Royal Air Force also pounded Bermen and Kiel shipyards but Berlin drew the heaviest attack. Berlin itself admitted casualties in dead and wounded. In another raid, British bombers scored direct hits on two enemy merchant -vessels off the French coast. Despite unfavorable weather the Royal Air Force also hit hard at submarine bases at Bordeaux, Brest and Lorient. Three British planes arc Duchess Has Setback But Not Serious MIAMI, Florida, Dec. 16. After leaving hospital Saturday following her dental operation, the Duchess of Windsor suffered a slight re- ' " . - 3'. Ulnar sotiiri'itf with Decern-! lanse and was ordered back to bed. . o . 4wnv4 . . j " - - I 1 1 Dct vlOoing al OOMt 1 111 .w Weather. Forecast Tomorrow sTides orince Rupert and Queen ChartsStrong High . 2:57 ajn. 130 It. east to south-VTjtnr 14:39 p.m. 21.4 ft. "'ate gales, cloudy Low 8:46 ajn. 7.8 It. f t -Height. 21:22 pjn. 2.0 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER , I - ' -HICE: CENT , .ZZZ PRINCE RUpERT- B.C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1940. Fascists Are Still Losing All Over i- MINlblbK SHEFFIELD IS SAVED HIT AT. A IN it - TI . 1 1 a . f I Ct.1 0on. C ' 'uwc: From Torpeaoea vsci , OTTAWA. Dec. 16. Accordtn? to information received at the ofllce of Prime Minister King in Ottawa md also by Mrs. Howe moat of the passengers and crew who were aboard the British motorshlp Western Prince sunk by a German subline north of Ireland, are safe. . v meelflc mention Is made of Hon. 1 Clarence D. Howe, Canadian Minis ter of Munitions, ana nis party wrto Itre aboard the Western Prince, ttnnffifial word from London indi cated Mr Howe and associates were nfe. There will be no definite Information until survivors are landed which may not be until today or later as the Western Prince was to far at sea. ' j WARSHIPS LAUNCHED Royal Air Force Continues Activity Over Enemy Country MANY ARE HOMELESS SHEFFIELD, Dec. 16: (CD-All available food stocks and electrical cooking apparatus were commandeered today for canteens feeding Sheffield's homeless after last night's air attack, the second of large proportions on the centre of the steel Industry. The number of persons killed Is described as fewer than might have been expected by the many houses destroyed. The Natl attack was again centred on Sheffield last night. The worst of it took place before midnight, a mist coming up later to ground the Nazi planes, tlx of which were brought down on the Yorkshire moors. German planes, operating singly and In small numbers, raided London, Liverpool and other points today. I , "I War News ! i ii Bulletins HUNGARY MAKES PAYMENT WASHINGTON Hungary was the only nation lo make any payment on war debt Instalments to the United States which became due today. Finland, which had paid regularly before, has had a special moratorium since the war with Russia. TO GET MORE SHIPS WASHINGTON, D.C. The United States Marine Commission approved the sale of twenty-four merchant vessels, including the liner George Washington, German built and taken over as a result of the last war. Formal bids will be received January 7. The purchaser will be Great Britain. BRITISH HOLDINGS CALLED LONDON All British holdings In American companies, amounting to an estimated $100,000,000, may be called in to assist In bal-sterin'g up Great Britain's ial position, it is reported. LLOYD GEORGE MENTIONED LONDON The name of Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George is now mentioned as a possibility to succeed Lord Lothian as ambassador to the United States. Lloyd George was in London today, the first time in months, to confer with Prime Minister ChurchltL Sir Nevile Henderson, ambassador to Germany at the time war broke out, is also mentioned. LAVAL ARRESTED BERNE, Switzerland Former Premier Tierre Laval, whose resignation as Vice-Premier In the .Vichy government was announced Saturday, Is reported to be under arrest in France. There are various reports and speculations associating themselves with the removal of Laval from the government of Marshal Henri Phillippe Petain and the accession of Former Pierre Ettiene Flandin. OFFICIAL IS SLAIN at Shanghai Dies of Gunshot Wounds SHANGHAI, Dec. lfc-A legal adviser to the French embassy at Shsnchai died tonight from wounds. A number of Japanese have been already arrested and the international settlement Is be-ilng combed for suspects. Fitness Pep-up For Australia Soldier Rejections Inspire Cam paign To Co-ordinate Physical Training Aids plans are being maae ror tne uukc country 01 ime enmate ana aounu contractor and former well known 'the yacht Southern Cross on their was was one one 01 of the tne most most remarkable remarKaoic ji.j - r 1 i T-, rt . Hnvalnnmpnte developments In In Australia Anttrnlln slnfe since coast cannery man, tnea a iew tciurn w iwsmu, oiamas. rinv.i nirn In Vancouver. Mr. Ham-' ilton was manacer of the Western! POUND STERLING w . Packers In 1917 and 1918. During his regime Butedale cannery; was NEW YORK, December 16 The purchased by his company and British K pound sterling continues Margaret Bay cannery was con- unchanged at ?4.032 on the New istructed. York foreign exchange. market. NORWEGIANS NAPLES IS MAN SHIPS STRUCK BY Have Taken Over Some of De stroyers Which Great Britain Obtained From .United States LONDON, December 16 Some of the fifty destroyers which were recently turnsd over by United S'-'es to Orsat Britain are now flying the Norwegian flag and being --? --v-?d by 'Norwegian crews in the Allied naval activity of the war. Carrots Instead Of Butter For Danish Children poofvtTAOKN, December 16 which are diverted to Germany. Greek Steamer Caught In Storm Send- Ou North AIR FORCE British Campaign Carried Right Into Italy Warship Is Struck Fascists Lose In Two Areas Are Falling Back Steadily in Albania and Libya CAIRO, December' 16 CP) . Five direct hits on a con- 'centratlon of cruisers and destroyers In a British air raid oa Naples (Saturday night is reported in a Royal Air Force communique. Two Italian battleships were .lso at- TCOACIO 1UIKU . . fc, V- plosions. Against odds of, freezing weather and bitter Italian rearguard resistance. Greek fighters reported today that they had pushed thjir lines forward on a snowy front running half the length of Albania. Italians continued throwing rear es into S.O.S. Messages From the battle but all report- indica- of Newfoundland CARGO IS HELD UP Bra-i'ian Ship Detained At Gibraltar With German Contraband on Board coffee in exchange for manufactur ed goods. Canadian Naval Officers Saved Two Lieutenants Among Those Re-. scued After Torpedoeing of II. I ' M. S. Forfar OTTAWA. December 16 (Cana -31 Y" T U..1 mU.n T tX veu, mat ureen auttca&ca tticwu- " . tinuine f-W Y-wx. Dec. iB-Tne urees t0 mop up the en. steemer Orion has sent out S.O.S. trom Egypt. and ettending messages cf Newfoundland ap- campaign tato Libya, vhlle as-pealing for mediate aid The Greekj r(JU MussQ. reports herseU at toe rnercy vessel jAba th; Br.Uish ofA stotm with steerlngA gear f .,KB j n,Jn broken. sive aealnst the Fascists ! ight into Italy with the bcmblng 0 Naples. Incendiary and high xplosive bombs were dropped. Ital. admit ted attack on a me-dlum-s zed warship with fifty of the crrw killed and Injured. The people o Naples, an official Italian statem- nt said, acted admirably under th attack. It was also admitted 'iy Italy that the Royal Air Fore- attack had been carried two hundred GIBRALTAR. 1-,that an Itallan Ian 1d. having on board German. submarlne had sunk ft BrUlsh made manufactured goods Including cfulser Qf 5 class materials Brazil Is held war or up fa clalm haJ M con. here by the British naval blockade. , . . 1111II4UU11 D11U U ICKillUCU IllflC- The , German made part . of the car- . . anQthe. rpnort of declared to be contraband. go is ;uch as tbm haye been nany The cargo was loaded at Lisbon Tt-nMan nlarip, nrio nnth. . ... . , t -...WW....... .v- staD at Malta but wnen British Le.gai aovinr io r renin cin)r have nave been Deen made maae before Deiore the tne war flghters came up to lnter;ept them whereby Germany should receive thV headed home Meanwhile In Albania Although bitter fighting is reported at some points as retreating Italians put up what is bells believed to be their final resistance, the Greeks continue to sweep .forward with galas on all sections of the Albanian front, particularly around Porgradetz. Weather has improved and further important Italian bases evidently 'in danger of falling. Valona was heavily pounded again ty Bri tish and Greek aircraft. Itallan ner of Vancouver and Lieut. Alex- barracks, supply depots and. air ander of Winnipeg are among arome were iw. those who are announced to have Further Brltlshdvarccs been safely rescued Iram the arm- The British navy and elr force cd merchant cruiser H.M.S. Forfar are preparing for further f.dvances which was torpedoed and sunk Dy into UDya, it is aeciaroa. succcss- CANBERRA, Dec. 16: (CP)-As the Nazis last week. ful bombarding between fildl Bar- the result of many rejections of f . J? ,7 y 7. men for the fighting services the MOP 17 M17M f r. irfZw Australian Commonwealth Council IVIUKL lVltilN ..lrttffef! II SS of National Fitness has recom-, . . n" 'rZZ" mended a Commonwealth bureau' fAI I VJ ITPP"e3 , L thrCC nriHtii Britlsh LALLEiU w cn?3r V?lan" to co-ordinate physical education UL V, Ansri-nlla. .missing. , ; Realization of under - develop- Australia Forming Home Army of and malnutrition in this Nineteen Year Olds and Those ' 1 Weather Forecast RrtP line Allen Alieu Hamilton, llalllliwil, ynuuucu nromlnent and auu iicioui herself to v sail ou. tomorrow .vuivuvn aboard ant opportunity -- for open-air life J General Synopsis A moderate CARBEURA, December 16 au- aistuxDance is centrea uunnwt' ui stralian men nineteen years bf age Vancouver Island' arid thd pressure the outbreak of the war. and from 25 to '35 will be ! called is high over the Rocky Mountains. ' State CnfA n-itiAtimAvtlp Eovernments i have A m olfAn already Axr 4. iU the first t..l. of , 1U. the f for TVi The a weather 4 Vt at has Via a llOftM been f'nn and "I riff nn after vear appointed expert directors of seventy days' military training, It ( moderately cold throughout this physical training and munlclpall- is announced. They will form a province. ties are to be asked to help by home army of 250,000 men. Men of i West Coast of Vancouver Island providing swimming recreation areas. nnols and 1nlxrmprt!fit oitp hv hpn al-'strnnir southeast Winds or h-inderntft ready called up, ' gales with Increasing cloudiness.