t A e e o o e o o . 9 O o c o c e o o Q O o e The Store For Lad and Dad iW 1 Rupert h o n Mens And Boys Store SIXTH ST. Near 2nd Ave. f PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS " -"""'utr lg. 15, i Gift Buyers 1 8L . f Diamond Rings from $15 to $1200 1 8 I I I I A Rolex Watches Are the only watches ever awarded Class A Certificates for timekeeping by the observatories of England, France and Switzerland. Also many other lines of watches. LADIES' TOILET SETS MEN'S MILITARY SETS and BRUSHES Roger's and Community Silverware and Flatware Our enormous stock of well assorted and popular priced gifts makes shopping a pleasure. We invite your inspection. . Don't Fall to Visit Our BASEMENT STORE For Glass, China, Pottery, Brasswarc and Novelties Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Rupert Men's & Boy's Store PAJAMAS ... S2.25 iJ-mnTS ' up from S1.23 iEPKTIES ud from S0e ",ox up from 30c Vf'ATERS up from $2J25 SERVICE OF A BETTER CLASS (V (Art Murray) "JUST TRY 99 ONCE" i I It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the earns. Tradesmen Required Tradesmen are required for the Canadian active service forces as follows: Millwrights, stenographers, elec- jtricians, fitters, Instrument mech- antes, machinists, electrical mechanics, engine artificers, painters land decorators, plumbers, tinsmiths difcsM ooprators and meeh- anlcs, riggers, saxophone players I trombone players, piano players, I donkey engineers, men with log- ging experience. ji The Veterans Guard of Canada needs 40 men who saw active ser- vice in the last war. are under 50 and physically fit. Recruiting Ser-i gant, Fortress Headquarters. YOUTH BRAVES BOMB LONDON, Dec. 16: (CP) Three S j young men unofficial wardens of ! a South London Council working 'by the light of gun flashes, moved ta 250 pound bomb to a church- I yard and dumped it under a tree : , where it was exploded. iiMISSllIIS IS HONORED Gathering: of Teachers in Honor of Departing Principal A special meeting of the Prince Rupert and District Teachers' Association was held In the Booth Memorial High School last week to pay tribute to Miss S. A. Mills, senior member of the Prince Rupert teaching staff. After refreshments had beea served In delightfully attractive Manner by the Home Economic staff, reference was made to the splendid record of Miss Mills. In the classroom, as principal of Borden Street School and as a leader in interschool athletics, Miss Mills had been outstanding. In her community interests she had been LINZEY AND INGRAM LTD. 3rd AVENUE WEST Where the Bus Stops Quality Food at Fair Prices 2 Phones 585 and 586 These Special Features Are Good From Tues. till Sat. Coffee Nabob-in the new flavor sealed rjp package. Lb I U Salt Windsor. Op 2-lb. carton Ketchup Heinz, ffp Handy size bottle '' 1 Large Package Oxydol 2 Bars P. & G. Soap AQn The 3 for Milk All brands. OC ' 3 tins Tomatoes Large. 9p '2V2 size tins. 2 for Scott's Eggs Grade 'A' large, in carton3. Q'7 Doz Mi' Orange Marmalade OCT 32-oz. Jars. Each Pineapple Juice OC Doles. 50-oz. tin I3-oz. tin 10c Camay Soap Until fjp sold. Per cake Tomato Soup Campbell's Regular tins. 25 C Pitted Dates New ijn arrivals. Lb J. 1 Spinach New Texas. Arriving Wed. jQ(J sNavel Oranges Large size. Special, 90 p per doz ioj Spitz Apples Rosy Off, Red. Doz. . i a splendid link between the teachers and the general public. The Teachers' Association would also miss her for her long acquaintance with the Ideals and objectives of the teachers' organization had been of real value to her colleasufs. Her life here had been one of ser-vic and would be an inspiration !c there who had had the pleasure of her friendship. On behalf of the--teachers,- J.-S. Wilson presents Miss Mills with a tuitcase and assured her that with it went the best wishes of her fellow teachers. Miss Mills thanked the members briefly for heir kind remembrance and good wishes. THIS 'FILM IS MODERN 'The Mortal Storm" Is Story laid Amid Hatred And Intolerance Of Europe With stellar cast headed by Margaret Sullavan, James Stewart, Robert Young and Frank Morgan, The Mortal Storm," iilm adaptation of a well known best-selling novel, comes as feature picture to j Prince Rupert ' 1 The story of a friendly happy family - torn asunder MARGARET the screen cf'the Capitol Theatre which rises to a climax in the love hero fnr th . fircti half rvf by the Gestapo terror in Nazi Germany THE SCOURGE THAT IS NAZISM STRUCK DEEP IN THE HEARTS 01 THIS TAMILY.THESE SWEETHEARTS! A million ptopU htv ttti tb novtll A 9tt cit now mk MOkW starring JAMES ek. own meals and their attempt to JJ? Th story is that of a family escape from the walls of intoler-, W living in Eunne happy, contented ance and hatred around them. m and tolerant until it finds Itself The roles of Miss Sullavan. I n awakened to h throes of a new Stewart and Morgan depart f rom &f order of things resulting from comedy and call for stark drama. jv rolltfcal mnre?sion. The family Miss Sullavan Is the daughter. S divides' aga'nst ltself.The sons be- Stewart is the man with whom she 2$ ccme involved in th? hatreds and ultimately attempts to escape. asslon? of a political movement. Morgan is the father of the tragic tytf The dauehter breaks her engage- farrlly. , Tent the man she has loved for Supporting parts are taken by ffo var? Ths father oes to a con- Robert Stack. Bonita Granville. friC rontrat'rn romp. Bucces?iv dram- Irene Rich, Ma-ia Ouspenskaya j Watches The Lasting Gift tthat tradltiinally marks an Important event, We have a very fine selection of j? Elgin, Waltham and Swiss watches that fwill give the utmost in performance and smart appearance. i 3 M I RAILWAY ! LINES HK worn tn CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Oce'an Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide!' Every Friday, 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT S.S. PRINCESS NORAH-December 9th, 19th, Jan. 2nd, 16th, 30th Direct Connections at Vancouvet with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. I. COATES, General Accnt - Prince Rupert, B.C. s ROBERT TRANK SULLAVAN STEWART - YOUNG MORGAN Robt STACK Bonita GRANVILLE . Irene RICH WillUra T.OBJl Maria OUSPENSKATA C&PJTOi TONIGHT TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MAKE Extra Added TAN AH A paihhiv, . " a ic-i i'KK FK0M CAMP BORDEV? SANTA SAYS Spo our special Kr Tickets or 'V Thrift Book for the id Gift. WALLACE'S itA. 2 Shows NUhUv. 7 00 and 9;U feature at 7:33 and 9 tS this ui ",e uiu8'i'a iui u man oi xier aaia&aicsyttrt'iii-t'iicuti.riA.t. ir ej ha a w a a n. mm rr or r t a . m m n t a n-a iv a mail 7 5x-a f V J a M Boxed Hankies In a plr:i n v Fr S5cTOS1.50 Boxed Gift Stationery- We hav r a more pleasing 9P 70 tli assortment. From S2.95 Fancy Towel SetsAll ccilopha r.r. w "i Boxed Xmas Cards - Th" ,. , , sohe your card problem Wc h , ni t nil nprrt. nr.TOCif lAfl - ---- a :i i ' t 1 1 1 r Wrapping Tissue,. Ribbon Ties and String, Tags and 6: Pleasing Variety in a tlV f f i . n... C(nlr A..ni. that M ik In Klrtlnn Is an Easy Matter Phone 9 THIItl) and FIXTO.V if? .: .. .. - - . Do you s,eek a gift for a very special someone-a present that will $J ' 'TSiJSlSSiSlSl,- stand out from the crowd and be a source of Joy for mam Christ- 2 itf mases fo come? Then look In and let us show you our very lurge i M W SS? range of watches priced from $5.00 to $83.00. jfo j J. All H7 R.W. Cameron SIXTH STREET "RUPERT BRAND" SOLE FILLETS Cellophane Wrapped No Waste 25c per lb. Obtainable at STERLING FOOD MARKETS LTD. RUPERT BUTCHERS IJULKLE Y MARKET Also served at the Boston and Commodore Cafe Smoked and Cured Fish available at the above Stores Packed By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Lid. Rritish Columbia II II i. 19 1 id A RECORD Yourself For Chr st'mas Greetings For Pleasure, For Business, For Educational Purposes Of Speeches, Musical Talent, Favorite Radio Broadcasts, Etc. Come In See Our New Recording Studio n'i!iinned with modern eauloment. K.C.A. Victor Higher SPECIAL CHRISTMAS RATE 6-Inch record, 2 sides ...... fldel- Ity recording. Not a novelty but a lasting Impression that jo" and your friends will be delighted with. .$1.50 Recording Headquarters w i m m ir m i i r mfi " " " A Vl Vi VI VI l " - NEW ROYAL HOTEL f J. Zarelll Froprietor MA IIOMH AWAY FROM HOME" Ktes '25c up so Room. Hot & Cold Water PriJice Rupert, B.C. Phono 281 P.O. Box 111 I omW1 TRAPPERS . ... f..r. fill It lion i ecu yu waterfront. Rrlnff them town to me. I'll make ' buyers pay 30 nmrc. 1 h' 'a bis contract to fill- GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable