Z, 255 THIRD AVENUE CO., LTD. I Gift Boxes 8 I V 0 I Monday, December 16, I94P, By - F a i j p niTTV UL'LJJ .-vJ USEFUL GIFTS Carving Sets Coleman Lamps Priced From Nanaimo-Wcllington Bulklcy Valley Alberta Minchcad Sootlcss Coleman Irons Pocket Knives Fishing Tackle THOMPSON HARDWARE i i. "2 n j: r? Yardley of London $1.00 to $10.00 Lavender Bath Salts; .$1.10 Lavender Bath Powder $1.50 Lavender Toilet Water frfc, 85c, $1.10 and . $1.75 Yardley Perfume , . $1.25. $2.50, $1.50 Ormes Ltd. Uim Pioneer Drttqgiats Tb'e Rexall Store " Phones 81 "it Open Dally from I a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. 7 to 9 p.m. nd It Pays to Always Buy the Best Fuel Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. PHONE 116 PHONE 117 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphosphates, Monocalclum Thosphate Producers and,Ilcfincrs of TADANAC Brand Metals Mercury, Gold, Sliver, Lead, Zinc, (Cadmium, Bismuth and Antimony, Aiso Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Works Trail. B.C. CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT lor the EAST Monday, Wednesday Friday, C p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, 11:30 pan. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River ""WINTER EXCURSION PARE, to VANCOUVER and I RWUHJ 1940 to Feb. 28th, 1941. Of? A A Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, $00UU Final return limit March 31st, 1041 For Full Information and Reservation, etc. Call.or Write CITY TICK. yrrn,, Phone 2fi0 Prlpce Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines Si 5 I M I I ft & T Presentation To i Screen Actress Miss Easthope Off To England -.fi-i Aiver ckwin nf whnnl lass Fri- Ann uvorak saus irom new mm dav Ue staff of King Edward . To Join Her Husband Jffe '.School met to bid farewell to Miss In presenting Miss Easthope with a silver iui from the members of the staff Miss Mercer referred to rfft.tne fine co-operation that Mls Jj Easthope had always given. For ij- many years she had been a valued W .member of the staff and her going " mi would leave a real gap. The very Lands At Charleston And Is Visit sC& "llMf. tlH rVt AO frit iViA fitfitvA tirara , ... ' ' r i n m "Wr "c iuiuii. me arm sprints uciurc "ers. miss isastnope tnanKea me (teachers and stated that she had contacts very much. Boy Scouts At Church Sunday The First (Canadian Legion) cirpxp aancBrixiaa "Iiuild B.C. payrolls" A FEW RECIPES Mrs. W. H. writes us a nice letter, hi It giving a few good suggestions: "Potatoes Boiled, cold cubed, covered with Pacific Milk, dotted with buttered browned crumbs or grated cheese. Bake. "Pink Salmon Canned, Pacific Miik' poured over, crumbs. Bake: "Cocoa Boll 2 minutes, Uierfpour Into heated cups containing Pacific Milk. A real party drink." Thanks. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed own FOR SALE FOR SALE Cabinet radio broad cast and short wave. Cheap. Red 182. 295 FOR SALE Boat Minnette, 38 feet by 10 feet. Reasonable price. In ' quire at Metlakatla. F. Leask. (297) FOR SALE 1930 Chevrolet sedan. Oood condition. Phone Blue 873 708 Fraser St. after 5 p.m. ,(295) FOR SALE Boat frame. 34, t feet long, 9 foot beam, yellow cedar ribs naturally grown bent. Heavy build. Apply A. Isaacson, Seal Cove. (295) WANTED WANTED Half, h.p. electric mo tor. Valentm Dairy. 1294 WANTED Three or four apartment. Phone 947. FOR HEN1 (294) FOR RENT Large furnished office Including heat and light. Dally News. ; ' ,tf. President Has Finished trip (Prince Rupert Troop cf BoyScouts national defences. under Scoutmaster E. W. Meadows, paraded to'the evening-service at St. Peter's Anglican Church I Sunday. Assistant Scoutmasters Kenneth Dakln and O. H. Churley were also present. The color party consisted of Scouts, David Carter, David Bailey and Ted Capstlck. The service was conducted by lev. (Captain) R. c. II. Durnford -ho is the Scout Padre. The les son taken from the Fourteenth! m 'Chanter of St. Luke was read bv jllpTroop Leader Harold Norton. 3$j On Tuesday of this week the zsr loi-uuis uic ijuiuuiii uieir tinai S 'meeting for 1940. This will take the form of a Christmas party at which time badges and service stars earned during the last four months will be presented. THE Variety Store When you prepare to pack up your Chrlstma gifts the first thing you need Is paper. We have It. Wrapping Tissue Pamper of, aU kinds and colors, from the big plain sheets to the fancy folded, pads of assorted patterns. And Tinsel Ribbon with silk In skeins and plain satin ribbons In all holiday colors. Also seals of all kinds to help in making the perfectly tied parcels, Christmas and New Years cards Birthday cards, Wedding and other congratulation' cards. Writing paper aod envelopes for all occasions, and alsb la the finer papetrle boxes of writing papers'. Come along arid bring your friends with you to THE VARIETY STORE Raw Furs We Have Orders For and Require Immediately 3000 Marten, 500 Lynx, 200 Fisher 5000 Mink and 25,000 Weasels In order to secure these articles for our customers, we are prepared to pay you more money than anyone else. We have SPECIAL ORDERS for Dark and Dark Brown Marten arid Small Dark and bark' Brown Fishers and we are prepared to Pay you SPECIAL PRICES for these two articles. For Highest Market Prices and 100 Satisfaction, Try Your next shipment to us Do it Now! Thanking you in anticipation, we are, Trappers Furs B-4 Standard Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. FRESH SHRIMP Daily After 4:30 pjn. BOAT W.SX. TRQTIER'S DOCK Headquarters for Box Chocolates Molrs Lowneys Ganongs Guaranteed fresh stock. Our assortment includes all sizes at prices to suit every pocket. Call at our store and Inspect our stock. We know we can please you. - MUSSALLERrS CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Xeglon MR. WILSON Well Deserved Promotion Itecojt. nized At Gathering Friday fc.Marv r-jtfvArj mUrv k4 rAciffnaH i wttw VHPTf TWpr.hr lft . Ann 1 S j from the city teaching staff and Dvorak, well Jcnowri screen actress, The staff of King Edward School x .whose marriage, will, take place In sailed Saturday for England to Friday afternoon made a presen- r . the i V a 1.1. T .. kilunl T Leslie oclli Vantj I immediate future. join her husband, Fenton. tatlon of a handsome brief easa to J. S. Wilson who leaves King Edward School to take over the Principalsnlp of Borden Street School in the new year. Miss E A. t ...t.J . 1 L f I, jvierter muieu uiui. 111 we wci- deserved promotion Mr. Wilson carried all the best wishes of the staff for every success. His golnrr was a real loss to King Edward Returning To Washington School and to herself as principal ' . For many years he had given loyal. enjoyed the comradeship of the WASHINGTON D C. Dec. 16: progressive service. Apart from Phone 101 jraj 1 stafX and she would miss the daily, president Franklin D. Roosevelt classroom instruction he had been I urtri utc u nofiVi- ndrtlctilnrlv artlvp in tnusical. nth . IUUUWUi(j V1UUG VJi V44 v " ' ' 'bean Sea to Inspect the defence !tlc and dramatic activities, j situation, returned to Washington replying Mr. Wilson stated 1 today. He landed at Charleston, Uiat he would miss very much the 'South Carolina, late Saturday from happy fellowship of many years. .U. S. S. Tuscaloosa .and oroceeded He had always enjoyed the at- to Warm Springs, brief visit Paraded to St. Peter's Last Even- yasblngton Ing To Hear Sermon by Padre Hoy Durnford arrival here today, President, lhev? staff and Miss Mercer for Give Her A LOCKET This Year 1 We never had such variety In locxets and necklets as we have this year. Some are round and some heart shaped. Oth ers are various fancy shapes. 1 Some are hand engraved In beautiful floral designs and some are machine sngraved with modernistic lines and rnany are in several shade s of gold such as red, green 6r yellow. Prices range from $3Jjo to $11.50 except a few in heavy solid gold at from $15.00 to $25.00. Also we have silver from $3.50 to $5.00. And even the baby is not. forgotten at prices from $2.00 to $5.00. Also we have some new designs In necklets which are very beautiful. We Will Re Glad to Show You mm ULGERp (Jewellers mi STORE WITH THE CLOCK Ballinger & Stafford Repairs of All Types Typewriters, Cash Registers, Adding Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Etc. Location Corner 3rd Ave. and 4th St. :Next C.P.R. Ticket Office Mike Colussi Accordionist and Teacher AAA. Certificate PHONE RED 814 "flOVERN'MENT MQUOR ACT" (SflctloA 28) Notice of Application for a IWtr Mrritrt tiungfi xa llttKEHr GIVEN Ulnt m the 18th day of -December iet the undersigned Intends to 'ulv vh Liquor Oantrol Board for a lloenco in respect to the premises bedmr uart '-nt the building known as the OommerctoJ Hotel 6ltuafte at the corner of First Avcutue vnj .fcigntn qtrrot in the Ctty of Prince ntipert uJon lands described as Lots "Thlrtjeen (13) and Fourteen T14), Block Nine (9). Section One fl) frattcai " District; In ' the Province! of untltn Ooutmoia, -for trie aale of beer ny hh gias or by ui bottle for coc-tumjAlon on the pmnlnee or elsewtoere. . DATED UUa 18th day of November 1940. - ALEXANDER J. PRUDHOMME i , Applicant, i lines. i Georgia, for a:mol?Phere of the school and the I before returning to years spent would be of value ini Within an hour atfer kisiiew responsibility. He thanked! Roosevelt was in conference with' uiejr lemd words. Secretary of State Cordell Hull to- 1,1 addition to the members of I discuss aid to Great Britain and 'the staff Mrs. Wilson and Miss WOULD DO MORB SYDNEY, NJS.W, Dec. 14: (CP) Nearly C00 child evecuees from Eng- land are In Australian .homes, and i places are promised for thousands! more when the temporary tuspen-, slon of the scheme is lifted. J. Rothwell were present. i paoe rtvs STOCKHOLM, Dec. 16: (CP) LONDON. Dec 16: CP Des-The I German port ot Hamburg has patches from German-occupied thousands of bombproof casemates Belgium Indicate tb4t many of the -l jl l'piITr'f I T" ("equipped" for civilians wth beds canals connecting , Belgium and r A K r. W Kl .1 .r.l J I from the Maglnot "and Siegfried France are "out of order" as the' result of war activities. aaaRaBtEjawl lawraHrtaH9 TaM raHH aB0T3lnH4BUk'9HHtjilIrrEBT' j Inside, outside, light up the home this Christmas J? Y with cheerf ul, colorful, pre- t f Tyy JJ tested diton Mazda lamps. They give l I " . 'fff better light and stay brighter longer. 1 MADE IN CANADA ff l AM PS .t.g CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC L-122 CO. LIMITED BUTTER MAID DELICATESSEN Ask About Our Health Bread Silversides Block ' Third Ave. B. C Furniture Co. BC3. ;. NewlandJUsedFumiture : 1 China Cabinet Large size CQ4 fcfi Special .!: P4I.0U 1 Reatty Washing ' Machine In perfect QQO tZ(i condition ?iOU 4 DSor: S7.50 TO $10.00 12 Reconditioned Typewriters Of various QOO TO Qlff makes in A-l condition f,rom , &iu y'lD 16 Enamel Wash Basins At very low prices. New Furniture 4 End Tables In walnut, COIC Special J)aa.l0 C Coffee Tables All-walnut In latest Cii ftA styles ; ipu0f 4 Waterfall Deslfn Dressers With round mirror of fl99 IZ( finest materials. Special f..'. 1 t?A.tlU 1 Chiff robe With 2 mirrors and hanging space and &OQ ff fl large drawer space.'in waterfall design. Special ?d vJV 12 Sprinff-Filled Felt Mattresses or the finest 2ffi CTH quallty.Regular $22J50, Now t?ADuU 8 Studio Couches That can be made Into single or COQ K(l double. In latest polprs. Special ', - WjUgy 1C Chesterfields In latest styles and colors, all 3-plece suites from $75,00 TO $104.00 l'hone BLACK 324 Next Door to B. C. Clothiers THIRD avenue;