PAQI TWO- YOUR SUMMER SHOES ARE HERE Ladies' White Shoes in All Styles and Designs Men's "Campacs" By Qutta CO dft to CQ Q Percha. Priced QA.DU dd,VD Ladies' Sun Kay and Bar G4 OCtoQO CA tJaOU Flex Snort Shoes-Prirpd Child's Kunners All colors ' Priced 75ctoS1.50 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PUIXEN - - Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per month ,. , , .50 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the BrtUsJi Empire and United States, yearly period, paid lr. advance 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per ear ..... ,.r.T., , 9.0U Classified advertising, per word, pr insertion OS ' Local readers, per line, per insertion .25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 New Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau si Circulations PAILY EDITION Wednesday, June 12, 1940. EDITORIALS EXTRAORDINARY ABOUT FACE THE .B AILT N EWB THEY STUNG A POCKET BATTLESHIP. ,fhce- and crew of the British submarine Spearfish" are shown on the deck of thPir pig boat as they arrived at an jnnamed Lnglish port from their assignment in Norwegian waters, during which the "Spearfish ' hit the German pocket battleship Admiral Scheer with one torpedo and maybe more. Members of the crew are looking at the Spearfish insignia on the side of the craft. WILL LIVE AT OTTAWA Princess Juliana And Little Daughters To Meet Governor General At Ottawa HALIFAX. June 12: CP t uw w.t M.w h"-i-v w. uiu unU1 tne Governor Oeneral Starts nnvp hppn nr hparr with rnp Rrnish nnrl Krpnrh in j ... STOCK MART MOVING UP Buying Activity Which Yesterday Continued In I Trading Today Started Early NEW YORK. June 12: The Princess Juliana, heiress-apparent New York Stock Exchange today to the throne of Holland., and two continued its upward bound which infant children, brought to Cana- started yesterday. In the first two dlan haven bv a Dutch naval hours of trading on heavy buying squadron at the invitation, of Lord orders the Industrial average went jtAimone, uovernor uenerai-oemg- " - iate, are expected to stay at Que- rail average advanced 1.18 to 24.91. " . - - ---- . v....., ... ulu rruicess Alice arriv wnei ill r the present war but they had a curious -way of expressing they may go to Ottawa, with th- Alderman reiM6r, indicate otherwise. The Opinion was freely expressed that Beatrlx- j sed tw0-and-a-haif some ot them might have been in the pay of the German lLT"nZ government. and! Rear . Admiral Baron and In the past v;eek or tWO a marvellous Change has tak- Baroness De Vos Van Steenwky. en place. Evervthine we hear from across the line seems H Royal Highness and tmtv Communist, Was to be that Ihe people of that country are very strong:- lZraTT? MaTCa" o lhat with the Allies In sentiment, at any rate. The President SSS command! ! Son sher- derman Jacob Penner had has declared himself without qualification and the Mayo: wood r. c n.. representin Gov- taken lBt0 custody pending decu- Of New York is outspoken. Speakers over there are de- ernment House, and W. H. Meas- lon 0B hu lntenrment by Dominion nouncing Itay with an emotional abandon which is re- ures 01 the Department of Exter- "p; , nal Affairs. Penner mm was a o mm.r member of the out- frpchinrr tn 1 Pir It looks today as if public opinion in that country was were aware "at th! 01 m Z- been 011 WnnW council gradually working to a' point where actual active partici- rival of the rpyai party rince 1934-pation would take place: All that is needed is some little I - incident in Which that country is directly concerned to Jack West and party are 'back oZTUS a'ndwerounds bring abouUthe final.break. If this does not take place aboard the Razzle Dazzle from a a crucial Senior UaSfe iSttall before the election, it Should happen before the end of the week-end angling trip to Khatad- game, scheduled for last night be-year. lLake. All went well, there being no nv.en Velvet and Navy, was post- fog like there was last fall. poned until next Sunday. PRETTY GOOD START The Allies got off to a pretty. good start yesterday in! the war against Italy. The first thing the Allied navies did was to clean up the enemy merchant marine, picking: up in all about thirty vessels that had not reached neutral ! ports. Then the Royal Air Force got busy and attacked an j Italian air centre in Libya, destroying a number of planes,' hangars and an ammunition dump. It was a good beginning and indicates that the British are not always asleep. , , TTm0mmm 111 mfmrn I M III MHMMM I HM m I i ml This Dominion Is Building Up Its Active Service Force Canada's War I veterans' Reserve Coast Defence Home Guards etc; .. Miscellaneous ; .... Naval Service Air Force ..'..!..';' "; TOTALS Personnel Soon Will To Recruit 38,100 ,..)..:...:.. Tctal 120,000 OTTAWAJunc 12-Before long Canada's active forces will have reached a totaf approximating "120,000 men of all ranks and services. How this total is made up i disclosed In the following figures, om? of which courser estimate since no definite number has been announced. Trie situation, preient and prospective, is thus: Present To be recruited Total Third Division.. Fourth Division- (Rifles Only) I veterans' Defence Guard or called up 25,600 25,600 .-19.000 19,000 13,000 13,000 9,000 9,000 -.3,000 3,000 . - . 5,000 . 5,000 10.650 , .10,650 0.161 . 6,161 ....,,813 .'813 r.. . 6,600 3,400 10,000 ...vlWOO 5,000 17,300 81.134 38,400 119,534 Goin Fishin'? Our Fishing Competition For the largest Rainbow or Cut-ThroatLTrout caught on fly or spinner opens May 24th andlcloaes Labor Day You Are Eligible With Any Purchase, of Fishing Tackle SEE US FOK DETAILS Kaien Hard PHONE 3 araware Co. Box 08 IARK AGAIN I UNDERWAY , Unique Vessel Heading Northward I To Ketchikan After Crossing Bar The Ark of Juneau, with Paul jSatko and family on board, evi-idently passed safely over Metla-ilcatla Bar outside of Prince Rup-ert yesterday and was believed ta :be on Its way to Ketchikan al-though no .ncoming boats reported v.-rikw1 it Thoro U.T1-. 11 iiau: ........ - gale during the night In Chatham (Sound but It U supposed the Ark would have been safely in shelter Prince John, Now Union Boat, Due Here Tomorrow Now flying the house flan of tin-Union Steamship Co. and with her 1 funnel painted red and black, the I steamer Prince John left Queen 'Charlotte City at 10 o'clock thl morning for Maseett Inlet and should arrive here aboat tomorror evening. Capt. James Watt Is in command. HITLER RELEGATED LONDON. June 12: CP Hltrer and his associate are part of the general problem of evil, Dr. R. H. Strachan. newly-elected moderator of the Presbyterian Church of England, told the General Assembly here. TSCHAIKOVKSY FESTIVAL TORQUAY. Eng., June 12: CP-More than 1,000 person attended the Tschalkovskjr centenary festival here. Peter Hich Tsehalkoraky I was born at Votklnank. Russia. May 7. 1840. and died at St. Petersburg November 6. 1893. Canada At War 25 Years Ago June 12. 1915 Oermans on th? Eastern Front claimed successes on TU I J,.me aan na "neuter Rivers In laken IntO UlSlOayVlve towards Lemberg .Lwow. In I'-Jie west. French cantured hrtghw. icrui of Bouchez and forced Oer-"naiv back southeast of Hebutemt H. G. Helgerson Limited 216 SIXTH STREET Prince Rupert. B.C. We have on rir liU the fol-. lowing rood buys: 412 E.MKItSON PMCK 7-room house, 2 lots. Lovely garden. Fully modern. Furnace. 4 bedrooms. Concrete foundations. Cash $3150. Terms $2000, balance in monthly payments. We Have Several Furnished Houses for Rent for the Summer Months CROOM HOUSE -On Taylor Street 3 bedrooms Fullj modern and sewer in good condition Cash $1000 or $1800 on terms. THE SEAL QUALITY ill GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by tb unly islroon canning enrnpany with to all th rear rnund rrnll tn I Your Own Concerts Under the Summer Stars by the world's Greatest Artists! wSm RCA Vlttroli Model VR-4 Hive th double c ntrruiomtf , tw-ih radio :inil phiHiotrai'i n i! del. Impriivrd rlctirn .mm. i.; am) thort iv mrrHHio. rutllti i lone pfhrmmr. viilumr I'm. i ludr tnrmhfhip in Vku.i K1...1 ! Stnitiy, tnti el Vkkt Rr. unit ami )tir tuWrifHUMi ti, iiH VkKir Krcord Sodfy Rtvirw i RCA Victrola Model VR-3 I Icre't outMindiK value . . . radio and rtc-rd tofrriammtot i a rttMfkablv low rrite. IXmitMtt btoadcMi rwrrmmi. cut! JrM inn and volume for butti raJwi and rrcorda. Price inctudet H.OO nnh ( Vfetor Rrcnrdt and a iwe-vrar Mitncrip-litM to the Vkior KecorJ Nmtry .9.95 MCRAE BROS. LTD. .i . via ,t r.j . i h r.T .7 .t mmt r .i lm a i."..wt rr'wrm ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE McMtse Ituildlne. Third Avrnue. Frtrtrr Rupert Hours from 8:30 lo 5 30 rxm. Phone Oltt'FN JU Outstanding BARGAINS In This CLEARANCE Check this List and Save Dollars Priced I aw for Quick Selling 2 Only .Maple Flat-top Desk QQ Regular $11.50. Speda! $QVO 0 Maple NiKht Tables Qff Regular $9.00. Swcial $0VO 2 Hitf Upholstered Chairs Uft from C-i Q CA suites. Regular $26.00. Special . . P A G Only Occasional Chairs High-grade QQ fC material. Reg. $10.50. Special ?O.VU QUILTED PAD! 3970 4hx7G 17G $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 Hani wearingquilted pads suitable for tabh- paJ.--or mattress "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily . Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I'rlncM Rupert BrltUh Columbia If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement In this pap-ar will soon let you know if there Is a buyer in city, u.