PAQ2 FOTO I "'HbSUN"PnOFOUAlUV 1 Weather Forecast West Coast of Vancouver Island Fresh southeast, shifting to southwest winds or moderate gales, cloudy and cool with rain. WINS DERBY NEWMARKET, June 12: (CP) Point L'Eveque won the substitute Derby over a lVfe mile -course at Newmarket today. L0C4S Ketchikan, Is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today returning to Ketchikan after a trip to Seatle Miss Blanche Curtain, who has been on a trip to New York, Chicago and elsewhere in Eastern Can-nda and the United States, returned home on the Prince Rupert this morning. Mrs. R. A. Creech and daughter. Miss Dorothy Creech, arrived in the city on the Prince George this Protect Canada Kingdoms and empires are Jailing, Slowly the death bells are tolling, Fletcher Hemmons returned to While loy'tlsts and traitors stumble, the city on the Prince Rupert thisTo the tune of guns that rumble. morning from a trip to Vancouver. Miss Anne Hardcastle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hardcastle of Lands that once lord democracy, Ah! Their people that were once free Lie scatter'd In the churning mud Form'd from their earth and crimson blood. Hungry orphan look to the skies. Their mothers blink tears from their eyes. With their arms outstretched in salute. While Herr 'Hitler gathers his loot. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durham.!0' Canadal So stronS and free, who arrived in the city a week or Lover of true democracy, so ago after spending the winter Wbu,d'st thou forever protect us in Vancouver, will leave on Fri- From fallinE Into the mad rush! day evening's train for their home' ui Usk. ; Toy answer can only be one; "I've searched Tor others there Bert Karyl of Boston, manager of w J!"' the New England Bureau of the In- 'yJ? "d T organlze1 T protect an to tornational News Service, is a vlsi- keeTp our P-rlze-tor OunnerLS. in Prince Rupert today. He Is, ADAMS " making the round' trip from Van-! couver to Alaska aboard the steamer Prinee Rupert. BANK STAFF GAVE CHASE morning from Vancouver. Former Attempt At Holu-un Is Follni win. residents of Prince Rupert, they are receiving a hearty welcome from many old friends. Mr. Creech re- Two Bandits Captured EDMONTON. June 12- tcv cently returned here to Join the Two men from Winnipeg were staff of Bryant Company. cantured after endeavouring to , khold UP a branch of the Imperial Bank of Canada here. The teller Dally New ciassineQ Ads nrlng and ledgerkeeper resisted the results. hold-up and gave chase. provide for Ills old agev WARTIME PEACE War emphasizes Hie imiiHiianee of life insurance To the imliiidunl, whether he serve tin the fighting front or the home front, life insurance continues to guarantee financial feecurily for hU family ami himself. It means that UU loved ones ore protected anil Mill e supported in time of need. It means that lie will have money for emergencies, ami a To the nation, life insurance funds representing llie savings of thrifty policyholders, are providing million of dollars so necessary for the development of Canada. These funds, invented In llie resources of our country, are thus mobilized for the henefit of llie hole nation. In war time an in peace, life insur m PVHI 9 mice stands for individual and national security. Mx Guardian uf V.anaiUan HumvH for over 11)11 Years ONI Of A Stl Of MtSUOtS SPONSOKO tY tlH IMiUOAhCt COMPANIES 0ATlNO IN CANADA I J THE DAILY HEWS Wednesday J-.ii, ''111 CINCINNATI GOESDOWN Brooklyn Again Leading National League Detroit Making Strong Bid CINCINNATI, June 12: (CP) Cincinnati Reds, defeated yesterday by the Phlllle. fell baek Into second place In the National League standlrig below the Idle Brooklyn Dodgers. New York Giants continued their spectacular winning by taking their third double-header victory with the Chicago Cubs as yesterday's victims. In the American League Boston Red Sox clung to first place by defeating Cleveland Indians while the Detroit Tigers moved into second place ahead of the Indians by defeating the New York Yankees. The Philadelphia Athletk stayed 'in the cellar by losing again to Chicago White Sox. Yesterday's Big League scores: National New York 4-3, Chicago 0-1. Philadelphia 4, ClnetanaU 1. Other games rained out American Detroit 6. New York 1. Cleveland 2, Boston 9. St. Louis 5, Washington 2. Chicago, 5. Philadelphia 4. The league-standings to date: National League Brooklyn- 29 13 Cincinnati 31 15 New York 23 15 Chicago 28 24 Philadelphia 16 26 Pittsburg 15 23 St. Louis 17 28 Boston 12 29 American Lea cue Boston 26 16 . Detroit 26 18 Cleveland 28 20 A New York 24 22 J St. Louis 21 26 .4 Chicago 22 25 .4 Washington 20 30 .4 Philadelphia 18 26 J TODAY'S STOCKS ICXwrWj B O Jobruitoo On.) Vancouver Big Missouri. .07. Bralorne. 7.95. Cariboo Quartz. 1.90. Dentonla, DHi. Fairv4ew .00. Gold Belt. .16 xd. Hedle Mascot, .34. Mlnto. .02. Noble Five. .00. Pend Oreille, 1.60. Pioneer. 1.70. Premier. .80. Privateer. .45. Reeve Mawlonald, 20. Reno, .19. Relief Arlington, .04. Salmon Gold, .02. Sheep Creek, .85. Cariboo Hudson, .OlVi- Oils A. P. Con.. .09. Calmont. .19. C. St E, 1.15. Home. 1.55. Pacalta, .05. Okalta, .03. Mereury. .03 Vi. Prairie Royalties, .12. Toronto Aldermac. .16.-" Beattie. .85. Central Pat., 1.61 xd. Con. Smelters, 32.50. Eait Malartlc, 2.22. Fernland, .02. Franooeur, 20. Gods Lake, .27. Hardrock, .67. Int. Nickel, 32.50. Kerr Addison, 1.55. Little Long Lac, 1.91. McLeod Cockshutt, 120. Madsen Red Lake, 21 xd. McKenzie Red Lake, .95. Moneta, .42. Noranda, 50.00. Pickle Crow, 2.48 xd. Preston East Dome, 1.54. 8an Antonio 1,45, . Sherrltt Oorddri, '.73. ' Uchl, ZO. Bouscadillaci .03: Mosher, .03 V2. Oklend, .03. Dominion Bridge, 23.85. .090 .674 .661 .530 .390 J76 .341 293 WARTIME NATIONAL COUNCIL TORONTO. Jim. 12- lrr "wartime conference" will be held tomorrow in connection with the 47th annual meeting f statutory executive) of the National Council of Women of Canada. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY SMALL furnlihed house for rent until October Si. 1120 Ambrose Avenue Phone Dlack 710. (143) SPORT CHAT Alice Abbott. Philadelphia co-ed, was so good the boys couldn't keep her off the Dickinson tonege maw. tennis team. She plays No. 5 post Hnn onH hiu nnlv lost one match MVI this year. Miss Abbott prefer to play tennis with men wnue me oi ViAr mat nnnnnents oblect because t.v r i they are torn between feeling of rhivnirv and the ambarnuKment of defeat at the hands of a pretty co ed. Archworth and about $12,000 of pari-mutuel money were left at the post In the running of the $5,000 added Oroen Memorial Handicap at Long Beach a year ago this week The 1939 King's Plate winner sllp- ned far behind In a race that saw the runner-up In the 1938 Woodbine feature, Mona Bell, head the field, wttli a lead of a length and a half over WWy Morrtfiey'i Bunty Law Halibut Sales Summary, American 76 ,000 pound; i, 9.6c and 7Je and 9.8c and 75c. Canadian 32.000 pounds, 9.9c and 7c to 10.2c and 7c. American Kanaga, 40.000. 9 8c and 7.5c, Boeih. Arrow. 36.000. 9 c and 7.5c, Royal. Canadian Blue Boy. 6,000. 10c and 7c. Atlin Fenella. 1100, 105c and 7e. Ed munds St Walker. Tramp. 15,000. 9.9c and 7c. Stor age. GET THAT CHEfRY FEELING M vjrfi PUNCH Alegionof men "in the know" revel every day in the mildness, fragrance and "uplift" of Punch - Canada's finest cigar. line your poctcefs at your ceofer'i today. CIGAR PERFECTOS PANETELAS IU LILIES 1 51 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk Valentin dairy P II ONE 37 IDORA Roller Rink Mondays and Tuesdays Open for Private Parties Wed, Thurs., Frl, 7-11 .2-4:30, C-ll on Sat. !0 NONEWiiit-A , MO.VSTrilri.r LONDON, June 12: (CP) Evacu- PAAIIL. South '. ation IS at least year oiu. in iur A cow slun-September of 480 B.C. the women, found to have ,, children and old folk of Athenx weighing 114 ,,,,', were evacuated to safety zones at mally weigh ;,bo Troezen and 8alamLs on the op- birth and the h. proach of Persian forces. two months ov. -d Kxccllcnt for Chafinfr, Chappin; and Diaper Hash. A Baby Feed-Injr Hotllc Free with each purchase Hothfor 40. Ormes Ltd. The Iteisll Store rhonet 11 k 12 Open Dally from I au till II p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 1Z to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. j to i oooooooooooooooooyoqooovwowovoooooooooooooooeo Cherub Baby Oil OCKHJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC B. C. Furniture Co. Outstanding Values In FURNITURE ,,r'','''"0, S6.95-S9.50 2: Table Lamp-Latet In shade and jJ to 395 C Courhes and I'ad Can be made in a double bed, Qi C ' "Jg ha very comfortable springs 10 Stadio Cuthe-All new colors. Can be made into douW two single beds. Very finest quality. CQft Qfl Regular MM, now .. "i,uu' 4 J.plece Studio Set In rust, green, very S75.00 ' modernistic. Reg. $100, now 4 Cl.fsttrfldd TableIn fine walnut. CIQ 50 8peclal 4-piece Bedroom Sulle-ConsUtltig 6f bed. tonity. stod . hlffon-ler. In waterfall design. $72.50 4 3-plece Cheterfleld SetsIn rust, green and brown Strong durable frame and long lasting life. M S7500 Reg. $100. Now rhone BLACK 321 Neit Door to D C. Clothiers THIRD AVESW SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! !!( tt OCEAI FALLS md POWELL BIVEI Steamer leave Print Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prinoe Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. A. a., K.tMilkan and vftwmsa.v.. w Jn a . a sievrari crcrj WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For area, t., call or tcHt4 n. i t . A f trA AT