war i V 1V June 12, 1940. AFFIRM Tk Country THE 01.11 GAKDKMKIt FKKTILIZKK Iniirr'1 New and Dlffrrrnt flint Food (ntilns Vitamin II1 !. rrmarkable Plant ir. the proper pro- r miia inseeiiclcK1 t : oMential elements r .t.iv gTowui ana a 1 . ;,.ant life. ii rfktt Today He. 2if I: t ( : DUtrtbutorA I. & JUIkln Co. ir iti Ltd, NION 'BACK OF Allegiance carnival . I-V,! A t Ik. luivhitMi lul J . .. 8 lj,,.r nni"i -- - uwwwj mj Miriici- Morven will , ifK i wi iw pur- Mirr-tuiy carT,ivai cele- Hospital ,rr ginning tMlr (ribtanfl "on to oe staged towards the d, it,.- nrui rHjjM mh monui to aia ue local Mrs .Pifd raUJrf- in wv W project generally. v, r 8 tone reported to the elub I hat a tfnatttaittii . Five thousano oeople read the vi' U ell MacKenzie's Furniture 1 1 !: A t 'TYKKST M ATTK KSS :r .! over 800 small tndividusl n! springs. Built for sound rrfrrAhltii: sleep l-iiibrr Kins Sptlnf There It n b't: r COAL UNAIMO WELLINGTON covered In S42.50 S15.00 j:: tiiiud avenui: ALBERT A S00TLE5S BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery I id. "IU IIS rimxr. in CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Iacific To VancniiTfr vis t)rean Fall and War l'orti . . . ........ ... in I. tn as. princess Aoeiaine every rnuj .v k To Vanrouvcr Direct I-ouire Prinress Charlotte Princess Attce IOUj.WUi June 8th. 2nd June 26th To Krtchlkan, Wrancrll, Juneau ami Skar.wsy iti' S-rl loth. I7th. 21st. 21th. July 1st Mh mtlons at Vancouver with Canadian Pnrmr Services TirL.i. .mt ltrtrrvallon from OATI-S. (.rntrsl Atrnt Prlnff Huiwrtlir. STEAMSHIPS LTD. Rteamcrs Leave Prince Rupert lor Vancouver: l8-rATAIj KVF.RYTUES- TAB. CARDKNA FBIHAV, litv ID'S- n.m. '".i i.ju p.m. Vancouver. Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Plcai.r Purchase Tickets at Office . ... rr tr a a UTf.rT. 'WtUer -"'w information Regarding Reservations ana ...... 'lKK Third Ave. Phone 56X SK INN Kit, l-rlnce Rupert Acent. days. LOCAL NEWS NOTES leef Italian Origin Plan Gyro Club To Participate In nir h, A R NlCh Slrni Thrlr UmIIj to Event Fo, Civic CentreLpu.V ' i.f, T l .f"1" tral" l0r ' to lr,P HaZtHton. ...i,.. Tomorrow Tomorrow I rrnunrl AetLiii c "vmiiiiw ouun taTILr -na"n- MMW tor vacation trip. int: at the end of this month of uporvled playground President O A. Hunter was In reerived eoamtalaslans on be- coming the father of a daughter. TMinr.it mi.v, THRIFT Cash & Carry Phone 179 1KES1I FRUITS AND VKGKTAR1.ES AT LOWER PRICES Firah Straw lcrrlcs-3 boxes Irrsh Green Ileatu Lb titrrn Onlonv 3 bunches Uunch llccts Hunch Car rot finer bunch 25c Per crate f 1-93 Buy Now for Preserving Ding Chrrri Lb. Hcd Plums Fresh California. 2 lbs. 25c 35c 15c 5c 5c 11 tucc-Specially selected. iJirae head.s. 7p Bch New Potatoes B.C 210 rresli dug- 6 lb.v Dried Peaches Libby'.s 4 n fancy l ib, rrllobns Picnic llm- -Swifts 4Qn Halforwhnlr I.I' Peas - Choice quality. "3 A Hp Sieve 5 17-oji. tins Wheal Puffs-Corn' Puffs-Rice Classic Soap 7 bars Pastry Flour B & K Handy 3 Vlb. sack Jewel Salad Dressing 10 oz. 32 oz. 5c 25c 17c 29c 43c Grapefruit Juice 1 5C la-oz un.v 2 for saswsnm ssiSaBsp THX DAILY KTWB PAOE IXLK.BH 1 1 m 1 m a a I . i 1 k 1 ; Th ir.na. n . rven 01 uas- Merrill ooiiows arnveo. -in uie "i'n . viyrn uinri l.r n. , .. . ..... il. n.i.i . .. . . 4 . ' t aie lanvmv oil Lms hi r v rrnm Vancouver uii liic aaia r,r riaiisn urinn ant h iu miliar nuMtk . v , . - . ...-.,.,, mwcia Fvenino-a train fnr ti9iinn ir o i... iv. enter the Hazelton I Ranarllan I-eclon D. E. 8 afternoon going through to Vanlvtelt of 3 couple of 3ays here on- William rrlllrakanlr nrfll rtrn. activtOes. lZT """."":.". "uc ",c wgm ai tomorrow i Shortlv Lh. mk.,. . u . nUb win ,.ir. .r .I ".'"! WWlar weekly luncheon of Hniiniun oi of thi varinna nlm. I ... " entertain th rtAtariana at a dUtrtct convention to be held at Portland next month. the James Dretmier sailed by the the chair at today, luncheon and return 1! '"'T ? there was a good attendance of mrmorrs mttK Aklnjur ntm nf to bis naval duties at Es- qulmalt after pending leave visit-j thr Donular nmh.. r .,. ncre parenw. Mr. ana wwn.w wi mwc biuu Mrs John Dremner, Fifth Avenue East. i I has been "rc" company business. Dr. II. N. Brocklesby of thei Prinoe Rupert Fisheries Expert-1 mental Station staff returned to' country south of Houston to spend j a holiday. soldiers. Ernest Love. n.ii ... trainer ana son wui make a motor (tour through Western states. i Daily advertmng m trip Dalit' Is sure to bring dally re- , nlu j la IX Till: MPIIHVr: KlIHT iiiiitioii rm.iiniA IV IMIOIIATH .tad "la th. Matlrr af tlia IX.Ir Of I'at. rlek . llnaSr.. U'rrmmri. latratata TKK XOTirr iju by arr rf Hit H.nor. W. K. Klhr m4 thr Ird day f Inn. A. U. 140. I wu ap. pointed Administrator or the- Mtate of Pan Irk ft. Htihr derraaafl. tax) ajl partlen harlnv Flairns amtrt the f-ald e.tate are hereby raajajrrad to fitrnlah ame. pmpeHv kHQiI, to me n or before the tlh dr tf Jnly, V I' l, and all pnrtlaa ttibt4 ' the estate are inquired to py th amount nf their lnderited.oap to m forthwith. lTKI the 4th dsv f Jh. A. T. '" , KOIMtX' . WATT. hi AdnMnlatrator l'rin.-. nttperti B.C. Phones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 PRESERVING STRAWHERRIKS Arriving Wednesday, June 12 Per crate $1.99. Leave your order early MUSSALLKM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM RATI IS Make Appointments""' 200 Kooms, 50c and up Hot anil Cold Water, Shower Baths Mrs, V. E. Illark, ProprielrrM Dr. J Munthe Wishes to Announce That he has taken over Dr. II. O. Johnsens practice at 44C 4th AVENUE EAST L.E.Weekesof EdmonUnr arrived In Prince Rupert Sunday night on the steamer Catala and is a guesi for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jenner, Filth Avenue West Ke MU. Wlnnle Wells of Port Simp- fTTt a ton sailed on tne oaiaia yesieraay . A,K.W4 llHth Kmn afternoon for a trip to .Vancouver, w . , I Oreen and Ken Harding. CAM) OF THANKS Thrtta cri rtrer fftirm t-a-a rtai MESSAGE BY Missionary HUNGERFORD Is Leavini Mvttu.ua, iivnito Wilt. Aire ------ - MONTREAL, June 12 38. J Monthly meeting tonight. Speaker, formerly Miss Carson of this city dian National: I Family, D. McCullough, Mr. and .v;' "We all a of , .u the 'Mr. npnr p Pa.Tr. wr ar are proud loyalty, mere was a large attendance at Mrs. W. H. Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. the bi-monthly meeting of the. George L. Rorie, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Jabour of Vanoouver. who,." " I or.u -T. tt. "SJ. .?u'en' ine , . ... i "us w- ui me cnair. ana Mrs. Jarvis McLeod and fam- f...i rtuDrt "c,e or u,e Vn eniRoUne business was discussed tiv Mr anri Mr. nh a-h.,- DHy News. Iti" on inwrance bustness. sailed Nomination of officers tool: place. Mr and Mm a nmn.har.ir Mr' pays to let them know what yon 'by the Prince Rupert this after-1" was decided to take up a col- and Mr Henrv smith jr nrJi ur noon for Stewart and Premier !Iccllon eacn meeting from every and Mrs. Robertson. International where he will spend the next ten v"?, hP towra",the P-. Unkm of .team Engineers, Mr. ",T: u' Bnn-.ii i or me ana Mrs. Georee ktt. Mr. and Mrs. Bar be and family. D. J. Mc- 'Kenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith rormer superin-'and family. Mr. and Mrs. O. R, r&rTZ,.:, XX: W hin and now Hue. Mr. and Mr E. K Valeni ll- "The work .of t l.i-t i.n n.H.n m th llk av operaung Uie Stewart trlpnhnrii. Una a nil fam Ilv nH Mr arul Mn i. mi : Jl Urt ., mrur. Cedar, " jraiciu.j aiirmoon ii-tnirfc n i K.iaa 1 going through to Vancouver en- ' in rrtear win me m,hu.i. k i l of timber !ln.r tut r Iriit.r .i. i ii .rla. n ' . I't rt. It iiif . Hi, , ii t n . n hull II ' Idaho, where he 1 .ii m At ... i h chirf" awena uie Rreauaiion or ms w " - n ,.. v i tr . - ' Idaho as an electrical engineer.. ' the efficiency and the good spirit of the men of the National system but all must now excel themselves in their daily tasks that by so doing they may support the men in the field. We have been doing Rev. Oliveri. Thorny pJf' 'missionary sslonary for for the the 'Anglic Anglican n"iw nm ip rti'V" vor uana- lt. n.w resDonslblllty." dtap.i thlt fnct rnn"!ltutS an n-ergency to be met with immediate rrsny "-hr on kin.-wen of th" nftrir'diT fc -vj. land sind sir--am in the war 7on. At a time whn fhp AlHs have rrrtv-ed and .wst"lpl hammer Mow f 3 wr'h- nfi trieltv unkn'rn 'n "!st th dirty of a-n-- -'ani ft hf tapis Wr. Now w nt7"' -r-i pm dntlmi sn1 ativc. ."':r -"';'s , "The formed great feats tm thy n"d Mrs.-Robert A. McCook and fam- material, material and yet more to thank their many material. These requirements de- . ceived during their recent be- ry munitions and supplies prompt- 35 W. J. Davies of the Canadian 1 reavcment and especial thanks to ry, swlfUy and efficiently. That is National Telegraphs staff will belDr- J- p Cade and the nurses of the task of the Canadian National leaving on Friday night's trainlthe Prince Rupert Oeneral Hos for his ranch In the Nadina River ,PJtal- ! Railways the task of every Indl- vidual member of the system no nnouncements Cambral June Hall, June 21. Presbyterian Tea. Mitchell's June 25. Save Tkis Slimmer and all through the year "LARGER FOR LESS" with an ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR JBBBBBBBBBaBawaaaaBaaaflH !bISSSSSSbbbbIssS You'll go a long way towards a happier summer with an electric refrigerator. No more worrying about the freshness of food it stays pure and delicious for days. You'll save money by making-large purchases of food at bargain prices. You'll save time, because ice cubes are always handy, ars, a'. , Church at Klncollth on- the:itfaas tiungeriora. Wiairown ami piw ., u raflrinir from tha mlnUtTV dent of the Canadian National i, home In tf wU1 make future Mrs. Agnes Wilson of Minneapolis Railways, yesterday sent the fol- fhe Fraser valley He and Mrs arrived In the city last night and lowing messar to all officers and ,... h ,'-,- for tul I Is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. A T. Iv- smployres of the south next month. t. arson. Fourth Avenue East. She was "To my co-workers of the Cana- t w v.iAAn.P f ah, t r. n n,rhr PrnvtnHai but has been awav tor tne pasi we ac- rui.nies enemy- " saw: ThW nauon wun au ine 7 Ocent ewMMinlsy centre projeci and W. Arm was a rsonaer aboard the Pnllr. " twenty-five years. When here in true that distance now separates strength of its youth, the wealth atioiia! drveiopmenw. mere mere -wne oa " L. m. M Asemlssen Asemlssen Catala Catala vestordiv yesterday aftrnn afternoon aotng tuAn - . the early days she had an office us irom mo inrerno or name out 0f ju resources and tne meaiism -ritirns m fnne ltupert B-i'" " wyro representaUves hrouh to Vancouver to receive Barney Turbitt arrtvud tn the carrying on the business of public mere if a iront nn in uanaaa no of lte freedom, will proudly accept w birth ana xiraion aim ccnvrai commute, having treatment from an eye specialist, dty on the Catala yesterday after- accountant and auditor. sireaay wprHwsr me junior noon from Alice Ar and expeeU Wi mysiiy ww are now M-i-r""' . -nnce Rupert VOLUNTARY REGISTRATION to be In the dty for some, time. of doiiiK so in a pabllc and i-i -"-fer mi 01 ... Commerce .. U also FOR NATIONAL SBRVICE will take jtf way. jdyman Home Service itim Krpalrlr, fiardrnlnc l.irht Drllvrrie .'rH'd Job done Phone (.rffii 620 for the llandyman. ipnniian tn i . . . .... With a good-steed H-rt if wi-vi gers and sHbstantlal freight car th PH o c"rn,vl Pce at City Hall and Canadian Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morn?- re- go, C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert. Prtnr, Rttfrt. RoUrl' Club, Legion TONIGHT. 7:00 to 10:00. turned to the city on the 'Prince Capt. Nell MeLean. arrived in port fo . and Ubor Mlooly ages 16 to 60. (138 'Rupert thU morning from arlrip to at n o'clock tht- mornins; frcrn council and Sons m of Norwiv i.l a ti.n.u .. : . . . . i vaiituuTci uiiu !. vannxivrr. roweii lurpr ann uenn .Kmetnfcg to swapi , l Ad. !aUo PUd to take part. Dr. R. !0 T " nr. o. JOOprr, Anglican I rii nn-u. oika uwciiaitiuir. wui c '" uie uyro ClUD a r?hunh n. -in. I RlcHard Nelson nf"! Nelson Dros. uii ihu otnuvM f o report on toe community etmtr , t.v..,.. n.i k r-otni, . , uii uir ii iur ifivir was a raHAn. A tsiii-iicv uhi. muvu wig bu . yinwnx wnfrufa ui m i , ror 11 m nn ger aboard the CaUla yetrday .yesterday alternoon louowtng a tomorrow evening southbound . .ierUmnenU In thUol inn III b charged for full Lutherau Sewing Circle Tea and sal. Mi Murvold s. June 13. Aakliean Tea. Mrs. J. W. Nicholls, "riday, June 14. a a T". Prince Rnpert Rotery Club. He will . . h .'J v 7 "T n ZZ.rJ'ZZ 17. of home eooklng will be hefd In tt-tthi"""' lln a "'K 0 wiiuiuu mj ailCIlU , " ' -- the R.CJ.VJt, p w i, UarraCKS, n-n-T-irWe tuna 'One U " .j...- -.-i nrmnalhv inH flnral trihnta. m.t rHt Kf franaxwirt nr. Canadian Legion Picnic June 16. 102nd Auxiliary tea. Mrs. S. matter where he. or she. may be Johnston's, June 20. . Frolic, Moose Valhalla Picnic June:23. $10.00 Down places one in your Home. Term as long as 3 years to pay. Models from $189.50 up frozen desserts are ready in a jiffy, and an electric refrigerator is so easily cleaned. And left overs kept in an electric refrigerator stay fresh ready to be made into many a tempting meal. Get an Electric Refrigerator now and start to really enjoy this summer. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED PHONE 210 BESNER BLOCK Mrs. J. fR.- a good Job. We must do even bet-, 1L ,, . . . Catholic Tea, Mrs. DeJong June ter and I ask every employee In every department of the system to!27" throw his whole energy into his I , , , daUy task. The soldier in the field Dominion Day SporU Celebration, has scant respite. Support him. ! u'v ! Itf Dancein the evening. Do your Job better than you have ... . . . TVn-. Mia! M MAllk.- I la---. a" S 1 1 i v.. n. rt. a. excursion wj terrace. civilian- in yi July First. Fare $2.75. July 5. T hkb, mi vciu nmwdFa iiiu.-iii . -v.. . , -i :- .. r I uvak "iiu awucu x jAuucaiaa i uunry iiu luiutuue ui UUT SOI- were George B. Casey. HerJry dlers. itvill yet bring TietoW-buth catholic Baz aar October nrf wiinoiic Bazaar, octooen and 3. smith sr Sr J. II McLeod. mcti Davldoor muMlnnr co-operation -.io ...... must u. be instant. -,- ( . tMtrict.son. Bmest Jr from Ulnvcrsitv of MCUU,,oun- D McKenUe and continuous and complete. As the' Anglican Fall Bazaar. November . I i ;! -m Prime Minister of Canada has 7.