Weather. Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Strong easterly July wheat advanced c to 75Vc ratn. Vol. XXIX.. No. 138. Fears WAR INTENSITY STIFFENS GRIT OF K FRANCE; IS READY FiXY TRIALS Canada's .Military Attache To K Kinds Na-, tions Confident In Its Lean. font: In .Morale y ly GLADYS M. ARNOLD Canadian Press Correspondent PARIS, June 12: (CP) The courage and confidence of the people of France is Unquestionable and intensification of the war has brought a corresponding stiffening of their determination and morale, said Major-General L. R. LaFleche, military attache of the Canadian legation in farts and former deputy minister of . . national ucirucr k uiiawa. 14, Oeneral LaFleche spoke with warm admiration for the high qualify, the strategical and technical genius of the French army and 1U command. He said: "Oeneral Wey-gand Inspire every confldenc while Marshal Petaln. whose name till be forever associated with the victory of Verdun in the First Orea'. War I one of the outstanding soldiers of our time and our enemies kn jv it. The spirit U excellent. There's no fanfare or exaggeration. Then men face facts, take reverse calmly and do not Rive way to premature enthusiasm. Yet there's not the slightest doubt that final ric-br shall be ours." The conviction In the general' voice was comforting. "It's a fight for llbertsC! he added. "Victory mutt be odM." Survey of People Anxious to know the effects of the war on the morale of every class of French society. Oeneral LaFleeh- ha., been moving about, studying H5 fVUflC III t?rij lUl Kl VI I Aim, rlrh or poor. Characteristic of the French, he says, la their adaptability to conditions and their refusal to let severe tests disorganize their lives. These qualities he considers a great source of strength to France Oeneral LaFleche went on "I've been struck by the gravity and sobriety of the people. Life In France U founded upon a stronger and surer rplritual basis than ever before. They have not lost their sense ot humor or gaiety but I see no sign of a certain effervescence which was apparent during the First Oreat War There has been a pro- found evolution In the last 35 years, In 1914-18, France lost very, many men In the first months. It was a new kind ot war just as this one Is. Rut the Allies had not learned to have the same confl- of dence and understanding of each other. It took them four years In arms together to learn. "Now we know on both sides that the pther fellow is to be re- tied upon completely this Is our. strength and will mean our victory., military objectives at Turin and On the contrary It Is Germany's' Oenoa. weak point. They are incapable of At Cairo It was announced bomb-understanding such fraternity and ers again raided Libya, directing confidence. Whom do they trust? Their system Is based upon spying, Informing and lnter-dcnuncl-atlon. Whom can Hitler really trusteven himself?" France's Great Desire Your correspondent asked General LaFleche what In his opinion was the greatest wish of the French today. He replied: "To win this war and so be finished with war. To make Europe secure this time and really gain the peace they lost after the last war. I am sure If jou speak to any Individual, whatever his place In society, he will take off his uniform and go back to his desk, his books, his shop or his ploughand get on with the Job of living." He threw open the windows which look out upon the wide quays and sweeping line of the Seine. On the corner a policeman with his rifle slung- across his back stood like a sentinel. A sudden shrill PHOVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. ' Xomorrow s I ides Nazi Invasion Of Canada War Council ' Has Meeting LONDON. June 12:- A con- ference of the Allied Supreme War Council was held In Franc yesterday "Complete agreement" was continued on measures to be taken In order to meet developments of the war situation " Attending for Or eat Britain were Prime MlnUter Ulna ton Churchill. Secretary of War Anthony Bden and Lieut. Otntral Sir John Dill. Britten chief of staff, and few France Premier Paul Reynaud. Vtee-PreaMent, Marshal Pt Urn and Oener- allaalmo Maxlme Weygand. ' -- i T rADrT I1J1yvCi VERY BUSY One Hundred Bombs A Minute Dropped On German Mechanized Columns Near Front Naval Base Raided Italian Military Objectives At Tur in And Genoa Attacked By Heavy Bombers LONDON, June 12: The air ministry announced this afternoon that the Royal Air Force in n ten minute action suDDortlne the Al- lied armies resisting the Oerman' right wing dropped high explosive , and Incendiary bombs at the rate, more than one hundred per ' minute. Convoys were wrecked, mechanised columns scattered and the road junctions blocked. j The air ministry also announced that heavy bombers operating! from the British Isles attacked I their pjrlnclpal attack on the Italian naval air base at Tobruk. blast of his whistle brought the traffic to an Instant stop while an elderly and bent old woman wheeled a baby carriage full of mid-day papers across. Hon. T. D. Pattullo Will Speak Over the National Network THURSDAY At 3 p.m. P.S.T. From Montreal SOUTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1940 DOOOOOCh3000DOOOOOOOOOOOOtHJDOOKKJ OOOOO 0000000500 OOO OO War 0 a 00000000000000000600000000000000000000000000000000000 WAS GERMAN SUBMARINE RF.KL1X German source today admitted that it was a German submarine which topped the United States liner Washington at dawn yesterday. BOMBING CHUNGKING CHUNGKING More than 100 Japanese planes, attacking in wares, started fires this afternoon in Chungking. Heary casu alties are feared. The Soviet embassy was badly damaged y: tcrriay in the heaviest bombing year. HAILE SELASSIE READY LONDON Emperor Haile Selassie has offered the Allies to return to his kingdom of Ethiopia renewed war against Italy. MEXICAN FOREIGN POLICY MEXICO CITY The Mexican foreign minister officially announces the Mexican foreign policy .14 being "pro-Ally and In co-operation with the United State. ITALY IS BOMBED LONDON The Royal Air Force bombed "certain military objectives' in northern Italy last nijht, it was announced. HEINKEL SHOT DOWN LONDON The Air MinMry announces that a lleinkel bomber was shot down by a Royal Air Force fighter off the southeast coast this morning. , POLISH SUBMARINE LOST t; LONDON The Polish submarine Oriel, which escaped internment at Tallin, Esthonia, last September hai "been: lost. It Is announced. SWITZERLAND BOMBED s. - Tf, - - -GENEVA The Swiss today counted four deadincludlng two women, and many injured in the bombings of cities and vil-lares by unidentified foreign plane. At least eighteen were killed In Genera where five bombs were dropped In the suburban district Unofficial belief is that the planes were Italian. , TAKES BRITISH INTERESTS HOME The United States will represent Great Britain In Italy following the departure of the British embassy staff for home following declaration of war. TURKEY DELAYS ACTION ANKARA The Turkish government has decided to take no immediate action as a result of Italy's entry Into the war but Is concentrating on defence preparation informed sources said tonight ROUMANIAN SHIPMENTS OFF BUCHAREST All Roumanian maritime traffic In the Black Sea and Mediterranean has been suspended by government order due to "war conditions." iMUNITIONS TO ALLIES - .. ,.... ,.,. nniir profit-! -- - ......,.-.. less Deal Made Between j United States Steel j and Government 1 NEW YORK, June 12: (CPi Agreement was announced last night with the United States gov ernment whereby the United States Steel Export Company, a subsidiary of United States Steel, acquires $37,600,000 surplus munitions, equipment and ordnance, much of which was made for the last war-will be sold to the Allies. The steel company Is to sell at the same price it pays to the govern ent, there- taken over technically represent turn-In on new munitions and the general purpose Is to speed up deliveries to the Allies. Member Urges Death Penalty For Sabotage OTTAWA, June 12. The death penalty for sabotage, espionage or treason was urged In the House of Commons today by Arthur Slaght, Liberal member for Parry Sound, Ontario. News o o o o 2 of Chungking since May of last to lead his people in a South Africa Makes Attack On Abyssinia PRETORIA, June 12: (CP) The first South African war communique announces that South African heavy bombers yesterday attacked military objectives in Abyssinia, caus- ing extensive damage to buildings, personnel, roads and equipment. OVER 250 REGISTERED Prince Rupert Men Turn Out to Volunteer for National Service Accepting registrations for voluntary national service kept workers busy last night at the City Hall and Canadian Legion rooms and well over 250 have now registered. Tonight Is the last chance to register at these two places and It Is confidently expected that large numbers will attend to do so. Plans will be- announced In the press covering the taking of future registrations which will be for a very limited time. Totalitarian Sympathizers In United States Only Awaiting Orders To March On Ontario TURKEY TO DECIDE Of NEXT MOVb 1 Noilmmediate Entry Into" War Ap- pears lo De .nucipaiea ANKARA. Jurfe 12. The Turkish government Is expected to make a decision tonight In regard to Its course in the war. Some newspapers appeared today to expect t,ncre would be no Immediate entry W Turkey Into the war. Turkey docs not seek war but will not fall to face It with all its resources if the need arises." said one paper. ESTHONIAN y nn Tit Yrrs 01111 SHIP iLiI- Hrl Ve.'l l orcrd To Yield Her Stalls To German Naval Vessel- In Skagerrack Wirf.Anr'-f1''T,T ESSJ'ZfTSS EaJioruan steamer Esthonia bound f nn-lind and Canada Ao Bs- thonla. was halted by a Oerman day and her malls removed. She was then permitted to proceed, f GERMANS AT MARNE RIVER Stubborn Resistance To Advance Still Maintained And Defence System Maintained TOURS. France, June 12: In the Vic-sur-Alsne region where the Oermahs crossed the south river bank and occupied a high platrab, another offenslre was unleashed today. 1he War Ministry Indicated that withdrawals north and northeast of Paris were counterbalanced In the west where the defences were holding near said the German advance -between Vernon and Rouen had failed to pierce the general defence system, The hih command reported to- 2S? T 'StS-K Marne near Chateau Thierry with, some troops . ITALIANS ) OFF SEAS One Vessel Scuttled After Encoun tering Australian Warship One Seized In India Others In Spain ! LONDOX, June 12: The Italian steamer Romolo, after being Intercepted in the Pacific Ocean by an Australian naval I vessel was scuttled by her crew, All the crew were rescued and taken prisoner. Another Italian Steamer, Col-umblav has been seized In an Indian port, Several other Italian vessels, to avoid capture by the Allied fleets, have taken refuge In Spanish ports, it Is reported. NEW YORK COPPER NEW YORK, June 12: New York copper price was unchanged to ,07c higher today with, September at 10.55C per pound. High Low . Premier of Ontario Rises From His Sickbed to Issue Sen-j sational WarnTn Enemy Well grained and i P y For Action iicedeIS thizers in the Unit Waiting Only for 01 irdm - Egypt Has , Broken Off , With Italy 4 CAIRO, June 12 The Eirptian government : tonight severed diplo- matlc relations with : Italy preparatory to taking up arms on the ' side of theAIlies in the cfancebf relations was" 3 approved by the Egypt- fen Parliament, t A y PL I 0 ling rrenClinien Nl Med To Move From Paris PARIS. June 12: CP The mllitarv eovernor has asked nil " young unmobillzed Frenchmen from the age of seventeen and up to leave Paris. Battle Of France Now Within Sight And Hearing Of Paris-No Invasion By Italy As Yet PRIS. June 12. With the enemy only about twenty miles distant, the Battle of France is now within siuht and hearing: of Paris. The capital and metropolis of France is in readiness to repel a direct assault as the Ger- KSSSf jSJSS5r f0rCe i"tate3t drive so far Menaced bv 100 German divisions on the north and eighty Italian to the east, the French high command declared today that "the entire sanny is Intact and in good order." The situation was reported in com- plete control. All movements were beine made deliberately and with. out being hastened by the enemy. I ue Present vigorous resistance -'Generalissimo Maxlme Weygand, it!ev"" evefy foot of ch soil was declared, was working "accord- ing to plan." Paris was but one point of a strategic line of defence and would be treated accordingly. French defenders were "fighting like demons" as the enemy, havlne' thrown all his resources to the last tank nnrt h. iat r. tnt 4,alVeloPed although the Italians were .battle. desDeratelv fousht for speedy decision i bridge on the frontier today. There were unconfirmed reports of Ital-The . Th.fl,i.fnn...,k Chief danger to the Allies ai,. to-1 lan warshlps navln? passcd thro h pH,Im?h0bSfe,ner5elh uWaS fi"the Dardanelles. There were no iRhelms. the fall of which would jess than eight Italian air raids on ! tl ft ,Ma!!not Llne Malta since yesterday but British from the and rear bring the enemy authorities declared that casualties perilously close to Paris. .tt..r(, Utrh an, n t "f intense fury all along the line from the coast to the Argonne today. Even Instructional tanks have been rushed up by the Germans to use In 7:00 Am. 16.9 It. 19:49 pm. 18.9 ft 0:49 a.m. 0.9 ft. 13:05 p.m. 5J It. their "do or die" thrust for the I across ..tht fftjulie'r French capital. The Nazi hope3lAlDS- r , PRICE: S CENTS Tune,42: .jCCP) PremierIit- ngnt.tnat the provincial r that Nazi-Fascist o , .been organized and - A across the Atlantic" to a'U tack Ontario. Premier Hepburn, reeuperatii8f Irom illness at his home here, said he considered the matter so urgent that he had disregarded physician's orders and had issued a press statement from his bedside. He said that totalitarian sympathizers in the United State were well trained and equipped with arms for quick action. BOMBING OF PARIS Waves Of German PlanesuCon-tinne Tq FlyJTj- FrenchCTty. Dropping Incendiary Missiles NSYORx,-jnTie!2: cpr Broadcasting Co. corres- pendents in Europe report that aves of German bombers con- tinue to fly over Paris and part of me cuy is suu ournlng as a re- suit of Incendiary bombs. Air fields are among the points around the French capital which have been struck by the German bombs. WHEAT PRICES WINNIPEG. June 12: CP July whea advanced c to 75c nn rh Winnie. II ItllllUXTK WlirdL 1 1 1 l I I PL yesterday. This morning futures at New York went up ic to &c with September at 83c. now aPPear to be that, if they can "ke parts tne French resistance "PS and give the Germans tne breathing spell which they soon must nave- Howerer, at a Supreme ;Var Council meeting of the Allies "day there was complete agre- mel" lual 'OIa conlln- e ana me scene nave to sh,rted elsewhere. Germany will bf Permled no breathing spell. If b collaPf. " W be Hitler So Ita,Un Invaslon .. exPected invasion by Italy of mf ncn Riviera has not yet de- JrePrted today to have blown up a -0"" Vf SaaSS t44 jr JUJ C LJ"- tlves were struck. Two Italian bombers were, brought down by British land guns. Crack French troops are awaltlnz any break of the Italian forces In the Fre"ic