Vacation Days Are Here Better Have an Extra Pair of Classes With You for Emergency Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelery Kepalrins Hand Engravlng-Expert Optical Service CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Thone 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER THE STORE OF DIAMONDS Visit Our Basement Store for Gifts for "The June Brides" Church Wednesday "Sunning" Sunday Montana Minister Solves Empty Tews Question By Weekday Services BUTTE, Mont., June i2: (CP) For the third consecutive summer, Butte's United Congregational Church will have "Sunday on Wednesday." Rev. Emerson W. Harris says all church services will be held on Wednesday, out of the ordinary working hours, so they won't compete with "healthful activity In the open" that many workers find to their liking on Sunday. Mr. Harris added that the experiment had been "quite successful in increased attendance" during the two summer seasons it has been tried. It's the cumu-atrvc cittcl of advertising that counts. Hobble Skirts? It Is The War rvu VHV WMUYVb A LUl ABOUT k DRIVING AND HE SAYS SlOOlSWA MARE MUCH WORSE THAN SKIDS! JM ! New York Fashion Sharps Look For Narrower Dresses In The Fall - i I NEW YORK, June 12: (CP) As headlines grow wider, women's skirts grow narrower. Believe It or not, It's cause and effect, says Amy Porter, Associated Press fash-Ion writer. The slim silhouette is definitely on its way and you can blame H on the war. As you hobble about In a hobble skirt this fall, remember that it never would have happened If it hadn't been for Hitler. For an explanation of the strange tie-up between war and fashion you couldn't go to a better authority than the woman who Is known as Tobe, fashion adviser to more than 100 big stores. Tobe's favorite slogan Is "Headline news makes fashion news." Man in the Moon According to a Berlin despatch, Hitler's war aim is to destroy England and France. German forces are in France but the tight tittle Island' is still intact. The Hltlerlan method Is the lying method. Avoid it and him. The man who. can be duped by the Hitler Ideology can be duped by anything. Don't be a sucker. The long run winner is he who profits by his mistakes The British and French at Dunkerqui' I turned disaster into victory. That ,1s the stuff that counts. I People who sling mud lose ground. It's far better to get down to facts than to stoop to lies. "Did he bring his wife with him?" "Every time, sir, and three prettier girls It would be difficult to find." Modern: "Canada anticipates that In this emergency men, women and children will do the nearest thing that comes toTiand In the service of their country." Nelson: "England expects that every man this day will do his duty." "Today's big black headlines won't make us go Into mourning," she says, "but they will be translated Into the stralghtest, simplest clothes we've worn for years. "Possibly frugal French designers feel that less material should be used, hence narrow skirts. Pus-slbly they think full skirts are a kind of vanity, unsuitable In war time. In any case. It's sure that new fall daytime clothes will stick to the straight and narrow. Only in our Jewels and In our evening things will we go gay and YOU'RE'CRAIY, MY DAD KNOWS TWICE AS MUCH AS YOURS AND HP SAYS S(DS ARE MUCH MORE DANGEROUS! tsMkMssMtllMlsiesy Usually "kid" fights start over something mighty trivial. But the cause of this battle is something that every grown-up car driver needs to take seriously. 'Way up the list of safety features in this new Silvcrtown is the Life-Saver Tread that is specially designed to act on wet roads like a whole rapid-nre battery of windshield wipers. It sweeps the water right and left forces it out through the deep drainage grooves leaves a track so dry you can actually light a match on it! It's easv to understand why this tire will stop you quicker, safer than you've ever stopped before! And, adding one safety feature to another, this new Silver-town gives you the famous Golden Ply. Uy resisting internal tire heat, this exclusive Golden Ply provides scientific protection against high-speed blow-outs. Don't take chances with either a skid or a blow-out. See your nearest Goodrich Dealer now about putting Silvertowns on your car the tire that docs "double duty" as a life-saver at no extra cost! NTW I Seal-O-Matic Life-Saver Tube makes your IllalV drivinr SAFFR in TUn wive limn insunii, work, in lo ill riot, or teir . . . cIiiohi I l N,w rUtlUn lntt Flat aanncrou fclow-ouu to ife. Iow IfiL, ren ( (B) I n-tHl I'unaurn due to milt, cleir out of the danrer lone Stil-O-Matic ies ntw IU . W ll.,,'"c-"'ntlr,conipleiel Rroieclion with CO , (rcatct itrenztb in in "Tuff- JUB Xjr B,.P.rnl,'''l)'."lal?t(irnew ubbtr" Willi. M c ueGoodrith"SH Hlin-' . J Lining. Goodrich fflFOT Silvertown Phone 566 Complete Automotive Service m M''!W RUPERT MOTORS ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME His machine gun set and its range fixed upon a point in front of his post this French mitratlleru 'tnarlune-itunneri ha. nothing to do but sit and watch. He Is in a former private house in an advanced poslUon, where he enjoys the comfort of a rocking chair. EMBASSIES IN MARBLE Envoys in Washington Uncle Sam's straighten out the affairs of Am Problem Children; Six Dlplo. matic Chiefs Without Country WASHINGTON. June 12: (CP) The United States capital is rapidly becoming a city of embassies uHthont a rountrv. hTsadnr not knowing for whom fbav "ak nor to whom they owe The Czechoslovaklan flaR still ""f residence of Vladimir Hurban and Mr. Hurban still comes pnri irn, on th busHess of his 'v hut. where is that state today nnunt ,Trry Potockl still Is "His rxr-rnmrv wnen ne enters a 's1" was Angers, France. Still a Helslum C iunt Robert van der Straten-P'-nthn. who also lives on the great avenun of nations, represents a nation forn asunder Delalum. His erlcans and the United States gov ernment In a conquered land, that's another. STEWART tt1'n 31? In embassy lane-Massachusetts,1"! T u cmioj v.n-'ourl with Mr. and Mr. J. Daniel Avenue mamie vuta aitvi uhsn chateau Is pointed out to visiting firemen as the embassy of a land that L. no more and In many of them live men who realize they are I men without countries, says Jack Stinnett in Washlneton Daybook. Miss Eleanor G lilies of Prince Mrs. E. J. Weeks and ton, C Weeks, left last week for Vancouver where the latter to to be married. B. F. Smith, mummer of the 8U- There are six embassies here of for a bu w to Vancouver and land, whih have been absorbed by eteewnc ,n i Germany or captured by the Nazis nnd si)hf"cfef to a government domination that leaves their am The local branch of th Ona-llan Iton ir Uklns un with the federal member for the dlitrtet. Olof Hanwn. the question of securing better radio fiHIIties for Northern British Columbia. many business and properties in Stewart. Most people ads. Do you? -io tnt classified cabinet and council Is In Paris and ... ... ha mt given uo; his Kin?, who ,x T,l,: "'''WR rofin or nitm-ii -j " ""d him. has; and the Un-' iv "noimV, ftd states, which recognizes hu r ih "iimini.trtion fredinti,tu. refuse to recognize the ('r.nifst. cf the nation that sent h xnirr .f til( i:iai, f . ' him there ijamln IrrfiiHin. HrnHk de Kauffmann's status uZ,' theoretically has not changed, for,1 MH"nc AdminiatrMor with the h i- Whjnitton-s minister UompCT. iDenmark-but the sUtu of his the CHy of Wn, mipTmri ntitrv has. When the minister. B.?A',, C01"'. mi wvt ttMtt .v. ...... uuuuiiiciiiw, required to iny their clklnw r;aav nn-y can ne know whether it 'crw-ti nd ttet mi from the Rovernment R ' til n r n n l m nr rrnm tnma M99 'in to m ti.vln. wra to tm VMtn propH vrlflfd vrnnug with r on or before the ovri'lord? o ' Jure l0 falling which ! Dr A r.rfnn u anv,.. 'L t!trlbutton of uch ... ... miumn man rxvscur navmct rnfftf iwnoe aally nroblcms must cause tnem in my iuma "sleeples- nights, . ina. tr whom bv 01th he owes his j all. and her government, are ln' London: and Arthur Seyss-Inquart.j the Austrian Nazi leader. Is In su-( preme command of all the civil) function' of the Netherlands. In a similar plight is Wllhclm Munthe do Morgensticrne, the minister from Norway. The great lobe of th" countrv thu he. reprMtnU i in German hand.! King Haakon and the Norwegian government arc In England. Have Social Status The social status of these ambassadors without a country Is unchanged. Washington still recognizes them as representatives of the nations that appointed them. They still call almost dally at the J3tate 1- only to tub ii'iii:mu rnriiT IIIIITIM (III. Mllll cUliru r iim,i,.i- . HATED ht I'nnCK IlurnTt. B. C. thl. NORMAN A. WATT, OffloUl AdmlnUtrwtor. IN I'KOIIATi: the Mutter of the tdnilnlalmilon Art" 4 ml In the Matter ( the ISamte f lnrln nnnl,, ItretHved. Intenljtle; !l.iior VV' K: FleTler, tnnilr the Jr.l Any t .turn. A. D. I . ,,p. o iritid Admlnlntrn'r r cf th- 'mt or Mmvln (lourd. d"-e.rt, and nil r. (Ice hnvlntr llm Hidiiiint the ex Id eUte Hre fn-trliy rciiiilrid In furnlah mm me. . propel I vulfltd. in mi' on or fiefin.' the Kth dnj f July. a. 1). ifJin, nod nil pnrliep liidi-bird in the e.' tfHf- in.- i.iiulnit in ,, n,,. mnouni of !.hi-ii ind. Ili ilii' 1,. in- r .iUiwIth I'ATKli tim 4ih d i,r luii. A. r' VnllM x.N A w TT. nrrirlMl Admlnlntriitm Prince Huprl, ll.r. Farewell To Shawatlans Away beyond the harbor toward the rising sun Olcama a haunt I'd planned to visit when exams and testa were done There's a lake its swell to swim In. fed by gurgling, rippling stream, And a sandy beach for a campflre. when the sun no longer beams. Id wake to the splash of salmon. hurrying upward from the sea, And watch the bald-headed eagle i pretend to be part of a tree, Then launch my skiff and jca gliding , through pale waterlllles fair Or I'd make a mad dash for the ' camera If the shout rang out ' There's a bear!" But now that my country needs thee. Oh wonderland by the s. And an edict stern has banished me In the cause of liberty I yield a ready obedience, 'tis the least that I can give When so many brave hearts hive I given all that in freedom we might rive. So farewell till the ban Is lifted. till the cause of right has won 'ff. ... . I . At--- -I II L t liwjr Twiui mi mec stun oc laney- ! flights, on the wings of my " j longings borne Department and report or confer on Even now, while the schoolroom U I the problems of the wqrW. stilling and home economic 1 But behind the scenes, they . a bore, rapidly are becoming the State De- a truant breze comes awhUperlng. partment s problem children. Re- and together we glide through fusing to recognise a conquest Is the door one thing, but when you have to And race barefoot to the lakeside and tread the cool wet sand Till the voice, pedagogical, breaks the spell" Oh thou dreamer, hold out thy hand" . . . E.O.T. Rump Argument Smoothed Over n FnMh Mii.Ml woM or th v"fWh" tr"v)- as to make "bMn r,m.rV about the "treat man." Johnson. 4 Step Aside! For The Parade of New Shoe Styles Now On Display At CUT RATE SHOE CO. Pumps Ties Walkuifr Shoes Dress Oxfords and Sport Shoes UP FltOM Black Itlue Whites Kid, Suede and $2.95 Urown Wine Rust KXCLUSIVR NEW AltltlVALS DIKKCT FltOM KASTKItN FACTOHIES Patents In LAST TIMi 2 Show. VM I" , Wm. PoWeii Myrna Loy In mu iipr Thin Man" with asta n In4 f , SKATTlB-r,,, I urioon- Md M,.,-. COMING Till US. -7u Melon )ou,U,. join H In "Amaiinr Mr uim.. . I WAKE UP YOU LIVER BILE- A4 YmII Jump CM ol a Mnin RifVuC Tk l.u. .1- It Jet in i lain th M t tfcew '4 i. , Akeli ..m- .. t 1Wmw Yik' I tfceBref it . a ti Crtre't Utile ) i-.,r I . lre- M up W itw Mb ft.. II. frfciM4tMt . .- tketa. A.k fat I , ' - I StakWrfcir f ik ti m 1 4. ""-'''"nil I.OTH OF CHOICE WABIUNUTUN I , Ql The United 8us ub: OrA merit ha Uuer! .,!. - ,, ..1 research, a dsni'.ii.tM ; CARD OF THANKS The Port s.n.: - v, uommiuee wuhm hu.i i Lharles Iauchton Denlei Allege.! heartfdly th mrrr.' ,: At . . . ucmarKs Aitoux rsampfi eri wnoae a ma :- -m Johnson cent event o vi in; nd JOVable. Thr i'.:i r tiT' ! lAj.Nuu.v. June 13 CP-CharlM nn't Bay Co . S ;h Fnrt T( bak-Premier mine, lift tost week ,...i,, J. neaee with the lbs. coffee Kelljr admirers of Dr. Bamuel Johnson Nabob te 1 !b 1 Nabc6 rotli who were quick to resent remarks Carnation" Milk Co , rufifm credited to the film star In Holly- Robin Ifn-xL F! 'ut 4 X w ood. Bcot'.osthfale. gU.v,tA ft H th noiih actor denied he General 8teelrr 2 psnay ' had declined to nlay the role of nd - lunch k!t vr.Mt Pi h mi'hor - rhttosoph'-r becauie cottage roll. P ?irp 1 Dr. Johneon "never did anvthlnn hams; Slade A; Rvwr; M bat sit on his fst rumn and mnk annles: Van's Bt rv M dtn A very enloyable whist party and cru' remark nther people." Ever Ke-ady F1ii! J danee wn held bv the Women of " f',rm '!.tternr) Ro- 'th,; Oolumb pper ft the Mouse here last Saturday nlht. r,ty hBli the "fat fountain pent; Hr.'r Co. it rump" reference mieht atwly quite raet Prewar ladles held a very aue-.rtlv to luhtn himself rh IVhimh b C fvi ccasful tea and tale last Saturday Lauhton mid h hd ri-ctd W -b nton drawine room and his ln aw, 01 Cro1 u,orlt- n JnnHn serlnt beeause he t5f, 3.,f nalarp still u the roc- conttrlcrM l "tr- t"llc" t rv r ntre nf PolUh activities Dur,nB 'he recent fine weather. " ,"r'1 I.-'h wrot h mlht r -y.- trotted States, but where Is 05Portun,lF M been token to rc- "I"1 "ll Hyt crltl-lln r,.i . 49 u.t rorrf ih Palr and redecorate the exterior of roaU beef rd Yorkshire uAnr - - sv t.iui- . - resiaeriVtal V X II. Tndr! r.lnperv rjHan nshli? To 11" Ci -.,vi- C4 m Hr'nm Brol 10: Muwallem s KronmT t 'V Mne l. E T I wrd rln frr lumber 10 0 town. 10. Trrwhles - T nmnel' Football Trophy: J c MfK P. Trophy. f f Hint you want. Illch heels, cuban and low heels. Shoes for which you expect to pay much more. The Cut - Rate Shoe Store PIIONK (IKEKN C15 ' THIK AVI Mall Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday N'