out oF WORK TODAY? 4 . try The News’ Want Ad. enitianaianiesaeei ne ee ===THE DAILY NEWS “@ Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Ts PRINCE Rupent, B.C., ; rill, NO. 64 B.C., FRIDAY, MarcH 1 NOMINATIONS WIRED FROM 5, 1912. ALL OVER PROV -U ] rer south, \ Camosun. . . . Saturagy, 10 a.m, PIA, e. Cc. oY PRICE FIVE CENTS SANDBAGGING OF THE PASTOR RURSOF | ss: Vancouver—Sixteen candidates, five Conservatives, five Liberals, five Socialists and one independ- Revelstoke—Hon. Thomas Tay- lor, minister of public works;| IS STILL A DEEP MYSTERY nx aos nn i PORCHER ISLAND SETTLERS RECISTER A BIG, BIG KICK |HAVE TAKEN OUT LICENSES FOR HAND LOGGING BUT HAVE FOR COMPETITORS UNSCRUPULOUS JAPANESE WHO Rey. Warren H. McLeod Was én: His Way Home From PREMIER'S COMPLACENCY a Rehearsal at Mrs. Chisholm’s WAS IT A VENGEANCE FOR HIS SERMON ? TA gene oo Popular Pastor Spoke Very Plainly the Sunday Previous of Géits [nominations made esterday: servative Orgy in McIntyre Hall and Liquor Abuses Generally .--Street Gossips Connect Two as Grounds of Suspicion : Let the activities of the po-jof the most popular men in Ru-j Mr. MeLeod lying on the muskeg} Por . adit bie ‘ i were concentrated on) pert. opposite Mrs, Chisho!tm’'s house, | Dew ney W. J. Man on, Gon- ga of the reported} Mi McLeod, as far as_ his|believes that the pastor had been} PORES) eet ae ee pelt servative; P, Winch, independent, maAndhageine ¢ f Rev. WwW. H. Mc- memory served hint Loday, fe- hardly five minutes on the ground | Alberni ] G Wood Conserv- Rees Rae rr es at the general|. lied the merit of hile faving when found, He heard no sound | — Jo Gre ab, hospital suffering from the ef- ocho ee Rey e of retreating feet that might] @!!ve; acclamation. boots f his ugly experience, Able Mrs. Chisholm’s house after a point to the presence of an as-| i i d th more collect- | rehearsal He remembers think- sailant, in fact, Mr. Bratt inclines Newcastle—R. B, Dier, Con- P . ; ing the night clear. He was aware herently than he could vhen only half con- sas a t of his injuries, McLeod was inclined to the latements he made on Sunday} elative t quor, Mr. McLeod igine any other mo- assaull upon him, nor} else rhe pastor of} Baplist Church is one} MARINE DEPOT IS FINISHED | Contractors Have Only a Few) Mr. Jennings Returns to Marine Digby Island marine | the Princess May] of footsteps approaching behind him as he gained the street. The steps suddenly turning with an instinet of self- quickened, and Then all was dark until in a hazy way he recalls being picked up and helped from the muskeg where he had fallen onto the sidewalk Mr. McLeod is loth to accuse any one of sandbagging him, but the circumstances as he recalls them are as stated, City Clerk Woods, who hap- pened to be passing Mrs. Chis- holm’s house at ten minutes past {0 or so, just when Mr. McLeod was leaving there, recalls having seen a man in the neighborhood who might have come up behind twenty minutes past 10 was first to find Bratt, who at How McBride Is Conserving ‘tending to the matter with all) Kennedy, Liberal. mall Scale Employin lictoris : and Fisheries Department Sma a ploying Vietoria—H| | Non-Union Men. Bride, H. B. Thompson, Henry} at Ottawa. m | = — J ’ LAND GRABBING Special to Daily News. servatives; H. ( | 68, Wu) fear) eet Se London, March 45, Again the] eral; one independent. Are Returned by Acclama- tion. Atlin—Hon, H. C. Young, pro-| vincial secretary and minister of! education; acclamation, The settlers on Porcher Island . Jare being badly treated if their Golden—H. G,. Parson, Con-| accounts be true, and there seems servative; H. K. Forster, inde-!to be no reason to doubt them. pendent Conservative. | They are unable to make a living a on their land at present and in ltossland—Lorne A. Campbell,| the off season make a little money | Conservative; L. D. Taylor, ex-|in cutting wood. To do this they jmayor of Vancouver, Liberal; G.| take out licenses. But they are March 15.— The|B. Casey, Socialist. up against a lot of wood cutters following are the returns of the} — who do not trouble to take out | Comox-——M. Manson, Conserva-| licenses or to map out ground for j tive; W. W. Lefeaux, Socialist, cutting. They have represented | | | Seems to Believe That He Has Gought or Bottled Up Every Vote in Province. | Vancouver, | Nanaimo—aA, E. Planta, Con- Agee. the outrage to Captain MeCoskrie, Alderman H. Shepard,| Richmond- Byes. Carter-Cot- the local timber inspector, but | Liberal; J. Place. Socialist, ton, Conservative; Reeve Weart,| without having obtained even a Liberal. recognition, so they have taken the course of getting up the fol- A. E. McPhillips, Gon-| lowing petition: Prince Rupert, B, C, March 13, 1912. Cowichan—H. Hayward, Con-| A. D. McKay, Esq., ervative; Alex. Herd, Liberal. Chief Timber Inspector, —— Vancouver, B. C, Kamloops—J. P. Shaw, Con-!] Dear Sir: servative; P. Williams, Socialist.| servative. No report. We, the undersigned, being on have fallen heavily and suddenly —— ———__— the voters’ list and for the most at the moment mémbers Cal-| Thomas Caven,; part having pre-emptions on | servative; Islands £ | | to the idea that Mr. MeLeod may | | | some one hap- Cariboo (two Cranbrook pened to hurry past him, and} jahan, Conservative: Major Fras-! Conservative; acclamation. Porcher and Levis islands, wish bus that he had, if sand-| ; en. ated Bae Caan Cih that fall rendered Mr. McLeod un-| ep, Conservative. No report. - to enter a strong protest against yrotectio . ecLeot as | \ ‘ . nlaar | . , ; hagged he vietim of some Fe vecuion, a ' 4 fi ove conscious and unable to elearly| allio Saanich—Hon. D. M. Eberts,| the laxness which allows the » St ‘ sti 0 “ous of ¢& 3 ; , 4 il ‘de re i Z - 3 haps resenting the strong a gs ; a vas I ae Thint remember what happened, New Westminster Thomas] Conservative; W. Noble, Liberal.| Japanese to cut cordwood and sudden shock a no e KS. | Chief Vickers is meanwhile at-} Gifford, Conservative; George ” Ar seat Mansonii, type Political Invertebrate, appears at Es- sizes; fresh shipment. Wal-! room only” will be the word on iyi beeen O8. lace’s, 8t {the night of the performance, special commissioners, Pi ay cI | H rs 1 ri