PAGETWO "GREB" WORKING BOOTS Menenite calf, heavy sole, plain toes, Rubber or leather heels. Just the shoe" for comfort and maximum wear; Priced $4.75 - ' Jack and Jill Shoes for Children THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA AFTER POLICE THUGS 3. Penman's Hosiery Family shoestore ltD, The Home of .Good Shoes Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per week , Paid In advance, per month , By mall to all parte of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all other countries, per year , . Classified advertising, per word, pr Insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion News Department Telephone .Advertising and ClrcuLitlon Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau ol Circulations 86 98 .1? io 3.00 9.0c 02 25 Wednesday. April 10. ,19.401 STILL MORE DIFFICULT Even if Germany holds Norway her situation in re-garel to supply of iron ore is not simplified. With Britain and fence in command, of the seas it will be impossible ;to convey the ore from Narvik to Germany by water and rail transportation is too slow. She must have ore to. car-; ry on the war and she cannot get the ore without a strong navy wjiich she does not have. i ' 1 11 1. MANY An.IITSTMF.NTS HHP. Many adjustments will be due to be made when the I war in ctvpr anil flprmnnv hpntpn. Nnt nnlv will tViP PnlicVi I situation have to be set right, the Czechoslovakia admin istration changed nd now the Norwegian and Danish .governments replaced. . Russia may also find it difficult to hold the part of Poland she grabbed in'-way. Two years from now, if the war lasts that long there will be possibly some mpre adjustments due. J- ftJgar, Hoover. iead 0f the of the .United Stit.viit,?fter,the police thiurs who beat un nrisoners. usin' hat a): knovn as third degree methods' to ext.rac' cwfopoiivcxi This. Hoovof declares, is not only brutfal hul jnefCiqifiut. The records show this for only about one out of f ivft p(yf ons taken into court is convicted. That jnea.n'" h-fwtf.v w rn of eff ioipricv. A good force should shov at least fifty per cent efficiency. ! FJC.JIT.ING AMONG SELVES XljP.Tat'vp5 of India who have been Remanding self frnvp,nnrrAnf an that country nov seem to be fiehting arnpno- themselvAQ. The extremists are fightiner against- ihp wopyprP! Sornefimes too, the Hindus ficht aeainst the Mohprnnipnf ns and nnlv the British doI'o ca(n stnr. tVini. rion? ;inn "H v .aided bv the military. Thpse t.h tliinnrc t,b,at ,rrf Vo ,is ouite sure that th( British opiicv pf refusing.cQrnplete self-government to India is the correct policy. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily New? thnt th T)Pftnlp,0'f h? w.bnlp district s4rp;doin,f camp UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD Pleamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S;S. CATALA;EVEr TUES- T.S..S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 10 p.m. 10:30.111. ! Due Vancouver. Xhnrn. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 668 Naval Bases Are Not Hurt 4he QrRnav I?l&nd.and Scana Flow Holland Sees .Emertencv Beltlum Stays. Calru Jn Present Situation THE HAGUE, April 10. Netherlands has virtually cancelled all leaves In view of the em- atlon following the extension of the : war to Scandinavia.- This steD had lart been taken. on January 15 . when invasion of Holland by Germany apteared likely. Beleium remains calm and shows no official alarm, stating that It stands prepared to meet any FOR SALIi FOR fJALE Baby chicks from vigorous new blood leghorn breeding Stock. Unsexed 410.00 per 100, pul lets 87) $25.00 per 100. Also Rock and Red chicks $12.00 pel 100. Appleby's Poultry Farm, Mission City. B.C. ti. FOR SALE-Sealed tenders for the purchase of the gasboat "Audrey W." will .be received by the un dersigned up to noon of Monday, April 15th. Length 42 feet, width 10 feet,. draft lour feet and pow ered by 16-20 Easthope. Boat may be seen at Yacht Club. Terms Cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Norman A Watt, Official Administrator. .WANTED SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDQRA iROLLEU ARENA (88) WANTED Housekeeper, middle aged widow preferred. Apply Box .494. Prince Rupert. B. C. tf. PERSONAL HOW TO QET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Letter Carrier, Postal Clerk, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Etc Free Booklet. The M. C. C, Schools Xtd., Winnipeg. Qldest In Canada. No Agents. LOOKlNp for a steady tncpme? Want. a future .free .from iinan- ' clal. worry? .Ut FAM.ILEX sfiow ypu how easy It is t get. Write to us today, for FREE catalogui! and complete information. The Fmijex Ppductg, Company, 570 St. cferoen.tMontreal. .tf. BOARD ANJ) ROOM GOOD room and board in private home. Apply 925 Border .Street. (87)! .Our, Famous Ed sun Alberta . COAL Jlulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo .Wellington Coal ,Bulkl7 Valley Wlieat.and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 THE, DAILY NEWS 'KETCHIKAN ! IS WINNER The Premier team" !? fault was thejr failure to get the rebound and althouKh thw -yere the bettff RANGERS IN LEAD Join .Maple Leafs At Top Of Standing In Ladle .Buttling Leatue Scoring a clean sweep three games lo nil victory over Mercb-anlettes, Rangers jasl night mov- Art I ninMt ttn-fnp Aft HrH lt ftt 111'. ergeney of the International situ- B Maple Leafs who lost two games to one to Annette's. In other fixtures. ,Rx and Big Sisters were th wtniieit. the farmer over Knox Hotel and the latter over Blue Birds by two to one scores in each case. High average scorer was Linda Field with 220. Next-Tuesday there will be a play-off between Maple Leafs and Ranters to determine winners of the final third of the league followed by a play-off between Blue Birds and Rex. fjrst and second third winners respectively, for the rlht to meet winners of Maple Leaf vs. Rangers for the league cup. Individual score wejt as follows: Hex 12 3 Bury U 206 207 134 Bury ,136 120 170 Bury 151 104 123 Hardy 164 129 130 Croxford , , 'r.. 182 I70 221 Handicap .48 .48 48 Total J87 778 826 Knox Hotel .12 3 McKeowrr .102 193 119 Scharff 142 170 85 Fritz 103 152 140 Yager 125 132 Gunn Brasell jai Handicap ...CO Total 773 Maple Leafs 1 McLeod . Smith Arnev Ingrain LaBelle 131 .243 ,145 149 .167 111 194 ,75 ,895 2 224 22$ IQ5 1?6 190 114 G9 ,C59 3 84 JSt 257 1.47 187 Handicap Total Annette Bassa-Bert Owen Germany Had No Success In Its Took Two (Jam, of Baseman ;er- beug Raids on Shetland and Orkney jM Recently First 32 to ss; Dicner .Islands Second. 31 to S4 1 Hapdfeap I . Total LONDON. April 10: CP)-Oer- premier. April 10- KetcniKan man claims to the contrary not- baskctballcrs won a aeriea of two withstanding. It is officially an- earne over Premier In a sene Merrhanielte Moss nounced. that no damage to the played here, the first by a score of 1,, British fleet was done Monday 32 to 28 and the seeotm ai 10 johrwon when a single German plane was driven off by British planes and .anti-aircraft :batterles. Nor was .nny damase dope by, air .raids on . . . , a einr name rremier ufwi Ketchikan. Handicap Bluebird Pierce Turgeon ... Boulter Hartwlg Keron . 19 131 139 142 310 .-450 2G3 1 128 143 129 123 130 . 50 jotai :oj jll'ner Air raid alarms were sounded three baU i)andfer6, iKetchikan scored "men times. I .counted. .The star . lor xger -,Th vriec of air batUfftihetween; Premier war Bob Stewart, whose Wharton th AJIUk and .GermAny. .per the tlrelea efforts to Ret his team Into A?mjscn North Sea and the Western Front hootln .position. clr.vd better Bllln?er continues with reports Indicating results, than were obtained, owing WdW jhit thA Alii hnve been eettlne to the all-round boot shoolln of Handicap very much the .potter of It All Netherlands Leaves Cancelled .the team. Total 1 224 174 98 .ns, .171 24 ...122 an 132 177 161 19 30 I 167 250 203 120 155 .45 95 100S 2 205 170 147 128 225 50 Ml 2 207 156 15(1 ;2CS .204 24 G9 .1012 1 2 137 229 158 155 19 913 3 210 143 100 209 154 ,48 951 3 170 157 127 152 149 50 .Ml 3 154 110 153 m 203 24 8!l 3 1C1 184 125 189 231 A BOOKLET THAT EVIRY SHOOTER SHOULD HAVE Every Ctoidiin tbooirr, young or old, whether inirrcttrtl in Kifle or Shot nun. thouUl bitt a copy oflhiirKEe DOMINION MAHKSMrN Booklet. Itttll. ... How 10 build a tit range, trip or iVttt firiJ How 10 ti the moit out 1A four rifle ut tbotcua HowloorjtQiindopfn iboutinx dub How VOU can join thlt Dumioioo'widr, 2-7r-olJ hod? pf ipommen ihoui ibrge ... AND How you con viacHrocliv prizes with lh rift or thai-gun you now own. TWrt ii tbtoilr .0 tktrjt, to Ut ia t4 Mil Um cinpwa 1 UOAY. COUPON Uoiiioa i r.o. b NAMI. ADDRESS. MtrVuaa 10. J MmuiiLOmW. ... L I . . D6 ;. niu aiuM tatri mr com f lb. DOMINION MAfcSMN Our Business . . . To BUY and SELL Furniture,Househoids etc. etc. Gct Our Cash J'rice for Your Uisposals BAGGAGE Vanities, , P.okrites, Gladstone Bags, Suitcases, .Juvenile Cascs, Wardrobe JTrnks, Steamer Trunks, Etc. Best priccs-Scc as First Fine Furniture For Your Home " Chesterfield Suites, Dining Itoom Suites, Brqakfast .Suites,, JUedroom Suites, JEnter-. rjse Kitchen angtj.s .Heaters for .Burning Cqal or Wood, Heaters for burning Oil, C,arpctfy LiiioleumsCosigoleiimHj.with large varieties ,to. choose jfrom and reasonable prices. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose nulldlng, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone GREEN 916 Blaln 1 $9 Handicap . 17 42 17 Hit .$lU ,,1 2 3 Gomez 106 112 190 E. Bond 170 176 153 Dickens 04 Rothwell . 125 102 107 Alexander 145 157 M. Bond 186 147 158 Handicap .. 50 09 56 Total SI7 7C0 92 The league standing to date: Maple Leafs . 16 i Rangers . i .. . 16 3 Annette's ., 13 8 Knox Hotel ...9. 12 Rex p.. . .... 10. 11 Merchanteitea 8 13 uig aaiers ... 1 14 Blue .Birds. . . ... .,.va4l6 II.OWKUV CHAIT-MI -NEW YQRK. April 10: GP-? I'llOSIS H and 19 EMPRESS COFFEE A qual ity product 2-lb. jar SUN-RYPE APPLE BUTTER Somethliig new -try -On It 12. eta 27-oi. ctn tlr SQUIRREL PEANUT BUTTER Plnnochlo 4 fin tumbler LYNN VALLEY PEACHES-2 tla WAXPAPPI Hand-E-Wrap. 10-ft roll ENSION APRICOTS quality 2,,s Per tin 29c 19c 24c MUSS A IX EM 8 ECONOMY COFFEE- 43c Freh Shipment Just Received HEINZ TOMATO JUICE--15 ox 2 Uds TENNIS IS ORGANIC TEHRACE A1H vii uaiuruay .-y lKood attndaiic. Joyed a fairh 10'ln 1630 a a. , . 10 1 treasurer's aiar. ,, 13debU have b., S.tiHU4derAblr im:.r 10 court were rff,- , " KCV C A II ieWted Chatrm Mm. eereUrv-tr.-., imm were mad. nawyt. For . tag 'the hum court na a tn. Flowers Are blooming on lots of their favor heads this sprlnjt. one hat frestim The ftWtn here showing pale pink blossoms vcni- of Jh .m and wlnrs rrimmlUe n 1 k TO. Bot&l Mussallera's Economy Store 'Where Dollai"s Have More CenaM 1.09 21c HEINZ BAK : UEANt I NAVEL ORANwa tlse Shjp i-jiut tn 3 .-, I.U.C HANDY Wooden b , RINSO BOX T ? 2 Ufebti.. I" Soap fwir Wit It R t tepi 2?t 79( 4i( 9d COMPLETE STOCK OF FHKSII VEGCTAULIS IN SKASOXUP UNDER VAPOR SPRAYS Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throuthout the Cii Two Telephone for Your Convcnicnre iBoat and .Mall Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Mltt'j ANNOUNCING - A Modern Rejuvenation R.GA. Victor - Blue Bird Records Records, are, once ataiit .ln the llmellcht and we are rarrjiMl cmniiUU Uk ,of ,Ute recording Both CUtU-al and rtu I - AUulral.MAslerplcce.SeU C18 Grand Canyon Suite Grofe C2fl The Mikado Gilbert Ac Sullivan C33rMuAlc '.That Lives Herbert MCSO-Ndqtiirpes Debussy Ma40 flyrnpljoiy No. 5 In C Minor Beethovan .MMS-rLa Mer The Seai Dcbussv . $11 $9.00 .MAHFlaitfltad-Melchlor-tSet of three famous sr' "',s tWagnen a-Coc;Pf vVU;tor Masterpiece The Ms,c ' iLUes Forever Popular Hits ,otv .Blue .Bird and Victor Record iflc and 75c each ' "'tFctttiirlhffall:top notch.attUU and orch.Mlr;,s A limited ipumbcnof withdrawn used records o llr Special at 13c and 20c each J.H.3ULGER Optometrist Royal Bank BJd(. 1 1 s Fresh Shrimp nOAT n.n at 4 TitoTiEit's nocL