L- April 10,1940 IF Thrift Cash & Carrv Offers Creator SavinRR in Quality Food This List in Effect Till Saturday rlrot Choice quality. pie ituttc-r An old favorite sizes. Small -e c inlight Soap -Urge. 4 Gn lb. 3 tor Irictly r'reh KgK Arrive l I I , it- ;-y lucsaay unu ven IV Per doz Lmbo Orange tmn -California 35c Nice size. mice. 6 for 11c Creen Onion First outdoor. 2 bunches RadUhev New B.C. Fresh tt crisp. Bunch Outdoor Tomatoes Ripe and firm. Lb, Free Delivery on Orders $1.0(1, and Over Orms Ltd. ret Pioneer Druf&ists The llesall Store Phones 81 & it Open J)aily from 8 a.m. till .10 ,p.m. Sundays ami JUlidays frsm it to , p.m. and ,7 lo 1p.m. ml Chocolate EclairsCello packet contains 4 n 0 18, Packet Sliced Pineapple No. tins, Contains 8 choice fij slices. 2 tins Vegetable Soup Campbell's Regular Fit I DA V AND SATURDAY SPECIAL llOlCi: ISUILINU l OUXAierace I' j Ibv Special, lb. 22c 5c 5c 20c Tlit Winning Number , u Hie Drawing Held April C i Number 140 MOTHER FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL ItSlI CI T .NARCISSUS 25 c sooooqoooooQpapooopoottOoooAOojMqotoocKjCHMooo MacKenzie ..UU. r-- 500 Square Yards Dominion Linoleum Per square yard 300 Square Yards lnlald LlnoUum Per square yard 200 Square Yards Hexole,um Per square yard Phone ,173 Furniture (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 A Can Ride for .Price of. One r -sooooocropoouoaopotroooooroooooooooooooooooooooo tear :Ms. Housewife:- A last tv method of Moth, Red Bus and Roach-that really work1 Now you can be completely f Moths and all other insect nests (Including Files Muiulu instantly i and Insect larvae, .without re-'.o expensive. Inconvenient. "Fumigation" methods. Sprays every roonl and cupboard with 8APHRX" ' usinn a NEBEI Blictrlc 6prayer. Both are avali-,.t our store. 8APHBX Liquid U odour lea, rolourle. tastelcs, ieo. to humans And arflmaU. It will -not stain or wall .paper, nor wlU It taint food. Rooms may : . led immediately afterpray1ng without harmful ef-' ir tell-talt odour. The NEB EL FJeottic Sprayer enables you to spray i -ughly. In a few hours, e.very room from cellar to Quick, easy, no advarice preparations or me are r rssary. The 8APHEX- Method Js particularly adaptable lo Atorc. faelorldalrles. bakeries, apartment houses , u warehouses, etc.. eliminating the necessity lor . preparations and expensive shut-downs. W will be glad to give further particulars and ad-uii social problems Ivj not hesltat to enquire. Cordially, yours, 95c $150 40c ; II you have something to sell,. a classified .(jvertisement ini3 paper will soon let you know it mere w u uj NEW DEFT IS FORMED Man. -C. U. Howe, Become Canadian Minister Of Munitions And Supply OTTAWA, April 10: (CP)-Crea-tlon of a new government department of munitions and supply Is announced with Hon. Clarence D. HAUIA I 1 l - - f - . A Secretary or Slate Cordell Hull (Tell Mxlco iW hat .He Thinks .WASHINGTON. D. C. April 10:, Proposing arbitration, the United States Secretary of State. Cor-j? rinl) Hull Al,f rovlM .With a falr-izd list nf rvnt THE DAILY NEWS PAOE-THRRB LOCAL NEWS NOTES For prompt And courteous ser- XJanidian Legion B.E.8.L. half-rice, ,Pnone ,13 TJUt tt. yearjy meeting tonight! Albert iFarrow. .steamboat Inspec- Miss Edith Kergin R.N., after a tor, after spending a week or so visit of. a few days here with her here on official duties, sailed yes ! parents. Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Kergin, terday afternoon by the Catala on leaves by this evening's train on his return U Vancouver. , her return to Toronto. Mrs. Joseph Robinson and family Miss Isabel Connery returned to lne caiaia yesurruay aiwrrnoon gu- jiujh shim oa, wucic one ucW Board uoard ni of a,v,iv, which un. Wallace D R. Camp- . thrnnayt tn v9n-n..v.r Mr navtnc a visit with her narenU. Mr. oen nas been chairman. Mr. I Campbell and his organization will be associated with the new department. ' '; Mr. Jlowe. In addition 'toVhe'new ministry, will continue as minister ,of transport for the time being at i least. Announcement of the establish here for ing of the new ministry was . made 'Jr..: hv Prima tflnl.ta. ur t w-l. . 'DUSineSS, King following a cabinet council meetlnrr last night. Expropriation Is Justified VW0 VW . i't - . . ' f Robinson nad;to go south recently and Mrs. J. Connery. on account of Illness. I that expropriation by the Mexican .urned to the dtv on the .Prince rounc41 In British Columbia, ar- gqvernment of American oil com-,Qeorge this morning from a brief Tlved 111 the cltv on tne Pr'nc" ponies noiamgs in Mexico wicnout trln to Vancouver ueorge xnis morning irom van- compensation was entirely without Justification. Whifflets iFrom The W.aterfrqnt HEAD vCO IDS Mtr A FEW DROPS tOJtVI HEAO COLO STUfFlNlJS AND MISUT Miss Margaret McCaffery re- " T r f r it r r -I i J.n... Jsengers, ,C. N. R. steamer Prince,13"8 0"1"" ucvws 'IOeorg, Capt. ,11. .E. .Nedden. arrlv- Vd In nort at 11:30 this morning ilfrpm Vwncouver. Powell River and j jOceon . alls and sails this alter-i ' mornlnr from Vancouver on his noon for Ketchikan and Stewart ! whence she wlU return here to-, to the skeena Wver nt mprrow cvenlni southbound. ,tn-Tiov stir Tmlr St AISUOA mere mill b, nttrml tor mit mt Pub- 'ltt Au-rtl-n. noon on U in Ma;, .1840. in b cfllc. of he Dlatrlot rrx- !rfUr,1!tu-.Ruprt Uk Uoenc XI 8009. 1 fprtvlrt -i tnjttft urofelr li attend tue'im In pfm may submit tni-&tr to tN.crKd tt tb hour of sue-1 Mtn rd trtiM'd M cat bid." l-MMhrr prti'utar nay be obtMrw-d ffr-m N Chyf Pi t-r. Vlrsrla. D. T DIWPt rirter Vrinct Ruixrt. B. C. 18. 23. Announcements All advertisements In tins column wlU.be charged tor a full month at lie a word. United Spring Sale, April 11. Toe Hi Qance, .Parish Hall, Seal'r Cove, April, 10. Scout Tea, Mrs. Carter's, April Anglican Tea, lylrsParkln's, May 102nd Auxiliary 'Dance, Armoury; May 3. St. Peter's; Spring Sale, May 9. W. , A. .Canadian Tea, May ,15, Legion Spring Catholic Tea, Mrs. R. E. Monre's May 16. Empire Carnival, Moose Hall,' May 23. WOOD for SALE $7.50 per Cord PHONE 459 Funeral Notice .ODDFELLOWS! , to cut 44isjDoo t b.ra.ot fruo.j Au oddfellows are requested to im tend the funeral of .the late 1 1720F. mtb 114- or Cunih ibsh. Brother Ben Ferguson at First Qwn. tmjtioc. uurjto uud DUMrt presbyterlan Church, Thursday. ' ptrtv 131 .yr 1l! DoTd for iwonl ' t1uT .2:30 pjn. H. M. DAGGETT, Secretary Funeral 'Notice Football Dance. Irish Fusiliers Vvat 2;30 ,p.m. R. ,102nd. Armories, rTiaay, April 12. Admission 50c. Presbyterian Spnnfl Sale ,Aprll Boys' Band'DauceAnrll 17hMoose Hall. Refreshments free. Funeral iNotice iTlie funeral of the: late Ben j .NEV YQRK.APril.lO: (CPi-Soft curls at the neckline and sides of the head with straight Jback hair are' what the 1M0 coiffure .vogue demand, say experts here. Phones 18, & 19 J0, Box 575 CONFJECTJONERY STQRE Now Open Till 40 p.m. Mussallem's CONFECTIONARY Opposite Canadian Legion !3 I Members of Canadian Legion B. ! E. S. L. please attend the funeral of, our late comrade Ben Ferguson at .First .Presbyterian Church, Thursday at 2:30 pjn. "Lest we Forget." Ferguson will be held from iFirst , Presbyterian, Qhurch on Thursday ' HAIRtDO .OF .1910 .idi SISTERS 9 : CAFF. J t IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Your Patronage will be highly S appreciatea "Aim to Please" Is onr Motto Thank You j Annual meeting Football Assoc. R. 8 . Gilchrist, supervisor .of 'April 11, Canadian Legion Club municipalities and commissioner of Rooms at 7:45 p.m. All those ln-the city of , Prince Rqpert.arrlved.lnittrest'ed in football please attend, the city pn the Prince George thlsj 83V mornlne from Victoria and will be the next week on official Sergeant G. Wharton, who has been stationed with the 102nd Bat- , tery here for some time, sailed on , the Catala yesterday afternoon for j Victoria with the expectation of croccedlng overseas. Mrs. Whar ton is remaining in Prince Rupert j Arthur Noble, formerly of this city, is a passenger aboard the Prince George today going through to Stewart where he will relieve the customs officer, W. O. Broad, who Is taking his annual vacation and will be here tomorrow eve nlng going through to Vancouver. Jack S. Ewen. Bavs' Work Sec retary of th Religious Education couver ior a ecs s vjsii. iciuiiiuiy Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Elklns, who mulh a wpek trom tomorrow have been Qnjx holiday, trip south. nl"nt- A txM ram ol activities returned to the "cltv from .Van- during Mr. Ewen"s stay here has icouver on the Prince George this bp?n arranged There will be ) morning. nightly leadershin training classes wiin special cuurijii services next SLiff SereMnt (Ernest Qammon. Pundavand a Father nd on crovinclal nolice! returned to the banquet next Monday. Mr.. Ewen city on the Prince George this w"l nl sy- before lhc service momin from a trip to Ocean ubs while here. Dallv adverlVsnnn m k. w. .Sinclair, .manager or m- Npw, u SHrp u, ortnR verness cnnerv. arrived In the mim city pp the Prince George this Spills Qie Pall) 3av t HELP KIDNEYS! GIN PILLS belp to fliuh away toiic wastes, bringing relief from backache and rheumatic twinges. In the United SuUi ask for "Gino Pills". 1 laM in Caaida ud th UJL RfiuUr oJ aw,lut Economy xu Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MiHi VALENTIN DAMtY PIIONK U? NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon cannlnr company twtth an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert A I Patterned black and natural. FULL SIZE. 16-RIB. VALUES TO $4 Hotel Arrivals Prince Jtupert "A Fashion First" AT PEOPLE'S REVERSIBLE "Two In One" COATS WITH HOODS JL TO MATCH 5 Very practical and ultra smart. .J Two coats in one with hoods ta ! match. Stylish tweed spring coats in new color patterns with reversible lining that may be turned inside out into a fine quality gabardine rain coat. OIL SILK LADIES' UMBRELLAS new spring shades. Blue red rust green 295 Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night PRUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner s Phone BLUE 907 I 1 Hope. Prince George; J. H. Ward, Hazelton; A. E. Lawson, Sunnyslde Cannery; Ellison Head, Terrace; R. E. Bowes, CNJt. J. N. Browning, Vancouver; Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Armstrong and Mrs. If you nave sometning to swap R. J. Newman, Port Simpson; C. V. try a Classified Ad. Night or Day PHONE 112 TAXI Prompt Service 3 Heated Cars B.C. Furniture Co. New and Used Furniture 1 Large-She Lawn Mower S950 '- Specia! - S3.50 'jJKi8.50 8 Complete Beds-4-6. 12.00 1500 From (IC Typewriters Monarchs, Under- 24 00 845.00 woods. Remington r X Gold Tenor "Conn" Saxophone " 8125.00 Just like new 2 Sessions 8-Day Chime Clocks 89.95 Special 1 English Pram Just v 812.50 like new NEW FURNITURE 30 Cotton Felt Mattresses From 10 Spring-Filled Felt Mattresses-All slzej from 12 Three-piece Chesterfield Suites-style? and patterns. From 5 Kitchen Ranges For wood and coal, all-enamel. From Phone BLACK 324 88.50 t0 810.50 818.75 t0 822.50 -In velour and tapestry, latest 869.00 to 898.00 864.50 10 8109.00 Next Door to B. C. Clothiers THIRD AVENUE SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! Mllinz at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEI Steamer leaves Princ Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leav Prince Rupert for the Eart Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For farm, tc, call or tcrft Oty TUktt Offlc, 528 3rd Av, Y-9-40 mm