sin C TP 1 9 - PAGE TWO M Fami DAILY EDITION en s Slippers have you seen our now designs in Men's comfort welts and soft soled .slippers by "Foot Guards". Slippers you can walk down town in and feel dressed up. Te will he pleased to show them to yon. LY SHOE SMELT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE ItUTERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA D Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. POLLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 Paid in Advance, per month u. .50 By Mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By Mail to all other countries, per year & , ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion Local Readers, per line, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau or Circulations .MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRKSS The Can&dUn. Press Is exclusively entitled to use for republication of all news deepstches emitted to It or to the Associated Press In this paper and elso the local news published therein. All right of republication of special deeoatches therein ere also reserved. Wednesday. November 6, 1940. United States Election Result - The result of the election in the United States is satisfactory to most Canadians. They know what to expect from Roosevelt but Willkie was an unknown quantity and! we could not have been at all sure of the kind of nolicv he isiates. we m I'rmce Kupert are interested in the export of poles and lumber and shingles. Roosevelt favors the present system but what Willkie might have been we could not know. Giving Full Support Great Britain is giving utmost possible support to Greece in- the present campaign. She has landed troops on the island of Crete and has air bases there from which sue can operate against the invading Italians. There will jhave to be several bases so that, if she is bombed out of j one. she can move into another without much loss of time) just as the Royal Air Force did at Croydon when Jerry! made it too hot for them there. thp kl Corfu may be used as a base. It may be too that another base may be located on the mainland not far from the coast or possibly a seaplane base on the coast or on i lake near the coast. ' It Will Take Time - - - It is bound to take time to establish the Royal Air Force with a proper ground crew and repair shops. Some ot them may have to be moved from England in order not to weaken the defences in North Africa; With constant reinforcements coming across the Atlantic and with a stream of trained airmen beginning to move across from this continent it should be possible to render real aid to Greece without weakening the defences o'f Britain in the least or holding back the constant attacks on German ba?es. MOH0BMM LONDON DRY GIN 'In Ihu advertisement ii not pabliihed or displayed by the Liquor Control Bord or "by the Government of British Columbia. THE DAILY NEWS Letter Box I WANDERERS INVITATION' TO BOYS OVKRSKAS ! HOLD LEAD ' Editor, Daily News: 1 The letter you published jently written by Jim Bryant frWn England was very interesting to any aur hnal bzya a ho:ne from Ions Thoir address Is: 89 Keb! Drive. Mr. and Vlis. John Durband 89 Keble Drive. Old Ram. Ahitree, Liverpool 10. A. J. CROXFORD 3.00: 900: Speak To .024 Tic Pnrmv! jBorn am!d wrath and chaos, I 1 tured ot blood and flame Springing anew in beauty the Flanders poppy came; Swaying her scarlet blossoms' Fight, as before their fathers fought, who paid war's bitter price; Speak to our hearts, l,est' we Torget. Bright Flower of 'Sacrifice WINIFRED O. BRASS. ! Defeated Beavers ny Close Margin Yesterday me tout I was sotry to notice that Yterm-S Rame in the King Ed-1 Jim didn't know what to do wishj League pro-' Ws spell of leavj. I have been in:duced the bcn matcn M far when ;ne sam? nx mytnt wnen a'- froruihe w'diiderers Jutf .won jeas and can feel far him. Beavea-ifa thrtetflalStbwo. iticanuy i ma a w-u:r iram my PtaV, V(. .-, tot tlmr-ahd (3i 'r living 5Wt.8 ihr.t in Ijmr r 1 nnri ' 'il . ...... .1 witijr Mi,k,nMt Maiijm nut Ihpm pleasd U cirer her home for aiejpoaf play bscame f3Ster but of any Pimce Itu. -.t bjys. who wujL.Aic i,orB mnro Hnn- care to write tier andak: k; a date. gerons jiimrhii rouhd goal iii ahd hri Murray niiirravl ,My sister was out here thre? ysars 'ago far a f;w .-nofeios' holiday and tosk "home wkh 1;ar many pleas'-ant lrTeinrfKrs eft tti!3 place. She 4s equatited. ; Later no dded a second i goal for his team but the Wander-1 ere held dh to their lead. Vet the WanQeters Hebb and keen do what . st r to ive safe at Gordon P,.ince were very nn of if Alio Inn I kn... l jbaek. Murray was good and was 'T,uklfd 0t fe!H if ih.ty .dangerou, with his shooting, getting kIF L aU three goals. Jim Intermela was v ou will m i inm - bflHar than t I;al90 at nalf back whe Dick how to have thh format.oa pass-;L did ite wd, for lls flrst jed on. It will only mean a letter - Tne .ferwards combined at K ,11' st3"n times but their play was ragged. 'STfh U,tOWn l1;" were outstanding. am sure they will , enjoy any time nb? k t a goodsoal. Warne hPryhndH my wHr ? UmwSt good and will im-rn. and nH have If bau?ht 17 themstlves "I1 Iprove. Bert Prince - played t .1.; -his .im us-cal SJS dark nlXU nights. aWBy KWahara the I 'Vk LKiri game uitu ij forward. Tcanvt: WandArw Albert Eyolfson; J. Hcbt, q. Prince; Jim Intermela D. Murray. D. Large; Flaten, Bagshaw,1 An'torwen, Ole Skog, Larsen. '- Beavers Sunberg; Warne, Lien: Ilalprow; Bert Prince, Lee Inter-' mela; Scherk, O. Haugan, Menzies, Kiiwahara, Owens. - -League standing. W L Pts. Wanderers 3 0 6 1 Maple "Leafs T..l 1 2 m9jgf. .0 5 C C.N.R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fit with every sighing breath, " j rtomThe East- Whispering or Hope, eternal, i Tuesdays, Thursday's and LUe In the reakns of Death. " Saturday n p.m. Give to the winds your message. ! ' , O, little flower, again, , Reach ten thousand people with As in the past ye told, it abAVo the Valiant Slain; Speak of the Faith that saves us Remembrance through the years; Tell of the brave who suffer stjll. their anguish and their fears. might have tried to carry out. The election campaign didjNow that the terror shadows us;' nut ten very mticn anout me Kinci oi man ne really was.i i,uw luai- "Er 50115 aa" Even if he were stronglv pro-British his fiscal pnlicvTake up he ur'h, f3r Britfiin's mmHt V.q,to nU0A Vo,."vu ut, 4.t. ti.v j cause' the splendor of her iauai acU' In the Daily News. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Youll Jump Out of Bed In the Morning Rsrin to Co The liver should pour out two pound of liquid bile Into your bowl dally. If rht bll U not flowing freely, your food doean't dignC It just decay in the boweU. Gu bloata up your atumarh. You get constipated. Harmful pouona go into the body, and you feel tour, unk and the world looks punk. Amerebowelinoeinentduesn'taIwayieet at the ft use. You need somctbtnfe that works on the liver as well. It takes those rood, old Carter's Little Uver Pills to get these two pounds of bile fiowinr freely and bake you feel "up and up". Harmless and fen tie, tbey make the bile flow freely. They do the work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury in them. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name 1 Stubbornly refute; anything due. 2 Sc. FURNITURE Cliesterfield Suites, Dining Room Suites, Bed room Suites, Occasional PJcces-at moderate price. STOVES Enterprise Rangers for Coal or Wood Enterprise Quebec Heaters for Coal or Wood Enterprise Oil Heaters. Smart appearance and remarkable value for the money FLOOR COVERING Inlaid Linoleum, Printed Linoleum, Battleship Lin-oleum and felt base floor covering sold by the yard RUGS Jaspe, Printed Linoleum; Congolcums and Fell Size 9x12, 9xl0j,.i)x9, 9x7j, 6x1) Axminstcr Rugs,sizc9xI2-r9x9, 36x63, 27x54,25x48 What have you ? In household goods to exchange for Better New Things we have in our store If nothing rcquir-ed at present, yC pay you cash ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE BUILDING -;- THIRD AVENUE Phone Green 916 store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. .. .. ... - r - -- . Wednesday Knv.,h 1 1 ... WE KEEP A CARTON HANDY 1 THE SEAL or QUALITY uuirvf A GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning cfrnip.iny With tin all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Coltor., D.C.Ph.C. WcIUce Block. Phone 641 9 Everythmcr in Novelties ! Eva s Novelty U : shop SHOP s : 25 3rd. Ate. West fhones 18 & 19 P.O. Bos 575 Commencing; November 1st CONFECTIONERY STORE Will be open 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. .Sundays and Holiday 12 Noon till 8:00 p.m. MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion Always Buy Lamps BY THE CARTON . . . then you're never annoyed by empty sockets, dull corners and makeshift, insufficient lighting which of course leads to eyestrain, headaches and general weariness. Buy lamps by the carton! Cartons of Six that's the popular' unit that will keep your lighting system going always at the peak of comfort. You may be short of one or two lamps h'owj so let us send you -a atrton and you're protected NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED Here It Is Here is what the Variety StoTe has for you Cards, Glassware, Chinaware, Tea Pots, Baby Bottles and ! Teys, Aluminum ware, Electric Light Globe. rnces averaging irom 5c to 99cVIsit the Variety Store sm se for yourself VARIETY STORE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Froprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM liOME" U'tes 75c op bii Room. Hot & Cold Water Prhir Rupert, B.C. ibnb '?8l P.O. Hot 111 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal hank tU(. vvi aiiiivu,i COAL UitltU. Vail Call Nanalmo Wellinetoa C1 Bolklcy Valley Wheat Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEEU LU. Phone 58 tnd Fresh Local Raw ani Pasteurized Mi VALENTIN DAfRt When you want a Reliable, Comforlabk', Dependable Taxi Scnice , 13 I 24 Hour Service at Rcgulat Rates ., a .-ISHdTTI If , you have sell, a classif ec aave 'in this paper wfll soon know if there is a wj the city.