pace roxm EYES Lieescee for Numounts Full-Tne Frames, The Newest in Eye-Wear 2 -FOR - DRESS SALE BUY AND CHOOSE ;,free The most unusual dress sale of the year. Over 80 dresses from which to choose. Crepes, sheers, wools, prints. All the newest fail colors and" styles. All sizes. FALL COATS LINGERIE WESTER COATS MILLINERY CHILDREN'S WEAR HOSIERY "JET" STOVE POLISH Keeps Steel Stove Tops Bright, It doesn't blacken, and cleans them while hot ALL It. C. STORES EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelcry Repairing, Hand Engraving Max Heilb CHAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 261 for Appointment roner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Anniversary Sale EVERYBODY IS TALKING ABOUT IT A Storewide Event Don't Miss This ACCESSORIES GLOVES & PURSES UNDERWEAR Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to HeilbrorwPs HPhone BLUE 907 B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used Furniture 4 KiUhen and Oilburners- T 4Q.OO 849.50 Ill S5.00 TO 812.50 2 SESSIONS 8-Day Chime Clocks OA Qf Special .1 Vw'Ju 5 Car:... 81.50 TO 85.00 New Furniture 3 1-6 Size Beds Complete Bedstead, spring and CO I CA . .mattress pl.DU 16 Spring-filled Felt Mattresses Of the very best Q-f EJA quality ticking. Special tAU.DU 21 Table Lamps In the latest colors and Q-j QCtoCQ QC with the latest shades tA.tJO t?O.J9 6 Unpainted Droy-leaf Tables Very strongly Q fJS built. Special PD.D 8 Kitchen Ranges For coal and wood, CCC T0 CQQ 2-tone enamel of various styles, from v"0 VO 6 3-plece STUDIO SETS With chromium trimmings, couch can be made Into double bed, 3 spring-filled cushions and blanket storing space, in all colors including brown, wine and green. Priced at $75.00, 892.00 and 899.00 11 3-piece Chesterfields In rust, wine, brown, red, green. Made of the finest quality materials and QHtZ Oft T0 CI (il nicely made up. From v O.UU tJHU'i ' . 1 i r is Phone BLACK 321 THIRD AVENUE Next Door to B.C. Clothiers Mike Colussi Accordionist and Teacher A.A.A. Certificate PHONE RED 814 Kitwanga Gave Him Farewell Frederick Benson Honored Before Returning to Stewart After Sis Weeks' Visit KITWANGA, Nov. 6. After a visit of six weeks in this village with his brothers, Frederick Benson has returned to Stewart but, before he left, he was given a farewell party by the community which had been happy to welcome him. It was the first time he had visited his home village since 1933. During the party Chief Henry Lelt gave a speech appropriate to the occasion as also did George Dowelesque, both alluding to the pleasure it was to have had the guest of honor back in the village and expressing hope that he might soon return here to resume his per manent residence. Under the direction of Solomon Bryant and with Leonard Bright playing a prominent part, plays THE DAILY NEWS 1.. ACHEY JOINTS? Gin K3Jj, for the kidneys, belp remove pain-causing toxins that are often ti cause of rheumatic twinge uid achey joints. Honey back if not satisfied. I PILLS Rtmter sin, O rait. Urg tin, M MO. (In the VS. for Gio PillO M ANGLING AWARDS Winners Of Jasper Park Competition Are Announced were presented and the proceed- JASPER, Nov. 6: With entries ings concluded with dancing for jreK)rded frfrn aU parts ot the which the music was furnished by united States and Canada and also James Morgan, William Bryant and-from parts of Europe, the Charles Derrick J r. j f mal awards have been made in the Dellcloiu refreshments, provided 1940 competition under the aus-by the Frog Crest, were served un-!niCes of the Mattme River Ane- aer me direction or Mrs. J. A. Sam- lers' Club, according to pare, Mrs. Margaret Wells, Mrs. uuuuiciiuir, Sommerville, Maggie Ryan. Mrs. Florence Dameis, Paul Benson, Matthias Bright, Mrs. above a 1 large number of bronze Iriage by her father. The brides- buttons were awarded to anglers who qualified as members during the summer. Are Married In Vancouver Miss Lillian Foster Becomes Bride Of Sam Murray Of Prince Rupert at Recent Ceremony The marriage took place recently at St. Mary's Anglican Church in Robert! Vancouver of Miss Lillian Foster. w. n m j f Tn.nn 'lit,ilKtAl. a! Ufa. n .4 1 f vi. TftMnn uicuiagci vji ttdd udutuci vii 1111. auu ivno. (fulfil Park Lodge, who issued the award Foster of Vancouver, to Sam Mur-ltet today. The eoki button, em-ray. youneer son of Mr. and Mrs. Fannie W'iHiams, Mr. and Mrs. Hen- blematic of" the grand champion- William Murray of Prince Rupert. ry Lelt and Mr. and Mrs. Fred John- rhip for the year, wa? awarded to Th; bride wore a charming en-1 son- N. Straus, of New York City with scmWe of navy and wine with A Mr. Benson boarded the train the silver, or runner-UT button, matching awssnries and carried at Kitwanga to rejoin his wife and going to N. Worthington, Belolt, a bouquet of white heather and family at Stewart, many friends Wisconsin. In addition to the pink roses. She was given in mar-gathered at the station to bid him ... . farewell. . ' mm VOGUE L- PURE WHITE Juu. Burning FOR, SALE FOR SALE 1930 Marquette motor, completely overhauled. .Cash. Ap- FOR KEN! ROOM for rent 443 7th Ave W. BOARD AND ROOM WANTED (252) BOARD and Room vacancy, 400 4 th Avenue West. Phone Black 65. (tf) LOST LOST Light fawn cocker spaniel. Answers to Sandy. Phone 25. (264) LOST 5 months' old white dog with brown and black ears. Answers to "Punchy" Phone Green 213. (262) FOUNti FOUND 3 keys on leather strap. Owner please call at Dally News. HOUSEKEEPER Wanted, apply Levin Apartments, suite 4. tf WANTED Medium or small-sized piano. Phone Black 603. (265) PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT Job as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno, etc. Four Domlnlon-wlde exams held since war began. Free Booklet. M. C. U. School Ltd., Winnipeg Oldest In Canada. No agents. LADIES! New Shipment of Fur Coats IN TODAY Come and Inspect Them. Something to Suit Every Case. GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable Your Credit Is Good Buy Christmas Cards in Bulk Attractive, Colorful Xmas Cards With Envelopes The Elite Box ftr 21 Xmas folders t,vc The Elite Box VXf 10 Xmas folders The Distinctive Box O Kn 21 folders Box of 20 Engraved Qn Etchings 00" These Boxes are AH Extra Value ' Buy Them Now Mackenzie's Furniture zMlllarnets, Boill W Rnrnmr -or ibt REST el your lift " Thii connroclfj inm wimi b hid m i tumj el o ennfi. Purnttd tmnti rockrr null ciln com. Pnct fof ihr ihm pinn S145.00 Killarney 3-plece Chesterfield Suite. Covered in beautiful colors, Amherst, mahogany, bronze, rust and wine. Latest materials available. Six suites on hand to choose from, also other designed suites. EASY TERMS. 1,10nc 327 THIRD AVENUE maid was Miss Miriam walker who also wore tailored blue trim med with red fox; William William . Murray Mnrmv J van was u grooms rmrvms. t. .h. fioV. n-oicrViivH 1 1 ' A4lHUij IU4I .w3v I pounds 3 ounces and was caught iman. with a Montreal wet fly on a 4tji Following tne ceremony a re-ounce rod. Iceptlon was held with many friends The qualifications are very strict ,of the contracting couple gather- In this club and speckled trout must be caught in the Mallgne River on a fly rod weighing less than 6 ounces with either dry or wet fly. The river extends from Maligne to Medicine Lakes but the lake waters are nat included. "The MaUsne River Anglers' Club enjoyed an exceptionally good season, declared Mr. sommervme. "The fishing was much improved and some excellent speckled trout were obtained, mis mountain Robert Tobey returned to the city stream is attrartini world wide on Prlnce RUpert thl s morning attention as a fly fishing area and thJs year we had some very note anglers." ing to extend their felicitations. There was a telegram from the parents of the groom who were unable to be present, out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Murray of Prince Rupert and Mrs. Paddy Palmer of Victoria. Mr. and Mrs, Murray will reside in North Vancouver where the groom b engaged in work In the shipyard. from a trip to Vancouver. A "spot" costs you only half a dollar. Try it in the Daily News classified column. (W) LAST TIMES TOXlcnT 2 Shows Nightly, VM k DURBIN In 'Spring Madne 4 SS' n num. Cl'MMIXcs M1SCIIA AUEU (At 7:30 and 9:jj) Added MARCH OF TIME Cartoon -RAINY DAY' Coming Thurs.-lrL GINGER ROCEUS in "THE riUMROSE PAIir Seagram's Famous Brands SEAGRAM'S -VXX." SEAGRAM'S "KING'S PLATE SEAGRAM'S "OLD RYE" Prices for aj ct bottkt range from I J.j y to Jt.j5 This advertisement is not published oi displayed by .r L.,t Control Board or by the Government of British r -iinr WATPH For Your New "aiv" Super Deluxe Taxi Fleet S) I InnnxflnUl till Every now and then we wish to call the attention of the public t the fact that our coal ls Our Co m riAKe you vety out w'notf VOUXt LIKE a "hot proposition" The coal we sell Is as full o( the proper heat as our ton is as full of the proper pounds. You can quickly prore this t your own satisfaction t? phoning Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 652 "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prtnca Biyert ' rjrftUn Colombia