If FAQl TWO " i i ' n i Campacs and Sun Rays SPORT SHOES FOR VACATION TIME The Height of Comfort and "Wear in Every Pair ...... '',,:, PENMAN'S HOSIERY 1 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Advertising rates . riasslfiprt Advertisements, tier word, ner Insertion 02 Local) Readers, per line, per Insertion 2 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 . SUBSCRIPTION RATES , r City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance ......'.1 $5.00 Paid in Advance, per month .'. 50 By Mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance 3.00 By Mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 -Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian. Press is exclusively entitled to use for republication ol all news despatches credited to It or to the Assoc teted Press in ithls paper and also the local news puDiianea uiereui. All rights of pubUcaitbn of special desip&tohes therein are also reserved WHY IT HAPPENED mm Thursday, July 11, 1940. EDITORIALS Many conjectures have been made as to why the French failed to stem the German tide during the recenf invasion of that country. They had a fine army and the SPORT CHAT The. success of National 'Leaguers in trouncing the American League urouo tr xMhlnir Tiiptrtnv In thp ners eighth annual all star baseball game at St. Louis was due to mag- five tnousnt;c people read tne .jays to let them have to sell. 7T Daily News, it "enow what you Slow Burning CIGARETTE PAPERS NONE UNI MADE LOST LOST Small black and white wire- haired terrier, closely clipped. Please return to the Dollar Store or .Phone Green 399. Reward! tf. FOR SALE BARGAIN for Immediate sale. 42 ioot cabin cruiser. Accommodates Howe J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Ride. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurised Milk VALENTIN DAJRY PHONE Ml CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM "BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, SOc and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Baths -Mrs C. E. Black, Proprietress THE DAILY NTWT! - -- r r NEW HALF 'War Restricts SOFTBALL Home-RJade Jam And Irish Fusiliers Win-In Last Evening Play As Second Period Commences ulflcent pitching by Paul Der- The second nan 01 me senior ringer, Clint Wyatt, Larry French League Softball got off to a good ami r.ar Muhhpii us pli as tn stare last nieht when urouo ae Mat west's first innine homer. feated Three sUters 'by a . or 7 to 0. been Inaugurated In Illinois. Each golfer is taken up In an open cockpit plane. As it soars over the course at a low altitude, thr nvooi-i fn ho nlaVMl Thpn tU IU . tuc B w. w "w . ....... tti nlnnp linHs nnri thp pnlfpr'S'oe must relyon, his clubs. The scores Par is still mighty fine. Depuls, Brown, Palmer, Cummlngs, McKlnnon, Smith, Sorenson. Stone's Hewsick, Wlndle, Astoria, Ratchford, Stalker, Zbura, Clarke, Jones, Simundson. , Score by innings: 12 3 4 5 6 7 T Fusiljers ....0 1 6 0 4 1 12 Stone's ........0z4 1 1 Q 2 0 . 8 UmnlMs were: Gray and Palmer for the first game and George iseven persons. 20 h.p. heavy duty Second game. and M. Montesano for the marine engine. Phone 564. Scorekeeper was D. Montesano. (166) 1 -i i FOR SALE New 8-Toot row boat. Dinghy bottom. $30. 345 9th Ave. W. (163) FOR RENT t ROOM 'to rent. Phone Black 925. (163) PERSONAL men fought bravely. Such news as drifts through seems I want normal pep at 40? men, to indicate that they were betrayed by their own countrymen. M. W. Fodor, 'the Chicago Daily News foreign corres pondent, who has made his way out of Europe, detail what he believes are the reasons for France's collapse. He pays the debacle was hastened by sabotage on the part of French workers in factories which were striving to speed production of airplanes and tanks and by some French plane manufacturers who committed irreparable crimes. For example, hundreds of American planes which fo months before the invasion of Beleium had been stored at Casablanca in French Morocco and elsewhere, never were assembled, simply because French plane manufacturers1 sought more advantageous business arrangements witl their government. Fabulous sums were spent for planes that never were completed. Although French, Belgium and Dutch workers participated in .sabotage, all the blame for Germany's victory in the Low Countries and France cannot be attributed to them. Belgium industrialists, Foder says, were eager to enter into deals with the Nazis. The work of the Fifth Columnists, -some in German pay and some voluntary traitors, and the breakdown of the Allied secret service were vital factors. The failure of the French and Belgian Deuxiemes Mureatix and the British Secret Service to leam the formidable tiature of the Nazi weapons paved the way for the blitzkrieg. As a consequence Allied armies were insufficiently armed to fight off the invaders. Against the mighty'German tanks, the otherwise effective Belgian and French 47-millimeter anti-tank guns proved to be as effective as a pea-shooter against an elephant. The Allied High Command did not know the big German tanks had double armor olate and that Some even were filled with ebnVr-ete between the two nlates. The French 75's were 'hastilv broutrht into action, but it was found that while-theycould.be fired -on a flat trapectory, their shooting Speed was hot sufficiently high to be efficient against formidable tanKs m great numbers. It is.pointed out, too, that the General Staffs lost their heads. Their greatest mistake is set down as the sending of the British Expeditionary Force into a death trap in Flanders after the collapse of the Belgian army. On every side factors combined to produce a result the world had not considered possible. The debacle was from top to bottom of the French state. Evidently Great Britain has her traitors too but they are being dealt with as they deserve. Womenl Try Ostrex tablets of tonics, stimulants, oyster elements to aid recovery normal jvim, vigor. Get package today.-jlf hot delighted, maker refunds Its low price. Call; write Mc-iCutcheon's and all other good !drug stores. MISCELLANEOUS .given mornings, afternoons or evenings. Phone 923, LEARNING TO SWIM Twenty-five Enrolled in Advanced Class at Morse Creek Many .Beginners at McClymont on account of war restrictions, eu-' gar will not be available for Brl- score tlsh housewives in making Jam from tn thp second eame the Difrctiased fruit, people will be able , i i ;-it. tn btf dnfflclpnt fnr nreservlnfr the Vell4 here's modern golf. A "isn ui , "u-"" rthevVrow 12 trult they grow themselves tnemseives. cre'df t0-8. ps by B pame game in in which wmcn a a claver piayer makes mases his nis between Orotto housewives who have been accus- Iirsi snot irom an wrpiaue uu V ,7 " i iA v,,..fr,,lf onrf mnke their ana rnrec aisters was very tiuac w "j ..-. and exciting. The Three Sisters own Jam ha Ve been warned they are were never behind until the sixth hot likely to be able to. buy addl-innlng when Tobacconists got tlohal sugar for that purpose Just three runs to bring the score Up now, inougn wnen mp pium cruy to 8 in their favor. Neither i . scored a run In the seventh Inning. Battery for Grotto comprised Kellett and Morgan and for Three Sisters, Amadio and In the second game Stones did not have a full team and had to substitute several Intermediate .boys. Bdth teams made several errors but the Fusiliers had the (advantage of having heavier hlt-Iters such as Gray, and Brown, their pitcher. Batteries were 'Wlndle and Zbura for Stone's and ; Brown and Sorenson for the Irish Fusiliers. 1 Teams were ps follows: : Three. Sisters iury, Howe, Gur vlch, Santerbane, Letoumeau, S. 1 Murray. Amadio, Kerr, Simundson. Grotto Beynon, Morgan, Simundson, yaeger, Dominato, Monte-sano, Callan, Kellett, Zbura. Score by innings: -'1 2 3 4 5 6 7 T 3 Slslers .3 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 Grotto 1 0 0 2 1 3 0 7 t Irish Fusiliers Madden, Gray. Twenty-five more advanced swimming pupils are now receiving free instruction at Morse Creek In j connection with the Gyro Club's supervised playground activities, 1 the Gyro Club was informed at its luncheon yesterday by W. F. Stone, chairman of the playgrounds com-t mlttee. At McClymont Park pool many beginners are also receiving Instruction. Indications arc that! LESSONS in typewriting. Also high the swimming classes to be featur-' speed typewriting and shorthand, ed this year will receive ready res Open Till 10:00 p.m. Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos Candies MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONE11Y ponse. Most people rids. Do you? read tnt classified "I bought some beer Th other diy, (They gave me Lucky, By the way) To have on hand When friend's drop In And hot and thtttty Days begin. When next I buy A ease or more. I'll ask for Lucky For I'm sure There's never been A better brew And I have sampled Quite a few!" ASK FOR LUCKY LRG6R nd rtlii how good good bt( can be. Other fmmmia Malt llerragt K A I M Kit 1IKKII HI II I ON tTHi Al.K 81LVKK KPHINft STOUT COAST BREWERIES LIMITED Vtneotivtr New Westminster Victoria Thli advertisement I not Inserted 'by 'or 'displayed by the Llqum- tMn... I Board or by, the Oovernment of British Columbia. GEORGE JOHNSTONE Announces the 'Opening of the CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY In Premises Next CP.lt Office Across 'the Street from 'Ormes Agent Tor THE DAILY PROVINCE and LEADINO MAGAZINES and PERIODICALS LUNCH COUNTER CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM . Call Blue 695 TOBACCOS UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. pteamera Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CAKDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. Ybnra. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday, a.m. If Convenient, Plecse frtrchaie Tickets at Office further Information Regarding Reservation and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 ripe a lim ited amount of sugar may be available. Because supplies are greatly restricted and fruit imports are reduced, It Is thought that can- ners ana manufacturers wno are . .,' now more dependent on the home But British Housewives Will Still crop shou,d haye u otherwise Have Sweetening for Home- : thm be a snortage of jam drown Fruit I for home consumption as well as - I for the fighting forces. LONDON. July 11: (HP) White. 1 . Thursday, July 11, 1943 Dr. J. Munthe Successor to Dr. H. O. Johnseii Wishes to Announce the lie moval of His Oifire to lies net Block from 15th of this Month LUMBER Cl'HMENT, SASH and DOORS Complete Line of Building Supplies Albert and McCaffery Ltd. Phone 117 Phone 116 Tune In To A Radio Program Extraordinary K.C.A. Victor's Famous Magic Key Broadcast Now Heing Presented Over Station C.F.P.K. EVERY Monday At 5:30 p.m. Wednesday At 5:30 p.m. Friday At a6:30 p.m. Ilcic these finest radio broadcasts on the finest radio IT'S R.C.A. VICTOR Sponsored by K.C.A. VICTOR in Co-Operation with C.F.P.R. and ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m.'to 5:30 p.m. Phone GREEN 918 Point Blankets 4 point, size 72x00. blue, green, mauve. Pastel colors, Per pair $22.00 Scatter Rugs Wilton Size 27x54. Each Good Quality Axminstcr Size 27x54 $10.00 $6.50 & $5.00 SNAP Used Piano Small size, good make. Terhis cash Spic Span Vacuum Cleaner In good condition $95.00 $6.50