TRY 11 ' ... J.v 4k I, tburda.v July 11. r ' 1- ' "' ' i rkz da& fftStti. ...... IT THE 'SALADA" WAY ,,,, a kMpinj ttaipooni mh buck 1 1 1 in pint 0I Itesh. boi in? wilt " r Kb "nut.. t-.i" , liquid lnlo 2-qMc6nt,!7,,Ull. notd 1 01H r .nd l-tc.of ! 'W'l ,,"J,dlS 'l?"?" 'MiMCH' Ml eclair?, 'Do hoUlto toil cool fcrfwt 3 cold addln, told water or liquid "mY.m cloudy. Serve with chipptd Xt. Th ibart makti 7 ull !... win v--- ALABA WAR EFFORT SUBJECT OF DISCUSSION tion to many of the members. ! mure activities mleht lnciuae a.. partial demonstration of first-aid as used in an air raid, demonstration of methods to con trol fire hazards and anti'gas I measures. These would all be in corporated ln the proposed or ganization, President Jack Preece was In the chair and after formal ad journment the members "signed the pay-sheet" and met for in- ; formal discussion. TEA lit. Rev. peter T Rowe, Bishop of the Episcopal Church In Alaska, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon golns; tHroufeh 'from Suneau to Seattle. 'Dr. Keal M. Carter, director of the Prince Rupert FisherlesExperimen- In rcular monthly session last tal Station, sailed yesterday after-1 til ... I.aii w Ids Drill.... T - .1 pvsnui" the Prince Rupert orancn 1U1 a o, the Canadian Legion of the ?'P to Vancouver and elsewhere in the southn offlclal duties, Brltuh Empire Service League' laid initial plans for the formation of . a local Legion Defence Corps. The . Hugh McDonald, road suporln-matter has been under consldera- tendent lot Atlln district with tioft for some time and was headquarters ln Stewart, sailed yes- hraueht to a head following a terQay afternoon on the Prince meetiim uf representatives of the George for a trip to the Atlln dls Legion the civil protection com- .trlct ' on official duties. mlttee the voluntary registration , committee and heads of subcom- Miss Dalrttry Ooodacre, daughter mlttees of the civil protection com-v bt Mr. ahd Mrs. 'Clarence doodacre mlttee A request from a meeting pf Smlthers, Is spending a few days of chese various representatives In the city as the guest of Mr. and was considered and the Legion Mrs. Mike O'Neill, Vernon AparV wlll take the necessary steps to ments. She will return home on appoint a committee and proceed Friday's train, with the organization. This corps -will include men "who are not ex- : : service men or veterans but will not include men eligible for service in any of the branches of the naval, military or air forces. A brief resume of the matters taken up at the recent Dominion convention of the Canadian Legion was given. dealt primarily wiui vaiiaua 4 not tiivivi iti.iu. security and national mooillzatlon. The Dominion government had be n ui.ervlewed and briefs pre-tc .tfd ,.i person by a small committer . ''insisting or the Dominion president the ?irst -vice-president and thi Dominion Command secretary The brief on Canada's wat effort expressed gratification at the authorization of additional Canadian divisions, the orgahtza-t t!on of a veterans' home guard, veteiai.s companies 'in units of the mm -permanent active mllltla, volunteer emergency reserves and the greater use of veterans of the last Great War. P.esolutlons to the number of 800 were incorporated in a brief presented to the Minister of Jus tice These Included reference to an increase ln the personnel of the Royal Canadian Mounted Pol ice freedom from political inter ference in their duties, Internment regulations, control of firearms and explosives, naturalization restrictions and the formation of a national Information and Intelligence bureau to which reports might be made of suspected persons ' or subversive activities. National Moblllzatioi. Under the heading of national mobilization the convention reaffirmed the principles of resolutions passed at Dominion conven tions held at Niagara Falls (J632), Ottawa 0934). Vancouver (1938) and Fort William (1938) calling for conscription of man power, wealth, national resources, bus!-.. ness. Industrial and other Insti tutions so that the war might be i wawd with the full Vigor ot rthe.l nation. Representations will tie made to ! the proper authorities regarding ! the protection of varloifs , vital 'I stores,, centres, communications and Industries. In connection With the proposed local Legion Defence Corps it Is Planned to male use of variou activities already under ay as I Well as to cn.nnprate with tne pro vlnclal police, military ahd cWil ij protection committee. Tne cnair- man of the latter gave a brief bat very Interesting account of what had been done and what it was Proposed to do.The omoiiht of j work alreadv nlanned was a revela "e- Capt. W. 5. Stephens ol the ftojal Canadian Air Ftfrce frora Allford Bay left here on last evening's train for Camp Borden, Ontario. Rev. Prank Burling, Anglican missionary at ilazelton, is spending a few "days In the city. He will bff returning to the interior on Friday's train. Allan Landells and "Dr. it C. Bam ford, latest new members of 'the Prince Rupert S. Smith, C.N. Shears, Stan 'War- D I LocmmwsMyrEs"! Commissioner t. J. Matheaon was If your paper n sessloh n as a cltv cuy council council thUlor Blue 709. In morning to rattly the isahs of a number of tax sale lots. ing ana i. m. uivaii, Vancouver; a. tv tho iniPTl6t on last H. Preston, H. L Sherwood and O. few .'i train after spending a W. LaCroix, Victoria, O. Beshfer, nign Vancouver; A. Desbrlsay ana J. " v Daupnin, victoria; cpi. Tytus, city; yMrs M.ithias Weslev hd Pte R. Proverbs, Frederick Point, Central Gnr Branham, Barrett Point; George yesterday afternoon. We regard this to be our simple duty as a Canadian institution, one of the industrial resources of the Dominion. The 8,400 employees in our plants as well as our wide-spread dealer and service organization from coast to toast are Canadian. The Company's shareholders include larce proportion of Canadian investors. No one inch, a viduai, family or company has a majority control f our shares. For these reasons, aside from our deep .eve feeling ot loyalty to the Empire and its high purposes, it is fitting of Canada, Limited should that Ford Motor Company give whole-hearted support to the national war effort. From the very beginning this has been our course. with Even before war was declared, in cooperation of Nationa Defence, we aid officers of the Department Tn our plant theT groundwork of military production. Since conflict became a reality we have given war orders over everything else. More than fifty per cet, precedence of our production is in venides for military use and this percentage is increasing rapidly. . We are now engaged in '"PPSW1! ,(vvl f2 motorized vehicles of many types, of which 10,000 are for The Canadian government and 25,000 for other Empire WeTreTonstructing at our own expense a 700,000 Women'i Auxiliary Motor Service Earlv in the war the For J Motor Company Limited, organized free train. of Canada. P-VCurses for women In the care and oMratto" "f motor vehicles for possible serWce. 284 such classes haw been war of 7,343. rondurted. with an enrollment number who have Completed the i t. 1our st Is 3;473.with 2,656 now lnXn"nd enrolled in 8u; 1.214 nil dies fbout to staA. All induction eaulomenXs been furnished bv Ford dl dX Company without charge. son, Oliver, arrived in Prince Rupert 'from "Skeena Crossing ohTues-1 results. train to soena a iew vim. u. ivuuuipn, ncuui'.i ' days in town " T. Elsworth, Kltwanga. j . . . Royal j Mrs. Cliff Madlll, who has been Avan Hess, Frederick Point; C. in Victdrla with her husband who Doheny and E. Molllson, VWtorla; is in the naval service, returned Harry Huburd and Clarence Mc- home on the -Prince George yes-CUllop, Terrace; R. H. Sewell, Bar- terday afternoon. roll Onlnl. XT 11 nldn flliniloai U lll UlllV. f I . ,1. WUVIII VUl.UUd. ' Si.ence, Frederick Point; Dan Mc- Bn , 7 Donnall, Prince Rupert. , eal represerttatlveof the Interha- , , tlonal "Fisheries Commission and Lieut. Col. H. L. Sherwood and now located at Seattle, arrived m Lieut. Col. J. H. Preston, from Mill- thccltyon'the Prince George yes' tary District No. 11 headquarters at terday afternoon from the south,' Victoria, are paying a brief visit to being Tiere on official business. i the city on official duties. Theyar-, -1 1 rived from the south on the Prince Dally News Classified AGs Dring Typet of MotoriiedVahteles for Military Use Being Made by Ford Motor Company of Canada The Company i encaged id manufactur-ing 35,000 rnotorlied Chicles for Carta dian nd overseas gortrhments. They include light two-wheel drive trucks, known as 8-cwt., which ire Used for carrying light Stores, personnel Or wireless sets; 15-cwt. units, used to 'transport btir I late phone 98 (tf) When you o on yotlt "holidays take the Dally 'Mews with join. '50c t . i. labor aflmlnls-: will pay for ths l3lr 7bT 1W6 tratdr In'the Writrdl interior-area, is months tout of town. tf Prince Rupert Rotary Club ga ve.lj, dutlw. Mr. ahd Mrs. Theo. autobiographical talks at today's departmental ; 'Ing irguiar weemy ciud luncneun. HOTEL ARRIVALS hudihs.ilter, Minnesota, say thy Tiav "been ii 'o-j-. i. novha ..llSSIattehdliiB the Mayo Clinic lot a tvahcouver dn the Prince OMtp ln yesterday fUwnoon. Evidently the result as Satisfat- ivi.ii vvn ui Annoimceme&ts All ftdvertljemenU tn'thl cmn will be charged for fiJi month -at J5c voM. L. O. B. A. Hefl -Cl-cfsJ T4. Met tdpole Hall. July 13. Lutheran Tea and Sale, Ret. rttyrwang's, 4th Ave. East, July 13. S. O. N. Dance, July IB. S. O. N. Picnic, Jbly 21. Catholic Bazaar, '-Octotofer 8 ahd 3. X.OB A. -BaiaSr. Ocldher "16th. W. A. Canadian -L-egioh Bazaar; November 1. A STATEMENT ON FORD WAR WORK IN CANADA This Company is in the war to the.futt limit of its resources. Until the British Empire is victorious, until tjie battle for freedom of nations and liberty of peoples is won, we have pledged all tlie vast manufacturing facilities of our Canadian and overseas affiliated companies to the service of the Empire. plant addition to provide facilities for the building df Universal machine gun carriers of which we Tim 'under-taken to deliver fifty a week to the JSA be started. This dddttioti -Will as soon as production can also enable us to Increase production of oth"P.? military Vehicles. Our affiliated companies with UhtvW South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, India and Maim are similarly engaged in Empire service. , Beyond out manufacturing facilities we have beehTc tuhately able to contribute, skilled man-power. From out Canadian and overseas organization, engineers and men nd other lines are 'with -special training -in transport rendering vtluable service. Major adjustments In our business have been necessary through loss -of export trade nd because of domestic taxation. We have made these adjustment. chee'fuUy. Our one concern now is the successful prweWtiorof this war so that people of all nations tnay again be bl to work InTreedom and 'peac. - J PRESIDENT d roRD MOTOR COMPASY OP CANADA, LIMITED In Parliament by the Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister of Munitions and Supply aTOTemeni Statement in rw Canada's wartl ITortras "The president of the Canadian Company i nas 5 own 'e"c 0"ibak o the war his done and Is doiftrery. . .... c DM..i nnnrlufeind. Government tader In the Sent 1 and the Government." Ueder In the Sehrr . -t in the Senate by Rt. Hon. Arthur Melghen, Cdmervatlve s,or;;oalhllnc!L"- very farge. The ramifications are MmVHM mf own feeling ithat there are oo itTtton They ill assise us to the utmost in our war work. , J loads,'rrsOnoel, as anti-tank gun tractors, water tank carriers, Met 30-cwt. four-wheel drire, wed as load carriers; three-ton, four and six wheels, for heay toads, for workshops, for wrecking equipment, etej four-wheel drire gon tractors tistU to "haul irtlllery, as Veil ambulance nd 'regular passenger cars Ihd ltatlbnragom specially 'fitted and ilike8 f MWnw poses. Present schedule of delltertes bf these military vehicles constitutes molt thn 50 per cent of the Company's Uon. Tbephint is woikin Uynd This 'advertisement is not published or displayed by the LiqTaor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia . M. H. McLean, manager ot the Port Edward reduction plant, was elected to membesshlp in the Prince Rupert Jyro Club at its regular business luncheon yesterday. Croft Brook, W F. Stone and G. L. Rone were named a special committee to stage a club attendance contest. SoflHjCHHKHWHHKH Miss Barbara Slmpklns and Ml3S Jean Frances Simpklns, aaughteT3 of George Simpklns, former collect-, or ot customs for Alaska, were passengers aboard the Princes? Loulfe yesterday afternoon going through on a trip to Seattle. The better results you get in cooking tad cfMffling by using Carnation Mirk would be worth tome extra cost, BUT Carnation. Saves you money, too. f Cherub Baby Oil i:xccllcnt for Chafing;, Chapping and Diaper Rash. A Baby Feeding Bottle Free with each purchase Both for 40c Ormes Ltd. re? Pioneer Dmqffists The Rexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 1 to 9 p.m. CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Steamers leave PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOli-VEIi on Saturday 4 p.m. calling at Ocean tails. Monday 3 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Friday at 11 a.m. Air-conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For Fares, etc. Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 THIRD .AVE. Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One v